Why Lithium for a Van Build - Off Grid Battery Power

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the important person you guys ready in the middle you know sandwiches it's a jared sandwich it's a cherry sandwich what's up guys uh i am here today with uh nomadic customs mark and i got john from light harvest solar we are in the nomadic customs shop and uh all of his people are working hard if you guys hear some noise of saws or drills or people screaming cutting off fingers i'm just kidding that's what's going on behind uh john was nice enough to come over and bring over some goodies we have some school stuff here this video is really about batteries off-grid power what do you guys think and perspective and perspective john thank you for masking up for us because he's around people a lot more than we are so yeah our circle's very small circle's extremely small all right so let's get right into it guys um these two batteries that i have sitting on the desk right now by the way i have mark here because he is a professional van builder and i have john here because uh he uh works for a solar distributor uh lightning solar and he's also a professional yeah yeah you know i guess yeah but we do a lot of the design we do a lot of the sales and shipping a little less of the install marks a little more on that front but uh right on uh we work together all the time so this is a great video to kind of show that you guys there's plenty of room for everybody in this field absolutely in fact i think that there's a good four or five businesses and companies that we don't act as competitors at all we very much support each other oh yeah this is not a competition video whatsoever the two batteries i have here in this side i have a lion energy battery and this side i have a rely on battery uh i am actually an affiliate for actually both of these companies so let's dive right into really what what do we have in front of us guys we've got two hundred amp 100 ish amp hour lithium batteries yep so i can go over that this guy is my spec guy he knows way too much about batteries um so on your right here we have the rb100 it's a 100 amp hour 12 volt battery uh lithium it's got an internal bms over voltage under voltage all that function what does bms stand for uh that is a battery management system good question uh so any lithium battery is made of multiple cells put together but if you just put some cells together and put them burnt into them one of them might go high one of them might go low and then your pack destroys itself so the bms kind of keeps track of each cell balances the charge on there so you get a complete charge on all the cells without any problems so john why would i go with a lithium system versus an agm this is so how that you're asking this like obviously we know but go ahead um so i mean there any specification you go with lithium's gonna beat lead acid hands down only one it doesn't do is cost upfront cost over lifetime power output for weight energy density for volume ability to output high current lifetime i mean we're talking 10 years versus three to five light harvest doesn't even sell oh yeah no lead acid gel or uh agm or whatever no it's not worth it they're so easy to destroy any like if you over discharge it just like two or three times you've seriously destroyed the lifespan of that battery over discharging an agm or a gel is actually depleting in 50 or less if that's not correct that is correct okay so a 100 amp hour gel or agm battery you can only deplete that to 50 amp hours yeah for a while okay if you want to have it for a while and in regards to a lithium ion 100 100 okay all the way and so what you're talking about is actually the charge cycles uh yes so a charge cycle uh is a full charge or sorry excuse me a charge and discharge whether that is full or partial so for example if you discharge it ten percent that's a charge cycle you just charge it 100 that's a charge cycle okay um so a lot of them will rate it by charge cycles uh that's just because of how the chemistry works uh but ultimately the important information here is in a given charge discharge cycle uh comparable lithium versus lead acid you get twice as much power out of lithium and more charge cycles yeah way more charged like yeah what is like that is basically what we're talking about when we're talking lithium or i mean uh life of the battery yes yeah so what is no what is the what is the cycle what is your charge what is your cycles for a lithium compared to like a agm uh with the lithium you should be seeing probably about 3 500 charge cycles uh so that ends up being a daily full discharge and charge uh for about 10 years with lead acid you usually get three to 500 uh so that's you know two years of full daily use when you start really pushing the lead acid chemistry to high currents it uh the capacity ends up reducing uh just because it struggles to actually do the chemistry involved so that's yet another advantage of lithium you can actually do what it's actually rated for you guys may have just seen on my face that it seems like to me at this point that we're starting to talk a different language i'm now i'm starting to lose you okay well it's fine yeah it's fun it's not a big deal um but i think a lot of my viewers are kind of in my uh expertise when it comes to batteries and chemistries and things like that um you both are professionals so so i was trying to bear with you so basically what john's talking about is agms are going to discharge to 30 to 50 percent and then they're going to charge to 70 to 80 okay and then lithiums are going to discharge to 10 right and then they're going to charge to 90 95 okay and so if your charge discharge rates 30 between 80 is only a 50 charge and so it's going to keep on charging discharging whereas like the lithium is going to charge discharge charge discharge so getting more cycles equals more life of the battery exactly so that's why the lifespan okay the last 10 minutes is why you want to go with again while you also don't sell them in your shop and you don't and i will say that in the last year i've probably replaced at least a half dozen pro probably closer to around 10 agm systems i believe it lastly um comparison from agm gel to a lithium weight uh oh but i mean it's dramatic golf cart battery like one of those six volt golf cart batteries i think weighs 50 pounds something like that uh this battery right there has uh the same rated power which means double the actual power uh and that is a hole i want to say 23 pounds i'll get the camera out so you guys can see in real time 21. is it 21. nice yeah i think we thought it's called 20 something i can't really see because i'm on the other side but the camera picks it up so that's all that matters so essentially john we could have four of these in place of one agm definitely yeah it'd be a way more powerful system same amount of weight it's very good that you just wouldn't be able to do with anything else awesome the difference between these two as well as the the third major major lithium player in the market is battleborn which is not up here there are some opinions about battleborn in this panel right now which we can kind of get into but uh there is something i do want to say uh that is kind of i kind of want to make make it known out there that everybody loves battleborn because they say that they're assembled here in the united states however oh both of these are also assembled right yeah yep that is true okay this is assembled in utah i believe and this is assembled in north carolina that sounds right to me i don't actually know lie in front right they're in the united states regardless as well as battleborn yep buy the stuff from elsewhere and put it all together here with american labor okay so i'll take what i can get just to chime in on that too um as a builder perspective i would like to say a lot of my clients come out and have vetted and have done so much research they've done two or three years of research before they come in and talk to me so when they come in and talk to me they have their list of what they want in their van um what my job is is to steer them into a direction of like what's going to work best for them and what i would say to that is the youtube is a beautiful thing as far as the hive mind is concerned but it's also a lot of misinformation or a lot of information that is backed from a marketing perspective so what i would say about this conversation today we are also putting a youtube video out and giving you information of differences and opinions and we are also saying that you are affiliated with these particular things but john and i are both uh we'll sell you whatever you want so we're pretty unbiased about all this stuff and he's a professional in the field i'm a professional field so it's not necessarily an opinion um based uh you know educated it's an educated opinion yes got it you guys can know more about specs than i do about this obviously the lion energy battery is noticeably smaller than the rely on footprint wise um yet a little bit height different but not by much yeah a little bit maybe an inch total supposedly this is rated for 105 amp hours yep and this one is 100 amp hours yep um yet this one's still smaller you know i don't know how they do it uh we've we've opened it up i think i don't actually know what to do i have seen inside these uh miles uh the owner of the business got to go to uh their factory and actually take one apart with them and see that i want to do that if you don't have to check out our youtube channel jerry okay with a plug i like it one of the reasons we really really like these is they're that 105 amp hours so you get a little bit extra they can also discharge at 150 amps continuous now that is something you're not going to see with most of the other 100 amp hours on the market most of them will do 100 amps that want to do 50 more so 150 amp amps continuous yeah what does that mean uh what that means is that one if you want to run say an air conditioner if you want to run a space heater anything in that 1500 watt range you're gonna need two of them just to be able to hit the wattage this one you can get away with one okay granted you're still gonna have to lower run time because you have less capacity but you would be able to do it okay i think i followed that yeah do you want to explain that better can maybe you can interpret this one runs less this one runs more they're both excellent but this one can do some things but that one can't bear off yeah and they're both excellent and battleborns are are equally i would say out of the three those three are the companies that you'd want to go for right honestly when i had my kit built i went to a pro tiny one solo living we all know and he built my whole system for me he used four of these and i love them yeah they haven't steered me wrong let's say i am now a client of nomadic customs i call it pneumatic and i'm like hey i don't know what i'm doing when it comes to electrical mark what are you gonna go with i'm gonna go with he just pointed to lyon and he's going to go with it all day long all day long because everything that john just discussed but then also from a builder's perspective they're lightweight they have a small footprint so you can get a lot into a van in fact we're building pretty much standard in all of our vans now uh a four battery systems which is 420 amp hours which works out to like somewhere around just under 6 000 watts i think yes it should be right around there yeah 6 000 watt hours uh 6 000 watts watts so that's its ability to output you could put a 6 000 watt spurter in there so basically yeah so these are all things i don't know like i didn't realize that you have to have so many amperage to run a certain amount of wattage inverter right yep they don't tell you about that no they don't uh so that's something we see a lot is you'll see uh somebody trying to like run a space heater off the lead acid batteries their inverter can do it but the batteries just can't supply the current to the inverter to actually handle the load well so john yeah thank you thank you i like how you slowed it down because we're gonna i guarantee people are gonna rewind and be like what did he just say yeah all right that makes sense it's interlocking parts you have to have the whole thing up to snuff for it to actually do any of the little bits if you guys have seen on my face you just gave me flashbacks to my first van because i was trying to run like a dc heater oh yeah off of my gel batteries yeah it's not gonna go so good no my so the dometic refrigerators are smart enough to shut off yep if you reach a certain uh you know discharge and it constantly shut off in the winter time because i used to run my heater oh yeah and then all of a sudden like i go look on my dometic fridge i'm like why is my fridge shut off and i freaked out your batteries are bad my batteries are dying good to know again and and not to try to plug any of this but this is why you approach a professional builder when it comes to this kind of stuff or a professional in the field when it comes to this kind of stuff as simple as it is once you understand the equation it's kind of a complicated process on how to make it all work with other accessories so when you start talking about different wattages of inverters when you're talking about different wattages of alternator computers all those different things have to kind of marry together very nicely and when you start getting into the math equation of all of that it uh it gets very confusing as you've seen on jared's face yeah very confusing i'm still confused oh and we don't need to talk about wire size or fuses or anything little like that now again i have said this many times on my channel i am not proficient or professional at electrical whatsoever whether it's in a house or in off-grid applications which is what we're talking about now i am not a pro i like building and i like designing that is what i do so that's why i call in professionals to talk about this kind of stuff and i'm not going to claim that i am a professional with this but i work with these companies so i'd like them yeah you're around it enough i'm around it enough i know basically i know basics are intermediate i guess i could say well you brought up wire sizes a second ago okay why why wire sizes like what like i've seen i've seen fat ones i've seen skinny ones i've seen speaker wire um i know i just said maybe the worst thing you can say is speaker wire um i mean it's not my favorite and and i know you don't use speaker wire um in your builds uh it's and please please don't use speaker wire in your builds um but why why wouldn't you use windows why wouldn't you use when you come to generation power you don't want to use small wire no and why is that like i don't understand you're just um so well i can make it sort of make sense wire has resistance and when you push current to resistance you get heat so if you have a thin wire and try and push a lot of current through it that has a lot of resistance and then you get a lot of heat and then your wire melts and you have fire we don't want fire so we don't want that that's part of why we design stuff with really good wire dinette appropriate for the rating for the current that it'll handle those little concerns like that that i guess to us are little but you know to the average individual do you know offhand how much wattage a two gauge wire will carry through it no do you two gauge you'll do 140 amps professional so yeah you didn't have to look it up yeah it pairs really nicely with these batteries okay use it all the time so again that's why you want to consult a professional when you start putting this stuff together i totally caught you outside on that one also length of wire i believe is important it's in what we do with the vans it's a little less important just because everything's so close to itself okay but yeah the difference between like 10 feet and 20 feet depending on what you're doing can be pretty critical okay good to know you brought some toys for us appreciate you yeah hey what did you got here uh so i brought uh some of my testing apparatuses at the rat eye i suppose this right here i call my jump stopper uh it is the opposite of a jump starter it is just a big resistor so as soon as you hook it up to a battery it'll start pulling current and i'll kind of these batteries i don't even know if they're at but now this oh this one's at 100. hey so another nice switch 80 battery gauge there's a battery gauge on the battery uh unfortunately reliant does not have that and i'm pretty sure battleborn does not you know these as far as i'm aware these are some of the only batteries in this form factor in size that have a gauge on them awesome so if you have it accessible super nice if you don't actually sell them it's pretty nifty yeah they're nice-looking batteries uh but what i do with this is if you need to test the battery uh but the battery is fully charged you can't really test uh putting power into it because it's not gonna take any power okay so we have to drain it down so i go ahead and hook that up i just saw a little spark that's exactly what you should see electricity i've got about i'm going to guess 16 amps going through this 17.1 so what this is is this is an ammeter uh so it is counting or not counting rather but reading out the amount of amps going through here okay it doesn't tell me what voltage it's at so it doesn't tell me the wattage but it does tell me 17 amps are going through this wire that's that's a pretty good amount no that's uh pretty solid i mean about 150 it's not too much but okay you know this is a little space heater you can already sort of feel it get it is uh so it warms up quick and that's that's what i was talking about with the wire okay the current through it it gets hot that thing is insane all right so that's just draining that battery right now uh if i were to do this with a watt meter i would be able to actually tell the capacity of the battery and test it that way cool so that's something i've done in the past um it is a useful diagnostic tool but i'll go ahead and pull that so we don't drain the battery all the way just start making carbon fire yeah i'd rather not do that what we got here this here's a volt meter should be a basic tool of anybody doing electronics what we tend to do all you really need is the 20 volt setting okay right like that and then you can go ahead and see now lithium's now it's a 13.24 now a standard 12 volt battery that's a uh agm or gel we'll read it like a twelve eight is a hundred percent yep but on a lithium they run higher yes which is what we just saw they run about a full volt higher most of the time it's about point seven really okay so this resting should be about thirteen two to thirteen three four and then when sun is blaring on your solar panel it actually builds up over fourteen of them all right 14.6 is about the top you'll see okay and see that john all right isn't it something where you actually want to set your charge controllers and all that kind of stuff to cater to lithium yes definitely why would you want to do that uh why you want to do that is because they're a volt higher uh you can kind of think about the water analogy with electricity if you want to push more current you need more pressure so the voltage is the pressure there you need a higher voltage so if you try and charge a 13 volt battery at 12 volts you're not pushing any current okay you're not giving it any any flow so they charge at about 14.4 to 14.6 which is a full volt above the battery itself okay and that you know funnels all that current in and it gets nicely charged up if you were to use a lead acid mode that's probably only going to charge it at about 13 volts so it won't push it all the way up to 100 you'll probably get about an 80 charge uh so it'll work but not very well in regards to like this it's like reading forums a bad idea a good idea or all information is good information okay unfair fair enough and then you maybe want to kind of just check that the information you see on a forum with maybe somebody like yourselves yeah i i would say it is a really good idea to self-educate i'm a huge proponent of that absolutely uh make sure that you're getting information from an accurate source i would say the more sources you have the better do don't just watch my video go go watch uh light harvest solar video go watch you know other videos that have done other stuff and see if these specs that we're giving kind of kind of match up thank you all right i like to say you know what you know and you don't know what you don't know all right did you guys want to say anything else about batteries i know john you could probably literally talk for hours oh i can't and i have you have um maybe on your channel buddy you want to add anything about any of these batteries are you know really something that we haven't talked about before i get into what's down below it's down there get a good one um all these batteries anything with a big name is going to be warrantied so just make sure you if you're getting a battery get one with lauren do you know offhand what the warranties are sorry um i know uh these offhand these are 3500 cycles uh warrantied yep um so that's about 10 years yep 10 years of daily use and this is i think it's about the same but i'm not 100 fan and i believe battleborn's right around that same mark give or take which is why we're pushing those three lines yep because when you start getting to a lot of the other ones that are out there even though their price point really good some of what you're paying for is the actual warranty is there a difference i'm gonna start asking really weird questions i'm here for it is there a difference between uh lithium phosphate and lysine lithium phosphate ion or something like that uh okay that's a good question um so the most common chemistry for doing what we're doing here is the lithium iron phosphate okay that's the li-fe po4 okay um they use that because it has a very high energy density without the risk of thermal runaway now i'm sure you've heard the the cell phones the light on fire all that sort of stuff that is a lithium carbon uh type of chemistry so tesla uses that i believe so okay uh because it is the highest energy density of the lithium chemistries okay so it's really really good if you're trying to pack a lot of power in but it's risk you have to wire it to a t uh you just have to be really careful because the electrolyte that carries the charge carriers inside the actual battery is flammable okay so if it gets too hot and it bursts then it reacts with the air you get fire you get bad stuff don't worry about that that doesn't happen with these so just to quell a couple of the rumors out there yeah one is that the lithium catches fire the second being that lithium doesn't react well in the coal that is also true um these batteries uh mostly uh have that figured out uh usually how they'll operate if it is too cold is they just won't want to do anything and then you have to warm them up a little bit and then it'll go hence the reason why we put batteries on the inside of the vehicle yes so that's the third thing i was gonna say is with a lead acid battery that's not sealed would you put that in a van no no no no no no i wouldn't put that anywhere near me and if you and then why is lithium better than that stuff zero off-gassing um you could i could use one of those as a pillow and feel safe okay there's gonna bring me another question i think you're about to ask go ahead but the thing i wanted to say as well is i have some clients that are very um concerned about frequency coming off of the battery that's what i was going to ask can you clarify actually so is it music what's it what's the standpoint yeah what's up it's e something emf emf or e4 okay electromagnetic frequency thank you emf ems does it does it does it like a lot of people are like oh that ex short answer no okay long answer still no so the concern of having these batteries underneath say a bed zero for me at least um i mean i mean those are three big things that are out there yeah actually that's a good point i guess uh i haven't run into it personally but i wouldn't be surprised uh we also carry this lithium battery in our pocket at all times that is so if you if oh radio frequency generators yeah if you wanted to get into the science and semantics of it you could find uh opposite opinion of what you just gave but essentially overall yeah uh yeah if you if you look around online there will be a lot of people saying they put off emf and there will be a lot of actual hard test data saying that they don't so is there actual hard test data i mean i haven't seen it i'm sure you could find it i don't actually know for fact that it's out there but i mean it would be really really easy to test okay um you don't have one of those machines do it no damn i i don't have one of those in my shop unfortunately that's okay but i would reckon that some of these battery manufacturers have that equipment and have done the testing okay fair enough well i would be curious to see actually i i can't wait to actually go to maybe lion or energy's plant to kind of yeah i i am an affiliate i should probably do that yeah before we get into your little cool thing you got here you brought us today a little present i've seen a lot of people actually do van builds not use these batteries but they use a different lithium value which we've already talked about is the tesla ah and now were we talking uh cells are we talking the power walls i've seen people actually there's a company i believe out there i don't know who it is um they actually take recycled tesla batteries and now they're starting to do van building ah is that a like recycled car pass i again i don't know all the the specs behind it i just know that people are like hey i want to take a tesla battery and put it into my van to charge my house you know out of it gotcha is that is that is that feasible is it a good idea a bad idea in your opinion um in my opinion it's more trouble than it's worth unless you have a professional doing it for you okay most people are not going to have the uh understanding of the bms's or the particular way the cells work it's a lot of finickiness like you got to really know what you're doing to approach it that way if you want to pay somebody to do it uh you can certainly get something that works uh but definitely you know now that the prices on these have come down to a reasonable point like yeah um and then this is uh i have them for 11.50 9.50 well you're for 9.50 oh yeah we have a good price sorry that was a sale we had a little while ago okay they are uh 9.99 i believe not so a thousand nine hundred okay and then battleborns are around a thousand yeah battleborn's around a thousand that's pretty standard my affiliate code gets you some discounts and we're gonna take this guy down oh you didn't need to make it seem so heavy i know let's put it down let's put it this way what i just did with this battery there is no way i'm picking up a 200 amp hour gel oh no just now wait i just did that i used to work for a battery company i did that all the time and i am glad to not be doing it anymore how's your back uh it's fine now this is an all-in-one unit this is now what you guys are selling yep we just got these in literally i think three days ago i got them in i've been testing them kind of pushing them through their tests and uh they have been performing exactly as expected which that's what you always want so these are an all-in-one unit meaning it's got an mppt charge controller in there it's got a thousand watt inverter in there this particular model has an 1800 watt-hour battery in there which is about 150 amp hours at 12 volts so that is a lion and a half with an inverter with a charge controller plug and play you can plug your solar in and be charging up plug your you know usb plug your ac equipment in so just out of curiosity yeah let's find out could i use a induction cooktop uh you could probably use one of the single burner ones um oh just under 40 pounds just under 40. that's super manageable uh surprising that strong yeah um yeah so you were saying can it can it power an induction uh it can power the single burner most double burner induction stoves are going to run around 15 to 1800 watts so you won't be able to do both uh you probably also won't be able to boil water with one of these most electric kettles are about 1500 okay but so what are we looking at for wattage on this a thousand watt thousand i mentioned it briefly but yeah thousand watt inverter uh that will do all your like smaller appliances so a small microwave it would handle blenders blender most blenders should handle nutribullet it definitely would is there a surge on it uh the third i've seen uh we got it to surge up to about 1300 okay cut off and you're telling me that that this guy has one and a half of these yep wow that's a lot of power that's exactly what you're telling me that's a lot about inverter plus yep so instead of uh this is why uh we're starting to move towards this um because why would you build and assemble like a five piece thing if all you need is this however i know that a builder is gonna have something to say well actually this is why i have these two where i would follow with if you need anything beyond what these can do that's when you really want to go this is an awesome weekend very exciting thank you or something else you could put in a truck or a car or a crx mini ghost or uh whatever you want to do along those lines but when we're talking a full power house system yes then we're going to build yeah if you're going to live out of it this isn't going to do it for you you're going to go out for the weekend it's going to be plenty yeah now you actually have hooked up commercial grade panels for this yep yep so technically this is a i guess i'm gonna throw another company out there this is a goal zero on steroids um yeah it's uh the blue eddies are really popular right now it's a lot like the blue eddies okay um but yeah goal zero on steroids well the blue headies are called zeros on steroids yeah i mean i i it's not that i don't like the gold zeroes i just think that these are better yeah it's kind of like what they are right and it's kind of like i don't i don't dislike battleborn i just like the other two batteries we had up here more that's all what are you selling these guys for uh this one is the 1800 watt hour model we're selling those for i believe 12.50 1250. cool 50. so a little bit lower than the other guys online 2400 watt hour version comes in at uh i think 17.50 maybe 1800. does that have a bigger inverter it does not unfortunately they're both a thousand watt it's just the battery size is different and then the size obviously is going to be bigger uh yeah it's a little bit longer oh it is a little longer a little heavier but i think the same height and roughly the same also a cool thing with these is you can take it down to the beach yeah plug in your sound system yeah i mean oh yeah uh pure sine wave so you'll be able to run audio equipment just fine let me ask you this can you daisy chain them uh yes we did really yeah so we were uh explain what daisy chained okay so what we did um we plugged one in plug two more into that one to charge those two off the one while it was charging okay um and i mean two beat out ones so they would have discharged it but i've heard that you're not supposed to daisy channel but i'm surprised you probably shouldn't like i wouldn't really do it in practice but like we had to test them in everything it's just for all those geeks yeah big time nerds before we end this video that's something we didn't really talk about which is uh the solar your panels going into these batteries are super important you know you just said 40 volt solar panels uh they make smaller solar panels that are typically uh they bring in one um the smaller ones you can get are usually like 100 to 180 watts okay and those that would equate to like 10 to 15 amps at 12 volts okay but yours are saying you they that you that you bring in more or something like that one of my 360 panels should hit about 30 amps on a good day just in comparison it just charges your your batteries faster uh yes uh so the real world example one of these uh 360 watt on full blast uh should charge it up to full in i think six hours okay um all right guys when we finish this video off you guys want to say anything else other than um i don't know if you guys want to say anything i do want to add uh those units there i can power a saw with them oh we didn't run that oh yeah we have a saw but we didn't run it yeah i'm not too worried about it okay just trust me that they can do it you can do all sorts of crazy can you run a hand saw can you run a table saw uh probably not too much that might be a little bit too much yeah what happens if you do run too much we'll explore um no it'll just say no it'll just kind of pop but then it'll just come right back on i have a four battery system so 420 amp hours in my van and i can run table saw on it i can run pretty much all of my saws on it oh you have a 3000 watt inverter i have a 3000 watt inverter yeah i um in my my van that i sold i had also four of these i had a 3200 watt inverter um and i had a friend of mine build an entire van off-grid yeah oh yeah in 22 days i believe it he ran table saws he charged all of our batteries um and he needed my i sat there and i didn't really help and uh yeah it worked out great so it is possible to run power equipment with the proper equipment yeah okay yeah if you're trying to run a construction crew i'd talk to me or mark for custom design yeah there you go yeah could you build like a like almost like a rolling construction work that's actually what i've done you've done it yeah in a trailer or a van a van cool very cool my van was gearing towards doing remote builds and then i bought a shop i bought a shop that can fit 20 vans into it so uh and a boss uh guys thank you guys so much for for doing this for me thank you i appreciate you guys i where can we find mark nomadic customs at instagram or nomadiccustoms.com thank you and nomadic is with a k with a k because dare to be different dare to be different uh john uh you are not the owner of the company but where do you work uh i work for light harvest solar uh we're located in st john's right near the cathedral bridge uh you can find us online at lightharvestsolar.com or uh even better just get in touch you can email me email me at uh john whiteharvestsolar.com that is john with an h um so guys give them a call give them the looks um you know don't try about mark's phone has gone off twice during this so he's probably clients calling you left and right sorry buddy i love it i think that's a another thing that i kind of wanted to close with is the reason why um i think jared has chosen certain people to affiliate himself with and then also is just quite honestly because we have fun doing what we're doing yeah and we have a passion for it and because it's not just a job because we actually geek out about the science of all this stuff again that's why you would want to seek a professional out and so that you can get the information because you know that it's going to be not have any motivations behind what that information is being given out for thank you thank you we will see both of them plenty of more times as my videos progress mark can you build another advantage another tour please dude i've got five being built right now so we're one that's literally right behind us right now yeah and uh hopefully we'll never have to take a tour down again oh yeah why are you gonna bring up a sore subject man why do you gonna do that man uh we do ship nationwide so if you need a whole panel set up with all the goods and works give us a ring internationally no definitely not okay uh needs enough might be able to do canada once the borders open back up but okay right now anything overseas we can't okay fair enough fair enough what about you you want to drive it up to canada for us i would love to go to canada let's go man i just want to drive somewhere i'm really tired of looking at you i mean i was tired on day two all right guys we'll see you guys next time later thank you [Music]
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
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Id: Fi1sDebwqFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 54sec (2334 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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