Why I Wear The Same Thing Every Day (Minimalist Wardrobe)

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[Music] so Mark Zuckerberg Steve Jobs Barack Obama what did these three have in common you probably already saw the title of the video and it's that they tend to wear the same thing every day and what I want to do in this video is share with you why I adopted sort of a minimalist wardrobe and how its really helped me in a number of different areas in my life and how it could possibly help you not only save time save money but in a number of different areas in your life so what we're gonna do today is I'm gonna break this down into really five different primary reasons as to why I choose to do this it's not going to be for everyone and it's not saying that everybody should adopt sort of a minimalist wardrobe where they tend to wear the same clothing every day and that's not to say that I'd literally wear the same shirt every day I changed my clothing every day but I have many duplicates of those so I'll show you guys my wardrobe I'll show you kind of how I do this where I get my clothes from and if you're interested stick around so let's get into this and and let's talk about the overlying reason by far as to why I choose to wear essentially the same thing every day and the reason for this is because of time now when you look at the greatest assets that we have in our lives I truly believe time is the greatest asset that we have it's one thing that we can't ever get back you know if we have a hundred million dollars and we lose that money we can get that money back eventually if we have a house that burns down very sad very tragic but as long as nobody was hurt we can get that house back we can get something that's pretty similar to that house but time is that one thing that you can never recoup you can never get that back and so if there's any area in my life where I can save time it's something that I will certainly take into consideration so when you think about this and how this relates to clothing is something as simple as five minutes a day let's spend thinking about what you're going to wear tomorrow right and that's probably the average of how much time somebody spends thinking about what they're going to wear maybe they go clothing shopping from time to time when you average it out let's say five minutes per day that's spent thinking about what you're gonna wear tomorrow now it sounds very insignificant it sounds very small not very significant whatsoever right but five minutes a day that's thirty five minutes a week okay but that's about 30 hours per year that's spent thinking about what you're going to wear the next day that's a day per year and over the course of 50 60 70 years that's months worth of your life that's literally just spent processing thinking about what you're going to wear does this clothing match with the other clothing does this look good in public can I wear this in season should I wear this color it's it just creates a lot of more decisions that you need to make in your life and I think this is why a lot of the the big dog CEOs like like Mark Zuckerberg or people like Steve Jobs or Elizabeth Holmes it didn't didn't really work out for her too well but I think it's the reason why a lot of these these big CEOs in Silicon Valley tend to wear the same thing every day it's because it saves them a lot of time it's less decisions that they need to make but it's one of the driving reasons for myself as well and you know I don't do 18 hour workdays I'm not incredibly in efficiency freak but it's still something that I can just cut back on in terms of time spend doing things that I don't need to do so that's the overlying reason but I would argue that another really very very valid reason as to why somebody might adopt something like this is due to financial reasons now this isn't the leading reason for me and it's probably because I could afford to spend more on clothing if I wanted to but the truth is I just don't really need to I don't see the purpose for it now when you look at the average clothing expense in America it's about 161 dollars per month that's well over $1,000 per year spent on clothing and so if you're looking for anywhere in your budget to consider cutting back if you're looking at your budget right now and you're thinking you know you want to put an extra hundred dollars a month towards your mortgage or your student loans or your credit card bills then cutting back on some clothing by simplifying stuff is actually possibly a pretty good idea and I would argue that I probably spend about maybe thirty dollars per month on clothing in total when you average it out over the course of the year I don't spend any time buying clothing it's just very simple I just order it and you guys have been wondering where I get my shirts from and where I get my pants from so to be honest with you most of these shows just come from H&M like 15 bucks my jeans are about maybe 45 50 dollars might be a little bit expensive for some people but you have to understand that it's somewhat of higher quality it's incredibly high-quality but it's something that will last a pretty long time I used to buy jeans for $12 at Walmart Wrangler jeans I just choose not to do that anymore both work right anything works so guys this is my closet we're not gonna go too far in because it's pretty personal but you know I just have a lot of black shirts you know I got these at hmm some of them I'll just get in like like bulk packs on Amazon because sometimes I'll wear them as an undershirt or other times other ones if they're nicer quality I'll just wear them like as a regular shirt but you can get these for like three four dollars online hmm there might be like 10 bucks and then these black shirts that I wear right here about $15 H&M so super simple I hang everything up I don't even have a dresser about half way through the week so guys do laundry soon I don't have money left but that's really simple guys and then for pants I just wear the same pants just the duplicates of these pants so I have about six pairs these black ones I have a pair of lighter jeans then I have some other like weird funky pants if I want to change things up but it's super versatile when you're wearing black because it's a very neutral color right so you don't have to display a black but something that's white or grey and it essentially goes with almost anything so for example you know I'll have some other things like we really want to spice things up during the summer okay I want to throw this on and it just goes with with black pants it goes with a black shirt if I'm wearing red shirts all the time I try to wear this with it it's just not gonna look good right and I don't know what I'm doing with style but I know that if I keep some neutral colors I can mix in some more more colorful stuff and it just works very easily so all the clothes that I have matched with each other they all go with each other so I don't have to worry about kind of having this like hundreds of different pieces of clothing and then saying well I can't wear this red with this purple or whatever I don't even know what colors match I really don't that's why I wear black it's just super super simple so by having black it's pretty simple and you don't have to worry about stains on your clothing you know from age 5 to age 18 I would wear white t-shirts every day like literally every day I wore a white t-shirt to school and you know it works for myself at the time but I was a pretty messy and I would have like barbecue sauce on my shirt and it was just a bad look all around but with black you can spill ink on it you can do anything and you're probably not gonna see it you're not gonna notice it so it's just better all around you know if you get stains on your shirt you're not gonna notice at all it's also a lot easier to do laundry I would argue when I do laundry I don't have to separate from black from white from colors it's just all in the same laundry machine all in the same washing machine and I very rarely use a dryer just because it's kind of a waste now another reason for wearing clothing that doesn't have logos like a Gucci logo on it or a Nike logo on it or or anything is because you kind of keep people guessing as to how much you paid for your outfit and this is something that I just like to do keep people guessing but for example people don't know when they see me on the street if this is a $500 shirt or a $5 shirt that I got a Walmart they just don't know because there's no logos it doesn't categorize you into like one specific area on how much you spent on your clothing and so I think it's just a great move all around the board for what I do for myself so keeping things very neutral but going back to what I said earlier I really don't have style I don't great style so just keeping it basic is it's hard to go wrong and I see a lot of people who will say go to urban outfitters or they'll try to keep up with the trends the newest fashion trends which is fine there's nothing wrong with that you probably look really cool walking around but the problem with this is that fashion and trends the trends so they change all the time and so something that's cool right now is not going to be cool next year and it's definitely not going to be cool in five years maybe thirty years but it's not cool a few years later and so what happens is people have this incredibly high turnover rate of clothing and especially when you're paying for trying to keep up with the trends whether you're buying those like big bulky felis shoes it might be fine now they're cool now but in two years they're gonna be sitting in your closet somewhere you're not gonna wear them because it's not cool anymore so by having something that's kind of timeless like this black shirt you you can't go wrong with it doesn't matter if it's 1982 or if it's twenty five you know twenty two to five I don't know what your any year it doesn't matter because it's super simple so that's my reasoning for it and really it comes out of time it comes down to financial reasons if you wanted to save some money but it also just comes down to simplifying everything all around the board for why I do this so you guys wanted to know I answered your question I had hundreds of people asking me this question especially like where I got my clothing from so I thought I would address it and once again if you guys have any questions let me know down in the comment section below and hey guys I want to let you know that if you send me a DM on Instagram or an email or a message or even a comment I want you guys to know that I read every comment I read every message that people send me on Instagram but is difficult for me to get back to everyone so I just want you guys to be aware of that that in and I hope you can understand that if you get hundreds of messages in a day I physically cannot respond to everybody it would take up 8 to 10 hours of my day by just responding people so I read them and I want you guys know that I am listening but thanks for watching the video appreciate all support on the channel we're coming up on like 350 thousand subscribers now so thank you and I'll see everybody in next week's video [Music]
Channel: Nate O'Brien
Views: 224,206
Rating: 4.9015627 out of 5
Keywords: minimalist wardrobe, wearing the same thing everyday, same outfit, nate o'brien, minimalist, minimalism, save money, minimal wardrobe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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