Why Ruby on Rails in 2020? - Straight Talk from a Tech Entrepreneur

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hey guys phil smye here it's 20 20. why am i still using ruby on rails hi phil smye zonmaster.com you know back maybe gosh it was 2004 five six something like that i can't really remember a long time ago i started using ruby and ruby on rails right around version one maybe even version .9 not quite sure of that and i've been using it ever since it's not the only thing i use to work to write software but it's my main tool of choice and like the language and the framework i've kept up to date with all of the changes and in this video i want to talk about why i'm still using ruby on rails in 2020 as you probably know a lot of people are down on ruby on rails and i'm trying to look at why this actually is because it kind of makes no sense to me and so i want to talk about the three main arguments against it the first is slow performance people have this idea that ruby and rails are slow when in fact benchmarked they're about the same as other interpreted languages okay c plus plus is faster but not a lot of people are writing websites only in c plus what happens i think a lot is that rails gives you so much that as a developer you're not really writing good code that's the bottom line i think a lot of it is usually comes down to crappy code you know some big companies are running with ruby on rails so it it must be performant it must be enough performance so there's no excuse for you problem number two that people talk about is scalability and i think this all comes about from when twitter way back when said that ruby and rails couldn't scale so they were gonna switch now zone master my company we have database tables with hundreds of millions of rows and 20 000 signed up customers we're not a huge company but we're a big enough company and what i'm saying is that ruby on rails is performance enough for us has scaled for us vertically vertically this way and horizontally if uh maybe if you're at the size of twitter okay i'll forgive you if you switch but up until then i don't really think you have a scalability problem the third problem is kind of funny is just fashion i think rails now is kind of mature you know and maybe boring and maybe it's only old farts like me that are still using it because it's not hip and cool but you know when it's used by experienced developers who are well versed in building apps i think ruby on rails maturity combined with the tools and the libraries and the community support makes it you know makes it worthwhile more worthwhile than other languages and that's why i've stuck with it so let's look at the those are the kind of things against it let's look at the things i think for it and what it's used for it's great for making mvps minimal viable minimum viable products i have a new startup called podchuck which is an ai backed text-to-speech and rich audio platform again software as a service the proof of concept there went from an idea to a working piece of software taking beta testers in two weeks and i don't know many other platforms that you could do that on except for rails ironically social networking apps are commonly done using ruby on rails because it's proven to support heavy traffic so it's you know it's contradictory contradictory thing a view its course is used for e-commerce think about shopify shopify sits on top of ruby on rails and ruby and uh i think that's kind of the modern example of that there is no scalability issue you know shopify takes the money no problem anything that sits on top of a complex database structure you know you look at github bloomberg news and and my own example of zone master you know our database is quite complicated interrelational and i think we could only really do that in ruby without writing some pretty gnarly sql code finally one of the big things i think that ruby on rails has going for it is the huge community support and you know you have people like amazon stripe elasticsearch chart kick and millions of others providing native ruby gems you know you just can't you can get that in another language just plug in and go and connect to these services so rail six is out and it's been out for a little bit of a while it's got some interesting features uh you know i use the stimulus javascript uh framework on top of that which gives kind of dynamic page loading and you know ability to update page without refreshing you have this amazing action mailbox which treats incoming mails like controller actions you know so finally you can do everything post uh sending out emails and pulling in emails and responding to things through automation all inside of ruby on rails it's got action text which is a built-in rich text editor sometimes i use it sometimes i don't but it's there and it's a lot better than anything else i've seen built into a framework and finally action cable which is kind of like a let's say a node.js the ability to publish and subscribe and subscribe to uh to publish fees from a web page again to do dynamic page updating and things like this it's a dynamic exciting language i don't know why i'm here being an evangelist i just i love the software it makes my job so much easier so much faster so much more creative that's why i'm still with ruby on rails in 2020 oh one other thing if you go to indeed.com which is like a some big job search thing the top paying language based development jobs on average are ruby ruby when i looked the other day the average job offer on for that was 121 000 a year uh python came second so there were no other even c plus plus and things like this no language that had a higher average payout than that so if that's not a good enough reason for you i don't know what it is hope this has been of help a little bit of a development ramble see you soon
Channel: Phil Smy
Views: 9,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruby on rails, learn ruby on rails, learn ruby on rails from scratch, software as a service, saas business, how to create the perfect saas business, tech entrepreneurs, entrepreneur, become an entrepreneur, become an entrepreneur motivational video, be an entrepreneur
Id: 5sZliZ3yF2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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