Why People Aren't Deploying to Vercel Anymore

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The Incredible Minds from the versel team have invented things like next year s and sveld kit and have brought the whole web dev community so many steps forward it's actually incredible and I assume a big part of how they make money is through their deployment platform for sale where you can easily deploy multiple Frameworks such as Nexus well kit and so on natively meaning you don't have to do much at all it's just a few clicks required and it's one of the most straightforward and easy deployment processes ever specifically for nexjs historically people used versel as the main deployment platform in part because some features were only supported on versel such as ISR now that might not be a hundred percent accurate but most people would just deploy to versl it was the easiest and you'd be sure that all features of your Nexus app were supported that's not the case anymore people are looking out and the main Direction they are looking into is a WS in fact there's a massively growing amount of resources that teach you how to take your nexjs app and deploy it on things like AWS amplify or ec2 and AWS Lambda yourself and the process was historically at least in terms of user experience horrible let's face it AWS is definitely not known for the best user experience they have drastically improved that AWS amplify deployment is almost as straightforward as for cell deployment now if we assume that versal next year s deployment is like a 10 out of 10 in case of user experience because you literally only need like two clicks to do it it's super straightforward then let's say amplify is like a 7 out of 10. I've done it in the past with my image to alt open source project that people are actively using by the way that is super cool to see I've deployed that to AWS and the whole process took like 10 minutes to do it is actually very easy and web dev Cody has recently done a video on why he he likes AWS deployments so much so you definitely can there are good alternatives to versel also netlify would be an alternative why should you though why are people switching away from versaille and the main reason is scale because versel does get very expensive at scale whereas things like AWS amplify scale way more predictably take a look at this example it's a person that faced a bot attack on their versel application and is now facing a bill of over three thousand dollars that's a pretty hefty price tag and this person has used about six to seven terabytes of bandwidth and is now facing a bill of multiple thousand dollars for it and that's that's pretty expensive and there's one main reason this is so expensive and that's the bandwidth we are here on the versal pricing page and let me zoom in so you can see this easier the main course driver is the bandwidth and bandwidth just means the entire capacity that your app is transferring in terms of data if we take a look at the bandwidth right here we can see a hundred gigabytes is included in the free plan however and the Pro Plan for twenty dollars a month you get one terabyte of bandwidth that's pretty good if we take a look at what the additional bandwidth costs though if you exceed that the additional bandwidth is forty dollars double what you pay for one terabyte per 100 gigabytes and that is a lot if you are suffering from bot attacks that's a lot if you're suffering from a lot of users that's a lot too where something like AWS amplify is more predictable now they are not as transparent in the pricing as their Sellers as you can see right here yes they do have a couple of pricing options here however it's not as clear in a next JS context what that would transfer to however they also have examples right so they have like you know you have 300 daily users you commit code two times a day at the end you'll be at eight dollars or for a larger app that has 10 000 daily active users and six build minutes per month which really isn't a lot you'd be at 65 dollars so it it tends to scale better and that's the experience people have made that have switched to AWS amplify and the process is very straightforward for example this application that I mentioned earlier right here the image to Old app that I built if we take a look at what this is built with we can see this is deployed to a platform as a service Amazon web services and the content the static content is served via a CDN that is Amazon cloudfront and when you deploy to AWS amplifier that is done automatically for you so while Versa might be the most intuitive platform by far in case of deploying especially your next JS applications but also others they are not really encouraging a vendor login as some people say vendor login meaning if you build a Nexus you can only deploy it on the versatile platform that's not true after all next.js can run on any server that can run regular node without compromising on any features and versel themselves teach you how to do it so I don't think the vendor login is a valid argument against versel in fact they came up with next.js so they also deserve to be paid well for it because it's a massive contribution to the web development Community however the point of this video that I want to make is it might be worth looking out for alternatives to versel if you're a beginner you don't really need to worry about that but if you expect your app to have some sort of scale like a couple hundred thousand users per month then it might actually be very worth looking at something like AWS which might be cheaper for you in the long run have you had a very positive or negative experience with the versal platform or was your experience more like in the middle kind of like meh I'd be super interested in hearing from you and then I'll see you in the next video have a good one and bye bye
Channel: Josh tried coding
Views: 128,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vercel, deployment, vercel deployment, vercel nextjs, nextjs, nextjs deployment, deploy nextjs, react deploy, deploy react, vercel platforms, josh tried coding, joshtriedcoding, vercel deploy, deploying to vercel, deploy to vercel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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