Why learn Python as a DevOps Engineer | Python for DevOps

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i saw a lot of messages and questions from you guys about why a devops engineer needs to know python it seems like there are only vague answers to that on the internet so with this video i want to give you clear answers to the following questions why is python so popular in general why is python demanded in devops specifically what is python used for in devops giving you specific examples how much python knowledge you need to have as a devops engineer and finally how to get started with python what is python and why is it so popular first of all python is a programming language just like java or javascript python compared to other languages has two very big advantages first of all it's easy to learn it has a simple syntax and it's very easy to set up and get started with for example compared to java where you need some initial configuration before you can even start your application but it's equally or even more powerful than java now what makes a language powerful or how can i say that python is more powerful well that comes from the ecosystem which means libraries and modules that python developers themselves develop but also external developers create and maintain so the more people adopt the language the more powerful it gets because new libraries and so new functionalities get added to it and the second advantage is that it's flexible now what does a flexible mean in this case what makes a language flexible it is easy to mold to your wishes so you are not limited or restricted by the language specifics like syntax or data types or some other constraints you can extend python widely and as one of the results of this flexibility python also became a multi-purpose language meaning it is used for many different categories like data science web development machine learning and for devops to write automation scripts now if you check the devops engineer job descriptions you will see that more than 90 of them include python as a requirement so why is python so popular and demanded for devops jobs why not a different programming or scripting language for example actually it's because of the characteristics i mentioned before that it's flexible simple and easy to read yet very powerful now let's get more specific first of all python does not need to be compiled and built like java for example which makes developing in python fast and painless so it's perfectly suited for simple scripts to execute simple tasks second python is very lightweight it does not require a huge run time like java does so it's super easy to install and run the third reason is that python syntax is very simple it almost reads like pseudocode now why is that important because it makes it easy for people who didn't write the script themselves to read and understand the code so they can also work on it and this makes python scripts much more maintainable compared to best scripts for example and compared to bash scripts or powershell scripts python is platform independent meaning it can run the same on linux windows or mac os and finally another reason is that python has many great libraries to automate devops tasks and again it's because of its large community libraries are great because it means that instead of writing everything from scratch you can make use of other people's code and build on that so these are basically all the reasons why python is one of the primary technologies used for devops tasks now let's see specific examples of what python is used for in devops you as a devops engineer will be working with many different tools and trying to combine them that's really the specifics of a devops job compared to others you need to know a lot of tools to build devops processes like ci cd infrastructure preparation and management monitoring and so on to give you some specific examples automatically update jira ticket information after jenkins build has run successfully or automatically trigger jenkins jobs on some events that happen during software development process sending notifications to right team members on specific events when something happens in the system in the deployment environment or even cicd pipeline like build failures or application errors etc maybe doing regular backups of your nexus or jenkins servers or your application databases cleaning up old docker images from the servers to free up server space etc so these are examples of tasks that devops engineer may need to do at work and these things are complex with lots of small details and lots of repetitive tasks so you at some point would want to make your own life easier and to make these processes more efficient and make less mistakes so you would want to automate these tasks so more automation and less manual work for you in addition to that you may need or want to create automation scripts or small programs for your team for developers and testers and operations etc to solve some of their problems and this could be a really cool part of your job actually i know i am excited when i can create programs that automate stuff that developers or testers or even it project managers have been doing manually in the company the whole time and now you come to the rescue and make their lives easier too so now you see how useful python knowledge could be for a devops engineer and how it can help you in your devops job but also make you more valuable at your work and for your entire team now let's look at the question how much programming and python knowledge you need to have as a devops engineer you do not have to know all the details of the language and you do not need to be able to design or implement huge and complex software applications or create some fancy websites with it what you need is to be able to automate tasks that you or your team members would otherwise do manually like monitoring doing backups and cleanups etc to be able to do that you'll need to be familiar with the basics of python things like the basic syntax the data types being able to write simple logic knowing how to use modules and libraries etc there are a lot of advanced programming concepts like object oriented programming inheritance or parallel programming as well as python web frameworks and these are nice to know things but they're not essential to your job what's more important is that you should be comfortable with package management and integrating third-party libraries or working with apis for external applications like cloud providers and so on so now you might be asking yourself how you can get started with learning python well i actually have a free complete python course on my channel in which you can learn the basics of programming in python like syntax and data types using modules and packages etc but after you've learned the basics of programming in python it's important to apply this knowledge and work on real devops tasks so you can research some examples online yourself and try to automate stuff with python to get some first hands-on experience in that or i also have a complete devops bootcamp an educational program in which you learn all the technologies you need to know as a devops engineer which also includes a module for automation with python with several cool real-life demo projects to automate some of the most common devops tasks like application and server monitoring data backups cloud automation tasks with aws and so on so if you're interested you can check that out as well so i hope this video has helped you to get a clear understanding of why you need python as a devops engineer and i hope i clarified some of your questions with that thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: TechWorld with Nana
Views: 55,461
Rating: 4.9617138 out of 5
Keywords: python for devops, why learn python as a devops engineer, why learn python, python for devops engineer, should i learn python as a devops engineer, devops engineer, python for devops beginners, techworld with nana, why should i learn python as a devops engineer, python for devops automation, python scripting for automation, python automation, python devops, python for devops examples, devops automation using python, python for devops tutorial, python for beginners
Id: 6u5NE1GiQDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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