Why I Run TWICE a DAY! (Benefits Of DOUBLE RUN Days)

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[Music] i don't know if it needs to be put on yet really it's quite a lot of room today is monday and i thought i would take you through my day of running on monday so it is a double run day and this morning i've got 16 kilometers planned nice and easy or 10 miles if you're running miles um and then a session this evening so i thought i would film it explain a little bit about why i do double days and why maybe you want to incorporate double days into your training program and if you're new to the channel my name's ben i'm currently training for a half marathon god knows when it's going to be though because of covid it was meant to be in march it's now been the race that i've entered has now been delayed to october but hopefully when i race i'm gonna be targeting the 70-minute half marathon so that is the plan so this morning i've got my um x talons on my inuit x talons which are my sort of trail running shoes because this morning there's lots of snow and ice about so it should keep me nice and grippy so yeah this morning i've got a 10 mile or 16 kilometer run just an easy run starting the week i'm aiming for around 130 or 82 kilometers 82 miles sorry um this week of running in total and within that week of running i do around three four maybe five double days where i run in the morning and i run in the evening so it's my third run here in hatfield peverell i still have no clue where i am where we are really um so i'm just going to plan like an out and back route just run eight kilometers in that direction and then when the watch beats eight turn and come [Music] back [Music] it's a beautiful day don't get to running snow very often so it's a pretty exciting one today just gonna take this morning's run nice and easy take in the new scenery um probably be a little bit slower than usual but my easy pace is usually around 4 30 or 4 45 per kilometer but today i'll probably be a little bit slower just because of the snow um but on my easy runs never really check the pace on my watch just do it all by feel and just try and enjoy it really and then when i've got sessions like i have tonight that's when i really focus on effort level uh paces and stuff good thing about living where we are now in hatfield pebble is it's a little village so literally within a kilometer i'm out on the country lanes which is lovely i'll show you just here [Music] long country lanes that seem to go on forever i've no idea where they go though lots of exploring to do this week [Music] so one of the main benefits of running double days is it allows me to break up my training um a bit because if i was going to try and run 140k off seven runs so one a day that'd be a 20k run every day so 12 13 miles which is quite a lot so it's a really good way to break up your distance a bit it just makes it a bit more manageable i found so for example getting up doing a 10k in the morning and then a 10k in the evening it's a lot easier for me than um waking up every day and having to run 20k or 12 13 miles so yeah that's the first benefit it's a really good way of managing your training and breaking up the mileage [Music] oh jesus that is one head of a flood uh so i try and go through it maybe i can go around it on this bit here oh behind me i literally ran down here yesterday with charlie and it was not like this at all it must have the river must have burst it banks burst its banks overnight oh see if i can get around [Applause] fresh snow looks like some other people have walked around here so i should be all right oh that land rover just drove straight through here it was not a problem for him so the second benefit that i have found of um double runs is that it puts less strain on my body so before i was trying to build my mileage up in that base level of my half marathon training and i found that doing long runs every single day was quite um he's putting quite a lot of strain on my body specifically my joints my shins i suffered from shin splints last year so i was um a bit wary of building my mileage up too much just because i didn't want to be injured and i found that by breaking up my my my mileage so like i said in a previous clip two 10k runs instead of 120k run and lots of smaller um lots of shorter runs really help break up the mileage and put less strain on my body so if you're looking to build your mileage maybe try doing a few double rate day runs because i've found too much strain on your body [Music] so the third benefit i found from double runs is the ability to use your morning run as a sort of active recovery type run or an easy run once you've done that easy run or the active recovery when you get to the evening your body's actually recovered quite a bit over the day and then you can run a bit harder in the evening so i bet one benefit i found from doing double runs is i've done a lot more active recovery and i feel like just helps absorb the training a little bit more so i just got back from my run the camera died on the middle of the run and i think the battery got a bit too cold or just run out anyway um yeah nice 16 kilometer loop 10 miles for my morning run i'm just having some bacon and some scrambled egg for lunch as a bit of a um recovery meal um ready for my session later we've got chicken pie tonight as well which would be lovely but yeah nice little loot really pretty around there took some nice photos and some footage there oh yeah a bit of scrambled egg and bacon for lunch a bit of vlogception here just editing up the moving in day vlog which you've probably already seen if you're a subscriber to the channel but if you haven't top right hand corner go and watch that vlog um yeah just doing a bit of an editing session before i head out for my second run of the day 30 seconds rest yeah repeat 20 times okay i'm just heading out on the second run of the night still bloody freezing here um i think it's about -2 at the moment so i've had to stick with the innervates i don't usually do my interval training in these but it's very icy and slippy so i haven't really got a lot of choice um but yeah tonight's workout is 20 times 300 meters um with 30 seconds rest i think i'm going gonna chuck the camera back in the house actually just because it's starting to snow now and it's minus two so i don't think the camera will really last out here but yeah this the final the fourth and final reason why i do double runs is basically just to increase my fitness since i've been incorporating double runs i've it's allowed me to increase my weekly distance um which in turn has just made me fit i've seen my vo2 max go up [Applause] i've done the few races that i have under virtual races i've felt a lot fitter um and i've seen pbs in my five ten and half marathon um so there's def i've definitely found some success with doing it um and i've stayed injury-free which is always good with um your training and you want to overdo it so yeah give double runs a go i'm just about to go and start my second run of the day let me know do you do double runs is it something you're going to try leave a like subscribe and we'll see you in another one soon thanks for watching oh yes look at that yeah charlie and emilia have made us a lovely chicken pie for dinner oh yeah yeah check that out then he's running yeah we've got feed benny's running you
Channel: Ben Is Running
Views: 12,016
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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