WHY NOT YOU? The Mindset For Success

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what's up everybody probably think I'm gonna give some type of Tony Robbins talk today but I was actually looking back through some of my old videos one of them in particular which was called I'm sick of your excuses and I thought that I was gonna do a video that's a positive take on that a live stream and by the way before we get started you know I always give my discount code for anything in my store which is RB 30 30 percent off RB 30 anything in my store that's always support my channel Billy's on William Jones is on he's moderating for today I spelled the title wrong what did I do did I spell something wrong I'll fix it later it doesn't matter I don't see anything wrong okay so I want to give you a little background because I know a lot of you have come onto my channel over the past year and a half really I've went from 200,000 to a million from last January till now and really you know just a hundred thousand in the last month and a little bit of background about me I'm from a family of seven from upstate New York I'm 57 I have a wife and three kids and I didn't get married till I was in my 40s and when I was a kid I was the second youngest of seven and I was a very bad student really really really bad student when I say a bad student I was probably I was a d-minus student when I graduated from high school and starting in around third grade I started doing poorly in school second third grade and by the time I got to junior high I was doing really badly I took all I was from from New York we had these non regents classes I wasn't even in the average classes the regions were after your average people they didn't have gifted programs or anything like that and I would get these horrible report cards algebra 38 one marking period we had four marking periods and my mom would hide them from my dad because my dad would my dad would he'd freak out if he saw these but my dad would never ask my dad would never ask how I did it would occur to him about halfway through the year he's never seen any report guts Oh before I go out before I go on don't worry about super chat today I appreciate it but I'm not answering questions from there so I appreciate you guys if you want to donate money but duck please don't donate money for it for right now if you want to support the channel you can do it through my store because I want to talk about this so my mom always told me that the teachers didn't know how to teach me she said oh you're smarter than the teachers and that was a that was a huge thing these things that your parents tell you when you're little kids stay with you your entire life and part of being good at anything in life is overcoming your baggage believing that you have something to say that that believing that you are good at things whatever it is I mean part of this is you finding out what you're really good in I mean I wasn't a good football player but I was good in basketball so I that was one of the sports I played and I ran track I realized he was even better at running track than anything and when I took up music or when I took this music aptitude test in third grade they said that I had abilities and music that I didn't know about but if I were probably to be honest with you I probably had some type of a learning disability when I was a when I was a young kid I definitely had a reading comprehension problem and I specifically remember reading passages and then I would read a whole paragraph and not remember what I had read at all but my mom would always stick up for me and tell me that well they just don't know how to teach you this you're smarter than the teachers those teachers you know don't believe them and so I never believed them and that my mom always being positive Oh Rick you're the best at this year there's no way you know there you can do anything that always stayed with me my entire life so anytime I decided to do something whatever it was whether it was playing the guitar whether it was becoming a music producer starting on YouTube I always felt I could do it I could be successful I was I always but I was honest I want to say that I was always honest about my abilities and and I think that's an important thing you have to decide that you can be successful in something you have to believe in yourself but you have to be honest I go back I watch videos of mine and I know as I'm as I'm making it okay this doesn't work oh that have energy I'm not feeling that this piece isn't really good it's kind of like when bands would come in here when I was producing and they would always think that their newest song was the best song they'd have no perspective they were never realistic about this they they would think whatever their most recent song was oh that's our best songs no that's not your best song that's not even a good song that's not your best song you really have to be objective about what you do that is a big component of being successful as being objective when I'm making my thumbnail for this okay.i I will make 20 thumbnails I think about the title is that good is that a good title is that really what I'm talking about I'm trying to say I want to say a particular thing and I want to communicate an idea to all of you and how can I communicate it the best and when I'm watching it I'm thinking when I'm editing it am I am I am i communicating it the best and anybody that dimensions the misspelling Billy's gonna ban you from the channel so I'm just telling you that I said I can see Billy's doing that Thank You Billy see I still misspell things okay even though I looked at it I still have typos I always had typos I was telling someone the other day that in the beginning of my channel because I made my videos at night when I was producing after the band's would leave I'd set up my iPhone in my control room and I would make a video and I'd be falling asleep I'd be editing it and I would never watch it all the way through and then I would just upload it and sometimes in the morning I get a message my friend Amy Nolte Rick there's this weird edit in your video have you watched it you need to you need to go you need to look at your video and and I'd look at it and I'd have this one clip in there where I'm walking in from outside the room and then I sit down and I do about three takes of a line and that and then I I finally do it correctly and then the video goes on so then I would go in and I would take it down that's I've called Amy thank you so much for that I take it down at it and I put it back up and then sometimes I would look at it and I'd say ah who cares and I just leave it up there but the the really believing that it can happen I mean that is definitely the most important thing that I can convey to people is that if you think that you're that you're not going to be successful at something you're not going to be successful period that having that mindset that single-minded focus is what is really the key to becoming good at anything and after you decide that you're gonna do something okay I'm gonna do this YouTube thing or I'm gonna become a podcaster or I'm gonna become a baseball player whatever it is then you have to actually start and if it's YouTube you have to start by making videos I have a very good friend of mine Keith Williams that has a channel called 5 watt world he came down here he had made about I don't know 20 videos or so and he came down to visit probably about four months ago or so and he came in on a live stream stream we played guitar together he took I've known him for 30 years or so and more than 30 years Keith and I've known each other he's one of my dearest friends and so I told people subscribe to Keith's channel 5-watt world it's a great channel so he started with 200 subscribers or so well he sees almost at 40,000 now and he said a bunch of successful videos why because he really thinks about what he's gonna say and he he researches the things he did a vist video in history that defender Telecaster the Gibson Les Paul he's done these historical videos along with he did a video called how many guitars do you need that's kind of a minimalist video about that topic how many guitars do you need apparently I need a lot of guitars so but his channel is doing both Rhett's channel Rhett shawl who's on here rets channel is doing well why because he works incredibly hard at it Rhett shawl if those of you that haven't subscribed to Reds channel you should subscribe my friend NARR a soul what I met nari she had nine hundred when I started following her channel she had nine hundred subscribers now she's got two hundred and twenty subscribers why well because her channel is amazingly good and you should definitely subscribe to her channel but why is her channel successful Amy Nolte Amy started right when I did Amy's got whatever one hundred and eighty thousand subscribers on her channel why is her channel successful because Amy's really good well it's not just that it's just it's because because Amy sticks with it and makes content Adam Neely why is Adam good well Adams super smart but Adam is also doing the work that he needs to do to make his channel great these videos don't make themselves that's what I always tell people and I've made seven hundred and ten videos or so when I think about the amount of work it takes to make one video it I get it makes me kind of freaked out when I stevarino which is almost every day I I have this feeling of dread for a few minutes everybody does you get that feeling of dread everybody feels it but it's what you do with that dread you know you once you start once you get into it once you film the first the intro whatever it is you just have to start okay then as you make videos you become better at doing it if you really care about it and you care about being honest about the any of your work my friend paul davids is makes great-looking videos just incredibly great looking videos Rhett makes great-looking videos nah Ray's videos look like films their videos look way better than mine my videos you know but I'm realistic about that I try to deliver my content in a way where it doesn't rely on my videos looking like films so that is you know that is what's important for me my I try to deliver my content which is that you know to teach people things about music and it doesn't have to look like a film but when I see things that look like films people's videos it I I have incredible I just love watching their videos they just look great and and that attention to detail that takes a really particular kind of person not only to make these videos to think about how they begin what they're about how they look what each shot looks like you know it's it's uh it's really the amount of work that it takes just every think about everything that flies across the screen all the titles all the all the the artwork that's put into them all the different shots taking a shot from out of focus into focus I mean everything takes vision it takes work if you're teaching a song you have to do it you know and if you make a lot of videos like I do you know it's daunting but I feel the same way at the beginning of every video I feel dread I really do until that first shot until I start that's the important thing is starting that's really really the most important thing because nothing else means anything until you actually do it I had a friend that that started writing a book and any time he had a new idea he would Reese he'd start his book over it because because he had a new concept that he wanted and I said I used to say to him why don't you just write this book and then write another book after that and then write another book after that and you'll actually get better you can put all these concepts into it it's kind of like making a record it's like well I wrote a better song so I'm gonna scrap that record because I have a whole new set of songs and I'm gonna record this one then and then you don't put that out it's what you need to do is you need to finish things and move on and then start the next thing and that's an important part of being successful as well as the finishing you have to be a finisher if you see the movie Glengarry Glen Ross it's a great it's got Alec Baldwin and he is his characters you know coffee's for closers I got my coffee right here and and and that that you know that wanting to finish things to be a completer that's really really important you have to close the deal you've got to finish the things and you got to know when they're done you gotta know when they're not done sometimes you need to sleep on the thing and say you know it doesn't I'm not really feeling like I got there with this I don't feel I mean sometimes I make a video and I'll say you know I don't feel like I taught the the topic the way that I wanted to I don't feel like I got the ideas across or I did a video the other day where I thought to myself I could have done that better there's this one there's this one thing that I should have talked about that I didn't and I don't let it paralyze me but I remember it for the next time that I do this and I like to say that in order to be a good teacher you have to be able to explain something in about five different ways because everyone learns differently that is really the the key to this to teaching people you have to think of new ways to convey information if your teacher you got to think of as many ways as possible because every single person is every single person has a their mind works in different ways I couldn't absorb content in the way it was taught in the public schools where I grew up I just couldn't do it it just didn't make sense to me for whether I had a some type of a learning disability I'm not sure what it is but I you know and my mom understood it there was another research that there were talking 50 years ago there wasn't all the research that's out about how people's brains work and how kids learn but my mom had that intuitive sense that the teachers didn't know how to teach me because she knew that I was smart and by her sent her not saying why can't you do this her thing was you're great you are great it's their problem and so I have always kept that with me when I started this channel I thought well why can't I get a million subscribers on here I actually wasn't thinking about that the thing was actually just finishing each video and and figuring out topics that were interesting to me that I thought would be interesting to you guys but but as far as the channel being successful you know people would write things at the beginning I can't believe your content is great how come you only this video doesn't even have a thousand views I had I had probably I probably had about 30 videos out and and almost one thing I don't think I had one that was over a thousand views maybe one and then I remember hitting a thousand views on one video and and I thought wow I can't believe a thousand people watch this that's amazing I mean it really blew me away and and then you know I would get a few subscribers here and there and and and then I and then one day Adam Neely talked about my channel on one of his videos and I got 2600 it was about six months into my channel and I got 2600 subscribers that one day which I did not beat until two months ago so until I had nine hundred thousand subscribers I still didn't beat my one day total that I got when Adam recommended my channel to his subscribers so that tells you something I mean it just was just slow you know just you know just making the videos get and finding concepts what makes this song great or this new idea I have deep cuts things that things that you know are like mini shows that you would watch those are things like things I have concepts behind them you know I did this whole set of film scoring videos I did a whole set of you know I've done all these what makes this song grades I did a whole set of music Theory videos I did a video on every single mode of the major scale the melodic minor scale the harmonic minor scale the harmonic major scale the double automatic major scale I did videos on those and then I moved on now I know that people don't haven't gone back and watched those I know because I see that they get no views and there are some videos that I've done that I think really deserve to be remade I did a video on Klaus o gurmann you're going he was Clouseau Germann I did a video on his screen and his a string writing and nobody watches that video and and I think man this is great people should know this so I thought well the only way that people are gonna know this is by me either remaking the video because I can make a much better video now than I could the cuts in it were bad but the information was good the information in it was valuable it doesn't matter if it doesn't look good I mean ultimately yeah it does YouTube cares u2 cares and they push videos that look better that's just a fact the better my videos look now I have a nicer camera or I actually have better lighting the better my videos have done there's no you know there's there's a connection with that but getting back to the thing about being successful at this I always believed that I could be successful at this but that wasn't the goal of this the goal of this was to be able to do my part with the things that I've learned in my life to give back to people they don't you know a lot of people can't afford lessons in music they just can't or maybe their parents don't want them to be in music and they don't want to do that for them or they're gonna discourage them most of my friends honestly that are musicians their parents discourage them from being musicians I had the exact opposite experience my parents encouraged me to be a musician now my parents never thought about the fact that Oh musicians really can't make a good living most musicians you know and and I went in in the direction of Education when I got out because I was really interested in teaching I'd love to teaching I thought I was a natural teacher and I loved communicating with people that was important to me and and and giving back to people here through this channel for free is really important anyone that has an internet connection can learn off of here and this has been that is my mission here there are no secrets I used to say that to all the bands that I'd work with they would they would come in and they'd ask me questions I would ask answer them and I I remember when I was in a band I remember going to this one got a guy who was mixing a record that my band did and he had nothing labeled on the console and the reason he had nothing labeled because he didn't want anyone to steal his ideas and I thought that is the dumbest thing ever I'm gonna steal your ideas you're you're not labeling where the bass drum is and the snare is I mean what who cares I've got ears but and I'm not gonna steal your taste because ultimately they can't you can't steal taste when you're mixing a record the balances of everything I mean that's all that is all taste when you're making a video it comes down to taste honestly it's like how long is it gonna be does this feel right does the music is it distorted is what I'm saying makes sense does that end it look good you go through all these things and you have to be honest about it you have to be honest with yourself and you have to be critical of yourself but not to the point of paralysis that is a really important thing to to convey to people you always get another try or most of the time you get another try at it if you're doing this you know yeah okay my clouseau Gherman rec video didn't do well and it wasn't shot well but I could remake it I honestly could remake it and I probably should remake it because the core concept of the video is is very good even if even if the visual execution of it is really bad because it is I didn't you know I didn't know how to shoot things back then and I didn't even know how to put sound into Final Cut Pro very well so Moses just said taste is subjective it is subjective that's true but but questioning whether something is good and asking for people's advice and finding people around you that are honest that will give you their honest opinion is invaluable you should surround yourself with people that have good taste that are smarter than you that are that are willing to tell you what they really think that is an incredibly important thing and not taking it personally if they don't like something I think that's another thing that another reason that my channel has done well here I have people like Rhett or like Keith or nari or Adam that I will call or Tim Pierce that I will call and ask for their opinion on things and they do the same they call me and and we have a we have a great there's a incredible community of music all the music youtubers Paul David's we're all friends Marty Schwartz if I have a question on something I'll call Marty hey Marty has that song gotten black for you or what's going on how come you don't have any uh Guns and Roses on your on your channel oh because they all got blocked of course yeah don't do Guns & Roses you know things like that and and to me this is such a great this is such a great thing about YouTube is that all the people that I know which is most of the music youtubers that are that have you know that you guys know that you go chill whose channels that you follow thank you everybody for the super chat for the super chat donations that's really really appreciate that so this is the thing is that you have to believe that you can do this it's them that is that is so important it's probably the most important thing and you have to set goals and you have to just check them off as you go and once you've passed that goal you leave it in the past and you don't think about it you reflect on it for a minute and then you move on I hit a million subscribers a couple weeks ago fine that's in the past now what am i doing now because that's really important that's the most important thing live in the present plan for the future right so persistence allenge Alex just said here is the key and persistence is the key you have to get up and you gotta you know I'm here you guys know that I'm gonna be making these videos you just know they're gonna happen I don't have a schedule of videos like most youtubers right you got everybody knows that you see my video show up at 11 o'clock at night 9 o'clock in the morning 2:00 in the afternoon I mean I usually come on and do my live streams around now because I like the I like the energy of this time of day I think it's really good but the persistence just staying with it every day I mean I am a bit obsessive-compulsive there's no you know I don't think that you can be a music producer I don't think you can make videos here unless you're obsessive-compulsive to a certain degree or maybe obsessive maybe I'm not compulsive but I'm definitely obsessive about it I want to get in there and do these things and I want to get through it I'm a task you know completer that's the most important thing it is to is to complete and make sure it's quality now I didn't realize that my camera work was horrendous well I did realize it but there's I didn't know how to fix it I would call Rhett hey man I'd bumped something on my camera I don't know what to do and he'd just be like you gotta be kidding me well what's it say in the thing alright FaceTime and I'll hold it up there okay well you bump this thing and and I can't believe you don't know how to use your camera after you've had a YouTube channel for too years you still don't know your cata use your camera so anyways but I've been studying these things if you guys have noticed my my videos have looked better recently you'll probably notice but Paulie just said if you don't fail you will never learn if you go back and watch my videos I did a video called that was about what was the title of the video I had two videos one was my the 24 year overnight success and the other one was oh it was about why I almost quit why I almost quit music that really was what what it was about but but it basically talked about the fact that I didn't get into college as a music major when I first auditioned and and I almost quit playing this guy humiliated me this this guy that I auditioned for because I really wasn't prepared because my teacher at the time didn't know how to prepare me for my audition properly so I doubled down and I started practicing 10 hours a day and the the place that I didn't get in I was a professor there six years later after not getting into the school and if they got ethica college six years after I didn't get in I was teaching in the same office where the guy who now hired me to teach there he hired me after not accepting me in the music program because I couldn't do the audition properly because I couldn't read the directions properly because my teacher couldn't read the directions fortunes of hard work Thank You Deb if you want to know about my videos Deb thank you so much for cheon's of hard work was the was the title of that video and that really explains kind of my background and I admitted something to my family that that about not getting into college and I lied about it I did I lied about it for thirty years I never told them I went to school I went to Fredonia State University for one semester as a tret as a history major and I got in because I got a scholarship for running track because they were the top division three school and track and field and I that's the only way I got into college because my grades were so bad and then I reassured at Ithaca and I got in and six years later I was a professor there okay when I was 24 so I didn't get in at 18 I was a professor at 24 why not you someone's got to be successful it can be anyone it can be anyone so so there you go that's that's that's what I have to say on it on the topic the discount code is RB 30 30% off anything in my in my store you guys are amazing I you know I think it's important to it's important to get to get the pep talk once in a while you know it I think it really is everybody needs you know you need encouragement you do you definitely need encouragement no question about it and my mom was the one she was the one that told me I could do anything and and and that has stuck with me my whole life I have plenty of friends that are in therapy and everything because of all that the bad things that their that their parents told them when they were growing up but I had incredibly great parents and I know that I have a typo in my title so people keep keep telling me that but that's not gonna change it right now I'll change it later do you want to be the person mentioning my typos is that what you really want to say anyways you guys are the best so I have a new series deep cuts that's gonna focus it's not what makes us angry it's more on album tracks from from from bands that you bands that you know well-known bands but that are tracks that you might not have that you might not have heard maybe they were b-side on the record and they weren't even actually on the record or their tracks that are kind of unknown I started with murder by numbers I think that that's an incredibly weird and cool song so I'm gonna do I'm gonna keep those four songs that I really like they're not most of the what you guys know what makes us sound great our hit songs for the most part they're big songs that everyone knows and to me that's important to differentiate that because there's something to be learned from things that connect with a lot of people so that is why those two series are different one is more of the creative songs that I think that connect with me as a fan the other ones are things that that to learn about production of a song writing all that for things that actually reach large numbers of people RB thirty thirty percent off anything in my store that's how I support myself my family Peter smart thank you so much Peter I I have relied on your Peter is is my dear friend he's 88 years old he's been here since I had about 30,000 subscribers maybe less than that and Peter is a person that I talked to about and get advice from all the time about ideas he's 88 and and he has he's given me some of the best ideas for videos and concepts for videos and use the people around you it's really you know it's important to you know ask people that have good taste and that's that's my whole thing peter has what I call aesthetic aptitude where he knows what's good it doesn't matter how old he is he just knows what's good thank you everybody Brett I see you there you guys are amazing and I'm gonna keep it coming at you new video tomorrow so I think tomorrow and got some new announcements but not yet almost ready to make some new announcements big announcements coming up all right thank you everyone have a great afternoon evening and morning
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 137,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rick Beato, Everything Music, Inspirational, Life story, Autobiography, Positive message, Life, Parents, Family, Growing up, Overcome, obstacles, Success, better mindset, Failure, Fail, Succeed, Inspire, Influence, reinvent yourself, Reincarnate, Life Advice, Motivational, Break Boundaries, Rise
Id: 4SxFlawNPRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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