Why Learn Figma Shortcuts (FREE Cheat Sheet)

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hey guys P here in this video I want to talk about one of the most important exercises and elements to master figma and that is learning the shortcuts now in order to make this easier for you I actually created a free cheat sheet with all of my favorite essential shortcuts for figma so that you can revise at your own pace and uh you can download it by clicking the link in the description now that being said I want to essentially take a moment to talk about this thing which I don't really see many designers focus on especially as they're first starting out in their career but in my opinion is one of the essentials that are going to differentiate you from a junior designer to a seasoned designer or lead designer because being efficient and fast in your workflow is one of the most important things especially if you're going to become a freelancer or you're simply looking to tackle and take on as many projects as you can in a given time frame now I understand at the same time that speed isn't anything but uh in my world efficiency is and uh even if uh you're not specifically looking to improve and learn all the shortcuts for just saving a few minutes here and there which by the way are going to add up in the course of months and years in terms of efficiency it's such a crucial element because it's going to make it easier for you to work in figma and uh this applies throughout all the softwares even when I was learning a webflow a couple years ago one of the first things that I actually took some time to practice was the keyboard shortcuts because I know that apart from the speed aspect it was one of the elements that would make me feel comfortable inside of the software and uh I wouldn't have to think each and every time of oh how do I do this and I have to like click into all sorts of different submenus and uh uh always uh being U just just not feeling that sense of power and control on the tool so this is one of the elements which I highly recommend you to practice and the way that I would do it wouldn't be in a big uh Sprint so take it one step at a time even practicing four five minutes a day even before you jump on a project so for example you can open up figma and uh simply do 5 minutes of exercises reviewing these keyboard shortcuts and uh really making sure that you're absorbing these Notions so that they can become second nature for you and uh make your workflow easier and again I know that this is just one piece of the puzzle so I invite you to check out my other videos on since I'm a designer with over a decade of experience and uh I'm uh doing these videos for free I have hundreds and hundreds of videos so you can learn figma from scratch uh entirely for free and uh again if you want to access this free cheat sheet going to leave the link in the description so that's pretty much it for this video highly invite you to consider learning keyboard shortcuts and master them so that you can work more fast but most importantly more efficiently and uh essentially focus on the bigger picture of a project and uh don't being limited and by the technical side of things so I hope this video was helpful if you liked it please leave a like and I'll see you with more figma tutorials very soon
Channel: Pierluigi Giglio
Views: 105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ui design, ux design, web design, designer, design
Id: 4fSMIYlbO3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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