Why Japan's kamikaze strategy failed

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In late 1944, the Allied forces were  advancing towards the Japanese home   islands. While Germany was months away  from surrender, in the Pacific Theatre,   American troops were closing in on Japan,  taking the Japanese islands one by one.  The Japanese had lost several major battles,  hundreds of men and aircraft, and they were   struggling to compete with the Allied industrial  capacity. And yet despite their heavy losses,   they were unwilling to surrender. A radical strategy emerged. Kamikaze. In the later stages of the Second World War in the  Pacific, Japan was faced by overwhelming American   naval power. Increasingly unable to make effective  air attacks against American ships, Japanese   forces turned to suicide attacks, using pilots  flying aircraft laden with bombs as improvised   missiles, in the hope of destroying Allied ships  at the cost of the aircraft and the pilot’s life.  The suicide attackers were known as the kamikaze. Their name comes from two Japanese words,  ‘kami’, meaning god, deity, or divinity,   and usually referred to the old gods  of Japan’s traditional Shinto religion.   ‘Kaze’ meanwhile means wind or air, and so  kamikaze is usually translated as ‘divine   wind’. The term was first used in connection  with the attempted Mongol invasions of Japan   in the late 13th century, when Mongol  fleets were destroyed by typhoons. In 1944, a Special Attack Force was formed,  a group of official kamikaze pilots. The   kamikaze’s significant action took place during  the Battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944.  The kamikaze’s first significant action  was during the Battle of Leyte Gulf,   which took place at sea around the Philippines  in October 1944. At Leyte Gulf, the Japanese   attempted to prevent Allied forces  from occupying the Philippines,   precipitating one of the largest  naval battles in history. During the battle, five kamikaze A6M Zeros  attacked several escort carriers. All five missed   their targets or were destroyed by anti-aircraft  fire. However, as one aircraft aborted,   they aimed instead for USS St Lo, diving into the  flight deck and sinking the carrier. It was the   first major battleship sunk by a kamikaze attack.  The following day, dozens more kamikaze strikes   were made. In total, five ships were sunk and  23 were heavily damaged by the kamikaze attacks.   After the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the Japanese  decided to expand their kamikaze strategy. But before we look at that, a quick  word of thanks for our sponsor,   World of Warships. This is strategy-based game  where players immerse themselves in naval battles. The ships are designed from historical blueprints,  and there are dozens of geographies to choose from   – including the Pacific Theatre in WW2, and  Japan’s last naval stand against the Allies. Most of the aircraft used for kamikaze strikes  are standard Japanese combat aircraft. Foremost   among them is the Mitsubishi Zero fighter. This aircraft had given the Japanese navy control   of the skies through 1941 and 1942, but by the  start of the kamikaze campaign in 1944 the Zero is   outclassed by more powerful American fighters. This particular aircraft was operated in the   Pacific and was abandoned on the island of Taroa  when it became unmaintainable. It was recovered,   as a wreck, in the 1990s and later passed  into the Imperial War Museum’s collection.  During the kamikaze campaign, around  650 Zero fighters are expended,   more than any other type, but the campaign  sees the use of a wide variety of aircraft,   even including wooden biplane trainer planes. Alongside the use of Zeros and other aircraft in  the Kamikaze campaign, the Japanese also began to   develop an aircraft specifically designed for  suicide missions – the Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka. Work begins on the design of the Ōka in 1943,  actually before the first kamikaze attacks are   made. The idea comes from a Japanese transport  pilot named Mitsuo Ōta. Initially his designs   go nowhere, but in 1944 he’s summoned to  present his design to the Japanese Navy.   From June 1944, following heavy Japanese aircraft  losses in battle around the Mariana Islands,   development transfers to the Japanese naval  arsenal at Yokosuka. Test flights begin in   October 1944, with a successful test flight  of a rocket-powered Ōka in November 1944. The IWM’s Ohka is a model 11 –  the only operational variant.  The Ohka is rocket-powered glider carrying  a large, 1,200-kilo explosive warhead.   It’s about 6 metres long and 5 metres wide.  With its rockets lit it could reach 400mph,   and in its final dive its speed  might reach as much as 575mph.  The Ohka’s rockets had limited range, and so  it had to be carried into action by a larger   aircraft, typically a twin-engine Mitsubishi G4M  bomber. Once the bomber reached the target area,   the Ohka pilot would detach himself  from the bomber, ignite his rockets,   and aim for an enemy vessel. Annie:  Once the rockets were ignited, the pilot would  fly the missile towards the target. The Oka could   reach incredible speeds, making it difficult  to counter the attack, but also difficult for   the Ohka pilot to control. Updated versions of the  Ohka were in development aiming to fix some of the   aircraft’s flaws, but these were not developed  in time, and only the Ohka-11 saw active service.  The Allied troops who encountered these  attacks referred the aircraft as Baka Bombs,   a Japanese word meaning foolish. The idea of  a suicide aircraft was an alien concept in   the West. But for the Japanese, their culture  had long understood suicide as something that,   under certain circumstances, was honourable and  appropriate behaviour. A samurai might commit   suicide in order to avoid the shame of defeat.  The kamikaze didn’t necessarily think of their   mission as one of suicide. Instead, they saw it  as fulfilment of their duty to their Emperor,   a ruler widely believed to be divine. The word Oka in Japanese means Cherry Blossom.  The cherry blossom is a popular symbol in Japanese  culture. Cherry blossom is beautiful, but its   beauty is short-lived, and soon the petals fall  from the trees, or are blown away by the wind.   For the Japanese, the cherry blossom has become  a symbol for the fleeting nature of human life. What did you think of the kamikaze?   The whole tactic…? Bloody idiots. For the  hundreds they sent out, there were only   a few that succeeded. Certainly did a hell of a  lot of damage, which you didn’t have much defence   against. But the majority of them just crashed  into the sea and that was it. They didn’t get shot   down, or they ran out of petrol, or they missed  their targets. Because they weren’t very well   trained. They were only taught to fly a plane from  here to there and that’s all they knew. And we had   so many guns on the ship. Incredible. Not  only 4mm or 5mm, but Oerlikon, pompoms and   all sorts of things. But if you’ve got  that kamikaze determined to get through,   that’s it, nothing’s going to stop him, doesn’t  matter how much aircraft fire you’ve got. The Japanese ramped up their kamikaze campaign,  but the Allied naval forces had learnt lessons   during the battle of Leyte Gulf and had  begun to prepare for the threat of kamikaze.  The Allies had a number of defences against  the kamikaze. Away from the ships themselves,   the key defence was combat air patrol by naval  aircraft, trying to intercept incoming Japanese   aircraft before they reached Allied ships.  Naval aircraft were also used to attempt   to suppress Japanese airfields, attacking  kamikaze as they took off, bombing runways,   and attacking aircraft on the ground. The Allies also used destroyers as radar pickets;   these were small warships fitted with radar.  Positioned twenty miles out from the main fleet,   these ships provided early warning of incoming  air raids. Unfortunately for their crews,   these ships were very exposed, and were often  subjected to attacks by multiple kamikaze.  Aboard ship, the key defence was  provided by anti-aircraft guns.   A large fleet aircraft carrier like the  USS Bunker Hill would carry a dozen 5-inch   anti-aircraft guns, as well as dozens of  smaller 40mm and 20mm guns. New technology,   such as proximity fuzes and radar gun-laying,  made anti-aircraft fire more effective.  Finally, there was damage control. By 1944 the  Allied navies had sophisticated and well-trained   damage control procedures. It was rare for  a kamikaze strike to sink a vessel outright,   and so a critical factor in a vessel’s  survival was the efficiency with which   a ship’s crew could extinguish fires,  repair structural damage, and restore   a ship’s systems. These measures reduced the loss  of ships, especially to fire, and also reduced the   amount of time that damaged ships would need  to spend under repair at bases or dockyards.  In October 1944, a special attack Squadron was  formed specifically to fly the Oka into battle,   the Japanese 721st Naval Air Squadron,   known as the Jinrai Butai, which translates as  Divine Thunderbolt Corps, or the Thunder Gods.  I think inevitably different pilots had  different feelings. Kamikaze pilots are   typically thought of as being fanatical zealots,  eager to die for their country and their Emperor.   It’s likely that some really did feel that  way. Others will have had more mixed feelings,   and acted more out of a sense of obligation  than enthusiasm. And not all kamikaze pilots   were volunteers; after the volunteers ran out  others were shamed or coerced into ‘volunteering’.  By late 1944, soon after the first successful  test flight an Ohka, the US forces were in   reach of the home islands. The Ohka went into  production, as the Japanese prepared for battle.  By the spring of 1945, the Japanese strategic  situation is dire. In summer 1944 US forces   captured the Marshall and Palau islands. By  November, islands like Tinian, Saipan and Guam,   are bases for US heavy bombers able to strike  at the Japanese home islands. This leads to   devastating air raids, including against Tokyo  in March, which may have killed 100,000 people.   At sea, US submarines were sinking Japanese  merchant shipping, hampering the import of   vital raw materials. On land, Japanese manpower  is being consumed in battles in China, in Burma,   as well as in New Guinea and the south Pacific.  For the Japanese, Okinawa isn’t just another   Pacific island, it’s actually part of Japan  proper, so the looming battle of Okinawa has   political and psychological significance too. The initial invasion of Okinawa took place on   1 April 1945 - the largest amphibious  assault in the Pacific Theatre. It   became the bloodiest of the battles in the  Pacific, particularly for the Japanese.  For the invasion of Okinawa, the Allies assemble  a massive invasion fleet. Dozens of aircraft   carriers, 18 battleships, two dozen cruisers  and well over a hundred destroyers and destroyer   escorts. The Allied invasion fleet has enormous  firepower, in both naval guns and aircraft.   At first American troops make rapid progress,  because the Japanese choose not to resist   the initial landings. Instead the Japanese  build immensely strong defensive positions,   particularly in Okinawa’s mountainsides. These  defences prove enormously costly to overcome.   In addition, tens of thousands of Okinawan  civilians were killed, having suffered terribly. At the Battle of Okinawa, Kamikaze  became a core part of the Japanese   naval defence strategy. And it was here  that the Ohka were brought into combat.  Around 850 Ohka were built in total,  but relatively few saw combat.  In March 1945, the Ohka flew their first  combat sortie, but it had resulted in failure. One of Ohka’s biggest weaknesses was its limited  range, and its need to be carried into battle by   a larger bomber plane. Its parent aircraft  was vulnerable to interception. In their   first combat sortie, the Japanese attacked  with 16 bombers carrying Ohka, escorted by   30 Zero fighters. They were intercepted by  two squadrons of US naval fighters, with   the loss of every single bomber and their Ohka. On the 1 April 1945, the first day of the invasion   of Okinawa, six G4Ms carried Ohkas into battle.  It’s uncertain whether any of the Ohkas hit their   targets, but the USS West Virginia was damaged.  None of the G4Ms returned. Just over a week later,   nine G4Ms and Ohkas went into battle again.  This time, a destroyer was hit and sunk – the   USS Mannert L. Abele. Over April, May and  June, numerous attacks were launched by the   Ohkas and G4MS against the US fleet off Okinawa,  alongside hundreds of other kamikaze attacks. Many   of the G4Ms were destroyed, and many  Ohkas failed to hit their targets,   likely falling victim to anti-aircraft fire. Alongside the Ohka, the Japanese continued   to fly Kamikaze missions with Zero fighters and a  variety of other aircraft and even suicide boats.  Between April and June the Japanese flew  over 400 kamikaze sorties at Okinawa.  The British Pacific Fleet also came under  fire from kamikaze attacks in the battle.   Significant damage was done to the Task Force,  but nothing debilitating. The armoured flight   decks of the British carriers meant they faired  better under these bombardments than the US   carriers’ with flight decks made of wood. Ultimately, Kamikaze missions played a   significant role in the Battle of Okinawa, but it  was not enough to turn the tide for the Japanese.  Around 350 vessels were hit by kamikaze.  47 were sunk and the rest damaged. Of the   ships sunk, none were strategically  important, and all could be replaced.   Among the damaged ships were thirty-one aircraft  carriers of different types. In some cases,   for instance to Bunker Hill, the damage was severe  enough to put the ship out of action for months.   But the kamikaze could never inflict enough  damage to derail Allied naval operations.  Nonetheless, their human toll was appalling.  The Japanese expended 2600 aircraft in kamikaze   attacks, and with them the lives of 4000  airmen. The attacks killed more than 7000   Allied naval personnel, and wounded many more. The kamikaze failed for a variety of reasons.   I think a big one is faulty assumptions. The Japanese overestimated how many kamikaze   would be able to evade Allied  fighters and anti-aircraft guns.   They overestimated the likelihood  of direct hits against enemy ships,   and overestimated how much damage a crashing  aircraft could do to a large warship. The Japanese   also overestimated how much impact the kamikaze  would have on Allied strategic decision-making;   they thought the psychological effect of their  attacks would be so demoralising that it would   reduce the Americans’ will to fight the  war to the bitter end. They were wrong.
Channel: Imperial War Museums
Views: 51,763
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Id: UvroLTbhJ50
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Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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