Why MSG SHOULD be in EVERY Pantry | MSG vs SALT

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MSG monosodium glutamate I'm a huge fan of it I have a load of recipes where I use MSG as a flavor enhancer but every time I use MSG I get a ton of comments did he just say to use MSG in that recipe that's poison I'm gonna tell him so I decided I had to make a video on how to use MSG and why you should but first what exactly is MSG according to msgfacts.com monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of glutamic acid it's one of the most abundant amino acids in our diet it has been used for more than a hundred years to balance and enhance the Savory flavor in Foods the glutamate that's found in MSG and the glutamate that is naturally occurring is the exact same thing and our bodies treat it exactly the same way humans consume about 10 to 20 grams of glutamate per day and only 10 percent of that comes from the additive or the seasoning and it's naturally found in a list of foods everything from cow's milk humans milk Chicken shrimp grape juice tea has glutamate in it potatoes broccoli green peas Tomatoes mushrooms tons of cheeses soy sauce it's in everything naturally now there's actually two forms of glutamate there's bound glutamate and free glutamate free glutamate is the only thing that enhances flavor and everything that I just listed on that list for naturally occurring glutamate those are all free glutamate sources so one common misconception is that monosodium glutamate will increase the saltiness level of foods it actually increases the savoriness level of foods but the saltiness level actually gets lowered a little bit while it does increase the flavor the sodium level one teaspoon of table salt contains around 2 400 milligrams of sodium well one teaspoon of MSG contains around 700 milligrams of sodium now another fun fact that a lot of people seem to misunderstand is they think that MSG is added to make bad food taste good but in fact MSG will only enhance flavor of good quality food if you add MSG to bad quality food it probably is not going to make it taste any better it's probably going to make it taste worse honestly so I'll be honest the science is pretty conclusive monosodium glutamate was found by The Joint expert committee on food additives of the United Nations food and agricultural organizations and the World Health Organization they reviewed over 200 grid scientific reports and evaluated glutamate as having no specified acceptable daily intake which means that it is in the category of the safest of food additives so the myth that MSG is bad started in 1968 after one person at a Chinese restaurant and said that he had numbness weakness heart palpitations and attributed it to MSG he wrote this letter to the New England Journal of Medicine and it was published now in the letter he also said that it was possible that these weren't from MSG and that started the myth that is known in America as the Chinese restaurant syndrome it took until 1995 for an independent scientific panel to do research into this and find that yes that there could be some mild symptoms of headache involved from from eating to too much MSG but that they really even couldn't contribute it directly to MSG there's no scientific study that proves that MSG does anything there's more information that too much wine gives you a headache than there is that too much MSG does people were afraid of MSG for so long that its labels were added to foods to show that they didn't include MSG but there's no reason to be afraid of it it's naturally made it's made in a very similar process to yogurt wine vinegar it's just a fermented starch or sugar cane sometimes it's even like a fermented beetroot originally MSG was extracted from seaweed broth but companies found that it's much easier to ferment these sugar canes or beet roots and it yields a better cleaner product so now that you know a bunch of information about MSG that you might not have known before let's add some MSG to food and see if it makes it taste better so the cook with MSG you have to know its flavor MSG by itself is essentially flavorless but when added to Foods it increases the level of umami Umami is the fifth basic taste along with sweet sour bitter and saltiness Umami takes on a Savory flavor what's commonly found in broths and meats Umami was first identified as a flavor in 1908 by a professor at the Tokyo Imperial University he found that glutamate was responsible for the Savory or the distinct taste in kombu Dashi based broths Umami or the essence of umami can be found and sold as MSG as ahi no Moto I don't know if I pronounced that right let me know ahinomoto ahinomoto is a company that makes a bunch of different things but their first product and their main branded product was MSG now you can find these little white crystals ahinomoto at any Asian market it should be pretty easy to come by but if you can't find ahinomoto if you're not near an Asian market you can always pick up accent seasoning I found this just at my regular grocery store in the spice aisle both of them accent and the ahinomoto are both pure monosodium glutamate Now ahinomoto accent or MSG could be used on any dish where a Savory element is required you can replace it anywhere where you find Salt but it won't work really well on sweets It's not going to really Elevate anything sweet so it is recommended to only be used on any vegetables any meats or any soup stocks that you're going to use but you can also use it the season french fries chips uh popcorns things like that so today we're gonna make three different things we're going to upgrade them with ahinamoto and I'm actually gonna do a taste test with a very plain version just using salt and a ahinamoto version using MSG and had my buddy taste it and see which one he thinks is better I bet you he's gonna be able to guess it now when cooking with MSG a half of a teaspoon is all you need when you're making a dish for four to six servings of food and you can remove most of or all of the salt when you're using this less sodium so one of my favorite things to upgrade with MSG is popcorn and adding just a touch of MSG to it will really upgrade the flavor let's go ahead and make two batches of popcorn follow the instructions on the popcorn you buy to make your homemade popcorns all I do is add a little bit of oil to the bottom of the pan I turn on the heat add a single kernel until it pops there was the pop that means it's ready to go let's add our popcorn and this is it this is all you do so just to make sure that we have an equal amount of seasonings for the test so here is a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper with a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder and this is going to be the salt version so it is going to get eighth of a teaspoon of salt that's how much MSG it's going to get in the next version then we're just going to add it to our popcorn now let's add this version to a big bowl like I said for this whole thing we're just adding an eighth of a teaspoon of MSG so up next let's make a simple tomato sauce now tomatoes are already very rich in Umami they're very very rich in glutamate all we're doing is just slightly increasing the glutamate which is really going to increase that savory flavor inside the tomato sauce what I'm going to do is I'm going to make one pan of sauce simmer it most of the way through and then split it into two one half is going to get seasoned with salt and pepper the other half is going to get seasoned with MSG all we need is a can of San Marzano Tomatoes I'm going to use just a simple basil seasoning and a few cloves of garlic I'm going to use about a tablespoon of pure olive oil not extra virgin drop that on a low heat and then I'm going to crush up this garlic pretty fine so let's drop the garlic into the oil I like a chunky tomato sauce sauce is all preference we're just gonna add our tomatoes to the oil and then stir them up and cook them down over medium heat they'll kind of break up on their own and that is a simple sauce I'm going to add just a little bit of the basil seasoning let's throw a lid on this and let this cook for a while the longer you cook it down the better it's going to taste thank you okay so the sauce has been simmering for quite a while what we're going to do is we're gonna get the weight of the sauce so that way I can evenly distribute it we're at 580 grams of sauce so we need 290 grams in each container okay so in the rimmed container I'm gonna add a quarter teaspoon of salt and in the unrimmed container I'm gonna add eighth of a teaspoon of MSG tiny whisk this in I'm excited because this MSG sauce is going to be delicious and the last thing that we're going to upgrade with MSG and test out is we're going to roast some vegetables I'm going to roast some carrots and broccoli now the carrots I've already cleaned so they're good to go the broccoli I'm just gonna chop off the stem chop into individual broccoli florets and the only thing that we're going to do to them is give them a nice Hefty drizzle of olive oil then I have my oven preheated for 400 degrees we're gonna drop them in the oven and let them go until they're fully roasted just pay attention to them once we see that they look nice and colored after a few minutes we're going to flip them over okay the carrots and the broccoli are done now the broccoli now the broccoli got decimated that's my fault I wasn't paying attention I should have pulled these off a little bit earlier it's still fine you know I'm gonna toss just a pinch of parsley this is dried Italian parsley then we're gonna split these guys up silver is gonna get a quarter teaspoon of salt white is going to get an eighth of a teaspoon of the Ahi no Moto let's give both of these a toss okay I have my buddy Andy here he's gonna taste test these to be a blind you know secondary opinion he's gonna tell me which ones he thinks are better out of all of these dishes so Andy Come On Let's help me out first thing that we're gonna do is the popcorn sorry the popcorn is cold okay try that one you want water in between it yeah rinse the palette this one by far that one by far by far okay next up is roasted veggies here's your fork now these are just roasted veggies there's nothing really on them besides parsley and that's it parsley that one yep the white one okay now this is just a really simple marinara made with canned fresh San Marzano tomatoes do you like the sauce I do it's good I mean it is good sauce right yeah it's been sitting for a little bit but it's good sauce that one really yep by far thanks Andy you're welcome so there it is this test was pretty conclusive my buddy Andy was able to pick three out of three times what was his favorite dish and three out of three times it was the MSG dish now for the most part I understand that everybody knows that MSG is going to make things taste good but I hope with all of the information that I provided you today that you're gonna do your own research and your own Discovery to find that you can use MSG at home and not be fearful of it now this video is definitely not saying that you don't have any issues with MSG but most likely the issues that you are suffering comes from something else I would talk to a doctor before coming up with your own assumptions I was really glad that I got to make this video I've wanted to make an MSG video for a long time ever since I started using it in my recipes and ever since I started getting a lot of the hate comments for using it all the people that you see listed over here on the side they're the members of the saw Squad you can join the saw squad over at patreon.com sauce stash and get your name right here on the list and if you like this video about MSG make sure you click the Subscribe button and click this video right here this is going to be another one of my uh another video for me thanks
Channel: Sauce Stache
Views: 491,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MSG, msg allergy, msg headache, Why I use MSG, how to use msg, how to cook with msg, cooking with msg, is msg bad for you 2019, msg studies, msg vs salt, no msg, msg test, foods with msg, foods with glutimate, monosodium glutimate, where to get msg, msg myth, what is msg vs salt, msg brands, msg umami, umami, studies on msg, is msg bad for you
Id: qiJy8KMMlSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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