Why Is There SO MUCH GOLD Underwater Here?!

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the best gold on this creek is in the water this is awesome i just moved all these big rocks out of this little zone right here i just found a really nice one right behind this rock here good morning or good afternoon everyone welcome if you're new here my name is paulie your weird host so my plan of attack today is to get in the wetsuit and go underwater because it is so hot today it's about 30 degrees which translates to about 2 000 fahrenheits the water is really low today which means i can get to the deeper spots but it also means it's going to be very very murky but also i found the best gold on this creek is in the water anyways that's enough wasting time let's get in the wetsuit and see if we can find some candy all right now where should i begin okay so i just jumped in right here i can see bedrock right there and bedrock right there so i know there's going to be a gully so i just did a cut right in here to see what i find i found a heavy piece of iron stone this isn't gold but i mean it's just it lets you know that heavies are dropping so i just kept fanning and i found our first little piece right down there [Music] so for the first little while it might be a little bit hard to see because of the reflection from the sun but it will get better [Music] that was awesome i love getting that kind of stuff on tape we just found a little nugget and because of refraction everything looks bigger [Music] underwater yes i have tweezers not a nugget but a little picker cool it's so hot out i don't even need gloves but i'm noticing i'm starting to cut my hands so i might put them on in a little [Music] bit uh i'm seeing a lot of gold down there so what i'm going to do is just spend some time cleaning this whole area out so that i don't keep running into the problem where dirt is falling back into the hole i got a lot of work to do but uh it will be worth it so this is probably the most physically taxing thing you will do when you're sniping for gold [Music] also the easiest way to make a mess i would just like to point out that there are plenty more crevices than there is gold if that makes sense so there's not always going to be gold in a good-looking crevice but it's always worth cleaning it out just in case so i just went down as deep as i could go and there was absolutely no gold so i want to move up this way and see if i can find anything up top so what i'm doing right here is moving all the overburden in front of me down below me where i've already cleaned out it makes it so much easier to move ahead when doing that i tried so that is awesome another nugget so somebody either went down here and cleaned it out or the gold just hasn't traveled that far yet and i'm finding it right now that piece won't fit up the snuffer a good sign that there's gold around this is awesome i just moved all these big rocks out of this little zone right here and i'm already seeing some more pieces of gold now all the big rocks that i'm taking out i'm trying to fill in a line right here to try to increase this water pressure so i can help me move most of this stuff out of the way [Music] so it's a good sign when you find rocks that are stuck in crevices like this it typically means that it was not cleaned out yet at least in a long time it's been about 20 minutes and i've gotten from down there all the way up here and i just found another piece of gold finally it's not a bad looking piece either [Applause] that stuck in the straw too oh it's actually stuck in the straw oh there we go [Music] i know it doesn't seem like that long but it's already been a few hours i cleaned out the spot to the best of my ability i think it's time i put on my gloves and float on downstream [Music] [Music] oh that hurt way more than i thought it would that's stupid i just found a really nice one sitting right behind this rock here [Music] all right biggest nugget of the day so far let's continue it's really murky right at the bottom of this crack here so i'm going to spend some time clearing all this out of the way and then i'm just going to start blowing it and hopefully find more [Music] now because gold is heavy every time you fan it like this it will sink deeper and deeper so you just have to go slow i can't see anything i wait for it to clear up a bit and sometimes you don't have to do any work at all to find it and other times you put in a tiny bit of effort to get a lot in return [Music] i don't care how long this takes i am getting it all [Music] not bad i could see some yellow from up top here is it gold we'll see [Music] oh look at that all right [Music] okay so i want to call it the end of the day but it's still light out and i'm a little bit hungry but i'm not bad so i'm just going to call it a little break we are actually doing really well i'm just going to dump out the gold and show you what we're looking at see if i can do this with one hand oh yes yes that is so good oh my goodness yes we're looking good we're looking really good guys that's good candy so i have a choice to make i can either go way upstream or go way downstream and there's actually no right or wrong answer it's just as long as you're in the water and you're moving material and you're just following the bedrock your chances are just as good as uh just pretend i said something really relevant and it made your life better all right that was a long enough break time to get back in and see if we can add to the candy count so so i'm at the very edge of the river and i can see this little crack that runs along this the side here so i'm just going to clean this out and then after this i'll probably call it a day again i know it's kind of bright and hard to see but it is very shallow here and i'm doing my best right away a little pizza gold [Music] it's so shallow it's really hard to film [Music] it's really hard to work here but i am finding a lot of little pieces of gold so it's worth it but i am getting exhausted all right that is it for me let's see back at the helmet okay so before i show you the gold i just want to announce that i have some new merch available in the store which includes all kids sizes a new batch of stickers and also some vehicle decals which inevitably means that your car will go faster now here's the gold that we found at nature's candy store i am super happy with this it's not every day you get to ride a pony through the city of atlantis wielding a flaming sword with your shirt off or in this case find this kind of gold in the river so let's begin by weighing our biggest piece five ounces obviously 1.34 grams and for the rest 4.25 grams so 4.25 grams is probably only enough to buy like a lamborghini or something silly but nothing really that is it for this video if you enjoyed it please let me know by leaving a like or commenting on the video and if you like what you see i have plenty more on my social media and other videos that i've previously posted now my arm is getting tired and i'm getting really hot in this weather so it's time for me to jump back in the water so i can cool off [Applause] thank you for watching thank you so much for your support until the next one black screen with oh that hurt logo more than i thought it would
Channel: PioneerPauly
Views: 92,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to snipe for gold, how to find gold, find gold, gold, nugget, nuggets, sniping, underwater, crevice, crevicing, scuba, diving, dive, panning, pan, mining, prospecting, bedrock, finding, treasure, treasures, river, dredge, dredging, nice, placer, goldrush, rush, metal, detecting, detector, detect, goldbug, bug, mine, sluice, sluicing, money, minelab, hunting, relic, relics, adventure, british, Columbia, bc, collection, rare, jewelry, video, pioneerpauly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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