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a unique interesting but somewhat familiar game just came out and it's called pal world I say familiar because these so-called pals are very reminiscent to Pokemon I said somewhat because these pals come with mothering guns Yes you heard that right guns how crazy is that and to top it all off after you've captured a couple Pals you can put them straight to manualing labor by having them build your base from the ground up but try not to overwork them because just like regular workers they'll get upset and start to slack off and refuse to work this is where you can decide whether you'd like to keep them stressfree or cut them up completely and once again you heard right because you can choose to butcher Pals and eat them right up if you're into that sort of thing all in all the game is very addicting and fun and apart from Catching Pals building up your base and exploring there are other things that made me enjoy this game as well the fact that this game takes many Inspirations from other games you already know about the Pokemon inspiration but this game also takes inspiration from Ark with their crafting system and Base building style which created an enjoyable game for me personally there being dungeons you can find around the island of palpus to explore in and potentially catch the Big Bad Bosses of was an awesome touch and another Touch of Awesomeness is the very fact that your base can get raided at any time from humans or Pals so it's always best to be prepared and have Pals ready to defend at all times cuz you never know when a raid will break out this game being multiplayer and able to have 32 players on one server is amazing it creates a bond between players and as you can help each other take down bosses or help each other complete the pal deck by trading there are many different ways to create friendships between pal owners I just wish we could battle each other as well but maybe in a future update fingers crossed I mentioned help with taking down bosses and I meant that because trying to take them down solo is possible but damn is it hard and timec consuming but it's also very fun especially running it solo it just felt like a huge rush after beating down a boss that has over 10K HP with only you and your pals beside [Music] you and the only thing I dislike about the game is that it just tosses you right into it without explaining anything only telling you one thing at the start to find the tree and see seek out the truth which is cryptic as it took me the longest while to figure out what and where the hell is pum and where the enhanced stats button was but the game is in Early Access so it's fine to be honest plus it's not a huge inconvenience it just sucked for the first 5 minutes and that's my review on pal world I definitely recommend this game I've been heavily addicted to the game and it's been a long time since I've been addicted to a game if you enjoyed this video leave a like comment and subscribe and if you have any recommendations on what game I should review next let me know in the comments below I'll see you guys next time [Music] peace
Channel: CrownedPrinceT
Views: 142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PalWorld, Palworld review, Palworld is ADDICTIVE, CrownedPrinceT, Crownprincet, Palworld gameplay, Palworld gameplay review, Palworld is Amazingly Addictive, Why Palworld is amazingly addictive
Id: R4OIJphGz0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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