Why My Dream Game is so Hard to Make - Devlog

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have you ever dreamed about making your perfect game the game to end all games the big enchilada and no matter how many times you try it feels like it's impossible to make maybe it's because the idea is so precious to you that you fight creative block or perhaps the scope of the game is just too much for one person today i'll share about my dream game fuzzites a creature razor game inspired by sonic adventures ciao garden system i'll also share my failed attempts over the last 11 years and the challenges i faced along the way so grab your time machines and get ready to go back over a decade to where it all began but first i have to give a major shout out to the channel's first official sponsor core core is an awesome free new game creation platform that lets you build publish and play games if you're new to making games core is a great way to start especially if you want to quickly set up 3d multiplayer games and the best part is no coding is needed you can get started right away using thousands of free high quality sounds art assets and even music but if you'd like to be a big boy programmer core also lets you create your own game engine logic using lua you can build games from scratch or remix and re-imagine content shared by other creators and when you're ready to publish your game will go live instantly on the core platform just with a little click as i mentioned before core takes away all of the hassle that usually goes into making a game such as doing multiplayer networking which is normally a huge pain just trust me on this in addition core recently got a 15 million dollar investment from epic games and has announced a 50 revenue share with top creators that's double the share of what roblox currently has core also just announced their latest game jam in partnership with level 80. the city building jam with five diverse categories and dozens of winners and a massive prize pool of 25k the premise is simple recreate your favorite real-life city using core this jam is a great way to improve and show off your skills not to mention potentially winning a lot of money that's nice and if you're interested the jam already started core is free so you might as well jump over there and give it a shot and make sure to check the description for more information so our story begins 11 years ago at the time i was extremely obsessed with sonic adventures there was nothing better than rolling around at the speed of sound but what changed my life forever was when i accidentally walked into the elevator in the first game and i found it took me to this place called a chow garden and what was so fascinating for me is was the breeding mechanic and how you could get different versions of chow so to say i fell in love with this game at a young age was an understatement i was so obsessed and this was during the heyday of the creature razor genre you had games like tamagotchi neopets chocobo racing monster rancher pokemon the list goes on and on but after a while the genre started to fade away and there really weren't any games that could rival or even compare to sonic adventures so instead of waiting around for the next big game i decided that it was up to me to make it myself so i began to sketch in create pixel art for what would be a franchise of games that would never see the light of day so obviously i needed some sort of creature and i came up with the very original idea of fuzzites little fuzzy ball rabbit type guys that you could raise train and even breed to get different colors or types no because i did so many versions of this game i'm gonna have to kind of talk through each one of these very quickly now my first attempt at fuzzy was in game maker seven really what i wanted to do was just recreate sonic adventures but with my own creatures but i didn't know 3d so i thought why not just do a side scroller 2d game as you can tell it was hideous i didn't know much and i didn't get very far because at the time i literally just started programming i was 13 and there wasn't a whole lot of support for game maker so learning was actually quite difficult it also didn't help that the computer i worked on didn't have internet so basically all i had to read was the gml guide and let me tell you it was not a fun experience it wasn't until quite a few years later that i tried to recreate it using construct 2. this version of the game was mostly similar except for you'll notice one thing the fuzzies look a little bit different and you'll notice that this is a trend throughout the years now other than the pretty visuals i didn't really get super far with this version either you could pick up you could pet you could feed them but there still wasn't any stats and this is where i started to run into a little bit of a problem one of the reasons why the ciao mechanic was so fun was because it was a side mechanic it wasn't the main part of the game you could run around a sonic do your stuff and then come back and raise your chow it made the world feel alive but it was also a nice break from the main gameplay now what i started to notice when i would work on fuzzites is i made fuzzites the main mechanic of the game and that's kind of boring just waiting around waiting for something to grow up and having nothing else to do so to combat this i tried to make fuzzites but this time in game maker studio this was a couple years ago before the stardew valley genre of games wasn't super popular so i thought about why don't i make something similar to that it's a top-down game you raise your fuzzites but then you go out and you talk with people and maybe there's farming or something i don't know what i was thinking i also was inspired by animal crossing having a real time system and maybe if you played the game around midnight you could find a secret fuzzie in the forest it was really more focused on exploration and looking around and finding resources to give your fuzzies which i felt like was a step in the right direction but ultimately the scope of the game was way too much for the free time that i had at that point so about a year later i was messing with construct again doing multiplayer stuff i think i was working on whiz birds at the time and i thought what if i make fuzzites but i make it like a little mmorpg or online game memos tend to be very grindy so i thought it'd be cool that you could get a different fuzzi depending on what task you're doing say you're wood cutting or your fishing that could actually change the look of your fuzzite and i felt like this was starting to be a little bit more unique and less generic i also figured that fuzzy should have a purpose so i created this really cool grid based combat system that to be honest i still love to this day and it's super easy on networking because no one has to see it now out of all the fuzzite games this is probably the one i'm going to revisit and finish it's fantastic and most of the netcode is already established here and to be honest i feel like this is one of the most unique ways of having a creature razor game but also having social interaction but at the time i was working on whiz birds and i didn't want to get distracted so i put the project on the shelf and kind of left it the last two versions of fuzzites are more prototypes than anything the first one i submitted with the help of janky bread for the great autumn game jam that we did last year you can basically do nothing in this game other than watch your fuzzy walk around and click things the gameplay was more like a tamagotchi and we only had a day to make it so that's why it's lacking another reason why it's simple is i was just learning godot at the time and the final version of fuzz lights i worked on was something i actually did about a month ago it was more so an experiment seeing if i could do 2.5 d in godot and it actually looks pretty nice sadly i don't want to show too much because i may have something secret planned with it down the road but it was cool to finally be able to bring fuzzites into the dimension that i always wanted it so there you go those are all the versions of fuzzites that i've done over the past 11 years now i'm sure many of you out there are pulling your hair and are about to comment that i had too much scope creep and you're partly right but i think the heart of the issue is the game i created in my head as a kid was just so special to me that creating anything that doesn't perfectly represent that idea isn't worth making and this is why nostalgia and falling in love with an idea is so dangerous because you're more interested in forcing your idea to work and instead of adapting it to something that actually does another thing is was i was young and i didn't have any accountability to actually force myself to finish a game the other part that i already mentioned is i have to make sure that fuzzites is the secondary part of the gameplay unless it's something more like pokemon where you're actively battling it's just too hard to have your fuzzite be the main part of the game it's boring you sit around doing nothing for those of you out there that like fuzzies and would like to see me finish it let me know which version of the game you like the most to be honest the online version is my favorite and i definitely want to finish it at some point and if you're in the same boat as me trying to make your dream game but failing over and over again just remember that don't put your idea on a pedestal look at it objectively and think about what would make a fun game and sometimes you have to swallow your pride and it may not turn out the game that you exactly want and that's perfectly okay and i just want to give a huge shout out to cosmondev and the other patreon supporters all your support goes towards making videos and if you'd like to see behind the scenes footage of me talking about stuff and access to secret content make sure to check out my patreon also don't forget to check out core it's completely free just visit coregames.com or click the link in the description i just want to thank you guys for watching this video you're amazing if you like it make sure to subscribe and like the video i hope you guys have a fantastic week and i will see you next time for another game dev [Music] adventure [Music] you
Channel: Goodgis
Views: 348,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodgis, ohio, godot, devlog, how to create a game, construct 3, game dev, indie dev, game maker, game programming, game process, how to make, firith, firith studio, monster raiser, chao gardens, creature breeder, dream game, games like chao
Id: RAkxRyXjv1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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