Why Indiana Jones Should Be Dead!

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foreign [Music] Zach what are you doing here just waiting for someone to actually come try this all right okay um do you think this isn't enough not even close all right let's get some more all right well how much sand do you think we need for this [Music] oh actually here let's just they're there um let's see if I can make this switch there we go oh man he did this one-handed [Music] I've been waiting for someone else to try this one oh thanks I appreciate it [Music] nailed it ah [Music] all right guys I am Nate from the internet and I'm here with my friend Zach from Jurg everything Zach tell us uh tell the audience who you are in case they somehow missed this on the internet so I do a lot of videos on technology but I am fairly familiar with gold because gold is used it is very valuable in cell phones the cell phone you have right now has a few dollars worth of gold inside of it now Indiana Jones predates cell phones and most modern uses for gold but it was still valuable when they filmed it and when the the mythological Idol was created you know in the movie world the the natives valued gold so gold has been valuable through tons of recorded history in countless cultures but we wanted to do some calculations to find out about the idol that Indiana Jones is pursuing at the beginning of Raiders the Lost Ark what people don't know is that gold is incredibly heavy like far more than just regular metal like if you take this weight for example it's a 10 pound weight if it were made out of solid gold it would weigh 27 pounds instead of 10 Pounds it's that dense it's far heavier than iron steel or even lead by quite a bit so I think if Indiana Jones was really running around inside of that cave with a super heavy statue made of solid gold he probably would have died several times oh I got some bad news for Indiana I think now we haven't tested it yet let's find out [Music] all right so what I'm gonna do so I'm going to try and make a mark on exactly where the water is I'm going to push this down in currently this is hollow plastic so it likes to float but I'll just push it down and hold it in and then if you want to we'll wait for a second for the water to stabilize and you can do a new mark take this out shaking off all the water and then fill up to the new Mark with water and then scoop out that much water into another container and weigh it wow so marking first here we go this is not going to be the most exact measurement of all time but it's going to get us pretty close push this down and then I'll try and get it to the point where my fingers are in the water as little as possible ice let the water settle for a second so it's not ripping too much when you feel it stable give us a new mark oh I got it before well you got it you got it [Music] and so now we take water out of here and throw in there until we're back down to our line [Music] foreign we are looking at 1567 grams now with water that equates to 1567 cubic centimeters as well so we've got 1567 cubic centimeters of gold in this statue let's look up what is the density of gold Google turns back an answer of 19.3 grams per cubic centimeter 19.3 times 1567 equals 30 243.1 grams do you know what that is in pounds no let's do some really in this 66.675 pounds now there's a slight margin of error we're just using water and eyeballing our measurements but I would say that rounding for error within a pound or two this Idol made of pure gold would weigh at least 65 pounds which is 15 pounds heavier than the bag of sand I was carrying around yeah which is why the thing tripped at the beginning of the the booby trap tripped that bag of sand it just wasn't heavy enough I know it went down but I don't think it was because the bag was too heavy I think it was just a fancy mechanism and it knew that's not the idle now that we have the weight personally I'm curious how much was this worth how much did Indiana Jones risk his life for turns out this is around 30 000 grams of gold that I'm holding with two fingers and if we put that for today's price which is about 57 per gram we end up with 1.7 million dollars I don't know if I'd risk my life for 1.7 million let's find out if he risked his and then especially you consider the fact that he would have immediately given it to a museum and not kept it for himself that's true he was not even enriching his life he's just he's enriching all of our Lives I forget that he was one of the good guys yeah I don't think the peruvian's thought so [Music] [Music] [Music] it's perfect oh looks just like the one in the movie [Music] see how far I can jump that's gonna be how wide our pit is okay all right his arms were out land I'd say end of the is here oh yeah it's a big jump there dog gy can make it me I mean I'll try you can try no I'm gonna watch you do you got the outfit on you you got more muscles I am the supervision so Andy's got two options one leave the bag behind or do the jump I'm gonna hurt myself probably I just wondering if my back can take this India how old was he was like 37 when he did this Ah that's about my age yeah he was one-handing it too remember that yeah well I'm not okay I'll try oh my gosh definitely made it right to the very middle of that pit with the first booby trap you have died so you try it come on I would um my back is probably worse than yours though so I think we should skip that one all right [Music] bags of cement are great for showing weight and all but what does it look like in real gold [Applause] [Music] we have here gold coins to represent actually a little over the weight of that Indiana Jones Idol if it were cast in solid pure gold so let's take a look at how dense this is and how heavy it feels compared to other metals and some everyday objects all right here we have parceled off oh my goodness 66 pounds of gold coins come on fingers come on box there we go that's real nice and comfortable to carry around oh my gosh ah I mean it's quite literally the densest thing this size I've ever lifted okay just keep supporting it underneath okay uh so once it was wrapped up in the Box in the towel I could not fit this into my bag but this is oh my gosh this is more weight than the cement bag had and it's smaller so I can't okay I'm not dodging any arrows like that oh that's that's complete nonsense look I'm not the most swole person in the world I know I get that but no one who isn't extremely used to it is gonna be able to run around carrying that jumping over stuff they're not gonna be able to toss it to someone across a pit they're not gonna be able to jump over the pit they're gonna fall and die or they're gonna drop that in when they try and toss it oh that's really heavy these things are cool before the pit to test if Indiana Jones could have possibly escaped from the darts Zach is going to try and shoot me with the dart gun when I'm ready and I'm gonna try and Dodge while carrying the 60 pound bag of golden idol here you say go and I'll start trying to dodge go oh shoot oh my God maybe I'm just a really bad shot so far malfunction in the Ancient Temple oh I don't know oh you're dead oh [Music] the play was over I of my conduct offense but I wanna I wanna trade places okay I got this yeah I almost went in the neighbor's yard all right and now we're talking you pick up the bag I'll try again with the dark cut because is that battery power no yes I am definitely dead oh it's totally a fair fight ah he had better weapons this looks fantastic right we should shoot surprisingly well yeah over your face [Applause] [Music] gotcha all right so if I'm not gonna jump it could I have thrown the idol across and jumped after it we know he won't survive just throw it throw me the idol throw me the idle I'll catch it I'm not strong enough come on yeah and it's in the hole we just lost 1.7 million dollars let me try again maybe it's a technique issue like shot put that thing uh that was kind of my attempt to shot but now I'm gonna do hammer throw good yep throw me the idol I mean I stepped in the pit also on my way but then I still failed they both fall down together I fell and the idle fell and he's left alone to try and make his way out of the booby trap Temple that giant rock is gonna squish you if you get past those Spike Gates it's still better than falling in the pit probably foreign Mr Jones dead or alive super dead he was briefly very rich for the few moments that he was holding the idol but before either the darts got him or he fell into a pit or he threw the idol into a pit and fell into the pit after it or was squished by a quickly lowering wall or a giant boulder all of the above we don't know what the exact composition of the idol in the movie was made of it could have been a gold alloy we do know that it looked like it was gold and it didn't appear to be tarnished despite sitting in a presumably very damp abandoned booby-trapped cave for years a gold aluminum alloy maybe a gold aluminum alloy whatever it was we we also don't know for sure but it was solid it could easily have been a thinner shell and therefore weighed a lot less but you know who else couldn't have possibly known the actual thickness and weight Indiana Jones while he's sitting there looking at it surrounded by booby traps exactly plus if it did have thin walls gold is super malleable super soft super squishy and with him running around being scared he would have just finished it with his bare hands so if any of you guys know where hidden treasure is let us know down in the comments and we will come get it successfully realistically planning for it being heavy while not dying [Music] so before filming this video I scoured the web and I really didn't find many videos about Hands-On experiences with large amounts of gold it just hasn't been done that much and one of the primary reasons that people haven't done these videos with gold is that it's so difficult to get access to an appreciable amount of gold that you can actually touch and handle and carry around so I want to give a very special thank you to 7K Metals for letting us spend a day in the world of precious metals giving us access to a pile of real gold coins and allowing us to film this episode 7K Metals is on a mission to educate people on the value of precious metals and give anyone and everyone easy access to genuine gold and silver guys if you don't know Zach's Channel drag or everything definitely go check it out and a special shout out thank you to all of my patrons on patreon your support means the world to me if you are not yet a supporter and would like to be the link for that is down in the description better be worth at least 1.7 million yeah only 1.7 and above please yeah I risk my life for just a million yeah none of zeros
Channel: Nate From the Internet
Views: 82,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfti, tkor
Id: zdNu9OmWUms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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