Why I'm switching from the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the Samsung S24 Ultra & Android

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Apple or Samsung iPhone or Galaxy Android or iOS if you're like most people chances are you chose one of these options sometime in the past and have stuck with it since according to this study Android has a roughly 89% retention rate with iPhone trailing just behind at 85% if you're in the US you're likely part of the 57% of people who use an iPhone as opposed to the 41% who use an Android however that number changes drastically on the global scale where iPhone only has a 29% market share and Android has 70% but what do these numbers mean do they matter or are they in accurate reflection of the age-old question Apple or Android I've been fortunate to have had various phones over the course of my life these included dumb phones smartphones flip phones and everything in between for the majority of my smartphone ownership I've been loyal to Android my first official Android phone was an HTC Evo I've also had a couple iPhones along the way including the 3G 4S and most recently the 14 pro Max however after the 4S I've been predominantly using Android phones specifically from Samsung I currently daily Drive the s24 ultra but for the past year I've attempted to switch to Apple's iPhone 14 pro Max I'd like to share why I decided to put the iPhone aside and stick with my Samsung and the Android operating system in general the first reason is that Android offers unparalleled customization options from keyboard layouts to character hold timing Android allows for personalized tweaks that iOS simply can't or chooses not to match with Android you're not just limited to changing wallpapers you can completely overhaul the look and feel of your device with things like custom launchers themes and widgets that are generally more interactive than the ones you find on iOS whether you want your device to reflect your personality or enhance your productivity I feel that Android gives you much more freedom to really make that device your own reason number two is kind of on the same note and it's the sheer depth of customization that Android allows if you want to change for instance your size or layout of the keyboard you're able to do that if you want to change character hold timing on that keyboard you can do that as well place a widget on your home screen well you can interact with it far more without having to launch the actual app on Android whereas on iOS most of those widgets aren't as interactive and don't provide as much functionality and with custom launchers you can completely transform your device's interface and really allows you to match your Unique Style to your phone simply put Android just gives you far more more power in terms of customizing and allowing you to create a smartphone experience that's very unique to what you need now reason number three is specific to Samsung but it can also be said about Android generally and it's that the hardware variety is unmatched in the smartphone market whether you're looking for a budget friendly option or a premium Flagship Samsung offers that and if you don't like Samsung's offerings you could always jump to other brands within the Android ecosystem from sleek and stylish designs of the Galaxy S S Series to the Innovative features of their zold Samsung is consistently delivering Cutting Edge Hardware that pushes the boundaries of what's possible the fourth reason is that when it comes to screen quality Samsung sets the standard with its industry-leading displays take the s24 ultra for example it has a stunning 1440 by 3120 AMOLED display at 505 pixels per inch this is opposed to the 14 pro Max's 1290x 2796 display this materializes in the s24 deliver dur ing breathtaking visuals with vibrant colors and very sharp detail whether you're watching movies playing games or browsing the web I found that the s24 ultra display always outclasses the 14 pro Maxes and it just seems far more immersive with anything I'm doing reason number five has to do with the cameras with its innovative F lens camera system the s24 offers far more options compared to the iPhone's four lenses whether you're shooting in low light or capturing fast moving action the s24 ultra's advanced cameras feature more options to work with on top of that with its 200 megap Main camera and 8K video capabilities the s24 ultra offers a much more powerful alternative to the iPhones so in conclusion the main reasons I decided to stick with my Samsung over the iPhone is the sheer amount of customization the hardware variety Samsung offers screen quality and of course the camera versatility I just feel that Samsung offers more for what I need and I just simply couldn't get used to how restricted and narrow the iPhone feels it seems like they're doing a good job appealing to a broad Audience by simplifying a lot of things but I just like the fact that Android offers you so many more options and of course you have the hardware variety as well so if I'm unhappy with a direction that Samsung is going with their design of a of their next phone release I could always jump to another brand within the Android ecosystem where I'll still have all of those OS features without compromising whatever features or quote unquote changes that Sam is making to their devices that I wouldn't be happy with whereas with iPhone you're really limited if you're unhappy with what they're offering one year there's no alternative if you want to go with iOS you're going to have to purchase an Apple iPhone in that sense I feel that Android gives you far more options just not only in terms of software customization but Hardware variety and just open more doors in terms of your next device if you've enjoyed this video and you liked my critique of the iPhone and the reasons why I'm sticking with Samsung please be sure to like And subscribe I'll be uploading more Tech rated videos in the future thanks and see you in the next one
Channel: The Techtive
Views: 3,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, iphone, 15, 14, pro, max, samsung, s24, ultra, android, 16, switch, cases, screen, protector, review, comparison
Id: NPz3Y_Q6S8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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