Why is Fellowship Important to the Church?

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[Applause] [Music] come back to the bearded biker Bible man we want to answer a question was one of our quick questions hopefully if I have any of those a wise fellowship important to the church well let's take a look at what the what the Lord says about what's what's the purpose what why why do we gather together in the church why are there so many churches right now saying hey we're gonna defy orders from the governor to gather together why is this a thing well we look at what the Bible says the birth of the church in Acts chapter 2 you have kind of the mission statement and what the church is about in acts 2:42 it says and so they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching and the fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers and all came upon every soul in many wonders and signs were being done through the Apostles so when the church originally came together the purpose their coming together to hear the teaching of the Apostles they're coming together so that they can fellowship so that they can glean from one another the contact with one another that encourages us in daily living out the life of a believer which is ultimately following the call of Jesus Christ who says come and follow me and so we're all imperfect beings trying to the best of our ability to follow our perfect Savior and follow his example and we need encouragement along the way so we gain that we gather for the teaching where we grow in our understanding of what it is that God is looking for from us we have fellowship where we get the encouragement that we need we also have prayer these are disciplines within the life of the believer that are felt that are brought together in the church corporately that encourage us help us to become the man that God's calling us to be in Ephesians chapter 4 Paul kind of developing some of this idea he's talking about the reality of gifts that Jesus gave to the church and in Ephesians 4 verse 11 it says it was he who gave some as apostles those profits some as evangelists some as pastors and teachers why why do we have these people within the church for this verse 12 to equip the Saints for the work of the ministry that is to build up the body of Christ so to build up to prepare each of us for the work of the ministry now ministry has come to mean some kind of sanctified word but to minister was to serve to SPEA slave so it's God teaching us how to be a slave of the Lord what what do you want of me God how do I live out my life before you how do I become the man you want me to be and so it says we come together in fellowship to accomplish this goal - to be equipped to equip the Saints you and I for the work of the ministry to build up the body of Christ so that the body of Christ is performing and being who she needs to be until when look at verse 13 of Ephesians 4 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God a mature person attaining to the measure of Christ full stature so we're measuring up to Jesus not to one another we want to measure up to him so we're going to continue to gather and to pour into one another through the word through prayer through fellowship the breaking of bread celebrating both baptism and the Lord's Supper these are things we do corporately together we come and we do that until we attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God we do this until we have the core essentials United within the body of Christ and until we know the Son of God we know him now the Bible tells us now we look through a glass dimly but then when we see him we'll see him face to face now we know in part then we will know completely so there will be a day when we see Jesus when we will attain to this but until that time the church gathers together for the receiving of the word from the Apostles and that's not to say preachers or Apostles the apostles wrote the Word of God we preachers we just Herald it we talk about what the Word of God says so we come to hear what it was that the Apostles wrote and what they did we come to fellowship we come to pray we come to celebrate the Lord's Supper we come to acknowledge one another's baptism encourage the body until we become so much like Christ that maybe the distinctions are are not so easily seen today unfortunately we look at the church and we can see distinctions easily and readily so the work of the church is not finished the church needs to gather to needs to spend time together it needs to be accomplishing the mission that was received by Jesus Christ for her right Jesus said as he ascended go into all the world and make disciples of every nation right baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and Holy Spirit teaching them the things that I have commanded you and know this lo I am with you always even unto the end of the age that is our declaration of dependence upon Jesus Christ as our great God and Savior god bless you I hope you have a great week [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Bearded Biker Bible Man
Views: 805
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: fellowship, gathering, social distancing, relationship, loving, encouraging, church, christian, believer
Id: wuJU6oEeSKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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