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some folks call this thing here a guitar funny you only resume okay okay promise me that you won't laugh don't laugh I want trust in you [Music] if I ever were to lose you I surely lose person everything I have found here and not found by myself trying sometimes you'll succeed to make his pain me Oh stolen missing parts I have no need [Music] and I believe I can see here two days days are you with me [Music] the Last of Us is one of my favorite games of all time I beat the last of us to immediately as soon as it came out I played it for three days trying to lock myself in my pitch-black theater I beat the last of us and I [ __ ] hated it [Music] I'm gonna keep it very simple okay when I beat the game I hated it because this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and this and this you sit now comfy way out here [ __ ] make it stop [ __ ] get it dude it's [ __ ] depressing I get it she's paying Murray man I [ __ ] it can you play the [ __ ] guitar what's the what's the point how they gonna make all this [ __ ] worth it how how the [ __ ] is this all gonna be worth it [Music] [Music] are you [ __ ] nuts out film Naughty Dog really put us through the most depressing game ever for the most basic message of it hey what's up that last of us part to those alright but there's this guy he was really cool but then he got brutally murdered I wanted to get revenge so and you know about I got revenge whoa what guys don't Burke my friend here we got to revenge getting revenge is part of the problem thank you I wasn't even mad I was disappointed and I felt bad for Naughty Dog cuz I know they really tried but they finally after I think 11 or 12 games where they were just perfect they failed everyone online was given in zeroes talking [ __ ] last of us to was a failure one of my favorite franchises was ruined and then dumped you released a video in the back half of the game you knew hey I remember that guy characters will do things he won't agree with and you'll have to turn him right on an attempt to empathize with them in the world of Last of Us part two one hateful act begets another but a selfless act can also be contagious and I went oh run a bet in the world of Last of Us part two one hateful act begets another but a selfless act can also be contagious [Music] you know it's kind of tough a selfless act can be contagious this simple statement from monkey made me finally realize the game and the painful journey is not to tell you that revenge is bad every single thing that happens in this game is for Elly's recovery from the effects of Joel's decision and lie at the end of the last was won back in Boston back when I was bitten I wasn't alone my best friend was there and she got bit too we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together I'm still waiting for my turn Allie her name was Riley and she was the first to die and then it was tests and unsanitary is on you you don't understand I struggled for a long time with surviving and you no matter what you keep finding something to fight for now I know that's not what you want to hear right swear to me swear to me that everything that you've said about the fireflies is true I swear [Music] okay Ellie gave Joel an ultimatum she tells him all the laws all the people she's lost all the struggle to get to this very moment she has survivor's guilt because she's not sure why she was allowed to live and her best friend her first love and Riley wasn't her immunity and Joel are the only thing she has left Joel's lie includes that there are tons of other immune people and the fireflies didn't even need her to save the world by accepting Joel's lies she's accepting that her life and the loss and the sadness everything was all meaningless right and if she knows that Joel is lying which I think she does and Joe might even know that she knows he's lying but if Ellie does know that he's lying that means she also knows that she's giving up the chance to give her immunity to the world by saving Ellie at all cost - Joel dooms himself to the eventual friends that kills him in this game but more importantly he basically guarantees that Ellie will eventually resent or have a really tough time forgiving him which is honestly the main thing that she deals with in this game Joel is aware of this cost he accepts it and he even confirms in the game that he would do it all over again given the second chance right and I think that Naughty Dog is implying here that this includes he would accept getting you know beat with the golf club by this random chick right there's torture his death if it meant that in the end Ellie will live and have a chance to find something in her life to keep on fighting right so the anger that I had towards Joel's death you know by it by Abby out of nowhere this chick who I've never even heard of before I understood it right she was justified in her own revenge even if it wasn't the right move it made sense I'm not mad at that anymore Joel probably expected that to come one day right and accepted that fate in exchange for giving him more time with Ellie and for her to find for herself what she was for him a reason to keep my Ellie thinks and ultimately accepts Joel's lie and all the implications that come with it right those implications you know plus confirming with Joel that it was alive plus Joel's horrific death that she had to see from a few feet away right after she tried to find a way to forgive him right this all pushes Ellie into this extremely dark place in her life perfectly symbolized by the main menu screen this entire painful depressing story and all the depressing moments of the game are representative of Ellie's journey to get out of this darkness but to also do justice and avenge Joel the way he deserved the Last of Us to is not a chore of pain and suffering just for the final message to be that revenge is bad the last suppose to was about the battle Ellie has with herself to find forgiveness not only for Joel but for her sacrifices that she made for him at the end of the first game and throughout the revenge journey in this game as you play the game and get revenge with both characters there's moments where they force you to hit square and do these things that you really don't think is the right thing it feels wrong it feels wrong as Ellie to smack this girl who's gonna die anyway with a pipe when you're playing as a be beaten up Ellie it feels wrong and the reason it does is because the characters themselves feel the same way they're not acting out of control or sense they're acting out of line to revenge they're blinded by their hate for the other side and it doesn't matter what they're doing they're lost they're acting on emotion so Ellie acts in self-defense in a lot of these situations but the bigger issue is that she's trying to pretend that she's Joel she's trying to do what Joel would do for her in these situations an example of this is when Ellie tries to go and interrogate Owen and Mel to get information she uses Joel's technique now the girl is she alive what girl I don't know no girl right here god damn the off girl you're gonna mark it on the map and I better be the same exact spot your buddy points to [ __ ] you man told you she wanted I killed you [ __ ] that's alright I believe in no waiting right give her what she wants and we're dead you guys can't survive this so just her [ __ ] [ __ ] get over here Thanks where she is on this map and then you better [ __ ] match up you doing she's probably dead anyway that is not worth it stop we can talk point where she is with Abby and her self at the same time Ellie has the exact same problem as aimed this is the last trucker isn't it yes once you open this chakra you will be able to go in and out of the Avatar State at will and when you are in the Avatar state you will have complete control and awareness of all your actions meditate on what attaches you to this world [Music] now that all of those attachments go let them flow down the river for god I'm sorry I can't let go of Katara Aang to master the Avatar state you must open all the chakras surrender yourself okay I'll try now think of your attachments and let them go let the pure cosmic energy flow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] guitar is in danger I have to go no length by choosing attachment you have locked the chakra if you leave now you won't be able to go into the Avatar state at all [Music] to me the only way is to let her go sorry Katara [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it takes le going back and forth multiple times she never needed to do what Joel would do right the only thing Joel wanted for Ellie and what he sacrificed himself for was for her to be safe and to be happy she keeps going back for revenge because she's hunted by the guilt of the weight of her choice at the end of the first game and not returning the favor for Joel sacrifices he made for her seconds away from finally completing her revenge path with Abby she has the positive flashback and realizes not only that her revenge with Abby won't solve anything but it's not what Joel would have want to Elias do to honor him in the first place what Joel wanted was her to be happy and free doing what Joel would do which is all-out revenge at any cost didn't get her that and it wasn't until she was seconds away from achieving it that she could learn this for herself she's at rock bottom right now but she finally learns the hard way to let things go she's left alone in this foggy dark ocean that has been her life to this point with only one thing left to do to really free herself from the control of her obligation she felt she had to Joel Ellie returns to the farmhouse for one last challenge she must let go of Joel and fully forgive him and herself so she can finally move on Joel never wanted her to become a revengeful cold-hearted killer and to really do justice by Joel she must go and find her own reasons to keep fighting she needs to be free to make her own decisions and hopefully forgive and remember Joel in a positive light through the journey she just completed Ellie learned to let go of her complex emotions and make the right decision the decision that both her and Joel wanted in their final conversation [Music] are you drinking coffee where'd you get that those people that came through last week a little embarrassed as to what I had to trade to get it when I'm bad I had Seth under control and you need to stop harassing Jesse about my patrols okay Deena she your girlfriend no no she that was just one kiss that doesn't mean anything she just I don't know why she did but you do like her I have no idea what that girl's intentions are but but I do know that she would be lucky to have you you're such an [ __ ] I'm not trying to I was supposed to die in that hospital my life would have [ __ ] mattered but you took that from me if somehow the Lord gave me a second chance at that moment I would do it all over again yeah I just I don't think I can ever forgive you for that but I would like to try [Music] okay I'll see you around yep Ellie saved him and now Joel saved her even from beyond the grave right this game has many messages and a lot of suffering but it wasn't for the messages alone the entire journey was to save Ellie just as we did for Joel in the first game this game is not perfect but neither is the first one a lot of the things that people are complaining about in this game are something that Naughty Dog has done in dang near every other game that they have made right I believe the only reason you can really hate this game and love the first one is if you don't understand that the entire journey and struggle was to redeem Ellie just like we did Joel the messages that are taught in this game that are represented so authentically in this game the fact that they didn't treat their characters as if they deserved anything and they only had them have authentic experiences in the world that they were in makes me respect this game so much right the message of this game is so powerful for where we're at right now as people as all we can seem to do is continue to argue and fight and keep going through these growing pains as people that seem like they're never going to end maybe if we can let go of our emotions like le does put them in a place we can reference them when we need them maybe our [ __ ] up the world would be a little less [ __ ] up it wouldn't get a little bit closer to the light and Abbey is shown to have made it back to the fireflies on Catalina Island by the main menu screen after you beat the game and Ellie's now finally free to choose her own life path she's still looking for that true meaning in her life she may go back to Deena and Tommy right and forgive them and they forgive each other but she would still feel that obligation to give her immunity to the world and there's no way Abby doesn't tell her new Firefly group that she found the same girl that her dad died for who happens to be immune she could finally make the choice to sacrifice herself and maybe maybe with with a certain way they could do it in this game Ellie could survive the surgery maybe or maybe she has to sacrifice her entire life maybe but the Last of Us world either way would have a happy ending with her cure going around all thanks to Ellie part two will basically become Naughty Dog's Empire Strikes Back right and part three would be the Return of the Jedi Joel was obi-wan Ellie was Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker combined and her sacrifice would save the world and make everything all the pain Noel's death her loss all worth it in the end after really thinking extra hard on this game just to make this video I can confidently say I've gone from absolutely hating this game to considering it a very worthy sequel to the first game a masterpiece and a storytelling and I have to say a 10 out of 10 overall game even though it has flaws the biggest message is not that revenge is bad it's that revenge and forgiveness and hate and love and your ego everything is the same you're so passionate about these things you care about that you're blinded and you have a bias when you look at the big picture and what's the best decision for you and for the others around you both Abby and Ellie dedicate their entire being to avenging their father figures when in reality both Joel and Abby's father would have told them to let them go and move on with their life and find something to make them happy for Abby that would have been owing for Ellie that would have been Dena Abby learns a lesson a little bit sooner than Ellie but both end up at the same position and trying to find happiness where they can write basically it's Moby Dick Joel and Joel or Abby's dad Joel or Abby's dad what's his name Jerry Jerry Anderson Joel or mr. Anderson dr. Anderson are the [ __ ] whale they're Moby Dick and Ellie and Abby are both a hab and they go too far chasing the [ __ ] prize basically it's Moby Dick Star Wars that's what I'm trying to tell you do you not understand I do not understand Naughty Dog is forcing us the fans in real life to go through the exact same journey as Elliott if we can let go of the rage and our egos controlling how we see what they did to our favorite game and our favorite characters and see the big picture and what it does for Ellie in the end one of our favorite characters what it does for her and the possible amazing finale it sets the last of us up for I think most of us can see how powerful this game actually is I love this game now I hope I help somebody out there who hated the game like I did come to realize how amazing this game is it's my first gaming video and I'm so glad I got to talk about the Last of Us to hopefully start where I can do more videos because I have ton more things to talk about this game so appreciate you guys for watching let me know how I did let me know what you think let me know and we could talk about this in the comments appreciate you let me know comment let's talk more steli much love [Music] best to say Martinus but a beast save [Music] I don't like this game
Channel: CELLY
Views: 473,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celly, ballervisions, marcel chappell, marcel, the last of us, the last of us two, the last of us 2, the last of us part 2, part ii, the last of us part ii, playstation, review, ps4, playstation 4, gaming, video games, ellie, joel, tlou2, tlou, hated, masterpiece, ellie story, ending, naughty dog, neil druckman, the last of us reaction, reaction, sony, kinda funny, ign, video game review, explained, dunkey, videogamedunkey, the last of us part 3, girlfriend reviews, angry joe, angryjoeshow
Id: hB79L0Qtk5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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