Why I Never Cared About Lyrics In Music; And Why That Was A Mistake

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[Music] do [Music] [Applause] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] do [Music] what's up everybody um so by the way this is from a fantastic channel i don't know if you guys have ever heard of this channel this is called backing tracks jazz you just uh hop into that and you'll find some pretty crazy stuff because it is a phenomenal resource if you are looking for backing tracks on tons of different tunes both with piano and without piano so if you're a piano player just search on that channel just be like no piano and then they'll find all kinds of stuff that has no piano so welcome to today's live stream and as you guys know so far with live streams every time we do a live stream we do a pretty dope discount on the academy and today is no exception currently everything on the academy is 50 off but only for 24 hours using this code right here live stream 50 for 50 off 24 for the next 24 hours so you got 24 hours to use that code and then it goes away forever so if you want to pick up anything intro to piano intro to improv all that stuff it's all there at the link in the description on this video and it's 50 off for the next 24 hours anyways we have a brand new set up today that i'm really excited to try and uh helping me out today we have jake jake's helping me out and this is going to be uh this is gonna be a bit of an experiment but we're gonna have a blast because uh jake's gonna help me keep track of all your guys's amazing input and uh yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun and we're gonna have a good time and you probably read the title to this live stream going what on earth does that mean and uh this was a question i put out on my community posts a question hey hey give me some ideas for things you guys want to talk about in the live stream tomorrow that was yesterday today is tomorrow so that was um it had a bunch of great feedback a bunch you put in some really really great stuff and thank you so much for that and one of the biggest ones that got a lot of likes was my thoughts on lyrics and the whole idea of you know how do i approach lyrics like i always talk about harmony i always talk about you know all the things on the music side what about the lyric side is that something that i ever really pay attention to and there's actually a reason that i started this live stream playing that tune right there which for copyright purposes was definitely not what is this thing called love it was only similar chord changes but no melody go away youtube police anyways so that is the tune what is this thing called love but what we can do is we can actually look at the lyrics to that tune because they're very interesting and i think it brings up an interesting point because this is a song that we normally see played i mean i just sort of played it at a medium tempo but good lord i mean this tune often gets played like [Music] all this crazy stuff like super super burning right it's like always played it's one of the ones that people go to to play as an up-tempo tune and that's really interesting because if you read the if you read the lyrics to that tune it kind of doesn't make any sense it's like why would that be an up tempo tune because check this out what is this thing called love question mark right this funny thing called love just who can solve its mystery why should it make a fool of me all right so so far i don't know not necessarily anything specifically that's pointing out hey this this uh this should be at 300 bpm for no reason but then the next part i saw you there one wonderful day you took my heart and threw it away and that's why i asked the lord in heaven above what is this thing called love so check that out and you may be kind of thinking to yourself well that's that's quite interesting because that doesn't exactly tell me that it's something that would be uh really up tempo for no reason that kind of sounds kind of sad right you'd almost expect that to be played like uh i don't know [Music] i almost played the melody don't play the melody [Music] i don't know something like that right and so based specifically on the lyrics you kind of think oh that's uh that's a little bit sad you know and i think that this is something that i always neglected this is why the title of this live stream was why i never cared about lyrics and why that was a mistake because it's very simple really lyrics to something even if you're not playing the lyrics should be informing how you play a song right because sentences how we normally speak are phrased in a certain way we have certain ways that we bring in a sentence and maybe a flow that it has places where we pause naturally all of those things that are naturally occurring when we speak to each other that is something that carries over into lyrics written to go along with music and they're not always necessarily written specifically that way in fact that sometimes is when we run into things i don't know maybe in uh certain types of music commonly in a lot of like modern pop music and stuff where you get these weird fits of lyrics that are like wait hold on they really crammed that statement in there and that didn't really make a lot of sense that can happen a lot of the times but many of the especially tunes from the great american songbook a lot of jazz standards standards were written uh in such a way that the lyrics were these elaborate statements and sentences full of imagery and full of beautiful language and the melodies for a lot of that stuff was they were written specifically to allow that to shine and to allow that to allow people to be able to feel the flow of that statement so when we remove the lyrics and play in an instrumental context it's very important that we are aware at least of what the lyrics are as a general rule and i'm not saying anybody actually uh does that with any sort of uh consistency because i certainly do not and there are many tunes that i've played for years and years and years that i don't know the lyrics to isaac shaw thank you so much for the super chat uh by the way fun fact we are we're trying to do some cool stuff with like super chatting things where we can use uh you guys ever heard of if this then that it's like a website that you can plug all these different things into there's some really cool things you could do so i don't know we're messing around we want to do more live streaming hopefully you guys enjoy it we're having a blast doing it and it's something that we want to expand on and do all kinds of fun stuff with so we're gonna we're gonna do all kinds of stuff like that would it be possible to send you a piano piece i have written yeah dude of course um you can send that to what's the right email i should have on there to send them to um send it to send it to charlescornellstudios gmail.com do that and i i will check it out as long yeah i would if i yeah i'll look for it i'll specifically look i get a lot of emails you guys it's yeah but i'll look for it thank you so much anyways yeah so a lot of these lyrics were written in such a way that the melody float i mean take like for example cole porter's tune i love you what a weird i mean that is a that is a minor ninth interval right yikes right but if we think about how you would say i love you you we don't typically say i love you if you're saying it that way you might have a little more to be concerned about so instead no we say i love you it generally goes down so but it is interesting and i had a professor i had a professor that always joked that because of the fact that that was a minor 9th it sounds super crunchy and weird that it sounded less like i love you and more like i want to stab you and so uh yeah i don't know if it's the best interval to elicit that emotion but certainly the direction of i love you is it follows how we typically would say that [Music] right and so a lot of lyrics from the great american songbook at standard and music in general i mean you're this is not limited to jazz and standards and great american songwix stuff this is all over the place good writing of lyrics and good melody writing they'll go hand in hand and that's why it's important as musicians even if we're going to play in an instrumental context it's very important for us to understand what the lyrics are so they can help inform our phrasing and the way we speak the melodies because they are intended to be spoken obviously not things like bebop but things that were written with lyrics they're intended to be spoken i mean it wouldn't make much sense if i went you know i don't know what's a good example let's take like uh [Music] that makes sense but what might make less sense is if i went like uh um wait how would it go oh no that's not it um this just doesn't fit the vibe of the song that's not what the lyrics are saying that's not the story that's being told and it's one of those things where it's like yeah not not really a good choice there i can remember when i was younger one of the first standards that i learned was this kind of crazy flashy version that a piano teacher of mine um great great piano player and a fantastic fantastic guy and one of my favorite teachers i ever had he taught me this this version of embraceable you the gershwin tune right he taught me this version that was just like this super flashy i can't even i don't remember how it went now uh how'd it go whatever it was it was some crazy flashy thing and i remember the first time i sat down for uh lee shaw who was the she was my first jazz teacher who i studied with before i went to purchase college and i remember sitting down and playing playing that for her and it was one of the first things i ever played for her and she was like she was she was ancient at the time i mean she has since passed away but um she was she was old then when i first started and i remember she was so sweet and so nice and so soft-spoken and she sat there and she goes wow your fingers are flying off your hands and what she meant to say was why on earth are you playing embraceable you like that because the song you know it embraced me right uh something something my irreplaceable you right it's this it's a love song it's this sweet thing and i was just like banging out this crazy thing and you know it was fun to play and it was impressive for like however i don't know 12 year old or whatever i was at the time and but it was just one of those things where like that's not how you would play that song because it doesn't have any relevance at all to the story that's being told so when it comes to lyrics that's something that i never paid attention to because it wasn't something that i got for me the satisfaction of music from it was one of those things where i was more so uh i was more so thrilled to just hear the harmonies and hear the way these songs were constructed and it was something that i just never paid much attention to until it was explained to me that no no listen even if you're going to play this instrumentally it is important to understand what the lyrics say what the story that is being told how that is conveyed because it's going to inform how you choose to phrase a song how each individual melody line has pauses and speeds up or slows down or emphasis where are you going to put that you can't know the answer to that question unless you know what the lyrics say so that's why it is a very important thing to understand lyrics it's a very important thing even if you're not going to use them they're good to know now that being said what do i look for in in lyrics is that something that i pay much attention to or care much about in the grand scheme of things not not particularly for me personally it's just one of those things where i'm much more interested in the musical content meaning the harmony the rhythm the the arranging all that kind of stuff it's just since it tends to grab my ear more so than the story of a particular song but we can't discount how a lot of people listen to music and it's story first it's lyrics first it's what am i hearing somebody what is the story that i'm being told and how is it affecting my life my mood my emotions et cetera et cetera and that is something that's very important for musicians to understand again even if we're not necessarily going to use the lyrics in our playing but it's very important for us to understand that people look to lyrics for a lot of the meaning in music and that the supplemental harmony rhythm that's is exactly that it is supplemental it helps to set the stage for for the i keep seeing these memes on tick tock of like the youth pastor stuff and and they're like can i have the band come in for a moment and they're like why are they doing that they're just using the the band to kind of create this pad of like we're gonna go somewhere in this emotional thing we're gonna give me your money that kind of thing um but yeah so yeah that's sort of i guess like my take on lyrics you know um i'm gonna turn to jake now have you what's going on in the in the chat here i haven't i've been i've been too busy talking about lyrics uh we've had some questions some good stuff i think um i think the main thing right now is people are kind of having a debate over whether poetry is music or poetry is music whoa okay wait wait this is super cool because jake jake is a phenomenally talented poet he will not tell you that but i will tell you that and he is and and and so this is really interesting because that's a fascinating conversation not one that i'm very well versed in but i don't know what what do you think about that like that relationship between poetry and music i mean obviously it's a very close one yeah i mean i think at the very least poetry is musical but that's true um you know it's hard to say whether it's music or not i mean there's different poets different types of poetry like robert frost or the more like the poets that stick to a more traditional formatted rhythm where it's like got a bounce to it and it's a little bit more intentional with its rhythms i think that's definitely more musical but then you know you get different types of poetry that's a little bit more abstract and sort of free form that's we get that with music too right right so like yeah so so much music has that same sort of thing going on where it's like it's uh there might be a form loosely sometimes not even like you know i mean that that is super interesting i mean that that combination of poetry and and and music and and one thing i always notice is like when we learned poetry in school and all the you know you go through the poetry section of your english class or whatever and uh the way that the form was discussed about like abac or aaba or however you know the different rhyme segments and that's exactly how we refer to musical form too so you can see identical thing you know of course it's referring to a little bit of different you know it's a little bit different but that is fascinating i always thought that was fascinating too and and the way that so we have this combination of um you know of of poetry and music because lyrics at their bases are basically poems right um so yeah that's interesting and i haven't uh robert moore says i also like how manhattan transfer put lyrics to bebop tunes like joyspring that's an interesting one um yeah that is an interesting one it is it is cool it's cool and it's they're very very talented how they're able to do that because that's a lot of fast-moving stuff it's never been something that i was particularly drawn to uh just i don't know i don't know if corny is the right word just i you know but everybody has different tastes and certainly you cannot deny how impressive it is that they are able to do that but yeah what are some jazz standards you like that are more modern that's an interesting question because modern jazz standards what would qualify as like a modern standard because to me i'm thinking of standards it's great american songbook that kind of stuff and i'm like okay well we sort of solidified and said this is what it is but if you're referring to things that are like okay what kind of do like what do uh people play now that's from more recent albums and things like irish lad thank you so much i feel like i wasted 10 years of my life uh milking people out of money in churches using music to manipulate them emotionally that's deep um i understand i don't wanna i don't wanna go into a whole uh a whole church thing but it is it is it's interesting it's fascinating there i think i think we can all agree there are certainly a lot of institutions that exist for that purpose so that's fun um but you know i tell you what though those gospel cats man like the people that grow up in the churches learning the music yikes like unbelievable stuff good lord um are you familiar with the jazz group snarky puppy well robin i i am absolutely i mean i have listened to so much snarky puppy it's probably unhealthy uh but i remember specifically hearing what was the first one it was from the album i think it was ground up was that no is that right groundhog is it i don't know one of the very first ones and it was uh oh what was the name of the song no it had the um it had the moog solo oh no i can't remember which one it was they're so they have such interesting names on so much in their music but uh it's the thing of boom thing of gold oh tom oh sorry oh tom i don't know thing of gold that's it the solo on that blew my mind and it was the first thing that i was like yo this is literally the perfect combination of jazz but also like i don't even know what to call it more something that you might expect to hear in a more mainstream context i guess but dude thing of gold that synth solo yes that's since all it was outrageous oh my god and not because like yeah it's impressive like you know it's great that was um help me name who was that oh god now i can't remember um i can see his face i'm watching him play the solo and i know who it is yikes um um i'm i'm just i'm i'm waiting on the chat i'm waiting on the chat guys hook me up who who name no you don't you don't remember his name either that's not sean martin thank you thank you caleb sean martin sean martin is a beast and that was an incredible cory henry was not the guy that played that solo actually although corey henry is oh my god one of the most unbelievable players on the planet um but it was sean martin and that blew my mind and it was one of those things where it wasn't so much that that the whole like that it was technically crazy or anything he played some cool lines and stuff like that but you know what really blew my mind there was the tastefulness of the lines the way that he worked some of these melodies into this final like the climax of like building it up into that into you know exactly the note i'm talking about i know you do it's this this release of that line into this into this oh the whole band is the backgrounds coming in unbelievable if you haven't checked out thing of gold snarky puppy go listen to it right now because yikes what's your favorite snarky puppy we've listened to a bunch what do you think my favorite snarky um well i like the thing they did with jacob collier of his song but don't you what is it don't you i think it's uh i think it i think you know yeah yeah that was a great one too yeah that was a really good one um which that record was another in my room yikes that's another crazy one uh lingus lingus of course is is i mean that's that's the one everybody talks about i feel like the most because of that corey henry bit which is astounding and makes me want to quit um but yeah actually with that one it's interesting because the solo is incredible like when he switches to you know the places starts right there um [Music] but that whole section of chords before he starts that bit to me that is the most impressive because obviously all the other stuff is like amazing and like corey is a beast and everything but like that that the free sort of floating chord structures that he placed that kind of because they're just playing this band the vamp the bamp they're playing the bamp um or whatever it is right and that whole thing and just corey floating with these two-handed lush voicings on like kind of the electric piano rhodes ish sort of sound like good lord that's probably my favorite part of that whole thing i mean it's just absolutely ridiculous and if you haven't listened to lingus or if you haven't checked out snarky puppy in general be sure to go do that immediately um somebody asked before who did i see uh can we appreciate larnell lewis yeah we can holy but jesus um yeah so that's that's incredible um let's see some i saw somebody said something about jd and dummy back up domi and jd back geez um they just put out what was the single call i i literally just well they put a few out now oh they got a feeling yeah i haven't heard unbelievable i mean you want to talk about like the next thing i'm convinced that they're just they're gonna just completely take over because especially that like anderson pack you know kind of picked them up and has been working with them which he's amazing as well um i mean just absurd talent absurd talent and what a great style and and yeah it's it's crazy uh somebody says they were just in denver you talk about dummy and jd back i didn't know that i wish i knew that take a chance yeah that's that was the first one they they put out um imagine a bamp would be like a drum but the head is a thick stretched over rubber balloon a bamp bamf bamf yeah um kaiko thank you have you ever listened to the band parcells i have not that's a new one to me i actually don't know um that's interesting i'll have to look them up because i don't never even heard of them i guess that's that's my own fault but someone asked you to talk about jeremy's soul the oblivion soundtrack but we did uh we did do a video we did we have a whole video on that the uh the oblivion soundtrack there is a video it's so funny too because that one that video bombed really hard and i don't know maybe just oblivion in general was just like not something people were super interested in at the moment but that's okay um and yeah so let's see what else do we got anything anything anything you noticing over there that's kind of peaking your interest at all or what do we got we got some some stuff going on i see people talking about lyrics talking about lyrics more stuff about lyrics someone asked if you could make a video can you make can you do that uh i have thought about it from time to time it's something that i would potentially like to um yeah can you talk about can you quickly can you quickly explain the difference between the skillshare intro to improv and the academy intro to improv that's a great question colorado thank you for asking by the way um if you're just joining us we're doing this thing with our live streams where for 24 hours we have some crazy discount going on today it is 50 off the entire academy anything you guys want to pick up it's 50 off just use this code right here and uh that is that will get you 50 off anything you want to pick up live stream 50 24 because it's 50 off for the next 24 hours after 24 hours that will go away so we have the intro to improv course we have the intro to piano course we have the making sense of mode court modes course and the brand new harmony 101 course uh all available at the link in the description on this video or you can go to charles cornet that's not the website cornellmusicacademy.com and find all of the links to all the courses in there or corenomesacademy.com harmony would be for the for the harmony course yes we need to connect all those things anyways 50 off for the next 24 hours live stream 5024 you guys know what to do and to answer your question color red the difference between the skillshare infrared improv and the academy intro to improv is massive and the short answer is the academy version by the way the skillshare one um [Music] don't know if that's going to be staying there probably not but the one on the academy is much much much longer because what we did is we built a bunch of actionable steps and exercises and things like that to include to give you guys steps to now apply some of the instruction that we talk about and start to actually build stuff out of it so the academy intro to improv contains much much more content and is definitely a much better value so uh yeah fifty percent off live stream 50 24 that makes it even better thank you for existing thank you for existing and thank you so much for the super chat i really appreciate that uh saya kite i'm sorry but thank you uh yeah someone brought up a west side story is there like what are your thoughts on like musicals whether it's in terms of like lyrics or just in general do you have any like standout musicals that's a great question yeah uh west side story the music and the thing with west side story is i've heard a lot about i've never played west side story like the show but i know that the music is hard like the music is is it's one of the harder musicals um west side story i feel like a total idiot right now who wrote that no i have no idea you guys who wrote west side story like the music for that i'm such a and when you when i hear the answer i'm gonna i'm literally gonna just crawl into a hole and disappear because i'm gonna be so ashamed that i didn't remember this so i'm just waiting on somebody in the chat to tell me who wrote website story kendrick lamar that's the answer there we go bernstein thank you yes obviously um duh geez i'm so mad i can't express my anger adequately so i'm just going to keep talking about it leonard bernstein yes yes yes yes conductor dude yeah there's some great videos i don't know if you guys know this but leonard bernstein there's some great stuff on youtube um of him like working with orchestras and stuff it's fascinating fascinating you know what else exists um are takes from some of miles's records like there's one of freedom jasmine if you search miles recording freedom jazz dance you can literally hear uh them working out this arrangement the one that's so famous you know the one that we know of with with herbies like crunchy cord there and uh the tony williams triplets oh boy i can't even speak them take it take it take it take it you guys know how it goes the freedom jazz dance recordings of them working that arrangement out in the studio the day they recorded it i mean that's how all that stuff worked back then fascinating stuff really really unbelievable um yeah so let's see rest in peace sondheim i know that was crazy other musicals what other musicals um okay we have somebody oh god these people how do we i don't i don't even know how we do something about that like how does that even work i don't know i'll have to like moderate i have to there's some uh there's some annoying bot stuff going on in the chat that's that's obnoxious uh did we just do the wrong one oh no we did it no okay cool cool cool sorry about that we'll have to figure out moderating and stuff like that jesus christ superstar high school musical phantom of the opera yeah there's so kick em yeah butts get up i don't know why that's so funny to me yeah musicals man i i like a lot of music from musicals it wasn't like a world that i really grew up in that much um yeah i just cause like i went to a school for i don't know how many of you guys know this but jake and i both we both graduated high school together we went we've literally been together since we were in preschool oh i wish we could find there's a photo kicking around of jake and i when we were like how old were we probably five six probably and like literally you cannot tell the difference between the two of us we were identical and we're not really now but like at the time and it was always funny because the lunch ladies used to get us mixed up we did like they always used to call us by the other name and everything like that but we were we looked very very similar when we were little but we graduated together and fun fact we graduated from a school where it sounds so ridiculous to say preschool through 12th grade was in the same building and the whole building was about 500 kids so our graduating class i think was like 38 super super tiny which is like i don't know cool for some things i guess because it's like real small and kind of you know everybody's like one giant family for better for worse but then what were you gonna say no it always it sounds impressive when i say i graduated 17th in my class totally find out that there's only 38 kids yeah oh and i could i could say yeah i graduated top top top 10 top 10 in my class and that yeah that's pretty impressive right and then you find out that that was literally like top 33 right yeah or yeah it's ridiculous but yeah i mean we we there was not a lot of opportunity musically so things like musicals just didn't have them just didn't have it i think our band we had we barely could put together a band and it was like 20 kids maybe you know and uh yeah that was kind of you know the high school situation in regards to music which is why a lot of people um including our main well one of our one of our editors dylan who you guys might have known from the podcast by the way brand new podcast episode is out right now uh odd time it's there's a link in the description it's our new podcast and there's a brand new episode out today uh and we're having an absolute blast over there so if you guys haven't checked out the odd time podcast be sure to check out the links in the description you can get anywhere you get your podcast as well as the youtube channel if you don't mind subscribing to the youtube channel that really does a ton to help us out you know who we had on last week anomaly which if you guys don't know anomaly is oh my god like one of the best jazz pianist producers if that's the right way to describe it i think that exists on the face of the planet i mean this dude is so unbelievably talented and is such a great piano player and such a great technician with the producing and all the stuff he does with that it's it is absolutely unbelievable what nico does and that episode went out and that was a ton of fun uh so you can find that on the channel as well as well as our brand new episode that went up today and we just got done recording one we just got done recording a brand new episode and that'll be out i think in a couple weeks so yeah we're having a blast over there god that is so much fun um tom sayer i wanted to say tom sawyer you probably get that constantly first of all thank you very much hey charles do you have any practical tips or advice for starting up a music youtube channel also congratulations on being awesome congratulations to you on being awesome so thank you um and yes i do i have lots and lots and lots and lots of music youtube advice um oh how do i not go down the rabbit hole with this because it's man i have so many thoughts i have so many thoughts and i'm so excited about the opportunity that so many young musicians have today that we never had before and okay first of all let's let's address the bias for me because i tried some stuff and it worked and here i am i'm very very lucky i'm very fortunate and that is all because of all of you so thank you so much for allowing me to do this i'm so grateful and i it is not lost on me how insane this is that we can even do this and hang out with you guys and have a great time and post school videos for you so that that that is never lost on me however i will say there are some things that i have learned that i think are directly applicable to musicians today um i think there's a lot that goes on of like let me throw together a gig poster and just throw it up on my facebook you know i think i think nobody's being i'm not saying anything that every people didn't know when i say that's not going to do anything and the answer is that it's actually really difficult to do what really needs to be done which is post everything constantly all the time every single day that's just it right because i'll tell you and let's take let's take the odd time experiment as sort of an example we have a tick tock for the odd time podcast now i have been very specific about not doing much promotion for specifically for our tick tock i haven't really promoted it at all because i'm just kind of like well you know we're just going to do our thing and we're going to focus on slow growth and we're going to focus on just kind of just try to produce better and better and better content and get better at podcasting in general and get better at producing it and better at cutting it up into clips and better at providing content for all of you and so i was just like i'm going to rely on that so that we can try to build something that way now if you go on the odd time tick tock which there is a link in the description and you can check it out if you want to you'll notice that most of the videos have like no views they're they're very uh few and far between most of the videos just have like almost nothing but there are occasionally a couple of things here and there where i think randomly we got like 340 000 views on a video the other day like just just of dylan talking about talking about stuff um and dylan who's right here he's right here you're out of the camera there's dylan he got a dope haircut everybody compliment dylan's haircut because that's amazing yes that's like a skunk that's incredible um yeah so like there's randomly a tick-tock of dylan just talking about you know working because dylan lived in japan for like how long like three years five five years holy really yeah i didn't remember it was that long that's five total well it's been like on and off though yeah yeah you've been back and forth that's crazy so dylan has lived in japan for five years and he was just talking about some random stuff about working for japanese companies and that clip got like 340 000 views on tick tock totally organically because we haven't really promoted the fact that it's our thing and pushed a lot of people to it kind of like i'm doing now but like it was just not something that we did but that is the power of a pro of a platform like tick tock if you just post constantly now how does that translate to um how does that translate to you the musician it translates very simply just put stuff up there because the answer is you will never ever ever know what the thing is gonna be that randomly gets attention and that is what is so difficult about social media because the thing you think is going to do the is going to do the trick is not going to do the trick and the thing you never would have expected like figuring out the notes to cardi b yelling randomly and putting music to that i didn't think that was going to be the thing but you guys decided it was gonna be the thing so that became the thing and like if somebody had told me a year prior to that happening that oh by the way you're gonna make a totally random video that's complete nonsense and it's gonna blow up and get like 80 million views over like five different platforms i would have been like that is ridiculous and that's exactly what happened so you can't pre-judge your own ideas for things you want to put out into the universe or put out into you know the social media how i thought we fixed this problem um but yeah it was uh it's weird it's weird how that works and you know anyways bam how do we ban tell us how to do it is it like can you just like right click them or something or i don't know report remove put user and timeout yeah i just hit them interesting i think it was another account oh really got these bots that's crazy we're gonna have to figure out some sort of auto mod kind of thing there's got to be a way to do it um anyways murray thank you what is a piece of music that moved you the most that's fascinating what is a piece of music that moved me the most wow thomas the tank engine thomas the tank engine that's the answer to everything it's thomas it's all thomas the tank engine um uh well you know what i i i think i think it changes from time to time like we see it constantly um that might be it might be stopping the live chat there not sure it shouldn't be oh never okay um so that's an interesting question because one thing that always blew oh yeah it did jesus weird um one thing that i've been checking out recently that blew my mind is and jake and i have both been checking this out we've been looking at a bunch of drum corps international shows because we went to the colorado was in fort collins a couple weeks ago and and it was it was just astounding i i have been to a dci show before jake had never been what was your take i thought it was amazing just being able to feel the horns and just like well that's the big the sheer power of i don't know you can't just like you can't tell people about that you can't be like oh yeah it's like it's like a hundred brass instruments just playing at you like nobody understands like they're like oh cool some trumpets and some tubas and and you're like yeah but like you don't get it and then you sit and it happens and it's in front of your face and it melts your face and then you're like oh my god yeah you know it it's oh god it's just it it rattles you like it totally just your whole body is just like when you're like holy and it's just crazy i mean that it's unbelievable and the writing is the just like the writing the arranging for that type of group is astoundingly good and so we've literally been sitting in the office like looking up old dci shows from like the last 10 15 years and just uh and just checking that stuff out it's amazing we got to see the blue devils and santa clara what is it santa clara vanguard yeah yeah yeah no yeah it was amazing it was amazing yeah the santa clara was amazing and then the blue devils of course if you guys know anything about dci they're always they're always amazing what are some of your unpopular musical opinions jonathan thank you for the question and thank you for the brutal attack of making me uh answer that um i don't know what are some of my unpopular musical opinions you know what seems to be unpopular we're actually we're actually like trying to figure out how to make a video about this but i the one time i the one time i i kind of on a tune it was a harry styles thing this this this video is still up on my channel and it's kind of depressing that they didn't um that they did that they removed the dislikes because you guys could have seen how widely this got disliked but i kind of it was that tuned watermelon sugar that he did was it a year ago or two years ago or something i think it was two years ago um and i kind of just on it i was like i don't get it i don't understand like this is just not great and boy did the harry styles fans come out in droves they didn't like that at all uh which hey i don't blame him that's fine but uh i still don't like it and i'm not sorry but yeah um it's not to say that uh he hasn't done anything that is uh that isn't good because of course there's good stuff i just didn't think that was very good sue me i don't know um but yeah i don't know what is my unpopular musical opinion you know what's really like changed my look like my sort of outlook on music in general is this channel to be honest i mean you guys have had so many incredible suggestions about things i should look at and things i should analyze and things i should just be aware of and a lot of those things have really brought to light a lot of music that i otherwise would not have found on my own because i used to have when i was younger i had so many you know preconceived kind of things about this is we've talked about this a bunch but the whole jazz thing when you're like a student and you're a young jazz musician learning how to play the music and you're just kind of like jazz is better than everything and like this whole super toxic kind of thing about that but um yeah i was definitely a victim of that and i thought jazz was an elite i was i was definitely a jazz elitist for sure and this channel has absolutely helped me kind of like understand a lot of what people love about so many different types of music i'm trying to catch this question before it runs away keep asking each other and i i already lost it you can hit close on that actually um so we can see right above oh there's another one wait is this the same this that can't be the same person no that's absurd they're back i know god damn it okay what were you saying anyways there was a question i'm sorry i missed it but uh yeah what are we what are we doing hello jake hello hello um hi i'm just thinking of that office clip uh cool yeah what's next should we oh i want to do some okay genuinely asking for your guys opinion okay because this is something that we've been messing around with and i'm like oh man this would be kind of fun i might actually do it but i want to i want to get what just i don't know what do you guys what do you guys think so somebody i heard somebody ask uh about keyscape earlier which that's what you're listening to um because it's phenomenal it's the best music patches i've ever i've ever heard hands down um music i should say piano specifically it's some of the best piano i've ever heard so that's that's that's super cool but they have these really cool things that are like super like oops what's going on oh my speakers shut off i talked too damn long oh this is so cool okay i love these super like real simple kind of i guess cinematic sounding type of things like i don't know let's let's just mess around with this for a little bit [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hmm keyscape has that sound built in and to me i don't know it's like playing notes on that and it's just like it makes you want to play stuff like that because it's just this super mellow kind of thing that's just ah i don't know it's really inspiring but i had this idea i don't know if this is something you guys would be interested at all in in but like i almost kind of want to like make an album of all that stuff like would you guys i don't know would anybody listen to that like but it just seems like it'd be so fun just to sit there and do these things like just getting completely in the zone with like this oh okay let me just i don't know just conk out mentally and just let the cords do the speaking of whatever comes next i don't know um but yeah uh that would be that'd be fun that'd be fun i we should maybe maybe we should do that kawhi kills it yes they do they absolutely do um i saw somebody asking for i saw i now saw it twice ah there's a third time we'll do it really quick i hope i don't get taken down for this but uh it's this is too good a thing for for this purpose uh let's how does it which one is that that's there's han and leia and then there's princess leia's um how the hell does it go [Music] is that it [Music] oh wait [Music] something something like that um but then there's the other one how's the other one go i think that's the other one i'm pretty sure that's like the han and leia theme what's what the hell is the first one oh no maybe that's the other one i'm not sure [Music] oh okay this the second okay got it [Music] that's not right there it is [Music] [Applause] that's where it goes right [Music] something like that is that right something like that anyways yeah um it's it's it's great irish lad thank you so much there's another super chat up there that i very much appreciate i didn't catch the name unfortunately i'm very sorry can we click on what happens if you click on it quick quick olympus podcast thank you so much wow i appreciate that very much thank you um so many messages yikes uh we can't unfortunately go much longer than an hour today guys um but uh this has been an absolute blast i'm gonna answer a couple more questions but before we do i want to remind you 50 off the entire academy at this code right down here this fancy fancy little thing live stream 50 24 50 off for the next 24 hours only the intro to piano course the intro to improv course making sense of modes course and the brand new harmony 101 course all available at 50 for the next 24 hours so if you happen to be watching this and you see this code it's also in the description there's a link in the description to get to all the all the courses as well um that's the best way that you can support the channel hands down and i so much appreciate it olympus podcast thank you so much oh my god um jeez i'm so appreciative to all you guys um just just for being here i mean that's that's like the the biggest thing you can do but if you want to support the channel the courses are definitely the way to do that that's how because basically everything we make on youtube gets claimed because the youtube system is broken what advice do you have to lyricists and how to move from being lyricist to a full-time songwriter okay uh ryan rose i think this was the question i was trying to catch earlier and i apologize in advance but um i'm not a great resource on that and the reason is is i am not a lyricist and i've thought about this time and time again because i think about my own playing and i think about wanting to make things that i could that could have lyrics and i'm like honestly like jake and i have talked a lot about maybe doing a project together where he writes the lyrics because he's a really really fantastic writer and that would come out super cool i know but me personally i don't have much uh experience with lyrics or how to write lyrics or let alone how to turn that into a full-time job if you ask me about how to get better at music i can help you with that but how to get better with lyricists i i'm not it's not not really my area of expertise i'm sorry to say um lesser-known pianist that i love lesser known being the caveat who do i know that's less or no see that's an interesting question because there's there's lesser known but then there's like lesser known just if we're talking about mainstream knowledge but in the jazz world there's people who are just amazing um so i don't know if i'd call them it depends on your definition of lesser known so like uh let's see lesser known in jazz who would that be you guys know about christian sans there's a there's a really really oh god he's got to be i don't know if he's my age or younger than me or what but man i remember back when i was in college and he was around that age he was already playing with like christian mcbride and and getting out there and playing like amazing stuff and that dude can oh my god play unbelievably well and that was just such such a joy to listen to um erwin mcallister asks is it possible to improv with little music theory it is very possible to improv with the little music theory and in fact the intro to improv course will basically tell you exactly how to do that i will go into it here but once again 50 off live stream 5024 you can use that code right there and that will get you 50 off on all the courses but the intro to improv course is a great place to start and no music theory is not explicitly required although it is helpful and here's here's basically why um everything in music every chord every scale they're just sounds they're just sounds some of the greatest musicians in history didn't know theory that well you know and that's just like they just didn't you know and and um i think the famous examples are like chet baker was not a super well-versed theorist you know he didn't a lot of people talk about like chat pagers not even being able to read music i don't know explicitly if that was true but it's it's the the point whether it's true or not is the idea that it's not um it's not required music theory is certainly not required because the end of the day uh at the end of the day it's not funny is it i'm sorry at the end of the day it's just sounds and if you can decide what these sounds are if i have a chord like this and i say what are the rest of the notes and i go and i say yeah i like that group of sounds that's fine then all day i can sit there going [Music] play around with it i don't know and then if you want you can even play lines [Music] you know that kind of stuff but oh man guys we're gonna have to figure out this mods thing for the next one because jeez get out of here yikes nose naked again uh chicory had a lot of arm muscles rest in peace chicory uh but i guess that's probably true i don't know maybe let's see do you think screaming or growling has a place outside of certain genres of metal i have no idea have i ever heard of the math proc jazz rock band prolifia yes i have they are great um tim oh god what's tim's last name henson henson yes tim henson um phenomenal phenomenal do they teach much tuning theory in music school that is interesting and the answer is no if you mean by tuning you're talking about like tuning systems i'm guessing not like tuning a piano but tuning systems not really i mean you know we obviously we have equal temperament and and then there's things like just intonation which is super cool if you don't know about can i do this on here i can watch this you guys oh this is so cool let's do this i'm going to change the tuning of the piano yes watch this watch this watch this watch this you guys want to hear okay so this is a chord right we all recognize it okay but watch this where would this be i want just intonation microtome modern no western equal temperament africa where's historical microtunnel otter oh no do i not have just intonation in here that doesn't make any sense [Music] no what would it be under is there another name for just intonation you guys like like i'm seeing like verachmashta and pythagorean and like olympus mean tone half i don't know what any of those are um i don't know if there's another name for justin oh i wish i could show you just into nation it's crazy cool because you have never heard pure intonation yeah i don't know i didn't see that one is it pythagorean is that is that it i don't know let me try it what does it sound like let's change it to pythagorean that's not it but that's weird whoa whoa that is very strange yikes okay um what's this one there it is that's just intonation but here it's called kernberger 2. listen to that how weird is that it's it's basically it's literally a triad with the same with the same rub frequency rub as a fifth hear how smooth and pure that is it's so weird for us to listen to but where it falls apart is like there because that doesn't work all these plates that doesn't work but that's perfect in in such a different way then because watch when i change it back here now that sounds out of tune doesn't it hear how there's a lot more rub there's a lot more frequency rub there what you're hearing right now this is normal equal temperament this is what we use in music but it goes to prove the point that your major triad is out of tune literally it is out of tune this is i feel like this is one of the reasons why um this is one of the reasons why voices are sometimes so incredible to listen to because voices can naturally we can tune to each other in in a way that's that's much more um you know much more closer to just intonation but we're not going to suffer from some of the where just intonation falls apart when you start uh moving around to different chords and things like that but um it's i mean it's fascinating i want to get into a whole giant thing about micro tunnel harmony and all that stuff but it's crazy how all this stuff kind of goes together anyways um oh yeah one root one but somebody just said the barbershop seventh yeah just intonation goes one step further check this out so we have the triad which is very oddly smoothly in tune but then if we add the flat seventh it's still like perfectly in tune in such a strange way listen to that ring it's very odd and if i go back to normal equal temperament it's straight up gonna sound out of tune watch this it almost sounds stranger now it's fascinating you guys anyways i gotta i gotta go i i gotta go you guys um this has been so much fun to hang out with you we're gonna do this more i hope you guys enjoy it uh thank you so much for hanging out this has been such a blast once again just a quick reminder um everything is 50 off currently for the next 24 hours livestream 5024 use that code at the link below and get any of the courses you want on the academy they're all there and um yeah it's it's all cool so i appreciate you guys hanging out yes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you we love you too thank you so much um and you guys say say bye to jake bye bye jake thanks for and dylan dylan's back there too we're gonna we're gonna hang out with you again uh very soon so be sure to come back use that code for the next 24 hours then it goes away and we will see you in the next video bye-bye this is like my corny daytime television outro [Music] fun should we end the stream now i think we should end the stream
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 63,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy
Id: PecLtutgGp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 58sec (4198 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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