Why is the West Coming to Islam? - Sheikh Muhammed Auwal

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a word of hope a call to every woman and man alight until the end of time this is Islam oh sui-lan rajim bismillahi rahmani raheem was Allah la ilaha to me MBI l-mursaleen Veronica limited Madara being an e by denying in the ramen ramen in alhamdulillah Allah Z had an ally has a warm up kannada nathalia and neva who suddenly wanna Sundy and Mustafa sandal owari wa salim rahamallah mina my afar Abimelech anna was it now Alma l'homme arabic allah had acidity is terribly a maria 10 min designee of : we thank allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala for this way of life for this islam I did not been for Allah's guidance you and I will not have been in position to get ourselves into this and so all praise belongs to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the nourish our sustainer the evolved are the Mulder the shipper of or the walls may piston present of Allah be upon the last and final messenger muhammad sallallahu Salam he's also them companions and all those who follow him until the end of time my dear president Salam I bring you greetings forms I tuned to our Institute a think tank Research Center in Washington State United State of America and I'm here to deliver some few talks in Abuja this is my first lecture you know in this great nation of mine of how I see Allah and the topic given to me why is the West coming towards Islam why is the West coming towards Islam in spite the fact that even though Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world yet it is the most misunderstood religion in the world so the question that intellectuals are asking is that why is the West coming towards Islam well the West is coming towards Islam because the West think the reason they rationalized the process information before they accept so the West is coming to Islam because the West have tried so many way of life they've tried communism communism is not working it didn't work they've tried social system it didn't work also the West have tried social democratic system it is not working so the West is forced by natural inclination to look for the next alternative and that alternative is Islam the West is looking for a spiritual upliftment materially the West is good when it comes to material advancement the West is good but spiritually the West is bankrupt and so that natural import mechanism that Allah have infused in mankind to realize the one and only God that deserve to be worship which in Islam we call the fitra that Keturah is an innate it is awakened and the West is actually blind looking for a way out spiritually and so when they come in contact with Islam they accepted Islam hands down the West is coming towards Islam because Islam have the answers for a problem that is involved in the West see I live in America for 32 years I still live in America I came last few weeks and I travel all over the place and I deliver lecture on Islam and other religion and you know presenting Islam a different level before I begin my talks let me give you about my wife in America a white woman that's my wife well I used to work in a prison you know in a hospital few years ago I went you know in a hospital and I worked only in the weekends the week days ago I traveled all over the place in prisons and I delivered the talks about Islam and so this lady was hired in the facility I don't know so when I came to work on Saturday I saw a paper lying on the table in my office that a lady have been you know employed so we did a few seconds she came in the office and I was sitting down and she asked me I knew the other the provides I say yes are you the new stuff she said yes all right so I took her to wear to work I show her what to do once I'm done doing that I came to the office as I was in the office sitting down doing my word she came in when she came in it was time for supper and I was doing my salon I put my salon doing my salon in the office and she popped in and she saw me doing salad going up and down and she waited as I was praying when I'm done with my salat she came and she said mr. Mohammed I said yeah she said are you a Muslim I said yeah she said Jesus love you she said Jesus love me I said I love him too Mayra part if you see him tell him I say hi no problem and she said I'm serious man you worship Muhammad worship no Muhammad I worship Allah Mohammed is a prophet just like you and I the difference is he received revelation by virtue of that he become the leader of mankind that's all but we don't watch it Muhammad and she was all over on me so she went outside and she brought a New Testament a small New Testament she's trying to save my soul she gave it to me and in my head I said you don't know who you dealing with if she know who she's dealing with she wouldn't give me a new testament because it is in my head so what happened was I took him I didn't say anything so on Sunday she came again and she brought me a little pamphlet you know about Christianity and stuff I took him and I just laughs and I went home the following week you know he told me she said mr. Mohammed I have a question for you matter of fact a request I want you to come to me to the church I said me come to church she said yeah I said all right oh I'll go she said who the holy goes I know the only good right so she'd know the Holy Ghost told her that I'm gonna accept so I did and I I dressed like this all the time in America there is wisdom in doing this see I dressed like them but I put my heart so they know I'm a Muslim but I dressed like them all right now I'm cool like that so they accepted it and so she told them that a big Muslim is coming to the church so I went to a church and the pasta was doing his thing and I was in the front and once the church thing is done they gave me two hundred dollars to buy something which in fact I was broke that day you know so I took the money it came at the right time I need to buy some food stuff I'm broke I say Allah a little mo sub table as Bob Allah he does things that you don't stand so on the way going we went home I drop her off and I went home and the following week I said look I want you to come to the Masjid with me he said no no no no I can't go and pray to no man's Jay I prayed to God Almighty to Jesus I said fine I went to the church I didn't become a Christian you come to the Masjid don't have to be a Muslim see what's going on so okay I'm gonna go one I said just once so she came the following week Friday we went to the Masjid and look at what Allah did see in in our Masjid we have three Imams that is America Imam for Tahiti we have the amount for Hadees and Syrah and then we have the Imam people like me who specialize on comparative logic signs and you know thinking stuff so that day I wasn't doing the salat it was somebody else was doing the salat but Allah in his wisdom he got stuck in the traffic he couldn't come to the Masjid so he was late so they came to me I made this okay next week I'm oh man guys the guys late so I just write something and I went in the ladies they stay in the back they have a big television screen they could see the Imam so the lady I brought here she was with assistants but she saw me all of a sudden standing to be an imam and because of her I say you know what I'm going to talk a topic the mission of Jesus the mission of Jesus I'm gonna use the Quran the Bible and logic so I use it and masha'Allah once I'm done she came outside excuse me what way were you and Christian before you became a Muslim I said I said so how come oh my god so who are you I said well let's talk so we talked a little bit well she went home to cut it short within two weeks I'm home and the phone rang I picked the phone she say hello Isis walaikum asalam and she said what's the Mohammed I said yeah she said um I want to be a Muslim I said why she said because it makes sense I said what do you mean it makes sense he said because it makes sense I said what do you mean she said well it just makes sense she she kept saying that she that's the fitara they don't know that's why Allah said you are the best of people chosen for mankind come to higher omote or Gelinas to a more honorable man aroof was an honer Adam monitor you the Muslim are best of people chosen to lead mankind then Allah said were like in acts Arunachala alla moon most of mankind didn't know Islam they don't know we'll read this in the Quran all the time were like an ox Arunachal I alimony most people do not know even though Islam is the fastest growing religion but they don't understand Islam they don't know what it is the thing is bombing the thing is all the be the thing is ladies clever enough the thing is all angry that's what they think so it's about time that will change the style of our propagation you've got to change it man you should change it Islam is soft it's natural it fits in any community in any culture that's Islam but if you become rigid that's when people begin to UM Island they hate themselves on Islam so why are they coming to Islam because Islam have all the answers for mankind that is why at the beginning Allah he said to Muhammad Allah's Salam : tell them like in dictum at an interval age in Allah and yeah to be missing the hosel Quran la a tuna be Mozilla he won open a Bardo home liberalism Hira if the whole of mankind and jinn were to come together to bring a book like the Quran they will never be able to do it think of this ayah we roast it like that no no man we don't talk like this the whole of mankind and jinn why would Mohammed make such a huge challenge that's a very deep and serious challenge in other words whosoever gave this Quranic verses have a mind that is beyond human conceptualization yes because we don't talk like that whole mankind and jinn what kind of talk is that that means it's a serious talk the Arabs they were listening what did they do when this ayah came nothing they say what work I do la esmeralda has al-quran 1 go feel a deadly wound they say don't listen if Muhammad read the Quran make some noise in between so that you will papa hand that's weak argument this week they can solve the problem then Allah was watching them to see if they will bring something will supersede the Quran they couldn't do it then Allah reduce it from the whole of mankind and jinn he said Emir Arun after a bullet to be a shear azulon mr. keema hirato do this a Muhammad forged the Quran all right tell them to bring ten surah 4 G like the Quran if they expected the truth did they bring it they could do it one year before the messengers Allah's Salam left the earth Allah reduce it again what in Kentucky Arabian - Anna Anna Abdullah fact to be surah to me miss Li what Russia over the apartment owners law in co2 side again for ill until a new one enters a new particle morality okuru hotness or Gazzara or a dead del carro Allah said if you are in doubt as to the message we've given our apostle then bring one sure at this time one and bring your witness if you are speaking the truth and Allah says you cannot do it you will never be able to do it if that's the case let them prepare themselves for a fire whose fuel is men and stone men like Bob Marley Michael Jackson Madonna this man will be fooled they are destroying mankind going naked and the people are accepting it I was giving a lecture in Ghana yesterday this guy came into the Masjid and he had his pants you know like this sagging it's walking so I said look man get out of my mosque I'm you can listen to me if you want to dress like this get out of my most man so he left later he came back apologizing I said do you know where you get this sagging this pant walking like this do you know where he said well I was assessed I see I work in the prison system I have six prisons in United States I visit all over that's my job I traveled to hospital United States secondary school University I debate Idol everything and why this style of dress sagging you with your pants no belt senior debt on the way I don't want to see no deity on the ways but that's what they show what will they get it from in the prison system because in America sometimes they give you like 2500 years in jail or 7810 to five days and a few hours in jail or eleven thousand years or one day or whatever they do that and so those who get like hundred days or hundred years they can't come out the inmates so they don't have nothing so the young guys that come into the prison system they take their belt and Kimmy your belt man they take their belt by force and so the guys don't have belt so they walk like crabs out like this so that's that's it developed in the prison system so when it came out they begin to walk like this and it became a star andrea imbibing is subhanAllah they are trying to put us in Hellfire they have nothing but to look for Islam there is a man in America by the name of Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart is the telly evangelist one of the biggest evangelists in America today Jimmy SWA that ministry you know he debated Sheikh Mohammed II dad in the year 1988 those of you who know so Jimmy Swaggart he wrote a book and the books name is the dark stain of American society that dark stain of American society in that book Jimmy Swaggart said America or America if God did not punish you then God must go back in time and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah say if God God must punish America and God if you didn't pony's America you have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah for what you did to them because America is worse so they're looking for a way out they don't know Trump well before I speak about Trump is there in the CIA or FBI hey I want to be sure I want to make sure that I'm cool you know I don't to be arrested when I go back to JFK you know I'll just make sure just raise your hand let me see your hand I mean we're not gonna tell nobody just raise your hand all right no CIA it means I can talk freely I'm home we could talk and risen amongst ourself and so in America today we buy churches our church our musty today used to be a church huge Muslim big the church people they let it go because nobody's come to church no more people are thinking now at the age of technology globalization people are listening so God was born by somebody else and God go to the bathroom and he eat and he was in the womb of some woman and God man they can't take it no more so most of them are becoming agnostics or Gnostics or these or atheist of three thinkest most of them they are live in the church they become in three thinkest they said no man there's no God because if this is the story of God how he was born so God is a racial God like I'm a full on ebuy tribe so God is a Jew why would God be a Jew why would God be a white man or a house' of Fulani why would God take a race man it doesn't make sense it doesn't make sense so people are realizing that in the get an out of people are coming out of Christendom by Hector tontz and Islam is the fastest growing religion because people are looking for the way out and so we step into the play that is why Trump said ban the Muslims he didn't say ban the Jews or the Christian or a you know the Austrians or at our ism or Hinduism and Buddhism know the Muslims why if they are talking about you that means you are a force to reckon with you as somebody powerful they know you and struggling block anytime that somebody's fighting you fighting you check yourself you ask you are something very special and so that's what it is but yet there are children are becoming Muslims in universities in colleges people are coming to Islam because Islam is exposed on internet people go online and they check what Islam is all about and they realize that what they hear on television on CNBC on CNN and other media outlet it is a scam it is not true it is something why should I learn Islam from the television why should I learn Islam from Sheikh Google why why would I just go and learn from somebody a Jew wrote about Islam on internet and I'm gonna learn from that so if you wanna learn Islam you come to the Muslim and so we are stepping onto the plate we travel all over the place all over the United State across South America even into Europe and will present Islam and there is no way we go and deliver a message without people 10 Islam sometimes in the in the jail we go to jail in America five times a week this top is from five time they give us three times in a week then eventually they reduce again now we go only twice but everybody goes five times so we ask why they say well any time you guys come to jail you cause trouble the trouble is people are reverting to Islam one like that the truth sometimes we go to jail and people make a long line from here all the way down without even earth saying nothing so so this a guy who care a white guy mchugh tall guy he became a Muslim I said man what I wanna be a Muslim so I read so many books man but the Quran man the Quran telling you man yo you know but that's that's not the truth a firm on Shara Allah who said that who Lily is allowed for who are innumerable if Allah loves you when I give you ten million dollars he open your path and infused Islam in it one line this Islam will have to be proud this is how I dress in America I am proud with my religion because if you stop me I can defend my religion not fighting intellectual I can present facts on different angles to dissipate whatever they are thinking and solidify the truth of Islam no problem at all so I'm proud of this religion so when he became a Muslim he said Sheik you know what shake that shake ya say excuse me Sheikh say what he said I want a name that's okay what name you want I want to be called Abdul jihad Abdul jihad the guys you were to go man he just ready it's like ma'am come on man just tone it down it's no up dude you had you up to Salaam of the lumen of the Razak of the love you know but you can't up do jihad is a concept in Islam so you can be the seven of jihad I don't know where you get that from but he just loved to be jihadist but Islam don't take it away in it so we have to recoil his ideas make him understand that is jihad is a tenor of Islam and it's a concept that we use depending on how we use it so he understand what Islam is all about so the people are come to stop in 2013 there was the Beijing conference I think some of you might remember 2013 women all over the world went to Beijing in China to address the walls of the women they want to talk about women and they talked they took the pilot project in Islam they said in Islam you see even women relegated to the backdrop even in Salah we're supposed to be for God the Islam Allah women all the way in the back see Islam doesn't like women they cover themselves you see Islam doesn't like women inheritance they give the men to and the woman one you see it slumbers a lot woman they pack I was so many you know information about 50 of them so they dwell on that and the lecture was seven days in Beijing women all over the world conference in the the pilot project was women in Islam the inheritance they were saying whatever they I want to say they think they have it but you can't be an Islamic scholar if you know they're Muslim you should have that certain knowledge to become Islamic scholar or advocacy people are not Muslim but they are trying to read what the Koran said you know without going to the background and that's what they think so now they say in prayers which is supposed to be from to Allah the women are in the back so women don't have a position in Islam so we answered them I couldn't go to the conference but I went on internet and I wrote a very strong you know rebuttal on that one and among other things I explained to the leaders of that community that you see the reason why women relegated to pray in the back in the backdrop hooray we recover so they don't get the mixture I said before I start telling you the problems that Allah he knows already last year only last year the Vatican they expend two billion u.s. dollars to settle cases between the altar boys and the bishops that whatever they do to this young children between the bushes and the Cardinals and the nuns the so-called nuns they're not going to get married because Mary didn't get married DC the bishop are not going to get married because Jesus didn't get married but yet they are not Jesus you have to satisfy that human the human you know or film that Allah indebted in you but yet look at what they do to the children they become lesbians and gays and too many problems so last year alone the Vatican spent two billion US dollars to settle cases of molestation that is number one I told you in Islam that case even if it exists is negligible it doesn't even exist even though if it exists is zero zero zero point zero one maybe percent so in English we said is negligible it is nothing you can even compared to other you know religion that is number one number two imagine our mode of prayers see how we mix a lot in just two this lot imagine if I'm doing the salat and sister Miriam is standard on my side and since the Habiba is on my left and sister Hafsah is in front of me imagine I'm Darryl Neher of Enid I mean Eric Martin running a leaky omitting love opera good so I'm worried what I want to let you do it Allah he knows and then when I say Allah Akbar you see the woman have that softness when it touches me now I'm thinking is she the Akbar or Allah is the adverb well she's so soft man I can push him doing doing you know at the shot do you know you could just in client always Demi live because they're too soft and they could take your man out of the prayers Allah he knows he gave it the arrangement natural arrangement in The Messenger Muhammad SAW Allah is Allah he said the best role for women in prayers is the one all the way in the back the best role for women because the very far from fitna from the men and the worst Road the worst is the one in the front for women conversely he said the worst road for men is the one in the back because they very close to the woman and the in the best room is the one in the front and he said if you know the blessings entails those in the front you will cast you know lot you would bet to be on that same log so this is wisdom that Allah is giving us so Islam Allah protected this religion so a white man is coming to it then he's thinking Islam is this Islam is that but once he came very close Islam we explained to him the Islamic concept he never heard that before and he began to think and that natural you know Yemen to realize worshipping Allah comes into play what lie everyone has this most Masjid in United States that is when they will come in a South Aslam they come in non best with their wives and children and Friends day from a long line on one as days is all about United States most masjid that's the time so we prepared for wednesday people accept islam they will just come to the masjid knock at the door mister man I want to be spiritual there is something that is missing in my life there's plea the truth they said there is something is that is missing in their life urine is a Muslim you pray five times a day we don't pray at all I mean I'm a Christian but I've never to chase for like 50 years I'm a Christian but I don't believe in Jesus is the Son of God I'm a Christian but I don't you know they're just nominal Christian Jesus clothes a lot but they don't go to church so they need you and I I went to America to make money one lie in nineteen in four that's when I went to America I get my visa from Kaduna I went to America and I want to get the visa there's only three people willing to get the visa three people nobody want to go to America because at that time Nigeria is higher if you give one era they give you six US dollars that's how much I change so when I was going I had four hundred dollars and I change it times five imagine naira was great there's no visa to go to America but nobody go to America they prefer to go to London England that's why they go so I went to make money and come back home and live large and chill you know but when I went to America I went looking for a job in Brooklyn you know Brooklyn New York City and I want to look for a job I couldn't get the job then I came outside they told me love man we saw him you know hiring right now why don't you give us a number we give you a call in about a week or two he does the job okay all right it's no job so I came outside I was going home then I heard the azan it's a small Masjid I went there and I did my Sephora once I'm done doing my super the Imam you know he rose up and he said those of you who have never seen Sheikh Ahmed Deedat he's here with us today I was like what did thank God I didn't get the job I'm happy I didn't get the job because Shep did that is here so he rose and he you know gave us 15 minutes lecture and he left to us you know down south after the lecture my body begins to tell me that I've got to be like this man so I was telling myself this is it I want to be a diet just like Shakira's my heart kept telling me that I don't want nothing I want to be like this man subhanAllah so when I finished I to him as a shake I want to be like you he's an old man you can't be like me I can't be like why I didn't tell him that but I was thinking he said you know what I said that he said well I said I don't know he said you saw what's your name say my name is Muhammad I would and he said my name is Muhammad Husain d-dad he said do you know anyone by the name I'm a dealer in this world do you know anyone from South Africa I said no he said well I'm unique Allah created me unique there's no second immediate and no one can be like me and he said you Muhammad a well no one can be like you you are unique I don't want you to be like me I want you to be higher than me because if you become like me look at my gray hair and everything Islam will be stagnant but if you supersede me somebody will say I want to be electric eye Muhammad I work and so that's how Islam grow so from that time after he finishes I went I follow him to South America and I stay in Durban would do that for 10 months and the program is what a half years but I was so hungry for knowledge of comparative that I did it within 10 10 months I'm done graduated I came back then I went back again that I do start doing my research and before I know I've reached this level that I'm delivering lectures all over the world my intention is different to go and I don't have money but I do travel a lot and I do deliver that's my that's what I do I talk today if you give me the whole of Nigeria what mountain of gold will lie he to give up what I'm doing me and you will have a boxing match I'm not gonna give this up I'm so happy doing this people are being changed what what is the best thing that the Quran said if you the Hadees really say if you could change one person given the alternative to become a Muslim is as if you'd make the whole walls of the columns and people don't know so why do you think the West wouldn't come for Islam we have so many you know let's just all over the universities and colleges it is open and the people are coming to Islam because Islam is so simple and let it became a Muslim she's a journalist she became a Muslim and she was interviewed they asked a look you become a Muslim today you gotta pray five times a day as too much that means you can wear no makeup you can wear no lipstick five times today Ukraine and you are a white woman how you gonna do that she said well I if I am gonna be praying thousand times a day I will do it why because I know where the praise is going I know it's going to Allah but before I don't know if it's the only goes I'm praying to Mary is the Jesus or is it three of them or am I was confused I was just following the trend but I didn't know exactly what was going on so now I know my prayer is going to Allah I am bowing down to the only one that deserved to be worship and that is Allah and then they come to us in our office they tuned our they said you guys worship Allah Allah is not the name of God Allah is the name of the muhammed sallalahu salamis god he he / true you know he make a coup and destroy all the other god of the garage and the tribe and then he elevated his god so he called allah but they forgot that in the east you know the Arab Christian in their Bible is Allah they used they were Allah they will have another name and as told them Allah is the genic generic name of Allah because the Hebrew the Assyrian they are meanings they're Arabs and the Hebrew they call their creator the hebrew called him and some call him le some call him allah some call him and some call him into him in islam we say what Allah so Allah Allah la ilaha Jesus who used to be I mean he lived in Palestine he spoke Aramaic the language of Jesus Arabic the way for the Creator is ilaha illallah la ilaha in the Hebrew writing is ilaha so we say Allah because they don't know were like in the Ox Arunachala allah moon we went to South America but about 3-4 months ago we go every year we went to the Amazon the rainforest in Amazon there we found human being that I've never seen human being before they were discovered few months ago were lying they are human being but they've never seen us never they never seen a human being before in their life they live in the jungles of the Amazon they don't wear clothes so the toll is to bring some clothing we went and brought we brought a lot of clothes we give them the clothes they put it on and they take it and throw it away and they come and touch as they just laughing at us because we have clothes on then I went and hide behind a tree and I bow down in prostration to glorify allah subhanho wa taala then the Iman that I'm a Muslim look at his people they've never known anything about Islam nobody have contact with them so the Ministry of Indian preservation in Brazil protected them they wouldn't allow us to take a picture because people use them take a picture to the film to part of the world and they make money of them say no we don't make money of them he's on a museum Islam so we had people that speak their native language and we live in that jungle for ten days trying to convince them and give them Islam which alhamdulillah the second in command leader of that community he accepted Islam so we'll take Islam we leave two people with them and we went to the next village and I was told for the past 40 is doing this we have over 500 inhabitants of the Amazon who are Muslims today otherwise they'd never seen a Muslim in their life so Allah said were like in acts Arunachala on the moon most of mankind do not know but intellectuals are active books about Islam intellectuals those who study the world those who they like world commentary they make comment on the world intellectuals free thinkers you know behaviorism human scientists they are writing books today and the same that Islam is a natural religion amongst them is George when I saw judge when I saw is the British man he wrote a book in 1886 and he called the books name they genuine Islam he's not a Christian but he's a know a white guy not a Christian he doesn't live in any religion but he study Islam and he named that book the genuine Islam now in that book George when I saw said I predict within the next 200 years England must accept Islam may Europe he predicted in 200 years he said wallahi England must accept Islam because it is a natural religion it is in clean with nature see society he is not a Muslim but he's telling people to take Islam that will solve their problem then he commented he said with our sociologist with our social scientists with our psychologists and psychiatrists and intellectuals we couldn't solve the problem of alcohol alcoholism is a serious problem in the West people are waiting for their children to get to 16 years so that they will buy them the first of champagne now they're gonna win them to drink champagne you have to have a legal age 16 they called sweet 16 so in the weekends in America it's a lot of accident all over the states young people have an accident because they drink so this man in his book the genuine Islam joint when I saw he said the problem that we could resolve the West could not solve have been solved by the Arabian prophet over a thousand four hundred years ago in the desert and he quoted the Quranic word one word in the Mohammed well Mason one unsub one Aslam who reads tomb in a MIDI Shaitaan budget and guna Allah interview he quoted this verse is a look at the verse that changed the Arab dynamics is that from that day wine was destroyed in Macan Street in Medina never to be filled again if we're going from house to house revelation have come down no more drinking really the boggle it down you're talking about miracle this is the miracle without any miracle Mohammed transformations what anime watch miracle this is the miracle no physical miracle fine but look at the people is that look at the Muslim then Mahatma Gandhi you know the leader of Indian forever freedom in his book the young India he said the more I read the biography of Mohammed Ali Salim the more I am convinced that Islam did not spread by the sword it's spread by the natural Basic Instinct embedded in the Quran which is akin to the nature of man is that these are the only thing that made people to bow down to the God they call Allah and to reform the people is the Mohammed couldn't have done all these things by himself he could have done it he said when I was reading the book the minute I get to the last chapter in the last paragraph in the last line I became so sad why because there was no more to read about this beautiful soul in the Arabian desert why I did glorify Mohammed's on the Lord asunder unless it were in the Quran Allah Allah Allah Azeem thou o Muhammad we have raised it to the highest level haven't we water for another Pacifica we have extreme view on the tongue of men they will pronounce you O Muhammad as we sit right now some nation somewhere a shadow and number Hermon is a 24 hour stem until the end of time his name is prepared to alle menschen every second as you sleep some nation is sewer or acid is a continuous who knows Abu jahil who knows oppa who know them nobody mentioned them but Muhammad his name is still so this he said in his book the young India he said this is what makes Islam whatever it is and he went on to say Mohammed have all the natural forces behind him but he never used it he's a simple man his EMA Hamid is a father he's an uncle he's a brother the ordinary man say Mohammed is a military man Mohammed is the dictator he said he say Mohammed is a prophet and a messenger but he's the prophet and a messenger without any standing army if Mohammed moved he moved men he moved thinkers he moved gods he said this is the legacy of Muhammad of Arabia but the missionary have done damage to his esteem name saying that with the Quran in his right hand the sword on his left hand he destroy mankind that's why they become Muslim and he said this is the most fantastic life they can ever say to Muhammad he said if Muhammad used on he himself would have been killed in Mecca Dina and Islam will never be known he said indeed he you thought but the sword of intellect although in a severely replica Billa jicama when Mao is a total asana what Jack didn't build that he absent invite them all to the way of allah with wisdom and beautiful speeches [Music] beautiful speeches and argue with them on ways that are gracious don't argue with them you good you go to hell because it was Jesus no we don't do that you present Islam we have all the answers so the West is coming to towards Islam I don't know some of you might have here something that happened to me last meant the last two weeks if you know that raise your hand let me see what what did he say about me you've read about me right you read about me all right so if you have read some do you know when I was coming from United State I was coming to Africa about three weeks ago and there was there was a guy black American who became a Muslim through us you know he became a Muslim so he said his wife got a baby and he wanted to go and do the naming ceremony so we went to do the name is room and they were coming home we was in the car and we saw the cops they stopped us and asked me a few questions and they asked us to come up so we come out in the ask a ID cat gave ID card and everything they look and they look at me and they asked other guys okay you guys go inside a car and go and they say you mr. Mohammed I walk you come with us I said why say we have a lunch with me I don't want to eat no lunch with you I don't want a lot to jump going home I don't want no lunch I want to go home they say no so they took me and they ask me two questions and the first question was why is it that you trying to American Islam attires America this is why just tell us why are you trying to Islam or ties America I say Aaron Duda I never explained it as nobody but I'm I'm with a Muslim evangelist that's what I am you have a Christian evangelist the Muslim even unfortunately I'm a Muslim evangelist and so I have the right word in American Constitution to propagate my mission in my religion so I don't I don't I don't I can't make a single human being to the calaboose that means up to Allah mine is to present Islam it's ok fine but do you work I said well that's my job it's about how come you travel because we noticed for the past two months you've been to about 25 different cities in America and all of this you fly you was in the air you just take a plane you go here and there who is for sorry who is your sponsor tell us how do you do that I say I don't I don't have a sponsor I wish I have a sponsor but I don't have a sponsor to travel by a and I said because anyone that want my service he gives me a call and he buy me a ticket he gave me a place to sleep and a food to eat and I come and do my job that's why I fly I can welcome here to Libya I've got to fly right say yeah it's all right the next question is we want to have access to your computers it's okay no problem I've got into high went home open my room it took my laptop my desktop my iPad everything what are they looking for to see if I have any hidden agenda they send a group here I belong to that back me up I said look what are you why doing this I've been in America over 30 years my children are 30 years in a bark in America I never destroy America today now that I look so old what am I going to do this run man come on man but if you go I promise you I promise you 99.99% you will never find nothing about me because I don't curse America i bless america I never curse America in my life in fact I don't want to see people curse in America because we live in America got Muslims millions in America so why should we care America we have Masjid our children live day and we are doing the hour so why should we kiss America the message I didn't kiss Makkah and Madinah in fact he prayed for them in pay if they were trying to destroy him the angel came down what do you what Allah asked me to push the store destroy all pay you must say you know if they didn't do the salat or a dress Aslam maybe their children will have some Aslam so Allah your name is rahama Messi allowed them and look at peeve today so I'm doing or we are doing the same thing to America I believe within few years to come because that's what they projected by a year to 2050 one two foundation and organization America this is empirical evidence they say by the year 2050 one half of Europe is going to be Islam without any bloodshed they say it is coming number one the Muslims are busy doing propagation the Masjid is filling up they are buying churches ametrine our children have followed free thinkers they become 80s because of our deeds our deeds look we don't give them napkin spiritually so the Muslim are coming and fifty thousand Muslims came last two years ago fifty thousand Muslims came to to two countries in Europe this fifty thousand people aren't to marry the Western women may be conveyed them to Islam and they had well they will have children that are Muslims and Islam is taken up Allah Hafiz way our last way is different to propagate the umma to propagate the world to become Muslims a last way is different ours is to present the case Allah he have a way whatever you thinking that is bad for you it could be or might be good for you and whatever you think is bad it could be good so when I was in the stage Tron became a president people were angry well like this the reason for that now in America people want to know about Islam because of what Trump is doing now they come to the check I mean to the Masjid they want the Quran to see why is the Muslim trying to destroy America why are you doing bomb suicide bomb base why so they come to the Masjid they want to see the mind of muhammad salallahu Sullivan that the Quran once they read that they have few questions once we answer it the next is a shadow a la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammad rasool allah so had trouble didn't make those statements they wouldn't have known there is a man in Europe by the name of maurice bucaille you have read about him maurice bucaille he wrote a book the Quran the Bible and science maurice bucaille used to be an agnostic and agnostic is someone that believed that God created this world but he removed himself away and he lived as to fend for ourselves that's at Nazism he used to be one of them in France he belonged to the Paris Club so the rate at which the Muslims are rising in France everybody's becoming a Muslim today in America what like to be a Muslim it's the new thing it's a style they see a Muslim Salaam alaikum brother man Salam a leg lava bar Salam alayka salawat Bob llahu akbar Salaam alaikum brother they hug you it's like a new thing you know he got Muslim you got a hat on love Akbar you know it's a new it's just something who does that if not Allah who does that you see them walking down the street with their coochie on you know but they are not Muslims so you're man when you become a Muslim do some salat yo man I smoke a lot of weed man you know just waiting for the right time so that man ain't no right time you the time is now man never know when you're gonna die today tomorrow or whatever so it stick Aslam I said look be a Muslim and smoke your real fun what's wrong with that just be a Muslim now smoking reefer yeah eventually you're gonna see in the salata and other moving it tab on my water they say once you accept Islam itself Islam will make you stop all these things you will stop once you begin to watch that's what we do in America the system the way we present Islam in America is differ from year 7 things we do to accept to to propagate islam it's different here you can do the same thing here because we are all Muslim if you tell a white man the Quran is from Allah you crazy what did you drink a wine or something say no this is from God I was wrong with you maybe something's loose up here something the angel came down even the angel came down physical to give Muhammad the Quran he doesn't believe that you know what he wants you want to touch it you want to see take it to laboratory analyze its Hutta get to pay general of unknown that's what they think they want to see torch and salmon cross-examine and ask then they believe well that's you and I the Quran came we believe no question how much mustard of allah we believe but they they don't not want to believe like that because they reason they think they did the analyze information they believe in analysis so maurice bucaille in france was given 50 million france to write a book and condemn islam they asked him to write a book about islam and condemn islam he said look all right I'm gonna do it but I warn the Quran so they gave in the Koran in France in the French language he read the Koran in French he said no I've got to understand the Arabic language you know what it did scientist he took the Quran in Arabic read the Englishman so he went to Yemen he stayed in Yemen for three years he steady the yamani Arabic dialects then he came to Egypt for two years he stayed in the Arabic dialect in Egypt then he came to he went to five different he spent ten years out of the ten years eight years researching the Arabic language you see how they think once he's done it took him two years to cross examine the Quran Allah he once more is bukhara was done he came to France there's a place called Messiah the Messiah's messiahs so that's why they have the head of the Paris Club is that scientists intellectuals but they don't believe in Allah that much but they don't like the waistline is taking shape this is for him to write a book and condemn Islam because it's one of the best mind in Europe if he say Islam is terrible they will accept so he's talking two years here at about whatever he research on Islam so he came back to the Paris Club like this and they were sitting down and he said I've got so many data and the work that you gave me to do he said before I tell you what I've collected about Islam I will say this to you a shadow a la illaha in the law why shall I know mohammed rasoolallah what line what is because the camera Muslim in front of his own people they get angry you know how they do they were angry he said wait wait wait who are you you scientist right they say yeah I'm a scientist too but I've got the chance for 10 years I have meta closely analyzed the Quran from step by step everything is done I'm done believe me no human being will be able to write a book like the Quran in the seventh century impossible he's a not Mohammed not the Sahaba none you can't read the information in the Quran he said for anyone to write a book like the Quran that person have to have an insightful look pilot mind how you gotta get up the body mind is there for anyone to write a book like the Quran that person has to have an encyclopedic mind which is impossible because that information in the Quran is beyond the seventh century it is beyond seven century he said the Quran is such that if it the Quran passed away passed around you you have to go and have a look a second thought he said Muhammad Coonrod the Quran and I'm a scientist and you trust me you believe in me and I've analyzed the Quran believe me he didn't read the book so they asked him who wrote the Quran he said I believe Moses Jesus Mohammed and the Prophet they came from the same school what Lonnie Moore is because so his social science people they cut him off they cut him off they took our slices then he read another book the genesis of man that where did man come from you should get that book go on the net Google maurice bucaille the books of boris book and just cook what you read that book and you will be crying the information this man is intellectual so Allah said o our Allah zina utterly alien unless the unzila alaikum replicable ha ha ha d Allah Allah those who are knowledgeable o Muhammad they will come eventually and they will know that you are on the right track and that it is Allah who sent you knowledge here for allahu ala inna Amano Milko one latina/o Delirium the regards those amongst you would Iman Allah will give you a position but men of knowledge Parishad a degree above everything knowledge is power so by virtue of knowledge the West is coming to Islam step by step by step by step and there is every reason that in a few years Islam will engulf the West there is no doubt I went to Alaska you know Alaska in America it's called very cool one will sleep in Alaska because of the cold we take the flat form from Seattle Washington we learn in Anchorage then we take another plane small plane to the interior you know of the snow area we're gonna go give lecture about Islam once we get there we take a snowmobile snowmobile is sort of like it's like a you know automobile but it's meant for the snow we go there we've seen a Masjid build wood ice well I must get there's no concrete no wood no no there's no wood no concrete and no nail it's just ice big Masjid they cut the ice Pacific Ocean they cut the ice with machine carrots thick the decade like this they make a mercy they make a member ice the the miracle is that inside the Masjid the temperature is constant I was crying man but outside is cold before we go to sleep we have to get inside a church with interns that is huge you know and we zip ourselves and we plug it to the plug for four or five minutes so we get insulated this is how cool Alaska if I touch your ears like this you're not gonna feel them you wouldn't know because if you spit by the time it falls to the ground it has become ice that's Alaska we're supposed to be here for like the week but we stayed two days and run away quickly but even in that miss if the Imam is giving salat online you will cry a lot of mistakes al hamdulillah man listen I was in the back I said he gives a lot you say Sheikh he's the Imam of that village but the fart says de la sera tillymann Lamia corral pata turkey chop salad cannot sustain without Fatiha but this guy is doing the Fatiha upside down and I told my salaat I believe in my heart that every mistake you made Allah will double your reward whatever mistakes you make in this terrain in this wilderness of snow no human beings no tree you are struggling that's what Allah likes so when you struggle and you fall rise up again you commit sin you commit run rise up and keep going allows oh look at my server he realized his mistake he's up and going I am The Fool Rahim I forgive you man that's Allah he forgive and forget and he never write it down he looked at your sincere effort you just keep on falling you fall you are you are created weak weak so you thought you rise so I gave him hope and we stick again we came back and we taught the children how to recite Fatiha and Allah whose aim that's it it's like you've given them million dollars the children will recite al-fatiha the whole nation the whole village way they were jumping and jubilation because their children could recite Fatiha but look at how many currents we have here already we take advantage Shadis nuclei here Nigeria is day is the epitome of knowledge even the Saudis they shy away from Nigeria when it comes from natural knowledge Allah giving them this is true all over the world we know there's no Nigeria so if you take advantage I wish I could go back in time and I'll do more research about Islam absalom this is my first lecture I just came back right now I took two two planes I'm so tired I'm starving I'm hungry I got headache but when it comes to delivering a lot to talk if you don't stop me if he didn't talk me up because I'm gonna talk to that kingdom come that's my job that's my life huzzah we'll Mohito feet wada wa l-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen assalamualaikum what have the lights are over get
Channel: I-Media Digital Hub
Views: 375,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Deen, West, Sheikh Muhammad, Auwal, Ustaz, Abuja, An-noor Mosque, An-nur Mosque, I-Media TV, Muslims, Qur'an, Hadith
Id: kwTvfm3Xevc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2017
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