How To Resurrect A Character (and not suck!) | On Writing

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somehow Palpatine returned welcome back to another episode of hey Tim are you okay I'm just looking at those bags under your eyes today's video is brought to you by the only word to describe exactly what it is brilliant I am big into accessible education that is what I do in these videos and Brilliant is all about teaching people how to code and program and how to manage and understand data which is super important if you want to be self-employed so use my link down the description below Resurrection sometimes it's fine sometimes it's somehow Palpatine returned but before we continue tell me down in the comments and Mark your comment with spoilers what do you think is the worst or the best Resurrection youve ever seen let me know Down Below in del Toro's recent Pinocchio film Pinocchio's creation is depicted like a murder scene gapo drunk on the misery of the lot of his son Carlo hacks down a pine tree and begins to carve the puppet from its trunk we get flashes of a shadowy hand and knife against the wall like you might see in an old Hitchcock film the imagery focuses on the cutting the slashing the hacking this is not a scene of loving Artistry bringing a boy back to life it is a drunkard tearing a soul from the grave yo even cries out I will have him back I will make Carlo again when Pinocchio is brought to life it has done so with electricity bringing Frankenstein's creature to mind a being formed from the pieces of corpses both of these are resurrections in a sense bringing the dead back to life but they're both based in Grim Ambitions ego and torturous gri brief Resurrection stories are so often not about the one being resurrected but the one bringing them back and the consequences of that you can explore grief and misery and pain like with Gedo how we deal with these things the inability to let go the lengths that our obsessions will take us to that fundamental Drive of humanity to defy death itself to cling to life to fight that uphill battle we know we will lose this is why gapo AR and Pinocchio is about accepting that pinio is not the son he wanted to bring back but someone new that we cannot resurrect the dead but we can find new love New Life while Pinocchio desperate for his father's love tries to emulate the dead boy he was meant to be this resurrection of to the point of becoming an Italian fascist Soldier his father could be proud of obedient and accomplished his father's grief causes him to abandon his sense of self do we accept death or lose ourselves in our obsession with resurrecting someone else or Worse make the very person we're trying to bring back lose themselves in that process lindsy manusos does something really interesting with this Trope in her story an old man cometh and he is overgrown where a man stricken with grief of his bygone wife tries to drag her sold back into the world of the living the figure sitting at the table in Tilly's seat was but a shade a soul that Udo had amassed from his magic his memories and trinkets till he loved it was a scarecrow of bows cloth wild flowers sticks and leaves her shoulders were two milk bottles I should have noticed there was some missing her face her face was an amalgamation of buttons Thimbles thread from her K and Dead Leaves he saved her voice his memories of her and molded something a new her soul is trapped inside this artificial body but the Way She Moves she speaks acts now is more a projection of his memory of her than the person she truly is is this not a kind of violence dragging someone's Souls back and forcing it into another body forcing it into the idea you had of them our grief can cause us to do terrible things and you can reflect that in how the person is actually resurrected the methods they have to turn to manusos described Tilly as a shade a scarecrow things we cast or prop up something not quite her and these stories often end up in the person ultimately letting that Soul go on or their demise and their inability to let go there's a part of a morality tale to that it makes sinense here that Pinocchio is a puppet someone brought to life by strings pulled by others a Thing cast a thing propped up and it's only in others allowing him to be himself that he can become a real boy the strings cut no longer just the projections of others these stories are more about the inner conflicts of other characters than trying to undo the effects of external conflicts that got them killed and that's okay because that's a different point of tension if you want to play with this idea maybe the resurrected person might inherit some of the resurrected personality or conform to the ideals someone else has of them how we feel about the resurrection is often defined by the actions others take to bring them back in the first place and the life that person is then forced to live but alternatively Resurrection can be a beautiful expression of love and life in defiance of evil and that all comes from how it's framed gto's kind of Resurrection is framed like a murder scene because it's an ugly representation of the inability to let go Tilly's Resurrection is this uncomfortable Patchwork of a person as a reflection of desperation but Flynn Ryder's Resurrection entangled is a testament to the power of Rapunzel's love to conquer death itself the Ultimate Enemy it's an optimistic message it's love being the realest magic there is thematically Pinocchio has resurrected one final time at the end of the film but it tries to thematically justify itself in a way because unlike the resurrection of the star this is framed as an expression of love and acceptance of Pinocchio for who he is not obsessive grief we don't tend to mind resurrections when we can believe and care about what they represent thematically and that is a fine line to tread it's much more about the feel of the story world that you're selling someone on this does not mean it can come out of nowhere but if it feels like something earned by the heart of the story then we tend to be more accepting but it's not just that Resurrection might be one of the oldest tropes in the game which makes sense cuz death is the oldest antagonist in the game our oldest mythologies are ripe with gods and heroes being resurrected fighting death returning from Death returning from Hell finding ways to escape hell we keep telling these stories to explore this tense relationship we've always had with death and the place death has in The Human Condition and how you play with Resurrection is going to say something about that it is one of the few things we all share as a species and it's why when these stories deal with death and mortality and fate they often have the people who are resurrected come back less human it's one of my favorite tropes and the most famous example you've probably seen is in A Song of Ice and Fire beond Darian is resurrected over and over and over by the red God and each time he is brought back he is less himself can I dwell on what I scarce remember I held a castle on the marches once and there was a woman I was pledged to marry but I I could not find that castle today nor tell you the color of the woman's hair who kned me all friend what were my favorite foods it all fades in the story his resurrection is a costly Defiance of natural law of his own mortality and it takes something from him each time his memories his loves his favorite foods but this big the question what is it that death gives us what is the core part of who we are what makes us human is it our memories our morality our capacity to feel to remember is it that we are the universe perceiving itself and we start to lose that in death do we look at a child starving on the street and feel nothing what are we without these things without a recollection of ourself and in that is the cost of Resurrection worth it sometimes what the resurrected person leaves behind is more important than what they bring back as a point of conflict or tension in your story if a lover brings back their husband but the husband loses their love for them in the process what happens to that relationship in this way Resurrection lets you narrow in on What Makes Us Alive as well what it means to live and be human if you wanted to be heartbreaking what could you take from someone that would truly hurt them or the characters around them the people trying to bring them back what might you say about being human for too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it too long I've been starving to death and haven't died I feel nothing not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea nor the warmth of a woman's flesh at some point death must be preferable or the person you bring back is just not them the extreme verion of this lead us into horror into Undead monsters creatures without Consciousness people reduced to animals and base instincts in sci-fi people are often brought back as robots or AI their minds uploaded to computers or brought back with technology rather than magic we see this in Children of time the roadside picnic mortal engines and these stories are just as much about what Resurrection does as it is about separating Humanity from the flesh what propping ourselves up with technology does in many of these stories characters become less emotional thinking more like a machine more calculating losing their ability to empathize with others analyze things the way a human might these stor is narrow in on the ethics of unchecked technology and science what it means to be artificial and real and what we lose in escaping our mortality because in a sense Resurrection is a kind of artificial life right you could certainly view it that way and much like we understand the Thematic Place Resurrection has in Your Story by the methods a person ends up using what they sacrifice you know maybe it's blood magic or they lose themselves to Obsession and abandon all of their friends we also look at the life that person lives if they're trapped in a mannequin that cannot feel or a brain in a jar or you'll force them to desire and crave human blood for the rest of their lives there's sort of a metaphorical version of all of this in Richard Morgan's altered carbon where the uber wealthy people of the future can upload their minds into new clone bodies when they die the actual Resurrection doesn't do anything to their personality or memories like ber dond Darian there's not this exist poal inherent moral value to our ability to die that makes us human no here it's the inability to die as a result of their wealth that makes them inhuman see the methus are these cold uncaring distant unempathetic people who try to convince themselves they're sometimes good people thematically here it's that our ability to die Keeps Us grounded and connected to others to the others who can die losing that shared experience changes us someone who cannot die might be less concerned about what others will do to them or ethical restraints and how they live their life to them life can be bought and if you can't afford more life maybe you're just not working hard enough it changes how we relate to others who are not only monetarily but physically beneath us in a way it allows our flaws and sins to go unchecked to be magnified it's more about the material inequality of life and death that makes someone inhuman alternatively some characters who are Immortal or continually resurrected might feel that their life is cheap or worthless can put themselves into dangerous situations or other people might force them into dangerous situations that's what happens in Pinocchio there's a fasia soldier who says Hey Pinocchio you're going to come back over and over and over that means you're the perfect Soldier you can die over and over and over for the Fatherland for the motherland for El du and with all this talk about like the value of death and being human you've got to ask is any of that true because listen to this passage from Sam Gay's monsters never leave you magic isn't Absol power of non-consensual exchange it's not a taking there's no perversion of the natural order but the boy interrupts I'm did somewhat she admits but your sister called your bones and your bones agreed to rise your sister needed you so you came back what could be more natural than that is death really essential to The Human Condition or have we just accepted it is defying it so wrong or have we just convinced ourselves it has to be because because we can't fight it after all we prevent death all the time we've eliminated diseases which have killed Millions we extend our lives in so many ways is this maybe just another in stories like this Resurrection can be part of the natural order another way for life to renew itself after all we talk about you know us dying and coming back as flowers what if we just came back as ourselves in Ian Banks's culture series Death is a choice in a world of infinite resources something they are rased like cancer or small poox people still die they just do it on their own terms and yeah it does fundamentally change us but it doesn't make us wrong or evil it just makes us something new something different and Humanity has always been becoming a different thing it all depends on what you want to say with your story the methods people use the life the resurrected person lives and how you present the conflicts and tension around it fundamentally we don't tend to mind Resurrection so much as a narrative bait if there is a big ding cost in one of three ways either a cost of the brought back like with baric dond Darian a cost paid by the person bring them back like how in the Amber spy glass his D materials Lyra takes basically a whole book to break her friend out of hell and it's famously easier to get into hell than it is to get out of it or three a cost in the narrative to follow that we haven't seen yet the chaos and problems that creates in its wake if it is cheap to resurrect someone on the way there maybe let it create more problems than it solves after the fact Let it spring into more narratives complicate the story in ways they hadn't perceived I mean that is the Jurassic Park question right with good resurrections there is usually someone paying the cost it's just a matter of who and when and if it's cheap for your characters it feels cheap for the reader and you can play with the structurally to keep your readers interested we only start to understand the cost as the story progresses and in this way you can turn it into a mystery you can turn it into a plot hook into something that strings us from scene to scene as you drop hints and clues Philip K dick does this a lot in his stories like in under the dull Earth where a girl called Sylvia is pretty easily resurrected we start to realize oh something's off something's weird something's wrong and everyone else on the planet is starting to turn into that girl physically she is brought back as a virus infecting everyone so it's not just about how you justify the resurrection in your story but how you reveal that justification to the reader and the way someone is brought back can be dramatically interesting as a point of inner conflict or external conflict I asked about it on my socials and a lot of people brought up quar in Avatar too he's brought back in the body of his enemy one of the na'vi or imagine a pacifist brought back as a vampire or brought back but you're now subject through magic to someone who you had a conflict with in life consider not just what your Resurrection means thematically but what relationship your character would have with the way that they have been brought back imagine an artist brought back but they lose their love and skill for art in doing so who are they now sometimes the ends does not justify the means or the means complicate how we feel about the end and resurrections of the perfect place to do that there are a huge number of resurrections and stories where someone gets brought back on like a condition you know they have to do a God's bidding or dedicate their life to something or they're forced to live as a government asset you know and naturally that leads to conflict life at the cost of autonomy Resurrection can be a punishment or an obstacle if you're trapped in something like a Time Loop and of course it's hard to talk about Resurrection without addressing the Messiah in the room Jesus H Christ Resurrection has deeply religious roots not just in Christianity but there are many religions with stories of gods returning from the dead with new powers new purpose Odin hangs himself to death on a tree to gain knowledge of the many other worlds because sometimes death is the price you pay to come back more to come back better a more fully realized version of yourself The Crucible of death of sacrifice of willing and voluntary suffering becoming the cost you pay to gain something existentially valuable this is kind of why the immortal Methuselah have altered carbon don't improve in their Resurrection thematically because Resurrection is cheap for them there is no willing and vol AR suffering to gain something greater not of any real worth Beyond money they're avoiding Divine punishment and building these homes and the clouds of themselves far above everyone else these are artificial Heavens faking their own Divinity Resurrection can be used to separate some characters from others in your world building and some characters come back less human but others return more Divine and these Resurrection stories really depend on depicting that Resurrection as a payment for the sacrifice or suffering or death that they originally paid and You' got to think about that very consciously how their new strengths or weaknesses might reflect the story or sacrifice they originally made in the story in these stories death can be a purifying Force something which purges you of things which previously held you back and allow you to become your true self this is in a way the biblical story there's this line in Corinthians which reads for now we see through a glass Darkly but then I shall know even as I am known but at the end of time when everyone is supposedly Resurrected Ed they will see clearly more like God which parts of your characters would you want to elevate in their Resurrection or let them leave behind what powers or Insight or knowledge or Revelation could you give them in their Resurrection to make that original sacrifice meaningful they can be second chances again it all depends on what you want to say with your story someone can come back greater and stronger and wiser but also be less human those things aren't mutally exclusive in fact erasing flaws is arguably something which makes you less human as well what of my favorite sub tropes of this is the character who keeps trying to sacrifice themselves and every time the gods are like I'm not done with you get your ass back in there but these stories are tricky to handle it's really important to have this strong sense of cause and consequence that a character does something and this is not undoing what they did but the natural consequence of it like Odin hanging himself on the tree to gain knowledge and coming back with greater knowledge like that's very clear a character sacrificing their life to protect a city and then the gods being like hey you know what you did such a good job of that we're actually going to make you the The Immortal protector of the city for all time there's a symmetry there right in the three resurrections of Jessica Churchill a girl is brought back to life repeatedly by an alien microb which has come to inhabit her body it lives in a gut and keeps her alive when other people are making her life miserable it cares about her in its own way but it's a morally complex story about whether we should have the choice to end our lives when mentally we are not that well and at the end of the story after being brought back without consultation she resolves if they could make her hallucinate what what else were they doing to her you haven't left me any choices and she resolves to end her life Resurrection here is an ethical question about whether we should get to make that choice and more importantly whether we can make it rationally and what it means to do that are you harming someone by taking away their choice to die by forcing them to live in the case of time Loop stories resurrections can be punishments and crucibles they can force people to live in a different way to take a different path but of course when it comes to resurrections the main thing people worry about is somehow Palpatine returned yeah it's dumb does it cheapen the stakes does it ruin the death and a lot of the time yeah I mean I wrote the stupid Lord of the Rings Star Wars crossover story when I was like eight about Palpatine surviving he fell down the shaft and the Storm Trooper caught him in a ship just like 300 M down and it says something that the justification for him coming back that way is better than what they gave us in Rise of Skywalker [Music] a surprise to be sure but welome one the somehow is just as offensive as Palpatine returned first rule of a power system right solving problems with magical technology is proportional to how well we understand that magical technology and this one was right out of the ass all right foreshadowing is important so it doesn't feel like this sort of thing came out of nowhere and they didn't really establish this but more than that when you kill a character you mean to feel something even if it's just satisfaction and if you start bringing characters back from the dead then it risks people not thinking the threat of death is real or more importantly they don't feel satisfied when it happens cuz it doesn't quite feel as real as it did before why should I care when anyone can get a clone so what do you do well we've already covered a bunch of stories where the resoration causes as many problems if not more than it solves just as much about the cost as it is the benefit it becomes a problem not a solution or at least a very bad solution but if you want to use the resurrection in your story especially if you want to use it a lot then you've just got to be very conscious about where you are drawing tension from in your story because you don't have to make us worry about where the characters are going to die even in action scenes like full mid Alchemist Brotherhood has these villains who keep getting resurrected over and over hundreds of times so tension in fights with them isn't usually about whether they'll die but whether the protagonist can't escape or they can get them a Goin or save someone who knows something important they don't pretend that they've killed them every time and bring them back over and over as a surprise but this also means that later on when we realize that we actually can kill these guys in a special way that shift in tension to will they finally die is amazing because killing someone who we have seen resurrected a thousand times who we know has never even been a possibility before carries so much more meaning now it's tense because we know how unlikely this is to work they use Resurrection to up the tension because it takes options away from your Heroes okay and before people um actually me in the comments these villains are possibly more Super healing than Resurrection but I mean they get blown to Smither over and over and reformed so it's close enough you don't need to pretend Your Heroes are dead or dying make us worried about some other objective or if they do die either treat it as a non-issue or Draw our attention to other more interesting things that actually will pay off in the long run like in the three resurrections of Jessica Churchill the tension comes from this ethical quandry this conflict between this alien symbiote and Jessica herself not whether she survives any of her ordal that's never really a question we're never worried about that in the 15 lives of Harry August a guy lives the same life over and over death is not a tense question here the story is about how he's meant to live that repeated life the cheapness only tends to happen when one we've been sold on the idea that they can die two there's not a great justification for them coming back and three the story really depended on their tension of whether or not they'll get out alive this is especially relevant for shows like Doctor Who where you know the DARS of the doctor aren't really dead no matter how many times they are killed so the good stories draw attention from where the secondary characters will die who we know can or ethical conundrum room or the loss of our character's morals or their stability or other things which they can actually lose killing or harming other characters permanently is even more important in stories like this for keeping the stakes up especially more important than how any Resurrection might work in a lot of these stories the tension question isn't so much are the diux or the doctor going to die but can they be killed quick enough or can they live long enough before something else bad happens but I think a lot of people know the resurrections Can cheapen the staks and I want to talk about a more fundamental problem with the resurrections or with Palpatine's Resurrection specifically on a met narrative level Palpatine's Resurrection was meaningless death is a really important plot beat in the story it carries a purpose it will often conclude a character's Arc tie up threats of tension or motivate other important changes in the narrative or other characters like net Stark's death Sparks the entirety of the rest of the story it changes every character around him enemies and allies alike it symbolically represents the death of Honor that any character can die No One Is Safe signifying what kind of story this is to the reader even though Resurrection does exist in Westeros we talked about with bar dond Darian even with a high cost even with a massive effort multi- books long to bring him back bringing Ned back would still be a bad idea when put alongside what his death is meant to mean in the story right like it is really important that Ned is dead likewise Palpatine's story was done his death is the conclusion of Vader's story it brings Luke to his darkest point it symbolizes the end of the Empire and authorit arianism it was clearly never planned here in Rise of Skywalker no matter how well set up or foreshadowed this was no matter how well Justified it was in the law it's still a very weird choice because his initial death is so wrapped up in making all of those other things meaningful making them matter especially when Luke and Han and Leia are already dead by the time he appears in the story again they aren't able to react to it to recontextualize these things imagine your story as a painting death is part of that image all of the colors you've put in there are working together and Resurrection is like trying to paint over that into something else that wasn't meant to be there originally or use that part of the image in a new painting it doesn't always work especially if it wasn't part of the original plan fundamentally with Palpatine because it doesn't mean anything and it weakens the stuff his original death represented well let's be honest it me fan service and if you bring a character back whose original death didn't really mean much then breeders are just left asking well why kill them in the first place so you've got to think about your Resurrection on that meta narrative level not just how to make it feel narratively earned but what it does to the original death and what it does for the story now where resurrections are okay it's usually because it doesn't impact the original meaning the death had in their narrative or even elevates it like those kind of religious resurrections we talked about before where there's a clear commentary on their original death and suffering and how they come back or their return says something really interesting in your painting in your tapestry palatine's Place could have basically be taken by anyone he means nothing to Ray or kylo he doesn't do much to elevate either of their arcs and arguably his Poss should have been taken by kylo Ren you know in the finale of starget Atlantis Ronan gets resurrected not minutes after being killed in the final battle it feels cheap not only because it's just a momentary shock they tried to play as a permanent death but because his death was a sacrifice that made winning feel more satisfying for me without it winning cost all of our characters basically nothing and everyone hates fake out deaths right there the resurrection was cheap but also the victory in the story that kind of depended on was cheap so you want to play with the resurrection ask yourself one question does bringing them back hold a more interesting place in your narrative tapestry than leaving them dead does because sometimes that is the case sometimes it is more interesting even more important than whatever cost people pay to make it happen though that's often intertwined and I know this is a really subjective question but it's fundamentally why we like beer garan's Resurrection for that thematic and worldbuilding implication or the three resurrections of Jessica Churchill for that ethical quandry or I've heard that Buffy the Vampire Slayer does this really well I haven't seen it but apparently it introduces a really interesting conflict in the wake of the Resurrection which is way better than what came before or in John langan's the Fisherman which really plays out the resurrection for horror or Captain Jack Harkness for the stories that it leads into their deaths do matter but only in the shadow of their resurrections their resurrections ask more narratively interesting questions than what their deaths initially represented and and it's that that makes us want to keep reading and watching you know it's not about me wanting these characters back but wanting to see what happens when they are because at least in all TV shows characters often were just brought back because people wanted them see Supernatural but built into this as another thing I just want to touch on you don't have to kill a character that's not even the worst thing you can do with them sometimes forcing them to live with the consequences of their own actions is far more interesting punish them in other ways take their memories their place in society their understanding of the themselves are you killing them for shock value or just to make a story beat feel costly knowing you're going to bring them back or are you killing and resurrecting them because that transition will complicate the story in interesting intentional ways what are you accidentally saying about your themes and how you deal with a resurrection because there are other ways to get shock value this is why the best Resurrection stories are so much often not about the resurrection itself but the things happening around it and of course an inevitable part of every Resurrection is that scene where someone asks hey hey did did you see what comes after death you know what what's life like and a lot of writers are going to wave it off as oh I don't remember anything because they don't want to deal with the existential ramifications of confirmation of like another world after death but in a world of gods and Magic you can sometimes play with whatever happens in between hence that the mythology as your world building or alternatively Knowledge from Beyond the Grave can change how they view living you know the realization that there is nothing can inspire a kind of existential horror the realization there is something can change you all of this can just add a little depth and interest and Intrigue that makes it feel less inconsequential and not like you're trying to write yourself out of a corner that it is something of tangible experience I love making these sorts of videos because easily accessible education discussions are something I am really proud to be a part of that I can provide I think it as one of if not the best things about the modern internet even with all of the this good stuff I like talking about storytelling and World building but there is a whole other world of people who are learning to code and program and analyze data which I can tell you in a world where you're trying to make a living online is an invaluable skill professionally and creatively I actually took a course uh about 2 years ago learning to code so that I could try and create a game for myself it's always been a dream of mine to try and create like a game that I can write the story for and do the animations for and everything put that all together which is why it's awesome the brilliant is giving everyone access to a whole range of classes covering all this kind of sorts of stuff whatever you want to learn it's up to you and you can learn a lot in a month completely for free uh at my link down below or 20% off an annual subscription if you want that my job means that I actually deal with a lot of data you don't necessarily see it but there's a lot of data behind the screen and it is sometimes very difficult to know if I'm doing okay which numbers I should focus on which numbers I should ignore what trends I should be taking note of where I should experiment and Brilliant has courses where you can also learn how to interpret huge amounts of data really important if you're self-employed brilliant can teach you programming giving you more control over what you want to create so you don't have to be reliant on other people and other programs or if you're just interested in learning more about the world scientifically knowledge is cool for the sake of knowledge I'm kind of that person then it has a huge number of Hands-On classes for that point is this B if you try out for yourself you know what you're going to enjoy what you're going to find helpful and educational as you build your skills I can help with English and writing and World building brilliant can do a lot more with maths and Science and programming because I'm still in uh my linked is down below and it really would mean a lot if you clicked my link it tells them that you came from me that helps me helps the channel sponsors are really helpful and checking them out helps me out but let's just resurrect everything that we have talked about in this video and into a into a summary one Resurrection stories are often less about the resurrected character than those around them their grief what they're willing to do to avoid it and the relationship we have with the death alternatively Resurrection can be a beautiful expression of Love or other positive things conquering death two Resurrection often explores the place death has in The Human Condition this is often reflected in the nature of the Resurrection the cost paid by the resurrect or resurrector how it changes the person coming back into the story to follow however consider whether death is important for us to remain human and any ethical ramifications you want to consider three we do not tend to mind Resurrection if there is a large cost associated with it either to a character or the effort been to the narrative or if we believe in what it represents thematically four sometimes a character will come back worse but they can also come back stronger wiser or even more Divine death could be a purifying Force while Resurrection is a renewal five Resurrection can cheapen the stakes consider relying on Alternate sources of tension or punishing characters in other ways six death often serves a place in the tapestry of your your story gives weight and meaning to certain ideas around it does resurrecting your character undermine that does bringing them back ask more interesting questions than the meaning their original death provided often the answer is no especially if unplanned some resurrections work as commentaries on the original suffering and death of the character I
Channel: Hello Future Me
Views: 99,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: explained, theory, lore, analysis, how to, writing, anime, fullmetal alchemist, brotherhood, star wars, skywalker, percy jackson, doctor who, frieren, potc, pirates of the caribbean, stargate, asoiaf, game of thrones
Id: vwqjbGdi4MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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