Why Is No One Talking About 1930s Shoes?

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hi um why is no one talking about 1930s shoes like throughout human history there has been a lot of different shoe trends and shoe shapes and sizes and designs but like can we just stop ignoring 1930s shoes for a second cause so this may be a very personal opinion but 1930s shoes hit just right they were just they were just there they were doing the thing they were supposed to do not only were they sexy and looking cute but also they were made to make your feet look nice which is something that i struggle with that shoes nowadays are not supposed to look pretty and you know it would be nice to have shoes that actually make your feet look pretty even when they're not so 1930s shoes were kind of designed to make your feet look pretty and to make your feet look smaller which is again a very big plus for me and they had the most delicious curves i don't know what it is about the shoes from that time but like they did it right the heel is chef's kiss the the curve i don't know i don't even know how to explain it i don't know i'm not familiar with parts of shoes and names for the parts but something about those round toes and curvy heel the right hate it just speaks to me on so many different levels that today i'm going to encourage you to do your own research and have a look at some 1930s shoes because dame that was good so to do that i have a secret board called 30 shoes on my own pinterest and i'm gonna look through those pictures because um i don't have the time to analyze the source of every image and on pinterest it's kind of like it just says it on right next to the picture or somewhere so i'm just gonna use that some of the pictures are from etsy i think i believe some of those shoes were sold on etsy and for for this video i'm going to analyze shoes from like late 20s to early 40s because the overall like shape was more or less the same and it's hard to pinpoint exactly when the 30s started so some of these may be like early 40s or late 20s so let's start off with pumps 1930s pumps are out of this world there's just something about the shape that makes me want to cry let's have a look at these for example not only are they stripey and looking cool as hell but also like this shape have you ever seen a heel like that look at that space between the heel and the whatever it's called that the front part of the shoe is it's just right it's right where it's supposed to be and it's all curvy and you can tell someone has spent a lot of time to make it this kirby and i do appreciate that and obviously with modern techniques it's harder to achieve like particular shapes of shoes because people's feet are not used to this i i assume this was not the most comfy shoe out there but just like look at the way it looked here's another example it's a photo from etsy and i mean oh my god why does it make your feet look so good have a look at the curve at the ankle and at the heel it's just it's just right and then the perforated leather like who does that anymore no one cares about decorating a shoe now here is an example of an earlier shoe from earlier 30s which doesn't speak to me on on a similar level as the other pumps but it's still drool worthy and even the idea of like those is is it see-through or am i hallucinating oh my god i think it's see-through which makes it so much better i'm simping for these shoes so hard okay look at these now weirdly they they are actually from mid-40s but like they do remind me of a rhino for some reason but i also completely don't mind like i would trade my own shoes for rhino shoes anytime here we have some more pumps that have been sold on etsy like they just look good i don't know what to tell you how come we don't make shoes like these anymore we do make extremely uncomfortable heels but we we haven't thought of bringing these back like where's the logic in that why not continue perfection and this is delicious i have a feeling it's someone's private picture that somehow made it on pinterest but also i mean it's it's for greater glory so i hope someone doesn't sue me these oh my god these have been on sale someone bought this because this item is unavailable as it says just the cute little bows want me to throw all of my shoes i have away because what's the point of wearing shoes if they don't look like this red leather shoes i i feel like every person should own red leather shoes at some point of their life but that would probably be really bad for animals so okay these are apparently sceparelli shoes and again stripes round toes perfect heel curvy space between the heel and the front of the shoe which i don't know what's called look at the amount of detail that they put into a single pair of shoes like you have a simple pair of pumps they're not even that fancy and yet not only do they have this cute little bow but also they have what looks like soutage like someone not only designed this but also someone else had to sew this on the shoe even if it was done like mechanically at a factory someone had to like do that on the machine like who has the time for that now no one cares and then you have these because who wouldn't want black pumps with gold elements and gold heels oh my god and it has ruffles it has a gathered ruffle and look at these i mean i don't even know what to say the the cut out leather is just so clever it looks so cool and you also have like two types of leather one of it one of which is like patent leather i think and the other is with sweaty like just imagine how this would look on your feet because i have a feeling it will make my feet look like four sizes smaller just because of the design these look 1940s to me again we have the rhino uh shape here i don't know what it is about it but i'm kind of digging it and also notice how all of the heels are kind of leaned towards the front of the shoe they're not outwards they're not straight they're tilted towards the front of the shoe that's what i was trying to say okay but may i interest you in some brown perfection because that's what it is i don't know what else to call it the heel is perfectly tilted so it makes your feet look smaller by an optical illusion the front is round and you have those wings of brown leathery goodliness that are at the front of the shoe for absolutely no reason apart from decorative values speaking of wings how about some golden miracle on your feet how about that why does no one make shoes like that anymore i don't understand just have a look at all these beautiful shoes this one is late 20s i think or like early yeah this would be early 30s look at how cool is that have you ever thought of having a yellow and black shoe that kind of looks like halloween kind of looks like batman did someone seriously see this shoe and was like yeah we're gonna have to stop making these i don't understand still not convinced we'll have a look at that have a look at that shoe it speaks to me on levels i didn't know existed and i feel like i need this pair in every single color that has ever been discovered oh look we have wings again and this time it's also featuring a really fancy cut out insanely beautiful perforated leather because why not why not do this if we can now if you're like oh these shoes are too conservative for me they're not really doing the thing well have a look at that if that's not doing anything to you i don't know what to tell you because to me that's like premium shoe making right there and i know some of these are a bit controversial like the inverted heel idea i'm not really buying it but like can we appreciate the design here and here are some false styles from 1938 just in case you were looking for something cool to wear this this autumn slash fall wherever you're from who wouldn't want to wear that how about this piece here it's probably gold how about another pair of beautiful leather shoes i don't even know how to comment it anymore just have a look admire because you're not gonna see these in a shop anytime soon some more bows here like just have a look at how they look on feet they're just so flattering they make your arc look way higher than it actually is the whole shape and the curve is designed to make your feet look appealing how about some pastel shades because shoes don't have to be black and white all the time now you may be thinking that oh these are all so fancy and they're all high heeled so i would die in 1930s well fear not because i have a solution for you first of all sports shoer was doing pretty well in 1930s because women were really active back then so have a look at that i wouldn't mind exercising in this instead of ugly as sneakers i honestly i'm fine why do i need my feet covered anyway you can also have some boots low heeled boots as you can see they were popular throughout almost most of the decades like they looked pretty much the same here are some other boots that you can wear for autumn or winter looking pretty cool and in case you're like super cold you can wear over shoes so you have your high heeled shoes and then you get either rubbery or like leather overshoots that are supposed to protect your shoes and keep you warm which is honestly such a brilliant idea like you can still be fancy but also warm see some of them are like looking super cozy i have a pair of 1940s rubber galoshes and to be honest they do keep your feet warm here are some other shoes that are pretty low-key like the heel is way smaller and they don't look that fancy they do but like less fancy than the other ones that are pretty like elegant these are pretty casual like you could just wear them oh my god i just noticed the ones on the left like these ah they're so pretty so another example of low heeled shoes which i'm pretty sure look even more high heeled on the picture than they actually were um also there were a lot of low-heeled shoes meant for teenagers and kids how about these for summer i'm pretty sure they were made of linen and cotton and breathable fabrics that would not make your feet die and heat here are some other sporty type shoes and just ignore the prices because as we all know the inflation was completely different in the 1930s so that's not really an accurate price in modern money but just the idea of sportswear and sports shoes that actually look nice and elegant is something that i don't understand why we're not pursuing like why does sportswear have to look crap like why does it have to be so different from what we wear on a daily basis like i know we do wear like yoga pants and and hoodies and stuff like that but like why does ski wear have to be completely different from what is fashionable i don't get it some more sports shoes and they look so cool like they're just so pretty some of them actually look like vans have you noticed these they look hundred percent like vans so anyway in interrupting the sportswear just to show you these shoes that i think are like sandals and they're so pretty and so cool it's just so cute it's a cute look now you may say that like oh you can find shoes like these nowadays you know there are the shoes that you use for competitive dancing and then there are like character shoes in theater and there's a lot of brands that make shoes like that but to be completely honest this is what you get most of the time this is what you want right and this is what you get like i'm not trying to throw shade on the producers of modern shoes but like this just ain't it this is not what we want this is what we want and this is what we get right and i understand that like modern shoe production is completely different etc etc however there are some fashion brands reproduction vintage brands that do deal with this quite well and they do produce shoes that do look like 1930s and from the top of my head i'd say royal vintage that has recently merged into american dutches and memory shoes and remix vintage shoes and then you get rocket originals and all of these are pretty successful at copying retro designs without modernizing them so it's definitely possible and you can achieve that without making your shoes look like this because this this is an abomination like no shoes should ever look like that i'm sorry it's just the proportions are all off and that's another thing that 1930s shoes i feel had is that they were designed with a particular silhouette in mind like you knew what 1930 silhouette was everyone wore similar shapes let's say like the skirts were mid-calf and covering their knees they weren't super wide and the waist was a little bit raised and the bust was quite loose so i'm assuming when designing the shoes you had this silhouette in mind and you were trying to make it match that silhouette and you wanted it to look good and you wanted it to look pretty which is not so obvious nowadays as we can tell by looking at these so i'd say you know we don't have that much choices if you're trying to find cheap retro looking shoes you're probably gonna end up with this anyway but i'm just saying don't lower your expectations just because this is what people serve you like this is not what we want guys it's not that hard to redesign these like we want shoes that look pretty i'm not saying all of us obviously some people like experimenting and some people love modern sure but like if you're trying to make a retro at least make it look nice that's what i'm saying and that's all i have to say and go spread the word about 1930s shoes just so people know that these gorgeous miracles of sure existed you
Channel: Karolina Żebrowska
Views: 257,092
Rating: 4.9726491 out of 5
Id: yxEKtDaOlmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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