AI Feature in Edge - A Productivity Booster to Try Now!

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If you wanted a reason to switch to Microsoft  Edge, here it is: it recently got an AI chatbot   on the sidebar with GPT-4 capabilities. So now, it  doesn't matter what you're browsing through on the   web; the chatbot is always there for you. Now,  for me, the best part is actually this other AI   feature called Compose. I'm not a great writer,  so now I can give it some messed-up sentences,   and it's going to phrase it the right way—at  least in theory. Let's take a look, starting   from the beginning. Okay, so now when you open up  the Microsoft Edge browser, you are going to see   a large Bing icon on the side, and when you hover  over it, it says "Discover." Discover consists of   Chat, Compose, and Insights. Chat is similar to  chatting with ChatGPT, except this is based on   GPT-4. You can set the tone of your responses  as well, whether you want them more balanced,   more precise, so these are more factual, or more  creative, so these can be more entertaining. You   can ask it what you want in this box here. So,  let's say I want to learn more about debits   and credits, and I'm going to ask it, "What are  debits and credits? Explain it in simple terms."   Let's see what we get. It tells us that debits  and credits are the foundation of Double Entry   accounting. Debit means left, credit means right,  and we have some examples here. Debits increase   the value of assets. Now, I don't really have an  example, so let me ask it for a specific example.   Okay, so now we get some concrete examples. The  company purchases $1,000 worth of inventory with   cash. The company's cash account is debited for  one thousand dollars, and its inventory account is   credited. This also gives us the ability to test  our knowledge. We can ask it for more examples or   build on this conversation by asking it about  other related topics. Now, whenever you want   to change the topic, it's best that you click on  this broom icon to switch to a new topic. And now,   let's ask it something else. Let's say I'm holding  a meeting with our IT department, and I want   to start the meeting with an IT joke, right? Just as an icebreaker. So, I'm going to ask,   "What's a funny joke I can use to start a meeting  with IT people?" Let's see what we get. Okay, so   it's giving me some examples: "Through Boomerang  a few years ago, I learned to live in constant   fear," "What's the comedian's least favorite  drink?" "Yeah, no. I want to generate some other   ones." It's trying to get me to start my meeting  in other ways, but no. "Give me more IT jokes."   "Why do programmers prefer dark mode?  Because light attracts bugs." "Uh,   yeah, because it had a virus."  I could go with this one. Now,   you also get some suggested websites that you  can go and check out for more information. Let's go and check out Compose. I've actually been  using this quite a bit in the past few days. So,   let's say I'm working on a document where I need  to tell my team how to properly take meeting   notes, and I've created a template. I've added a  link, and I want to add some points to this. So,   for example, I want them to add their  action points to the bottom of the template,   and it makes it a lot easier to quickly see  what needs to be done. Now I'm not so great   at structuring my sentences and writing them  in a way to get the point across really well,   so I'm going to use Compose. I'll copy this, and I  want it to rephrase this. Let's just paste it in.   Now you can set the tone. Do you want it to  be more professional, casual, enthusiastic,   informational, or funny? You can also have  different formats. In this case, I just want to   have a paragraph. I'm just asking it to rephrase  this. I'll keep the professional tone just to see   what we get. We're going to generate a draft,  and it's going to generate it in the box on the   bottom. Please list your tasks at the end of the  template. This helps to have a clear overview of   the action items. Now, this looks great. If I want  to compare it to how it would be if it was casual,   let's just switch the tone to casual, generate a  new draft, and see what we get. Please write down   what you plan to do at the end of the template.  This way, we have a clear overview of the tasks   at hand. Yeah, I know. I don't really want that.  Let's go with informational and see how this   sounds. You have the ability to mix and match as  well. You can take parts of the sentence from the   professional tone and mix in the casual tone. It's  really up to you. So, with informational, we get,   "Please write down the steps you will take at the  end of the template. This helps us to have a clear   overview of the tasks that are pending." Okay, so  let's say I do like this. I want to go with this   version. You can select this and copy and paste  it in. You can also just immediately add it to   the site. Right, so let's say I'm just going to  update this and say, "Add to site," and it adds   it to my Word online document. Now, another way  you can use this is instead of rephrasing this,   you can say, "Expand on this." I'm just  going to copy its own version here.   We want to write a bit more about this,  so let's see what we get. I'm still in the   informational tone. Let's generate a draft  and see the outcome in the preview box.   Okay, so this is providing a bit more information.  This helps us to have a clear overview of tasks that are pending. For example, you can  list the actions you need to complete   before submitting the template. Okay, so  let's say I'm not so happy with this. I'm   going to regenerate the response. You can do  that by clicking on this button on the side.   And now we end up with this version. So it even  gives us some examples we can add. "For example,   you can write something like this: Review the  final draft." So this makes it a bit more clear.   And let's say I do want to add this to the site.  I can add it right here. I can regenerate the   response in different tones, and then I can pick  the parts that I like. So what would this look   like if it was funny? "I will celebrate eating  a slice of cake. I will burn the template and   dance around fire. I will send a template to  my enemies and laugh at their misery." Okay,   so that's the funny AI in action. Now, in addition  to this, you have different format options like   email, blog posts, and ideas. So, for example,  if you wanted to write a blog post on this,   you can just put in the idea here and then click  on "Blog Post," and then choose the length of   the blog post that you want to have and generate a  draft. This is going to give you a great starting   point for your blog. Or, if you just want to  grab some ideas, you can use the "Ideas" format,   and this will give you some bullet points  that you can build on. A few moments later. Now, let's say you need to write an email to  your teacher asking for an extra week for your   thesis because you just couldn't get it done in  time. So, let's replace this with "Convince my   teacher to give me an extra week to turn  in my thesis. Keep it short. No reason." Now, if I just leave it on "Funny" and select  the "Email," let's just see what we get:   "I hope this email finds you well, and  you're not too busy grading papers. I'm   asking for a small favor. Maybe it's because  I'm afraid of failure, maybe because I'm lazy,   or maybe it's because I have too many distractions  in my life." Yeah, so this is getting a bit out of   hand. You can stop generating whenever you want  to. You can also go back, or you can switch the   link. So, if this is too long, you want a shorter  version, you can switch the length to "Short."   "I want an extra week. I have no reason for  this request other than the fact that I'm a   procrastinator, and I like to live on the  edge." Okay, yeah, so you're not going to   be sending that. Let's switch the tone to  professional short email. This is going to   be the version that we are going to send. Okay,  so this looks a lot better. Yeah, we like that.   We might tweak it a little bit, but let's just go  ahead and add it to our email, add the subject,   switch the name, and send it off to your teacher. As you can see, there are lots of ways you can   get creative with "Compose." Let me  know in the comments what you find. Last, let's check out "Insights." The contents  you see in "Insights" depends on the page that   you're currently on, so it's basically  reacting to whatever you're seeing. If   I change this page to this blog post that  is called "What Is Power BI?," the content   here changes. Notice we have a Q&A section  highlighting some common questions asked   in this blog post and adding the answers to it  based on the current page. Right, so the source   is the current page. Then you have some related  videos on the bottom and some related posts. So,   this is a quick way of summarizing an article that  you're reading and also finding related content. Okay, so that's the new Bing Discover on this  sidebar. We get to chat, compose, and quickly   summarize web pages. Imagine the impact this has  on our day-to-day productivity. It's not just   about getting our tasks done fast, but improving  the quality in the message in our writing,   especially if you aren't a good writer like me.  Tell me what you think about this in the comments,   what your experience has been so far, and if you  came across any funny jokes that you'd like to   share, add it to the comments. It's going to  be fun reading those. Thank you for watching,   thank you for being here, and I'm  going to catch you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 121,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Microsoft edge, edge, web browser, BING AI, bing, bing beats google, discover, bing discover, insights, chat, gpt 4, A.I., AI, artificial intelligence, how to, ai productivity tools, ai tools, how to be more productive
Id: s96amWpVizg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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