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hi guys welcome back to my channel so today it is the well-awaited video of how me and my partner met and so we have a special guest today [Music] say hello this is awkward say hello to my little partner this is the person who's always been in my videos and you just see his neck or his legs now you finally get to see his face okay so today's video is basically going to be a how we met story and also just you know a little q a type of video i have all the questions on my phone and we're just gonna go through it and answer everything as best as we can so first of all to clear some things up um basically this is basically my ex-boyfriend who's now again basically this is my ex-boyfriend and now we are back together so we've been together like how long now i think we've been together three and a half years and then there was a year that we broke up so it's been more you know officially it's been like almost four years and then we broke up for a year um so that's kind of why i was so nervous to bring him on the channel and also like what to call him and yeah we like just wrote like we broke up and so yeah i just didn't want to bring him on the channel yet until i knew things were solid and that we were legit so we are now solid and legit okay anyways so let's move on to so let's move on to actually how we meant we always tell people like two stories no we're gonna tell them the real story and then from this point on we obviously can't tell the fake story anymore so actually i want you to start because i'm interested from your perspective how we met it's just one perspective it was okay let's see online dating as everyone knows you have tinder so i don't think it's bad to like meet route in there since also like a lot of friends family members meant for tinder as well they're married now happily married having a kid already i don't think it's just like object objective it's like real thing dinner to also meet normal people who are interested in relationships actually let me go even before like we actually met through tinder because people think like i just came to germany for you so if you guys already know like i studied in germany before and basically that last it was like my third semester in college and after that i decided that i actually wanted to move to germany and so within that summer i made the decision yeah i want to move to germany and then it was in october of my last year in college is where i actually started talking to and it was super random before i left germany a friend of mine downloaded tinder for me in germany i only met up with one person then but nothing happened and then i just left germany after that i decided okay maybe i can start you know dating in new york and i was dating people but for some reason i kept on picking up german guys i don't know why i was still i was in new york so i was picking up german people still it was super weird i think when i saw you you were still in germany wasn't it your last day or the day after you flew out i don't think so you haven't been to new york a long time we started talking in october yeah and i left i left germany like my study abroad in i think august so i was still picking up german guys from august until october and i think maybe like two weeks later is when i stopped actually getting german matt like german people popping up so it was super weird how we saw each other on tinder but basically i was in new york already and he was in germany and somebody super liked me someone super liked me and we started talking on tinder and it was basically just texting just texting and then after that i think he was like i haven't heard your voice ever you know and then we started sending voice messages to each other and then after that was just like okay we don't even know what each other looks like you know in real life so we never even met and so then we facetimed each other and then after that we just kept on talking kept on talking and mind you like we have not met yet like at all so basically my first semester in my last year we were talking every single day on the phone facetiming and we never met so that was like what five months it's a little bit weird i don't know how we made that that was weird i could not imagine doing that again but it was so random but it felt it didn't feel like creepy in the moment you know didn't feel like never saw each other before it was weird after that you know i told you guys i already wanted to move to germany so i was already looking for jobs in that summer and then semester and i found a job and so i got an interview and then i decided to you know combine that trip interviewed trip with like meeting him for the first time and it was close by me yeah like 30 minute drive so it all worked out and then we met each other for the first time i had a random sketchy hotel at a sketchy hotel i was being cheap because i was like okay i have to afford wearing joggers yeah i was wearing i thought they were sexy to be honest but okay um yes i was wearing joggers and so um we met and we hit it off i think we made it official like my last day going back to new york to finish my last semester of college you know it was really intense because since her hotel was so sketchy she literally moved into my place which is so creepy because i didn't know this girl and i just wait i just left wait let's let her live at my place let's please without anyone just period let's just rewind i didn't invite myself to your house but you didn't you like he insisted that i stay with him so i was like that hotel was so sketchy you insisted before i even got to that hotel true because i wanted to spend the time with you but don't don't be like it's creepy because no but you think about it it's a bit weird it's a bit weird yeah you let a stranger go into your house and no one's there you were there all alone in the morning like you could have done whatever you want you don't even know this but like no you do know this his mom gave me like a key to the house when she gave it to me i was like also like you don't even know me like no that's so weird but here we are today i'm sure we're just good people so we think other people are good so yeah that's kind of how we started and then after i left germany we were official then we were long distance for like five months and then i moved to germany officially after that for the interview she came in january so you think about it we talked three months straight without seeing each other then we saw each other for a week intense week it was a one week and then she came back in may so another four months without seeing each other and then she's living here then so i would say we've officially been together three and a half years and then it was like one year-ish that we broke up we kind of officially met in 2016. we were talking and then blah blah blah okay so now we can move on to the q a section of this video i have all the questions here we'll try to answer as much as we can what was your first impression of each other first impression online or seeing each other in person let's do first impression in person because i don't remember online actually you still liked me though so i did i brought you flowers which my company gave me so you didn't really buy me flowers oh yeah you did bring me them yeah from your job a lot of impressions because we didn't see each other before and i was just like did you think i was beautiful oh my god obviously i was like nervous and like i don't know where my head was so i can't really remember what my first impression was i've seen him just from the neck up basically from facetime and so when i first saw him i was like huh he's not an ugly boy he's not catfishing me and i really liked his eyes you guys probably can't see it from so far away i've got eye bags here what initially attracted you to each other i don't know we just got along so well like just from texting and we did not even hear each other's voice we didn't even see each other i don't know like why we kept talking to be honest i think it was just the white it was interesting because normally you always see the person first when you meet someone just talk for three months without seeing each other so i think that we got along so well and wiped even just during the phone i think that was which was attracting us to each other and also i mean if you meet through tinder obviously the first impressions are always the look that you don't know if you see pictures you never know how the person acts so i think it was obviously also the look where when was your first kiss that's obvious you guys can imagine where it was sketchy hotel yeah i was at the sketchy hotel who said i love you first oh wait it was me you think it was you you said on the phone i think i was a bit drunk at home i was not sober so he said it on the phone i think you had a boys trip to where budapest or like czech republic he said it first i didn't say it back i was just like no i didn't wow no because i knew you were a little bit drunk and i was like nah i'm not gonna do that and then i feel like an idiot the next day when he doesn't probably even remember saying it so i was just like oh okay and then the next day i think i loki kind of asked you like if you remember it last night then you reconfirmed it and then i think i think i said it back then okay what's the biggest thing you've learned from each other i honestly have to say empathy i can learn a lot about empathy from zoe and also what's going on right now in the news and media which is really important not just in america also in germany about the black lives matter move there's still a lot to learn about and a lot to educate yourself about so i learned a lot about that with her and i can still learn a lot what were you so i think the biggest thing that i've learned from him kindness you know the beginning when i first moved to germany it was really really a tough time for me and you and your family took me in and i don't know really helped me out and without them i would not be where i am today so not just for him but from his family it's just this unlimited kindness that has no face you know like they don't know me they did everything for me so it's really nice do you see a future together definitely if not we wouldn't be here i mean we're not teenagers anymore today for fun it doesn't make sense to date you can like have little days and have fun around but you wouldn't get serious so yeah i definitely see future together what's one thing you find funny about each other i think yeah i think we are like a funny couple kind of we're always joking around and playing around maybe a bit too too much kind of like two kids just always playing literally like two toddlers were always doing dumb stuff maybe his dry-ish german humor maybe and his not funny dad jokes is what i find funny about you what's the question what i find funny about you what is funny about you seems like i'm not that funny you're taking too long to think about this we can go to the next question what was our first trip together strasbourg went to strasbourg friends together through my birthday who usually wins the arguments i'll let her win come on that's such a typical guy thing to say you know i always come with valid points and i am you know if it's me the undefeated winner in all of the arguments because my points are 100 valid depends on which kind of argument it's about knowledge if it comes about decoration i'll let her do her decisions that was such a sexist little comment hello it's all positively like your apartment looks so nice and you know how it looks at my place so yeah so the question was who wins the arguments we had a little argument right here we had to like did we cut that depends it really depends like how our mood is if i'm not in the mood to argue then the argument is over we'll just say that i am 100 most of the time valid what's each other's weirdest traits shall i put this on the internet for everyone to so guys the word in german is kleckafritza and what is klecofritzer in english someone who is always spilling things on themselves which is this person right here actually that is a lie even my mom says that she's a clicker fritzi so that should be improved enough always when you spill she's like but not in a bad way what are your nicknames for each other you call me a pirate sometimes yeah pirate so so but mostly i'm saying bait which is pretty basic a lot of people don't like being called bait but i think it's cute and nice we do it to each other so yeah do you have a preference for white guys black girls or did the relationship happen naturally i don't think i have a preference and this was just a super random type of relationship how it started but i wasn't seeking it out yeah i mean i wouldn't say i have a preference either so he's the first black girl i'm seeing first and only so yeah guys there's no preference here i think we happened pretty organically and pretty naturally what's your happiest slash funniest moment together a lot of good moments good moments and our first real trip together like some vacation increase and this year increase it was also really nice again i just think the best moments happen when you all right series also i might be part of that so yeah i think the best memories happen or are being created when you travel together since there's like so much to do together and like literally full two weeks intense together doing different stuff every day so i think you can create really good moments there which we did what are the biggest accomplishments in both of your lives i think what i really liked was when i finished my studies started in the job and got a new role as the leader of the educational program in my job next to my only job what i'm doing there i think for me it's you know just getting out of like that dark ditch before like hating my job so my accomplishment now is like moving up getting a new apartment a new relationship new i feel like my life is now well-rounded with everything so i feel i think that's my biggest accomplishment it's just getting out of that ditch and elevating my life you know what annoys me do you know what annoys me the fact that he's a click of princeton this is now the second time that he's spilled and now he has done it on me now i'm included in this spit look there okay guys so that was basically the end of the video i hope you guys enjoyed it i hope you guys liked meeting my little partner um so now his face will be in the videos from now on i suppose but yeah this is him this is me so i hope you guys are staying super healthy and safe and i'll see you guys in another video yeah let's record you're kinda hot okay so this is what we look like now you look really really white let me see how your hair looks hold on we can start with the hat and then you can like take off the hat my tea coffee is always way too hot and [Music] you
Channel: Zoie-Marie
Views: 106,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INTERRACIAL COUPLES, boyfriend tag, bwwm, couple tag, our love story, couples tag, how we met, how we met tag, interracial, interracial couple, vlog, vloggers, love, laughing, funny, #HOWWEMET, #STORYTIME, #COUPLES, #INTERRACIALCOUPLES, #GETTOKNOWUS, biracial couple, biracial couple tag, black, black girls, gettoknowus, interracial couple tag, interracial love, lauren and cameron, love is blind, love story, swirl, travel, viral, wmbw, wwbm, Interraciallove, Germany, US, Jamaicanwomen, swirl love
Id: b3uv7iPKxpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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