Why Macron Thinks “Europe Could Die”

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this video was brought to you by incog on Thursday fren president Emanuel macron gave a much anticipated speech at paris's San University build as the sequel to his first San speech in 2017 over the course of nearly 2 hours macron argued that the EU was fundamentally unprepared for the challenges of the emerging World Order warning that Europe is mortal and Europe could die so in this video we're going to take a look at what pron actually said in his second sborn speech his new plans for Europe and how this might affect the franco-german relationship and the upcoming race for European [Music] commissioner before we start if you haven't already please consider subscribing and ringing the bell to stay in the loop and be notified when we release new videos so let's get straight into it as we see it the overarching theme to macron's spe was European sovereignty which when macron talks about it is basically another way of talking about European strategic autonomy for context macron has been loudly advocating for European strategic autonomy ever since he came into office in 2017 which is basically advancing Europe's ability to independently pursue its own interests by a reducing its dependence on America and B transforming the EU from a bureaucracy in into an active geopolitical agent anyway true to form macron basically spent the first half hour of the speech doing a rhetorical Victory lap saying that everyone mocks strategic autonomy for being well a bit French when he first started talking about it in 2017 but it's since become common parlons in European politics and now there's a pretty broad consensus in favor of the idea orbe it with some intra-european disagreements on the specifics nonetheless macron warned that while Europe has made pretty considerable progress on strategic autonomy it hasn't yet done enough to guarantee its sovereignty in this increasingly hostile global environment and if further progress isn't made then quote Europe today is Mortal she could die and this was the overarching theme of the speech while we made some progress on European sovereignty SL strategic autonomy we still need to do more now having issued his totemic warning macron then went on to outline some of the reforms or policies that he believes could better protect Europe's sovereignty now this speech was ridiculously long so we're not going to get into everything he said but as we see it there are basically six ideas worth mentioning the first is ditching America now the French political class have always been wary of Europe's dependence on America and macron himself has long called for more distance between the EU and US however this speech included perhaps macron's most explicit criticisms of the US and the transatlantic relationship so far saying that Europe had to show the world that it wasn't an American lap dog and going on to say that the US only has two priorities itself and China instead macron called on Europe to become a p which roughly translates to a balancing power sitting somewhere between America and China secondly macron attacked European bureaucracy now this is is n a new idea either but macron reiterated that the EU is overburdened by its bureaucracy and needs to become more geopolitically agile interestingly macron blamed the Spate of farmers protests that we've recently seen across Europe not on green policies but rather on excessive European bureaucracy and actually called for the EU to double down on its Green New Deal now this could be seen as a nod to Italian Prime Minister Georgia Maloney who's long been a vocal critic of Europe's bureaucracy thirdly macron argued that faced with Rising protectionism and massive subsidy programs in China and America the EU needs to loosen its state aid rules to allow governments to do more to protect their own domestic Industries at in his speech mcon listed five critical sectors AI Quantum Computing space energy and AGR Tech and tacitly called for more European debt sharing via a So-Cal Prosperity pact in order to protect these strategic Industries such as defense and AI now this all sounds very similar to the sorts of things we've heard before from former ECB Governor Mario dragi who's given a series of speeches recently ahead of his upcoming report on the eu's competitiveness crisis expected to be published in June so it seems that the two are in agreement fourthly mcon rejected plans Advanced by several right-wing European governments and the UK to Offshore their Asylum processing on the ground that it would quote create a geopolitics of cynicism and create new dependencies on these third countries thereby undermining European sovereignty instead macron called for a better control of Europe's borders via frontex and more effective deportation procedures for failed Asylum Seekers there was also a classic macron attempt to chart a third way between right and left Wingers by rejecting the idea of offshoring but nonetheless calling for greater border controls fifthly macron argued for greater investment in nuclear power which he argued would help Europe to decarbonize its energy Supply and called for quote consolidation of the European nuclear Alliance a french-led block of 12 pro-nuclear European countries now this all folds into a wider debate within the EU about the extent to which the block should rely on nuclear power for the green transition with the pronuclear countries led by France and the nuclear skeptic countries led by Germany who closed down their remaining nuclear reactors just last year now the sixth and final idea worth mentioning is monetary policy in short macron said that Europe or rather the European Central Bank can no longer have a monetary policy that is solely focused on maintaining price stability I.E keeping inflation at 2% now macron didn't many details on how he thought monetary policy should be expanded but floated the idea of incorporating a growth Target or a decarbonization Target in the ecb's remit to now this might sound boring or technical but if this were to happen it would actually be pretty massive news and that's because in the '90s the West basically depoliticized monetary policy handing it over to technocratic Central Bankers whose only job was to keep inflation at 2% since the 2008 financial crisis however Central bank's effective remit has steadily expanded and politicians have started taking an interest in monetary policy once again so if monetary policy were to be fully repoliticizing for both its politics and its economy so that's what was in macron's speech but before we finish up a bit on the politics at the domestic level while macron's AIDS insisted that this wasn't a campaign speech he did take an implicit swipe at Leen towards the end of the speech when he criticized europ phobic politicians who say that they will remain within the EU but disobey the rules which macron said was like saying that you should keep the building but let it fall down he was also probably hoping to remind the French elector of his International stature ahead of the European elections but poing currently has his cist Alliance roughly 15 points behind leen's right-wing block well at the European level macron's speech included a whole lot of stuff that won't go down well with either Germany or the incumbent commissioner Ursa Von Deion and his apparent nod to Mario dragi has fueled speculation that with Italian support France is planning for a surprise dragy candidacy for the European commission president elections coming this June both of which would be pretty huge Revelations while you've been watching this video you might not have realized that shady forces in the background are trying to collect your personal data from various sites bundle it together and sell it to a third party these data Brokers can then sell your information to anyone from a company to an online Criminal now you might assume that you're always safe online perhaps you regularly change your password 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Channel: TLDR News EU
Views: 269,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pXzq-_C1zF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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