Why is my Tesla SO SLOW?

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- Welcome to one of the most dangerous videos that we have ever made. (light music) ♪ Leaving this place ♪ ♪ The sun's 'bout to break ♪ ♪ You're riding shotgun ♪ - Today, if you look behind me, there are about 50 cars that are like super cars, really cool cars. Hey, guys. - [Group] Hi. - And they are all here to raise money for charity, but also to race super, super fast. So check out what we've done with our car. We got our logo on here, little logo. Luxe Auto Spa who sponsored this thing put it on there. We've got our number on here, 37. We got our logo goin' on. So here's what the plan is. Tesla has software that blocks it from going any faster than 155 miles per hour, so my goal is today to get to 155, see what it's like to drive that fast in a Tesla, and then see how long it can just stay at that 155 miles an hour. My car is definitely not the coolest car here. I mean, look at this purple thing right here. McLaren. There's Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches. I guess there's a Porsche 918 which is like a million dollar car. There's two of 'em. (dramatic music) 155, will the Tesla go that fast? Let's do it. - The sheriff department is gonna be sitting right at the finish line with their radar guns and they're the ones gonna be logging the official time or the speed on their radar. Once you cross the finish line, you have just under a mile to shut down to this point right here. (dramatic music) - To get 155, you gotta do that in style, buddy. So for that, we got you your own What's-Inside-branded, Cars 4 Kids, and Limitless. (applauding) All right. You're ridin' in style now, buddy. - Zack, JerryRigEverything, he's like right here. - What's up? (laughs) - He filmed that on his phone, but I didn't think they were gonna give me a helmet and a big ole thing, whatever this is, fireproof suit. I think they just really have seen our videos and they're like, "You know what, "this guy is most likely to wreck. "Let's make sure we give him his own suit." (dramatic music) All this to go 155, but at least it's legal. If you're gonna go 155 in America and put it on YouTube, you should probably do it on a closed road. And it's a good charity. There's a person that donated $250,000 that granted 50 wishes to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. - I think Dan can hit 155, but we'll see what happens. - All right, so let me know in the comments right now before I do the 155, am I going to hit 155? How long will I be at 155? Then, I guess, three, am I going to crash? - So Dan, do you know why? I have no idea why these are capped out at 155. Is there some kind of law? Is this somethin' that Elon decided? I mean, he said he's not gonna make motorcycles because they're unsafe. Is that why he set the speed limit at 155? - I have no idea, but I don't know why you would need to go faster than 155. Like, seriously, why would you ever need to do that? Maybe the Autobahn in Germany, but in the US, there's no reason except for something like this. Now, it would be nice to be able to push a switch and turn it off and maybe go a bit faster. (upbeat music) Tesla has some great ways to measure your consumption of energy. Over the last five miles, obviously, we've been driving a little bit fast over here. Our average watts per mile is 555. If I continued at that same rate, I would only have 112 miles range left even though the car says 192. If only I was driving this car right here: the Ferrari Spider. Look at this thing. Okay, this is this thing that I love about it. Look at the stitching. Blue stitching even. That is gorgeous. You guys know we're big BYU fans. We have a friend that's a big BYU fan. He's getting a Ferrari and he's getting a red one and I'm tryin' to convince him, you've gotta go blue. Now, when I see it in person, it makes the argument even more clear. 100%, if you're gonna get a Ferrari, you gotta get a blue one. (revving) ♪ I'm just gonna drive drive drive ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ I'm just gonna drive drive ♪ - Look how chubby my face is. I'm like squeezed into this helmet. I don't know when else I'm gonna use this. All right, here we go. (upbeat music) ♪ I'm just gonna drive drive ♪ (upbeat music) - All right, we made it around the first bend. Here's comes the second one. 110. Slow down a bit. ♪ The future is ours now ♪ ♪ The road never ends ♪ ♪ It's me and my friends ♪ ♪ These are the good times ♪ - Here we go. This is it. (upbeat music) (record screeching) 140? 140? What? Come on, Tesla, come on. What the heck? 140, no. Ah, come on, Tesla. Geez. What the heck? This is the 100D. It's not the P100D, but it should be able to go 155. Oh, that is so frustrating. Came around the bend at around 90 to 100 miles an hour and then I just gunned it. I had one mile to go as fast as I could go. It hit 135, it stalled there for a long time. It went up to like 138, took forever, 139, then 140 and that was it. The good thing is we get one more try at this. I'm gonna do it one more time and see what we can do. Let's take a look at the stats on the car with the energy consumption and see what it actually did. All right, so for the last 15 miles, we are at an average of 783. Projected range 60 miles. The last five miles, 834, 57 miles range. I guess the question you might ask is like, was that really fun going that fast? (chimes) I guess I didn't have as much fun because I was so frustrated that it was limiting me so much. All of you that are Tesla fanatics and that understand Tesla really well, let me know in the comments what's the story here, what do you think about this? If you want to know what happens to a bug at 140 miles an hour, look at that splat right there. There is a big crosswind apparently that could be slowin' it down a bit. It could be something with the energy usage as far as how much juice I have left in the car and how much I'm pushing it. Could be the heat and the batteries and something in there that protects the batteries from overheating because you're pushing 'em too hard and too much energy is coming out. I don't know, but we're gonna give it one more shot here and see what we can do and see if we can go a little faster. I'm tryin' to convince my friend Zack here to do the second run. - I don't have the super suit with jerry rig on the side. That's the thing. - He's more than welcome to be part of the What's Inside family. Maybe a race someday, a race between this and you're motorcycle? - And loser has to turn their vehicle pink. (laughing) - Hmm, sounds interesting. All right, take number two. What's your thoughts here? - My thoughts are you're not gonna hit 155. Those are my thoughts. - That was really discouraging. (laughing) - That's all I got for you. - I'll try not to be so disappointed when I don't hit 155 if I don't hit 155. Let's just try to have fun and enjoy this one. I'm gonna push it hard. These are brand new wheels and tires on this car. So I'm gonna push it. - My mom would be so mad if I was in this car with you driving and I didn't have a helmet on or a super suit. - [Dan] I won't tell your mom. - [Zack] Hit that max. - [Dan] Here we go. Here we go. (laughs) We got Zack in the car. Are you at least wearing your seatbelt, Zack? - [Zack] Yes I am. 104, 105, 107. - [Dan] Yeah, we're comin' 'round the corner a little hotter than last time. (laughs) Huggin' that corner. - [Zack] Oh, boy, 99. - [Dan] 100. - [Zack] There's the grandstands. Floor it, floor it, 106. - [Dan] You ready? - 114. 115. 18. (upbeat music) - [Dan] Go, buddy. - [Zack] 124, 125. - [Dan] Come on, car, go. - [Zack] 126. 131, 132. (upbeat music) I don't know, man. - [Dan] 136. (shouts) (laughs) - Oh, man. Elon, brother, what's goin' on? - We gotta go faster. When's the last time you've gone that fast? - Oh, that is the fastest I've ever been in a car before. - Yes, all right. Fist bump for that one. - [Zack] Whoo, yeah. - [Dan] There we go. I better slow down. - [Zack] Yeah, 'cause the speed limit here is 40. - Let's take a look at the stats here and see where we're at. In the last 15 miles, our range is, 850 watts. Projected range 44 miles. That's not very many. I would think we would need like two more miles to even get that with how slow. Did you see how slow it was goin'? - It's just annoying. It makes you wonder if it's like a software thing or if it's like a physical limitation of the motors. - Yeah. - I don't know. - I'm not sure. I don't know what it is, but we're gonna show you the data. You guys see the video. Let us know down below. Let's start a discussion and let us know. If you guys work at Tesla or you have some insight, let us know what I can do better next time. These guys killed it, this foundation. It's such a cool event. They're gonna do it next year. It's the Cars 4 Kids Foundation. I don't know. I'm gonna do this again. Let me know what I can do to actually be faster next time. Zack, thanks for all the shots. - No worries. - This guy takes his whole Saturday off to come help. (laughs) So it was pretty cool. All right, see you guys. (upbeat music) I can't drive as fast as these cars, but can theirs do a dancing show? I don't think so. (rock music) So take that Ferrari. - I think Dan can hit 155. You're not gonna hit 155. (whirring) (laughs) My mom would be so mad.
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Keywords: why is my tesla so slow?, tesla, tesla model s, model s, slow motion, tesla model s (automobile model), model x, ev, tesla model x, 4k, electric vehicle (industry), tesla model 3, autopilot, tesla roadster, electric car, insane mode, electric vehicle, review, technology, cars, electric, elon musk, model 3, energy, tesla suv, insane, model_s, p100d, 0-60, chillmode, speed, supercar, lithium-ion, tesla acceleration, porsche 918, lamborghini, ferrari
Id: K3kqqz17fZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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