This 90s Sega Game Soundtrack Is CRAZY

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[Music] I may have just found the greatest video game soundtrack of the 9s possibly of all time Streets of Rage 2 came out in 1992 it's music composed and produced by yuzo koshiro and it's sounds like this [Music] okay hold on hold on now the reason that I found this is because I was doing research on a video about the slickback trend which uses Crystal Waters 1991 song Gypsy Woman as its sample and in the comments somebody mentioned that they thought that the sample was originally from this game and so I thought huh okay what is that and I looked it up and found found this and yikes it was the first time I'd ever heard of this game or heard any of the music from it and with it not being nearly as popular as other games of its time like Mario and some of the stuff on the Nintendo system this game on the Sega Genesis became a cult classic and is hugely popular amongst people who love retro gaming and one of its iconic pieces is yok koshiro's soundtrack just check out some of this I mean this intro alone on this tune goes straight is like I'm trying to figure out all the stuff going on in it and it's just there's so much before we even get into any of this just this opening Harmony is really really interesting it's four chords and it just goes B flat minor F minor and then it goes up a minor third to a flat minor before ending the phrase on E flat minor now that in and of itself it's a really interesting series of chords that I don't I mean I don't know where I've ever heard anything like that before and perhaps one of the things that makes it even more interesting is the inner voice movement that we're using here cuz listen to this this note in the middle that kind of moves around chromatically okay so I'm kind of hearing it as that's pretty normal but then we go a flat minor it's just the root but then the major 7th over the minor chord so we get this for a moment just a brief moment we have this minor major 7 sound that's so neat and then oh oh listen to that and of course this whole soundtrack was very heavily inspired by the dance electronic music of the early 90s house things like that but yuzo koshiro was also utilizing so many of his Inspirations from other video games as well as genres like jazz [Music] fusion oh okay so yeah we're moving to this section where we just kind of have B flat minor and then like a four five but with minor chords right so E flat minor F minor super simple in terms of like Harmony but really really clever and again as with all video game music designed to be able to just Loop and go on and on and on and carry the right energy for whatever the level is I mean it's just it's so neat but this whole whole game is just loaded with this stuff this one blew my mind maybe the most check this [Music] out excuse me [Music] what do you hear this there is so much going on in here this is 20 seconds into this track you got to be kidding me I mean what is [Music] this that climbing figure there listen to [Music] that o I'd have to sit here and go through this with a fine- tooth comb to be able to figure out what is going on there's just so much in it ooh [Music] where's the tonal Center where where are we considering our home base and how many different places are we going with the chords that could probably be reduced to something that is ultimately not actually that complicated but when you work within that and create all kinds of passing motions and little additions of chords and Melodies in and around the larger places that you're landing and ultimately going that's where you can take something that maybe isn't all that harmonically complicated and make it sound like this because you're just adding so much stuff to it there's a slower version check this [Music] out ooh that's what I think we're hearing [Music] there I don't think I've ever heard a video game soundtrack with this amount of complexity it's all of the little things in there that don't necessarily Define the overall like it if we were going to say that maybe this whole thing largely is in this C minor sound okay that's fine it's all of the small movements that we make to get from one place to another that's where all these little tiny details are being included that make just make you go like what [Music] this is like this is a proper tune there are sections to this right we have we started out with that that really cool intro and then we go into this section where we have this it's kind of like a G minor G minor 7 G minor 11 type of sound and then we have a turnaround going to C Minor 7 and then we have a d I believe that's a D7 sharp N9 sound in there that is so [Music] cool oh w we got a an a half diminish a minor 755 going to a D7 sharp n chord that is so [Music] slick [Music] wo what is going on here this sounds like this sounds like different chords layered on top of each other I'm specifically is this B flat minor over B flat major am I crazy am I going nuts I I'm specifically hearing that that note that note is 100% in there but we we we have the that's what that is on top right and I'm hearing I'm hearing a B flat major chord in the [Music] bottom I'm yeah that's a th% what that is that's [Music] wild whoa Baseline whoa whoa do you hear that that's in there is it that is that what we [Music] had the crunch I don't even know where to go with that hok koshiro what are you doing man wow this is wild I don't I I mean i' I've I've never heard video game music that sounds like this ever I mean it's got to be one of the wildest games ever written right I I can't what [Music] else [Music] oh man wow okay oh it's like a crunch it's a cluster voicing so if we do this if we call this a D major chord right we just have our D major chord we're adding the ninth and then we're adding the the major what a beautiful chord adding the major 7th here as well and we're going to go with our Melody if we're calling this the melody and it's building the chord down like that and we're going to [Music] go right and if we just make that exact same chord and move it for each [Music] note I think that's what's going on here unreal I just I cannot get over how insane this is this has got to be the craziest video game music I've ever heard and I had never heard of this game have have you is this a game that you remember did you play it I don't know let me know in the comments I'm just I I'm so I'm like buzzing about this music because this is just some of the coolest stuff from 1992 unreal yok koshiro oh my God Absolut abolute Beast this is just unbelievable work and he actually has his own YouTube channel and you can go check it out I'm going to put that link down in the description and also down in the description you're going to find a link for the Black Friday sale $700 worth on my entire course Library we're selling it for 99 bucks just for the Black Friday weekend Black Friday through Cyber Monday and you know that's the best way that you can support the channel That is how we support this channel we don't really do sponsorships on here and uh that's kind of because like I I just at a certain point I said why do I necessarily want to promotee something that isn't really relevant to either of us neither me nor you so I said you know what I'm gonna build stuff that I would want to build that I would want to take as a student all the things that I wished had been explained maybe a little more clearly to me as I was learning music let me put all that stuff in a bunch of packages and I just kind of went nuts with it and I made like eight courses so if you've ever wanted to learn how to play this instrument that is the best place that you can get started and take your skills to the next level and finally start learning how to make beautiful music on the piano and that's my way of creating something that can support this channel that is directly from me and directly useful and beneficial for you as well and if you're interested in supporting the channel that's the best way that you can do it so thank you so much for your support it's been amazing and I'm just I'm so grateful for it so thank you check out that link in the description down below and let me know your thoughts on Streets of Rage too what a great title for a video game in the 90s I couldn't believe how incredible this was I'm still I'm still I'm just buzzing about it cuz it's just it's amazing it's I properly flabbergasted over this music but as always let me know your thoughts in the comments down below thank you so much for being here thanks for watching and we will see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 1,387,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy, streets of rage, streets of rage 2, streets of rage ost, streets of rage go straight, streets of rage soundtrack
Id: 2cx73EOaGWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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