Why Janeway Should have Abandoned Starfleet Morality

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i thought maybe i could get some guidance from the federation charter i was hoping i'd find a loophole that would allow us to take actions we ordinarily wouldn't take any look the charter's a statement of principles not a practical document in 2371 the uss voyager was lost in the badlands with all hands on board while starfleet sent several ships to investigate it was presumed that the ship had been destroyed though no evidence ever substantiated this what had really occurred was the intrepid class had been propelled to the delta quadrant the fairly new captain ultimately decided to strand both her starfleet crew and a mockie cell in the delta quadrant by destroying the caretaker array this meant that over 150 well 150 initially at least would be stuck there with no way to get home voyager quickly absorbed the maquis into their ranks and the voyage home would begin hey voyager voyage when we first started our trip home you made a conscious decision to treat voyager as a starfleet ship with a starfleet crew following starfleet rules that's right interestingly everyone would be required to follow starfleet regulations and the vessel would still operate under federation provisions was it a mistake to force the crews to follow the rules and regulations of the federation starfleet before we get too much into this let's analyze the point of starfleet first you wish you could tell them all that this alliance will give birth to the federation established by the federation charter starfleet is both the scientific and military arm of the united federation of planets starfleet ships would primarily be utilized for science but come to the defense of both member worlds and non-member worlds alike at least as the need would arise we don't know everything in the charter but we do know that it does encompass starfleet's general orders and regulations which includes regulation 3 paragraph 12. in the event of imminent destruction a starfleet captain is authorized to preserve the lives of his crew by any justifiable means now i know it's kind of weird for me to bring that up but you may know where i'm going with this what i think this regulation empowers me to do and what i'm really asking is should chainway have completely abandoned federation ideals and starfleet regulations in order to get her crew home safely you're suggesting we abandon our principles just because we're out of hailing range captain this was the fourth attack in two weeks we've lost three crew members to the k-zone a dozen more have sustained serious injuries this ship has taken so much damage we'll be lucky to get warp drive online again and we can count on the fact that the kaizon will be back i don't think we can afford to keep doing business as usual now let's be reasonable here it's important to note that choosing to not follow starfleet guidelines doesn't mean that the crew of voyager becomes unethical choosing to not do the laws and regulations that were made with the thought that there would be some type of support system for the vessel doesn't mean that you instantly start to become a cannibal or that you kill innocent men and women so that you can survive i'm not even saying giving up all of the principles just adjusting them for an unforgiving quadrant hell janeway somewhat agrees the charter's a statement of principles not a practical document i touched on it before but quite simply when starfleet was formed they attempted to create general orders and regulations that vessels would have to follow with the understanding that while the ships were out there alone they'd still be able to contact starfleet command a ship might not come to aid someone within minutes nor even hours but hopefully within days certainly there were some instituted policies that were an attempt at guidance if this ever happened but all of them fell short however the authors of the 22nd and 23rd century could not have possibly foreseen that a ship in the 24th century would be stranded in the delta quadrant a new rulebook and a new game plan needs to be forged at least if we care about getting everyone home safely oh the almighty temporal prime directive take my advice it's less of a headache if you just ignore it throughout voyager's travel they would lose at least 37 people that never would see home however it wasn't the first 37 that seemed to bother janeway at least not to the point of her going crazy any final words of advice for your old captain wait don't tell me i'm being impulsive i haven't considered all the consequences it's too risky thanks for the input but i've got to do what i think is right it would be the death of jakote and the degradation of tuvak that would push her over the edge after following the rules for years on end and getting voyager home the captain would be broken at the loss of her tactical officer at least his mind as well as her executive officer janeway now an admiral would still bore technology that allowed her to go back in time and alter history even she couldn't live under starfleet's policies and regulations so with that in mind what should have been done you're suggesting we abandon our principles just because we're out of hailing range captain the ship has taken so much damage we'll be lucky to get warp drive online again and we can count on the fact that the kaizon will be back i don't think we can afford to keep doing business as usual well in my opinion janeway should have completely abandoned starfleet regulations and morality while i don't know about individual alliances certainly being friends with a kaizon seemed a bad idea discussions and negotiating peace and the ability to traverse space unencumbered through trade of technology knowledge and culture isn't unreasonable when a situation presents itself that puts them in danger then looking at how the maquis had dealt with superior enemies and keeping a low profile seemed to have value certainly janeway did this sometimes in the end star trek voyager shows us that no one can possibly follow starfleet policies and survive at least not while on the other side of the galaxy hell arguably you couldn't even keep the spirit of the federation if you wanted everyone to get home but again all of these are my opinions what are yours let me know in the comments below don't forget to rate comment subscribe and guys remember all of our lives are a story make yours a good one [Music] [Music] hmm
Channel: Lore Reloaded
Views: 27,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Lore Reloaded, Lore Master
Id: jS0tx3E8tE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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