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starting okay so everyone always says to me rick you look like a deer in the headlights when the recorder comes on and now i'm looking straight at the camera and i'm ready for today hey everybody it's sunday i don't usually do my live streams on sundays but i did last week and i'm doing it this week because it's kind of cool it's kind of fun uh we're gonna talk about why record labels are finished and and this honestly comes from no lie i get probably 50 to 75 emails a day from people either sending me songs or asking me how to promote their music not only that which is cool i mean it's it's great i mean i don't have time to listen to them i wish i did um but um uh i really wish i did it's it's it's it's difficult um i mean occasionally i will listen to something but um uh and then i have friends that are putting out records all the time and then they call me about how they should promote it and and uh i was talking to a buddy of mine last night oh by the way let me do my discount code before i get into this um i'm extending my i'm gonna re redo the sale from last week 65 percent off my biato book uh rb250 45 off the ear training 45 off my quick lessons guitar course so i have a guitar course and to help people follow me on rick biotto2 my new youtube channel i just posted a video today but i'm posting videos like every day on there and it's more it's different kind of content more music-y content uh more i don't want to say obscure but but uh but some of it's obscure but some of it's i did a thing on thomas newman film score that nobody watched and i think i know why because it actually has no it's notation in it at the beginning but it's a great thing i recreated the scene opening scene to shawshank redemption but um anyways just listen to it and watch when the um byron the the hadley who's that really evil guard listen to what thomas newman does with the music when he appears and he goes like this from the bus you can see him through the bus window listen to how thomas newman changes the music to this very dark dark sounds it's beautiful just look at the look at the the uh when people went running across the prison scene anyway so i'm talking about this but you should check out the video it's an interesting video and not many people watched it um i don't know if they know shawshank redemption one of my favorite movies okay so one of my buddies called me last night uh and was was telling me about how he was has this record coming out and and it's instrumental record and and his the guy that that funded it on his label was going to go and try and get him signed to a major and all this kind of stuff and and they were going to print up cds and everything i said cds what what are cds like cds haven't come on honestly on a piece of gear in um i in i don't know when's the last time cds are on computers probably 10 years ago i don't know i don't have a cd player i do but um it's hooked up to my stereo down in the drum room i never use it i mean people stream right or they watch youtube they listen to music on here that's pretty much how people get their music okay so this whole idea of how do i promote my music i'm gonna get a record deal i was like there record labels are there's no point in a record label when you can promote yourself right it goes the same in in the publishing industry i mean think about this right so um if some major news outlet does a story on somebody that that's let's say somebody's got a record coming out whoever it is uh billy eilish let's say has a record coming out and uh and she goes to x thing and they do a story a tv thing and it's basically just a one day thing on that particular outlet now she'll get all these different outlets because she's a huge star or olivia rodrigo whoever it is right but it's a one-day thing at each at each thing okay but if you make a youtube video of it and it's a great video um then youtube will push it forever if it's a great video i mean i have a video from uh two years ago that's got 14 million views it's my biggest video on my channel and it got 600 and something thousand views last month um and youtube just keeps pushing it right so so these kind of media social media will keep um especially youtube has this life that just keeps going well beyond when the story is okay and if it's about something in you know general whatever it is it'll j uh uh you know if you put something on instagram it has about a two day life cycle or so maybe three day four day life cycle if you're lucky right if you put something on tick tock unless it becomes a viral video if it becomes a viral video it can become have a huge huge life cycle on it stuff right so these are things that uh so there are outlets to get your music out to people but they require you actually doing it yourself and this is kind of the thing that people don't know how to do or um they just don't know how to organize how to do that and i want to talk about that today how do you actually take what you've done and and and promote it to people to get it heard okay so um i've done these things in the past where i talked about this stuff but but it's uh the looking at things on using the old school music business model just doesn't work anymore there's no radio stations anymore in the past radio stations historically let's go back just 10 years ago uh you could go and basically a record label could go and pay a radio station not directly but through having the artist come there and do a uh and do some type of a get a gig for the radio station you guys have all known any of you that are that are over um you know over 35 years old know this that people would come to your hometown and they would perform on a radio station well those things were done they would do that for free and this is a form of payola in order to get an ad on the station to get added to their playlist okay because a playlist on a radio station is the same thing as a being playlisted on spotify on apple or wherever there are playlists okay so nowadays record labels have to go to spotify which they have an interest certain labels own small pieces of spotify sony i i think it's sony warner and and uh and universal or something on a piece of spotify but you have to get playlisted well what types of playlists are there if i think about um some of the ones that i've covered here on my channel like um uh the pop charts certain will have a particular person or rock this has a particular person allison uh hagendorf that she she programs the rock chart rock this okay so to get on that she's the person that decides on that i'm sure that she has a team of people that help her with that but they are the ones they are the gatekeepers to getting on there and if you just look at if you go down the spotify list like when i do my top 10 countdowns every single person on those list is on a major label they just are so you're like okay to get on spotify or apple music not always but to get on those big playlists you have to be on a major label to get a playlist to get on spotify you don't have to be on a major label or apple you don't or title or wherever you want to go to get on soundcloud to get on bandcamp don't need a major label so so what does the lit major label help you do well they help you get in front of big groups of people but there are playlists that are run by regular people that started have started playlists that um that have huge playlists there are youtube channels that have lots of subscribers that could theoretically get music out there now most youtubers that are that are writers right that write pop music or their own kind of music or rock music or whatever it's hard to promote your own music on your own channel depending on whether your channel was built around that my channel was built on teaching so if i were to come out and say hey i've got a record coming out and everything most people probably not going to be that interested in it and i i'm not offended by that or anything people that come to my channel come to learn things because that's how it built but there are certain people there that have gotten signed justin bieber started on youtube tate mcrae who's a big pop star she got started on youtube she had a couple million followers uh before she became she got signed to uh what she got rca records and she had a number one song six months ago that has 700 million streams uh so she started by posting things on her youtube channel and became big justin bieber got discovered through youtube happens all the time tick-tock that is the main driver of getting discovered okay this is if you want to get discovered by a major but you can also just go out and and make content that is around your own music and your own experiences as a artist okay um and if you are really creative with this stuff you can develop an audience you can develop an audience that will go out and see you perform because really the performance the the the yes you can make money from getting streams but you have to get a lot of streams to make money and typically the way the money is divided is the people that get obviously the people who get the most streams get the bulk of the money this is the way it's always been you know when i uh had a number one country song seven years ago sit uh 2013 eight years ago now eight years ago um a number one song at the time um on the country country charts the the top five songs would all make the same amount of money basically and and on the pop charts is probably the same with streaming it's pretty equal um obviously the more streams you get the more money you make but if you're just make your own record uh with your own our you know your own music as a solo artist as a band whatever you're an edm artist you're a pop artist you're an r b artist you're a hip-hop artist you're a rock artist doesn't matter okay the same things are out there available and free tic tac is free instagram's free youtube is free band camp is free soundcloud is free okay some of these things will promote you for free actually they all do right tik tok uh and let's talk about instagram how do you get promoted on instagram by hashtags that's how people discover your uh your things when i post something on instagram i put hashtags related to what i'm playing if i'm playing a post on arpeggios i put hashtag arpeggios you know if it's uh you know i do these little quick lessons and if you don't follow me on instagram don't worry about it it's rick me out of one but i'm gonna start posting my shorts my some of my instagram posts on here is shorts and everything um so uh so the hashtags will promote you but they only promote you for a few days on instagram so the life of an instagram post is a at the most a week i'm not sure what the life of a tic toc post is but if it's even if it's a viral post it's probably a couple weeks or so um the life of a youtube video is far longer far longer like i said i have videos that are still getting 600 000 views a month they're demonetized because all my top 20 countdown videos are all demonetized i looked actually today it was like my top 20 acoustic guitar one has 60 monetizations on it that just means six people are splitting the money of the record but um um so or of the video but if it's your own personal music that you're trying to promote and there are people that are interested and you've developed a community of people uh through developing alliances with like-minded people and i'm going to give you a great example the prague metal community is a fantastic community that i'm a big supporter of okay um the first person i did a video with was uh was misha mansour from periphery and periphery has been around for a long time i mean there's other fragmental people like their bands like dream theater honestly i did videos with john petrucci and with jordan rudis on my channel first year my channel so the first people i did were from dream theater but as far as the young people toast and abbasi animals as leaders tosin's one of my really close friends right so tocin is brilliant not only as a guitarist but as a guitar builder okay i've had aaron marshall from um from uh intervals on my channel i've had plenty on my channel i've had i mean i've talked i've done i had tim henson from politia and and and i've done what makes the song greats on these things but these people are all tight with each other okay these people are all tight they have a scene they help promote each other i see tosin will post people on his own instagram page promoting other musicians from the scene and a lot of them do that and that is and they do things together all the time that's a very very healthy scene and there are scenes out there like that that you can become a part of okay and that whole uh infrastructure of people that are doing similar music to you there's a whole touring infrastructure of bands that go together and go out and tour and do that right and this is just one genre of music progressive metal right but it's a it's a big community and all the people are friends with each other and it's great and i'm a huge huge supporter of it i love the music and i love supporting the people that do this including the companies like neural dsp or dark glass that have make signature plug-ins for the uh for the guys that uh you know from pliny's plug-in to tosin's plug-in to nollie get goods plug-in to um uh uh who else has plug-ins really that i'm they all have everything so there's tons of them have plug-ins right they have their own plug-ins that neural dsp makes right and they're all part of the same community and it's great gazier has their own plug-in right yeah all part of the same community and they they promote themselves they don't need a record label to do that yes some of them were on record labels but they honestly don't need record labels they can just put the stuff out on their own um okay so uh discount code for today's live stream once again i just want to mention it here before i forget because i go on these long things this is what helps support my channel you know by people that you know either uh getting things that will improve them as musicians how do you get a great ear by doing ear training which i still do every single day okay my biato ear training course it tests you on intervals it teaches you how to hear intervals how to hear triads how to hear seventh chords how to hear altered seventh chords how to hear basic chord progressions how to hear secondary dominance how to hear uh me uh chromatic mediant chords how to hear you know chromatic melodies all these kind of things it out of your modal chords how do your modal chord voicings and goes on and on and on and on right that's why you uh would buy my ear training course 45 off rb 250. i have to tell things i always forget i'm like you know i i talk about these things people don't even know what they are like what's your biato book it's a music theory and improvisation textbook basically i saw that as a bundle with with a bunch of transcriptions from some of my youtube videos and some of my instagram uh posts um and that's 700 page pdf okay the biato book bundle right discount code for that uh is rb 250 65 off and then my quick lessons pro which goes really with a lot of the instagram posts i've done and then i'm doing some of the shorts i'll put up two shorts this week if you get a chance check out my shorts if you're not an instagram follower you can see the kind of things i do on instagram and these are the things that i've made extended lessons on okay rb250 that's a great way to support the channel or i'll put a donation link in here and you can donate if you're not a musician and you like to do this stuff uh or want to support the channel somehow or become a member of the beatto club so those are the ways that i support my channel because i'm not an artist that makes records okay and i don't tour at least not yet no touring yet um but what the the big takeaway from this is to um is to forget about i know there's the allure of being on a major label i know that that's a thing that people still talk about i have no idea why they talk about that you know it's like um i looked up a couple things rolling stone magazine right had um where is this thing set 800 000 subscribers on their youtube channel and i think that they're i mean i might be wrong about this i want to say that they're subscriber based people that are paying members or six hundred and something thousand and i can think of you know ten music channels more than that off the top of my head that have more followers than that not saying that rolling stone is not a viable a viable thing but the fact of the matter is that that there are youtubers that have figured out how to get more followers than than uh then rolling stone magazines figured out how to get people to read their articles on music right and part of the reason is that they have developed a connection between the people that um that make these videos i was just i i watched two live streams today tim pierce my dear friend who's been on my channel many times i watched tim's live stream just before this um and tim is amazing tim is absolutely incredible i love tim's channel i watch all his videos i think rhett did rhett do a live stream earlier today um i think rhett did a live stream uh you know i support all my people uh that uh that that are my friends that are youtube music youtubers mary spender mary's been putting out a video every single day i was talking to her the other day she's she's in spain now and um i love mary's channel mary is is so good at just getting on and talking and um and she makes great videos and um she's very dear friend and um and she's been posting every day over the past week or so and um on her music youtube channel but she's a she's a person that's a songwriter uh and she uh this is actually a great um template for how to get your songs out there because mary makes videos about other things like she'll do a thing on guitar reviews right but then she'll talk about her life and she talks about her music and then she did a video with john mayer she did a this great video about how she heard some things from instagram john mayer doing his uh one of his songs and she did a what she thought the song would be um i'm sure most of you have seen mary's video on that and then john mayer reached out to her and she debuted his uh his song on her channel you know but she uh routinely puts her own music on her channel and mary's got 500 000 followers she gets millions of views on her channel and there's your there's your demonstration of it right there right there she figured it out and to me that is kind of you know and i can think of a number of channels like that of people that that have developed followings on youtube on instagram and they put their music out there happens all the time instrumental guitar players um all different kinds of things uh bass players drummers you name it i know guthrie govind i don't know him personally but because he put out videos on the jam track central jtc thing oh my god 14 years ago i saw his videos on youtube that's the first time i heard of him my brother john sent me him guthrie is a huge guitar player out there one of them one of my all-time favorite guitar players phenomenal guitar player how did he get known posting videos on youtube that's it i never heard of him before then i don't think he had any records out at that time i mean it played with asia and some people like that but nobody knew him from that anyways so um so this is these are the same types of ideas you just have to figure out who your community is and how to connect with them because you have to do these things with groups of people it's difficult to do it on your own when i started my youtube channel i had people that reached out to me that were guides to me um and i had people like rhett shull that was the one that got me to start my channel right and i talked to red about stuff i have my friend keith williams 5 what world i talk to keith every day he's one of my best friends we've been friends for 35 years if you don't follow five watt world follow it he makes amazing documentaries short histories on on instruments gibson les paul the telecaster the the the you know 59 bursts the princeton reaver everything he's got great great great documentaries just did a martin uh video on the d18 and d28 the dreadnoughts and um and so i talk to these people they're my community my community is youtubers adam neely paul davids marty schwartz pete thorne tim pierce i talked to them i talk to these people all the time right we we bounce ideas off each other try and find a community of people of like-minded music and use them as your sounding board for how to continue to develop what you're doing whether it's through social media posts whether it's through how you're going to distribute your music how you're going to attack us uh uh you know getting publicity for your thing maybe you're going to go on people's channel other people's channels when you have a record coming out and you're going to do that or you're you're releasing a new course when i put out my quick lessons course that's my guitar course and i i'll give you the discount code again rb250 okay so i did a year and a half worth of posts on instagram where i gave i did these 45 second to 60 second uh lessons where i i have a concept i tell you what it is i have i i've made them more elaborate i make i have little sometimes i'll do little video overlays or something or i'll do some little i make make sure they're not just static videos you know because that's boring i like to have a little bit of production value in them and i and i put the things that i'm talking about in text on the screen okay i took all the top ones on that and i built full length lessons on them and you know where i got that idea from from tosin abbasi tosin said to me you should make a book of this stuff or you should make a course of this i would buy a course of that and i was like that's a great idea you know where he said it he said it in the comments on one of the posts so tosin gave me the idea to do that and i was like that's a great idea so i have a five hour course with 28 lessons i've got a couple new ones i'm working on that are my quick lessons pro guitar course that are based on my instagram posts that got you know hundreds of thousands of views millions of views really over the course of them right so so i took 28 of the top posts and i made full length lessons on them and that's what that is but that idea came from somebody in my community right tosin one of my really good friends that that gave me the idea of making a course on that because it didn't occur to me i was just putting the things up there just to be like putting out ideas for people on on improvising right so that's what i do and my thing that the way that people support me is they support me through youtube because there's no way to support people through instagram well there is now i guess you can monetize things but it's like i can't even figure that out but on here i saw my three things now my beato book my ear training course and my quick lessons and then like i said if you don't play music and you want to support the channel make a donation or you can become a member of the biato club which would be a monthly thing and there's things that you get at the different um different tiers of that that's basically patreon okay so anyways this is exactly what i'm talking about and and i put into practice every day i talk to all my youtuber friends all the time we talk to each other if we have you know hey i put out this video i wrote man my title's really bad sucks on i'll call up you know i'll call up a couple of my friends what do you think about this i remember i was i was talking to adam neely one time and said adam hey um i did this this really interesting 45-minute thing with tim pearce and i cannot come up with a title for it but it's really great tim talks about the history of of uh of of studio guitar work from the you know 70s 80s and stuff it's fascinating and he said take a line out of something say take something interesting that tim said and tim told this story 11 minutes into it about doing one session with adele and she says and he turned on the wawa pedo she's like i really don't like wow about pedals and tim's like oh it was a hilarious story tim turned it off i said what did you do he says i turned it off and and i and so i thought of that and that video's got a million views a 45-minute interview with tim right or discussion with tim so there you go case in point adam you know uh so many of my youtuber friends call me for for advice on thumbnails titles we all call each other it's a great great music community here uh so find a community and use your community to help you brainstorm ideas for promoting your own music or promoting your own youtube channels even same thing okay all right that's my spiel for today um because this is something that i get asked literally every day this is how you do it thank you so much for watching rb250 discount code we'll see you guys later have a great rest of your weekend rest of your weekend bye
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 197,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everything music, Beato Ear Training, Beato Book, Quick Lessons Course, Music, Musicians, Music Theory, Music Education, ear training, Perfect Pitch, Chords, Intervals, Rick Beato, Record Labels, Spotify, Apple Music, Independent Artist, Youtube, Social Media, Plini, Tosin Abasi, Misha Mansoor, Prmoting, promoting tiktok videos, promoting on instagram, promoting music, promoting your youtube channel, promoting on tiktok, why record labels are bad, why record labels are failing
Id: QYu9OKRohK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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