Why People Are Mad At Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell

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kurage dis act has been accused of being propaganda for billionaires let me explain I was scrolling through YouTube one day when I stumbled upon a video called how kurage dis act Cooks propaganda for billionaires by the hated one since kures act seems to only have good intentions I just thought it was clickbait but I still got curious and click the video it had 1.3 million views after all so it must have some reasoning behind it it had a lot of strong points arguing that kajes act actually was propaganda for billionaires I was surprised and also disappointed in kesc here is the summary of the video main claims and arguments kuris act takes sponsorships from billionaire charity foundations like the Gates Foundation this isn't speculation but fact as Kur act has stated in their videos the problem is that the hated one argues that Bill Gates is influencing which sources kures act uses in their videos and therefore making Kur just act spread misinformation and propaganda that align with Gates and other billionaires worldview to say that Bill Gates is controlling Kur just act is a serious claim after watching the video I was actually pretty sure that yes kures Act was propaganda for billionaires I looked at the comments on the video and it seemed like everyone else thought the same thing but I was still a little bit skeptical so I decided to do a little more research on the topic turns out kures act has already responded to the claims in a 1,600 word Reddit post in the post they say that the claims are false since the sponsorship by Gates is just a fraction of their revenue and that it goes against their core values the post was well written and countered the most important of the claims made against them but now the hated one has again responded to kures act's response in his counter response the hated one says that to say that just a fraction of their revenue comes from sponsorships by The Bill Gates Foundation isn't a fair estimate because when courageous act said that they meant that it was just a fraction of their revenue in recent times but historically they have actually admitted that Gates was their biggest supporter to be honest after all of this I do think it's true that Bill Gates has been a huge financial support to kures act in the past but I also believe that Gates doesn't have influence on what information and data Kur disect show in their videos so no I don't believe Kur disect is propaganda for billionaires but I advise you check out the video and responses yourself to make up your own opinion
Channel: ASHLAD
Views: 180,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kurzgesagt, Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell, Kurzgesagt Drama, Kurzgesagt Propaganda, Kurzgesagt Billionaire
Id: m0tCYhWlT8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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