Why I Switched to Proxmox from OpenMediaVault

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hey guys in this video i want to talk a little bit about proxmox and why it is quickly becoming my preferred method of self-hosting but first a quick message from today's video sponsor this episode is sponsored by lenode the largest independent cloud computing provider if you don't want to or can't for whatever reason self-host applications the way we talk about on this channel lenode provides virtual servers that make it easy and affordable for you to host anything in the cloud you can set up any of the applications that they have available in their marketplace with just a few clicks or you can set up your own docker vps and install basically whatever you'd like in a docker container they have load balancers and firewalls available to help keep your apps online and safe if you run into any trouble getting set up lenode comes with amazing 24 7 customer support by phone or ticket along with hundreds of guides and tutorials to help you get started sign up today at lenovo.comtvtech and get a 100 60 day credit on your new lenode account links are in the description so for the last couple of years we've been talking about self-hosting primarily with docker important um and open media vault uh we had one video of media about four and then i did a lot of open media about five and here recently we've talked about open media vault six which i guess is actually finally released out of beta um and it was just weird timing that i decided to switch to proxmox right as that happened completely completely random thing that happened there so the reason i wanted to do this was because i knew that there was more out there than just uh open media vault it's been great it's been it's been super useful uh for me to learn and in turn teach how to get into self hosting um but i knew that there was more out there that i wanted to learn about self-hosting and and virtualization and things like that so uh when i decided to do to kind of dip my toes into the proxmox realm uh i i relied heavily on on my my discord server a big shout out uh to to jay collins for for walking me through some of the stuff i was really struggling with um but what i did just because again it was a comfort zone it's what i knew i knew what to expect i knew what to look for uh when i first got into proxmox the first thing i did was deploy an open media vault 6 virtual machine in proxmox if we take a look this is this is the proxmox instance or a restored backup of that instance i've since changed some things that we'll get into here in just a little bit but this is a restored backup of uh my original proxmox setup that i went with again i've got uh this one virtual machine right here uh that is running open media vault six um and in that we've got a few containers in fact let's just see what i've got running uh in there uh let's let's clear this oops there we go and then we'll do a docker ps so in this open media vault six instance inside proxmox i've got cloudflared uh if you haven't checked out my video on how to sell post using cloudflare without any port forwarding that's what that is talking about that's that cloudflare docker container anyway that's what that is i've had a mysql instance for the ghost oh there we go i've also got a book stack instance with murray database and i've got fourteener i just do to help manage everything because i still like fourteener quite a bit so if we take a look uh at this setup we're gonna come back to here and uh everything here looks good we've got one note online one running uh as far as virtual machines and no lxc containers that's actually what i've since moved to we'll talk about that um but basically if we take a look again i've got one virtual machine with four or five containers running inside of it six containers i suppose uh now that i've thought about it but basically there there's no i want to be clear about this there is no traffic being pushed to this setup there's this is not exposed to the internet at all when we look at this at idle we're idling it between between like 10 and 25 cpu usage uh we're idling at 86 uh memory usage i gave i gave this setup four gigs of ram um and and it is using uh 86 of that to manage open media vault and all of the docker containers uh within um and then we're using about 13 of the the one and a half terabytes of storage that i gave it so we're using a lot of system resources there's a lot of overhead in here from open media vault six um and it's it's not necessarily a dig on open media about six or five or whatever it's just it's an intermediate layer for management so we can control things you know like permissions and shares and things like that much more easily right that's that's one of the big perks to open media vault is the ease of use and managing shares and that sort of thing problem is that it uses up a lot of resources here we can see that it's spiked to 51 so what i decided to do was learn a little bit more about proxmox containers more specifically lxc containers so let's let's kind of dig into that just a little bit here this is uh my my live server if you go to uhdbtech.com or dbtech.fans you'll hit this server this this piece of hardware is what you'll actually hit this is live this is in production so here we have three lxc containers and basically think of a an lxc or a proxmox container similarly to a docker container in that with these containers uh they actually share resources with the host so you actually minimize the amount of resources necessary to run uh the the separate containers so they share resources at the core level but then they kind of all branch off into different things for different use cases a much like docker uh containers work currently again live production server uh idling at two percent of my cpu cores again four cores again approximately uh four gigs of ram using 53 of that versus the 86 percent that we saw earlier and again we're still using about 13 of our storage uh that's fine i've done more with this since that backup was restored so if you if you if you take a look here let's actually put these side by side are they both guys four cpu cores they both got approximately four gigs of ram and they both got approximately one and a half terabytes of hard drive space so uh we can see that there is far less overhead going with the uh proxmox lxc containers for self-hosting purposes now remember over here on the left side with this open media vault 6 instance running inside proxmox i only had six containers running over here on the right side let's actually take a look at this let's go full screen on that one like so and then let's open this up this is going to be dbtech.com i'm going to do a docker ps we've got pertainer cloud flared uh book stack and marie database so all of that is up and running for there on dbtech.fans uh let's do doctor ps again we've got ghost um and my sequel and again cloudflared and then for nginx proxy or this nginx container over here we'll do the same thing we've got uh portainer nginx proxy manager and go access branch next proxy manager um just for some testing that i'm doing along the side of this so i've got three i'm running 10 containers on this other server doing everything through lxc approx box containers and again i'm using a far far smaller amount of resources by doing everything through proxbox containers then i would be running fewer containers in an open media vault 6 instance so that was that was what really pushed me to want to learn more about proxmox uh was when i saw that i could run more and do or when i could run more uh services and that sort of thing and use fewer resources that was a big selling point for me another really big selling point for proxmox containers versus open media vault and using docker and that sort of thing and now let's be clear i'm still using docker and portainer and all of that in my lxc containers but i'm not using the overhead of openmediable to do it and as far as like doing backups i can't express how much easier it is to manage backups using lxc containers versus uh using open media vault and trying to run backups through that uh and deploying backups uh restoring and deploying backups i've i've never been this impressed so i've actually got a third instance of proxmox up and running it's actually a proxmox backup server so let me pull that up so here is our proxmox backup server i currently have both of my demo server and my my live server are both backing up to this instance this is actually running in a virtual machine on synology that's irrelevant but that's what's going on here and if i come over here to my backups area uh here we can see all of the different containers that i have up and running i've got a container 102 103 and 104 and then vm or virtual machine 100. so if i minimize this we can take a look and see 102 103 104 uh and uh 100 over here so what we're actually seeing here is all of the different backups of those different uh virtual machines and lxc containers and if i open this up i can't go back to any of these uh what any of these different uh backup options here we can see when the backup was done how big the backup is uh also a big big change here this is open media vault six backup uh these are all lxc uh proxmox backups you can see there's a huge size difference in their backup sizes so uh you can you can do things like um protect a specific backup so that it won't be overwritten or deleted depending on your backup schedule and and configuration you can say don't ever delete this one you can leave notes for yourself about what was going on there uh there's lots of different stuff going on in here so what really impressed me is while i was trying to learn clustering and high availability uh i kind of borked my hardware setup that i had running on my zima board and um because i had backups of all of my different containers over here on my on this uh on this backup server i was able to spin up a separate virtual machine uh in with proxmox and restore all of those containers it kept all of their configurations to get the right the addresses it kept absolutely everything exactly what the way it was when i backed it up and i went from a a completely borked server to backup and running in like 10 to 15 minutes um just because of the way proxmox works so i am not by any means a professional with proxmox but i would love to uh start a new series that's my plan anyway about kind of going through the process of setting up a proxmox server setting up a backup proxmox server and then once we're kind of comfortable kind of you know navigating our way around that actually get into some clustering some high availability and things like that so that if you've got a node that shuts down for some reason has to restart for some reason or whatever i will automatically move containers that are on that device over to a separate device so you'll have i'm not going to say no downtime but very very little down time using proxmox and high availability and clustering that kind of thing so hopefully uh you found this video uh interesting if nothing else as far as kind of my my my dipping my toes in the proxmox water and if you're interested definitely let me know by hitting the thumbs up button also uh leave a comment down below i'd love to to hear what you think about proxmox down there uh there are there are a ton of different ways that you can support the channel also down in the description if you'd like to do that um but i think with all of that said i'm gonna go ahead and wrap this up so thank you guys for spending part of your day with me i will talk to you in the next video
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 99,285
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Keywords: proxmox, proxmox tutorial, proxmox ve, proxmox install, hypver-v to proxmox, vmware to proxmox, proxmox storage, proxmox openmediavault iscsi, proxmox backup to nas, how to backup proxmox, proxmox dark theme, how to install proxmox, how to backup proxmox vm, how to fix clone proxmox, proxmox zfs, how to add storage to proxmox, proxmox getting started, proxmox gpu passthrough, hdd passthrough proxmox, how to set up a share in proxmox, proxmox backup, proxmox clone vm
Id: n2DyeLOu3bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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