Why People Quit Everything To Travel

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have you ever thought of quitting your day job and traveling across the world not living life anymore there's this fear of what if this doesn't play out the way I want it to play out your whole life become surrounded with stuff that uh has really no meaning the biggest barrier for a lot of people is hey if I can do that well then I can say yes to other things that are outside of my comfort zone many of us dream of dropping out of the Rat Race we want to stop climbing the career ladder and instead find ways to spend more time doing things that we love but how do we actually manage to do that there are already a lot of resources out there about the logistical path that you can take to do that quit your job start making passive income and find a way to make money online but what about the mindset behind it how does one build the confidence and awareness to actually take that first step well in this video I'll be in two locations Bangkok Thailand and Osaka Japan to interview a series of people who have successfully done just that I'll be asking them about how they did it the biggest lessons they've learned from their decisions why most people with the same desires won't pull the trigger and their action plans for anybody who's ready to take the jump why are you in Osaka how did you get here turn 22 just graduated college here I knew that I wanted to live in Japan specifically started working a school teaching getting to meet a lot of people slowly learn Japanese made a lot of friends every day I got to learn something new basically I visited here in 2019 for the first time and then my uncle had started a YouTube channel because of the pandemic and I was working a job back in Canada in downtown Toronto and I called him up his YouTube channel was just starting to grow and I had said dude like you know you can start to build some really cool things around this Channel and he had just retired wanted to focus on the video side and uh was nice enough to say if you want to come over here and give it a crack and see what we can do do it so I quit my uh what I was doing in Toronto and got a one-way ticket over here I've been working in the film and TV industry for I guess almost over 20 years so originally moved to LA to kind of Chase my dreams that sort of led me from one thing to another and then ultimately ended up getting a job for Netflix to come out and run their post-production department and help start up their studio for all original content in Asia after I left my job I decided it was time to come to Thailand and spend time my friend had took me here about I don't know 12 years ago for the first time and I fell in love with Thailand and just thought it's a place I keep coming back to well I work remotely so I decided to come to Asia for a little bit and the cheapest flight would have to come to the Bangkok oh you could have gone anywhere could have gone anywhere but for some reason the airport here is the cheapest so okay and what do you do for a living I work in software I studied abroad for like three months in Kyoto and stayed with the host family the mistake I made was I went to Kyoto and Kyoto's if you've ever been there it's like a really beautiful place and very very Charming I just fell in love with Japan from there and then after I finished College I had decided already I was just going to move to Japan and just figure it out was it hard to make the decision to come on over here um not hard because I knew deep down that this is something that I wanted to do and would regret not doing I just said yes to it and you know figured let the chips fall where they may so we've grown up together we've known each other for over 20 years we've both been living here for a few months and we decided mutually that we were going to kind of pack up our stuff my main issue and reason for leaving my previous situation in life is I just didn't know what I wanted and I didn't know what that would look like and I wanted to fulfill the his dream of living somewhere else to hopefully figure everything out I had to make the very tough decision of abandoning my business kind of letting that go and focusing purely on searching for my purpose and I felt that a changed environment was really necessary to do that what's the point well anybody can do a 180 in life no matter your income or your age the common similarity between all of us is that we're all fed up and we chose to do something about that how many of you are fed up but more importantly how many of you are fed up and are actually going to do something about it why do you think you were able to take the risk of moving out here starting a completely new life and basically doing it alone right why were you able to do that and why are most people not able to do that I think there's a certain element of comfort that people like and then I also think there's this fear of what if this doesn't play out the way I want it to play out I think most people feel safe you know with the routine you get up certain time you go to work they see the same people every day they come home they turn on streaming Netflix and then probably drink a glass of wine go to bed your whole life you come surrounded with stuff that has really no meaning and doesn't actually contribute to anything productive in your life or like productive especially to happiness if you try something that's that's risky or or you really want to make that move but you're scared of it not working out the way I see it is well you've learned a ton of stuff you've probably met a ton of new cool people people are everything and then in my eyes that's still a success what drives people to leave their life the current lifestyle that they have and to restart something new in a new country that's completely foreign to them well honestly it was the second wave of lockdowns to a pandemic yeah yeah not too much of it yeah I was like Mexico was open I'm going there I think I was spending a lot of time especially during the pandemic sitting in one room in front of a computer most of my life I had spent maybe three years almost doing that and I thought not living life anymore I need to try something different and get out of this monotonous sort of routine it's the idea of just like New Frontier restarting Reinventing yourself going into a place where you don't know anything you don't know anybody sometimes you don't even know the language I think most people probably just get fed up with doing the same thing every day and they just collect so much even people can be kind of like a distraction from doing stuff because you know people can hold you back by saying things or having conversations or not being productive in any way to you moving forward and a lot of people have these really strong bonds with their friends and I think maybe sometimes those things become inhibitors for you to be able to do and move on there will probably be some argument about how privileged every single interviewee must have been in order to make and act on their decision and that's true but that privilege isn't financially it's the privilege of being exposed to the world at a young age what is travel done for you and what Canon do for someone the obvious is it opens your mind it forces you to leave your comfort zone and adapt to a lot of different situations where you may not be comfortable it really forces you to trust in other people around the world for me the biggest thing is it's given me this sense of confidence that didn't exist before specifically moving to Bangkok that was nerve-wracking that was a little bit scary didn't have any friends over here didn't really know anybody I think that just gave me the sense of confidence that hey if I can do that well then I can say yes to to other things that are outside of my comfort zone kind of opened my life a little bit like opened my eyes to seeing that every culture does something a little differently and then like opening your world to seeing that there's actually like better ways to do things sometimes it's not always best in your country not always worst but it's all not always best either right when you're able to kind of just go out and meet other people and actually interact and connect with people all over the world that's probably the most important lesson that you'll ever get because also it's someone that you can actually like connect with and be friends with and learn from for as long as you want basically my parents brought me to different places around the world from a young age places I don't remember much about and from my memory most of the places I didn't even want to go to but as the years went on and life got more and more serious those memories kept echoing in the back of my brain and when I settled into my own version of the path of least resistance when I agreed to take a high-paying banking job right out of college even though I knew I was going to hate that job every day when I would sit at the desk those thoughts were ringing inside my head but the truth is the age that you are exposed to the world at it doesn't matter because as of right now we're all starting from a blank slate this is day one of your new Journey so how are you gonna make it happen just go out meet people have fun with them don't have an agenda or anything and just just have a good time I lived a lot of my life thinking about what I wanted in the future right or like how I'm going to get to the thing that I always want whether that be like I'm gonna get a better job that I'm gonna want I'm gonna be happy when I get that job then it would get there and it would go I don't know if that was really what I wanted now I want another thing I think maybe that's what they call the rat race right you just like get caught up in that for over over and so not realizing sooner that I could actually just live the life I want now but what advice would you give to someone who was in that similar position because there's a lot of people in the world who are in a job that they're not completely satisfied with and would love to live that kind of nomadic lifestyle that you have right now how do you get to that point I mean I think it's about trying to take a little bit of a chance on yourself one of the things that gave me the most freedom to be able to do that is being a person that doesn't spend every bit of their money on things right I save a little bit because that gives me the freedom to be able to have my own time as my own and to be able to think like you know what I could take a pay cut I can I cannot have to make as much money I cut down to two suitcases literally those are the only things I own that can fit in two suitcases what advice would you give to someone who probably is feeling the same feelings as you of wanting to get out into the world and live remotely and do that kind of Lifestyle I was too afraid to pull the trigger move away from that mindset of traveling just for vacation and actually try living somewhere else as as a local I know a lot of people that took that first step and say this is not for me and they went back and then people like myself after that first step they never looked back now one of the biggest decisions I've made in my life is there a way to do it um buy the plane ticket to start you got to connect yourself with real people people that have experiences that you can learn from I knew what it was like to live abroad to a certain degree and then I had met people who had been from you know all around the world people who had moved to a different place from all around the world everything becomes more real once you meet someone who's doing it I think that the biggest barrier for a lot of people is they can't imagine it but if you know someone who's doing it or who has done it you don't need to imagine it it's right yeah they're already they're already there you can just ask them you focus your attention on a goal and then you have a bigger Target at the end but that thing's like almost impossible to achieve you put those little steps in the way you'll eventually get closer and closer to it and I think living here the major thing I learned is that even if at the beginning it's super frustrating you know it will get less frustrating over time I do think that traveling I wouldn't even recommend it I think it's unnecessary for everybody whether you think you need it or you don't because you're opening yourself up to a new culture but you're also putting yourself in a new environment and that new environment is what's going to allow you to think differently we're always stuck thinking the same way every single day what if we tried thinking differently it'll completely change the way you see the world and what you might need to do next up until this trip I'd never truly fully understood the world of digital nomadism I've never understood how life abroad could potentially be better than life in the greatest countries in the world in North America and yet these people all show how for some of us it could be whether or not you are one of those people though can only be determined by you going out into the world and seeing for yourself thank you so much for watching this video if you liked it then you're definitely going to like this video right here if you haven't already subscribed please make sure to do that now I'm will and as always it's a mindset
Channel: Sprouht
Views: 154,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sprouht, travel, quit your job, quit job, job, career, travel the world, hostel, remote work, remote worker, street interview, interview, self improvement, bangkok, thailand, osaka, japan, quit your job to travel
Id: tGA2YqApJtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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