Why Is Starship Troopers SO AWESOME?!

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what's up everybody this is the fascist man here what and today I'm reviewing one of my favorite movies of all time Starship Troopers would you like to know more yes yes yes yes also side note this video has been a [ __ ] to put together because of copyright so if the audio and visuals are weird when I'm playing clips from the movie that's why I'm trying to get around copyright anyways I'm more excited now than I was when I first watched the Coen shower scene the recent explosion of Hell divers 2 has generated renewed interest in Starship Troopers today most people regard this movie as a classic sci-fi film with amazing visuals and effects on a thought-provoking message when it was released to theaters in 1997 however Starship Troopers bewildered critics and audiences alike although in hindsight it's somewhat unbelievable that this obvious blatant satire could go over so many people's heads a murderer was captured this morning and tried today guilty sentence death execution tonight at 6 all net all channels now I first saw this movie in my early teens because I had played the Starcraft custom game for it and thought it was really fun and when I watched it I enjoyed this movie for what I thought it was a big budget dumb action movie about killing space bugs and the great thing about Starship Troopers is you can watch it just for that just for the surface level enjoyment Starship Troopers is based on the book of the same name from Robert heinlin what's ironic is the director of the film Paul verhoven famously didn't read the entire novel and apparently misinterpreted much of it the same way his film would later be misinterpreted that's what you call ironic sadly Starship Troopers underperformed at the box office it got mixed reviews from critics and to this day the the messages and themes of the movie are still hotly debated some interpret the film as glorifying militarism and fascism others say it fails to saiz these things properly regardless I think it's time to throw my hat in the ring set the record straight and let you know what I think Starship Troopers is really about and why it's so [Applause] [Music] awesome the film begins with that iconic recruitment commercial I'm doing my part I'm doing my part they're doing their part are you the heroic music and happy faces makes it look like serving in the military wow that's just the greatest thing ever join the mobile infantry and save the world what's that join the mobile infantry and save the world and I become a citizen what a deal why aren't you doing your part you bastard these propaganda reals are one of the most memed and recognizable aspects of Starship Troopers and they're very important in understanding the film because they clue you in on what's really going on so the setting Starship Troopers is basically veterans took control of the world and the government and they rule it now in order to become a citizen and have the rights that like you and I take for granted you have to serve in the military otherwise you are a civilian and you don't get to vote and you can't reproduce and blah blah blah blah blah now in the opening we learn about Humanity's enemy which is the bugs but there is a suspicious lack of information given to us the audience and the characters of the story now we get a glimpse of the bugs and their lethality literally through the lens of the cameraman on scene during the invasion of kenu one year earlier so our protagonist is Johnny [ __ ] Rico a stud Rico pay attention you hear Mr rat check pay attention this is important let's sum up this year we explored the failure of democracy the social scientists brought our world to the brink of chaos the scene is doing a few things showing you the romance between Carmen and Rico while also lecturing you in the background on the failure of democracy how violence is the supreme authority but when you vote you are exercising political Authority you're using force force my friends is violence the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived you hear that kids at home watching this violence solves all problems one thing I noticed about Starship Troopers is that it's actually pretty easy to believe all of the lessons lectures and propaganda you're being shown if you only look at the results if you turn your brain off to the ethics of of what is actually happening then then it's easy to believe what you're being told my mother always said violence never solves anything really I wonder what the city fathers of Hiroshima would say about that naked Force has resolved more issues throughout history than any other Factor Mr ratek makes surprisingly compelling Arguments for violence solves everything by bringing up hirosima yeah it did end the war and technically he's right those are the results but you have to ignore the unimaginable amount of human suffering to to base your entire Society off of this idea that violence solves everything so for the rest of this video and if you watch this movie on your own just remember ignore the ethics look at the results and you can see how everyone gets brainwashed now at the end of this lesson Mr ratek asks Rico if he truly understands and leaves the lesson but do you understand it do you believe it I don't know so at this point Rico is still himself he's clearly more interested in Carmen and girls than he is in this idea of being a citizen and believing what the state is telling him to believe Rico is not a a brainwashed psycho yet now I want to talk about the cast of this movie and how the Society of the Federation is presented because there is a meta aspect to it which I really enjoy if you look at Starship Troopers as a propaganda film that could be used as propaganda in the actual universe of the movie then a lot of pieces click into place you know all the students and young people in this movie are are beautiful Denise Richards Casper vanine Neil Patrick Harris Dena Meyers they're as objectively attractive as they can be they all have Perfect Skin perfect lighting chiseled Jaws maybe I could have started in this movie too there's a clear dichotomy between presentation and reality it's presented like all these attractive amazing people are signing up for military service in reality all the adults who served in the military are horribly disfigured in some way mobile infantry made me the man I am today Rico gets a glimpse of this right as he is deciding to sign up and he still does it mostly because his you know he's thinking with his dick for Carmen which I totally understand that's Denise Richards I get it man but even when he's staring the reality of war in the face he still decides it's worth it now the first third of this film is everyone wide-eyed optimistic planning their future in the co-ed shower scene that I watch every morning before breakfast the characters talk about why they signed up and how they can't live out their dreams unless they earn the privilege to through service I want to have babies you know it's a lot easier to get a license if be served so what's that you want kids go kill bugs now the film does a great job at ju deposing what serving in this Federation is actually like and what the Federation wants you to think it is like the world and Society of Starship Troopers is portrayed as a Utopia with faster than light travel massive fleets of gigantic ships they have complete gender and Racial equality the officers pick fights with chicks the same way they pick fights with dudes they they have a [ __ ] orbital defense ring around Earth that shoots down meteors this Society is technologically advanced but it is held together by barbaric beliefs and the need for violence and an enemy the Federation still uses corporal punishment in execution by hanging been going off Mission that's a serious offense yeah I think they hang you for that in this Society suspects of crimes are captured tried and then executed in the same day with the execution being forcibly shown on all channels at the same time what you got your kids watching yeah they better be watching this man die look at the results ignore the ethics we got the murderer and we killed him problem solved violence solves everything violence never solves anything stab her [ __ ] what was probably very confusing about this movie is that Starship Troopers takes a cast of people that would have starred in like a High School romance Coming of Age story and they throw them on this dark depressing Planet infested with giant murderous bugs it it's a match made in heaven and it's why the movie works so well like if these people were more stereotypical Marines it it wouldn't have the same impact so in the way the film does a brilliant job of contrasting the ideal beauty that is presented that is fake with the horror that is real now I also want to highlight that the music and atmosphere of this movie it really does sell you on the whole military is cool thing you got [ __ ] Clancy Brown you have Mr Krabs as the drill sergeant absolutely fantastic job who needs a knife in a nuke fight anyway all you got to do is push a button you know Dean Norris is in this movie too but again the the presentation the the heroism that is portrayed is meant to trick you and the characters of the story that that what you're doing is heroic righteous but over the course of the story you you grow to like a lot of the characters you know as they go through boot camp and you see the chemistry between Rico and Diz flourish and everyone feels like a real person Ace is one of my favorite characters I love his line everybody should have a friend like me come to think of it this movie has really well-written dialogue and a lot of good onliners this is for you new people I only have one rule everyone fights no one quits you don't do your job I'll shoot you so at least for me I I ended up liking a lot of the characters and I did want them to succeed against the bugs I didn't want any of them to die everyone's so optimistic and happy and then they go to invade cathu and reality sets in in this initial battle all the characters we've been getting to know are all unceremoniously killed in the most horrific brutal ways oh my [Music] [Music] God that being said the action in Starship Troopers 10 out of 10 I'm still shocked at how well these effects have aged there's movies that come out now that don't look as good as this not makes sense because apparently half of the 100 m million dollar budget was spent on the effects both practical and digital but still you know it's a perfect combination of both Fields because the bugs look feel and move like you'd think they would when Carmen's flying her ship around through the interior of the Ring I think that was like a miniature model looks amazing it really goes a long way when you build like real practical sets that feel lived in and authentic as opposed to just relying on green screen for the back ground like avatar the Last aab Bender seems to be doing there's also a callous disregard for human life and firearm safety in the live fire exercise there's guys on an Outpost Tower in the direction everyone is shooting at could be a limitation of of the set and how much room they had to work with but I think it's funnier that the society just cares that little about safety Rico inadvertently gets Breen Ridge killed and as a result is met with 10 lashings he decides mobile infantry isn't for him cuz he signed up for kmen and he's not even talking to her that hoe as he's going down wash out lane something happens hey what's going on war we're going to war wenos Aries Rico's Hometown was just destroyed by a bug meteorite now war is inevitable now hear me out I'm no bug sympathizer if you think this war is necessary and Justified and with good reason then congratulations you have fallen for the same propaganda the main characters did now we're all free to interpret movies as as we see them and you're not necessarily wrong for thinking this or that these are just my opinions right but I think the idea that the bugs attacked first is so ludicrous and it's such an obvious false flag operation that Starship Troopers becomes a really good test for how easily people can be brainwashed into just believing what they're told without question I always thought this was made pretty clear you know it's why the movie points out the the defense Grid at the start cze off's gun I always thought the film presented this as as like a obvious false flag operation produce an unlimited supply of bug meteorites in the form of this asteroid belt bug meteorites in the form of an asteroid belt it's a it's just a regular asteroid belt what you say is heresy also it's pretty funny that like you have all these gigantic Starships orbital defense rings around entire planets these things require scientifically gifted Minds to create manage and operate and yet nobody seems to point out or question how bugs manag to send a meteor across the entire Milky Way galaxy and hit their target dead on to ensure the safety of our solar system plathu must be eliminated so I've seen people saying like no the the bugs attacked first and then there's this article like Starship Troopers gets asteroid science all wrong yes it does intentionally because it's a lie the idea that bugs are shooting meteors at faster than light speeds across 20,000 light years of the Milky Way galaxy it's ludicrous at least in my opinion you know and it's not explicitly stated but it is heavily implied that Humanity started this war by having colonies and outpost set up on bug planets invading their home territory and these are just bugs defending their home like they would if you stuck your fist into an ant hill the ants would bite you or if you went out into the forest and smacked the WASP nests the Wasps would attack you also in the movie The the Federation does not believe the bugs are intelligent the initial attack and disaster on kandathu is proof of that because they underestimated their enemy plasma man from the planet bug batteries according to Military Intelligence it'll be random and light this isn't random or light someone made a big goddamn mistake so simultaneously the people of the Federation and the audience is being told two contradictory things the bugs are intelligent enough to shoot meteors at our planet and hit them with Precision aim and the bugs are not intelligent and and we can easily conquer them frankly I find the idea of a bug that thinks offensive now none of this is meant to say that you are supposed to sympathize with the bugs again I view it is more of like a wasp nest but you are supposed to question why this war is even happening why are we going out looking for wasp nests if we keep [ __ ] with them we're just going to get stung again you're supposed to ask questions why are we traveling to the other side of the Galaxy to ensure our safety by Waging War on a bug infested Planet when we have an orbital defense ring capable of shooting down meteors except that one meteorite that landed on Buenos Aries and destroyed it and was then used as the justification for for invading kandathu you know what I mean so that's one of the reasons I love this movie it's like a test for how easy it is to be brainwashed as a viewer like I'm rooting for Rico and Ace and Carmen I don't want any of these characters to die I want them to defeat the bugs but to believe that this war is Justified you have to completely ignore the cost of human life that is paid fighting an enemy that doesn't need to be fought simply because the society requires War violence and an enemy in order to function in order to justify the rules and guidelines of civilians versus citizens now another thing I don't see many people talking about when it comes to Starship Troopers is how it's simultaneously one of the most badass and depressing films ever at the start of the movie Johnny Rico is questioning whether violence solves all problems but at the end of it despite seeing all his friends and dis his his new lover despite seeing all his friends and all these people he cares about killed in a meaningless War he only becomes further entrenched in the belief that the bugs are the enemy that they have to fight them at the end of the movie Johnny Rico is completely brainwashed he's an agent of the state Johnny and Carmen are together again even though they clearly wanted to be with other people who died you Starship Troopers is deceptively depressing because in in a normal movie Johnny Rico might have turned into a rebel he might have waged war against the state or or started a rebellion he might have questioned what was really happening and and maybe in the end love would win but in Starship Troopers love doesn't win violence does and it will continue to they'll keep fighting and they'll win now in some ways Starship Troopers feels more depressing than the thing because the ending pretends like it it's good it's positive the heroism portrayed in the propaganda and at the end of the movie is at direct odds with what actually occurs in the film it's deceptively depressing and and I tend to enjoy movies that don't go for the typical Disney and they all live happily ever after type of ending by the end Johnny Rico has lost all sense of individuality he's lost the love of his life his teacher his mentor countless friends and he's witnessed the horrors of this war firsthand and he's even more brainwashed because of that come on you a you want to live forever and despite all of that he's completely sold he's completely sold on the idea that violence solves everything I would say a movie like The Hunger Games is kind of the opposite where the protagonist takes up the goal of destroying the fascist regime but in Starship Troopers the protagonist continues to fight for it it's pretty sad to watch Johnny come to the conclusion that violence and hat hatred of an enemy is more important than the love of a woman you know Starship Troopers does very little to try and uh humanize or make you sympathetic to the bugs and that's kind of the point they they don't want you to feel any sympathy for them because if you did you might start questioning the war blah blah blah one of my favorite moments is is when they kill one of the bugs and it's sitting there and it zooms in on its eye and you think you know maybe there's a a moment of of empathy and then he just immediately starts blasting it goo go all over his face ain't much to look at after you scrape them off your boot it gets me every time in conclusion I think Starship Troopers is the perfect blend of smart and stupid it's the perfect combination of substance and form whether or not you agree or disagree with my opinions and interpretations of the film is not as important as the fact that we all continue to discuss this movie cuz I [ __ ] love it and movies like this get people to think to analyze things on a deeper level ask questions which is what the characters in the movie should be doing but aren't so continue doing that and don't be brainwashed like the people in this movie The Action is epic the characters are likable it's a good ass movie one of my favorites love you Starship Troopers so thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed the video are you doing your part and liking this video well you should be would you like to watch more actman then subscribe to the Channel all right everyone that's all I got for today this is the fascism man signing out peace
Channel: The Act Man
Views: 401,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: act man, actman, starship troopers, starship troopers review, im doing my part, starship troopers propaganda, the act man, helldivers, helldivers 2, act man helldivers, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 starship troopers, klendathu, klendathu drop, starship troopers scenes, starship troopers dropship, starship troopers movie, starship troopers fascism, helldivers 2 gameplay, movie review, helldivers 2 gameplay pc, helldivers 2 ost
Id: WRfWASU6oq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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