Why Motorcycles and Mountain Bikes Cost the Same

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hi after you it no a after you um because if I'm in a video with you I get internet street cred but I get Internet Hate if I step in front of the motor goat the valet of video the Rossy of reviews that's totally plenty right I'm Ryan F9 and this KTM Duke 390 contains 2348 components totaling 338 lb and it costs $ 7,349 and I am the dod this Norco range weighs about 37 lb contains just over 1,000 components and retails for $735 let's find out why eight grand for something you pedal is depressing that's inexplicable yet inescapable if I want to ride the NorthShore and not be scoffed at bicycles are tragically overpriced so this is this whole thing is subjective right I mean I I like fun bright colors you dress in a style that I would only describe using the port Monto out dorky it's about value it's like what each of us would pay for what we value fair so let's set the subjectivity aside and we'll break it down just by the [Music] Numbers every year there are 40,000 of these made by baj in India for 80 80 Global markets Brazil turkey South Africa whereas those are handbuilt for dentists in North America the UK Spain and Italy it's a case of charging however much your consumers are willing to pay so here's the thing you're conflating scale with purchase or tolerance your argument holds about as much water as 43 did knowledge of anodizing in 2021 the global market for bicycles was 96 million 29% of that was mountain bikes that puts mountain bikes just shy 28 right motorcycles same year Global Market 47 million that's bigger yeah except 37% of that was scooters and I'm not going to count scooters in this no right that's just shy of 30 million okay those numbers are really close at which point scale kind of becomes a moot point touche but this is still a global product I mean to do 38.3% of their business in Asia Africa and South America which they do and KTM has to charge 297,000 rupees for the dudes ripping to work in Puna meaning they can't charge that much more than a grand Canadian unless they create a black market of import bikes being sold at a profit that isn't theirs good point whereas Norco you know they don't really need to think about how their product fits into a global market in the same way they don't care no 90% of their Market is North America people who are pretending to be Yon barell on the weekend it's a beauty they don't they don't have to think about how that piece fits into the global puzzle right gotcha because the motorcycle is a practical Transportation tool in some markets it drags down its price in all markets okay but that being said just because uh people can charge $88,000 for a mountain bike doesn't mean that everyone with a welder and some steel is running a get-rich quick scheme there's still actual value here and good reason it costs so [Music] much how close is that to a competition motorcycle oh it's not even on the same Planet ktm's Moto GP bike cost $2 million they might right ready to race on their street bikes but if you read the manual racing is going to avoid your warranty see this is kind of what I'm talking about whereas this $88,000 off-the-shelf bike is probably like 70 80% of what a prole bike could be look if you don't believe me let's ask a pro Rider uh yo belli uh how are you hi good sir oh sir sir was my father's name anyways question for you how close is an $88,000 offthe shelf mountain bike compared to something you might ride in the tour dinar well to be completely honest it's pretty much the same exactly and give or take price-wise what would you say your prole bike would cost retail around1 11,000 yeah exactly can I go for right now that is something but why should a dentist care to have the pro equipment I mean consumer motorcycles are nowhere near competition it's fine we cruise around on the street at 60 we're not on track at 300 we're happier to have the cut prices why do you want this prole Market this Pro level thing because to be honest in a sport without insurance the insurance policy is a PR level product you see your average dentist or any rider that's riding that $88,000 bike is going to push themselves to 70 to 80% of what a pro can do only they're going to do it worse so the bike has to be well built sure I can see the proximity to professional level explaining the turnover disparity too motorcycles it's not uncommon for a model to sit on change for 10 20 30 years they're not trying to be Cutting Edge Equipment so nobody really cares whereas in the mountain bike industry which is still very new what was new 5 years ago is now out of date things are evolving so fast it forgive the phrase a break next speed uh suspension designs Manufacturing Technologies geometries of the frame one of the similar bikes to this one in norco's lineup the site has at least nine different versions over the past 10 years right this is like almost one a year yeah you know what dude mhm I'll buy your freaking peleton if it's that close to the the pro level excellent get you on a bike and honestly like I kind of want to try something that contains actual explosions for the same prices my bike deal okay what is all this okay so Narco site uh first thing we got to choose whether you want carbon fiber or aluminum right okay and then we want to decide whether we want the uh which parts like C1 C2 C3 or A1 A2 A3 it's going to be sham or shano it's going to change the weight and the performance of the bike there's a flight attended version don't get that and then the youth version obviously not your size clicking yep all right so now we've got sizes extra small small medium large extra large you're going to be an extra large but you got to decide if you want that in a 275 wheel size or a 29er look at all those colors uhhuh there you go just uh add the cart okay your J okay Dam all I see is orange correct right but but like where's the size like how do I know which size to get yeah what am I missing I'm missing something here what your credit card but no but like I'm 195 cm my mom's 150 we shouldn't be riding oh no don't worry about that what about like what about like seat height it's okay no but like the bar has to be for me and then no it cuz I need the ri to for I just don't understand what comes next is our final difference you placed your customized bicycle order now Norco has to make one of 264 permutations from what feels like one of 264 contracts with third party part suppliers and pay a local mechanic living wage to put together your one of 264 builds whereas your KTM 390 will get the same frame same tires same chains same battery same Brak same suspension as all other KTM 390s one set of middleman contracts to rule them m one assembly line in India very convenient for KTM so motorcycle manufacturers and dealers take 15% each right whereas this is specifically convenient for you so bicycle manufacturers and dealers take 30% each I'm actually okay with that thank you very much for watching and thanks to Flying Eyes for sponsoring this video by now many motorcyclists are benefiting from the sunglass Holy Trinity why shouldn't bicyclists also benefit from the pilots I wear to schwat it's a [Music] neutral
Channel: FortNine
Views: 1,418,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fort nine, ryan f9
Id: BS9ugdl1FZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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