Why I Love Yamaha Revstars (Friday Fretworks)

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hey guys and a very warm welcome to Friday frat works firstly just to say that this is a video that I kind of shied away from making for a couple of months now I guess purely for the fact that I am endorsed by Yamaha and the last thing that I would ever want to be seen to be doing all the Yamaha would wanted me to seem to be doing really is pushing a video in your direction with the sole intention of trying to influence something that you may buy I've always kind of made a conscious effort not to do this whether it's for any frat works or whether it's just generally I've always kind of made a really conscious decision not to try and push anything in your direction because I don't think it's my place to obviously I work with certain brands and there are official videos of me you know out there on YouTube of me working with those brands whether it's black star whether it's radio sharp whether its Yamaha whoever but in terms of actually being seen to try and come into a decision I don't think that's right and it's not something I would want to do so for that very reason I've kind of shied away from making this video for a couple of months now however much people may actually try and ask me to make one however the thing actually kind of tipped me over the edge in the end is just the sheer amount of questions I get about the red stars whenever I use them in videos they elicit a massive response in terms of comments and generally questions as to I can think the most common is what is it obviously there are people who know what they are maybe down a little bit more research and want to know specific model numbers or specific pick ups but for the kind of for the larger pie it's just people intrigue this to what they are and I think considering Yamaha is such a massive brand obviously in terms of guitar but million other things I think they are still a line of guitars that are kind of permeating it the people's consciousness as an alternative to some of the bigger boys so in that respect I thought it would just be cool to give you a quick video just outlining why I use them you know what they are more importantly or most importantly I guess what guitars how they sound which is obviously the crunch point so that is what today's video is going to be as I said it's far from a product placement farfel and paid or a sponsored video if you want to check any of those out you know the official kind of things Yamaha made an incredible video of me recently which is probably the most epic video of me that there will ever be me looking at kind of misty eyed walking on the mouth at the Welsh Hills I'll put a link in description below should you be interested in that but disclaimer out of the way this is just a quick video just to show you some of the guitars that I use so without further ado let's sleep in and the deep end so the first Yamaha actually came to him was the 720 B which if you're not familiar is this so try and get the camera focus on the headstock this guitar insert some kind of close-up shots over here this guitar came into my possession about a year and a half ago which is pretty much when my relationship with Yamaha started I went into a shop in Cardiff called PMT which is a big music chain in the UK and tried a rev star can't recall which model it was but I do remember that it was around about 400 pounds mark I'm just I was incredibly impressed by the sound but the build quality generally and just how solid it felt for a relatively cheap guitar I'm not gonna call it out no cheap because obviously that may be a lot of money to some people but given its placement on the wall next to a you know a couple of Gibson's that were running in two to three grand it just struck me as an incredibly well priced guitar but that was kind of not bat is the wrong word so that was my first kind of experience of a rev star so that evening I dropped Yamaha an email just to see if they were interested in mechanical maybe coming out and learn and try and a couple more guitars and I just generally get a feel of them had an email back on Sunday morning but a o'clock on a Sunday morning from mark Yamaha was through obviously I send the email to I dealt with mark a couple years prior with a previous band that was in expressed a bit of interest in the fan but of course telling the band didn't go anyways so neither did the relationship with Yamaha but mark or backing very early on Sunday morning which is just testament to how efficient not only mark is but Yamaha as a whole be honest they're a fantastic company to deal with saying why don't you come and learn them we'll have a coffee we'll try some guitars etc etc so about week later met mark in damn box roots in London and just tried a couple of guitars and ended up coming away with the 720 B which is obviously B in this case stand for Bigsby and initially this guitar filter Tron or Yamahas version or filter Tron pickups in them I used them with the filter on for quite a while and they sounded great to be honest but I actually ended up changing them out for a set a radio shop PAF's I've run about this time last year I guess well I did a tour of Spain for my tour Spain with a band called buffalo summer which are probably a little bit more kind of out without rock then I guess I would narrowly play so I just wanted something with a little bit more grit and a little bit more grunt I guess for this tour so I start in the radio shop and Buck is in there and they've stayed in there a necessity much they sound great they suit the guitar more importantly very nicely and just go abroad a life a little bit and it's fantastically again solid guitar weighs a good weight as well which I like and just feels like a very solid instrument so as I said the most important part about these guitars is how they sound so now I cut over to a clip of me playing this guitar just to get you you know give you a little bit of an info as to how they sound so also just to mention all the backing tracks used in today's video I made by the incredibly talented mr. Peterson Norah you may recognise Pete's name from Anderson's TV as well as a host of other kind of feel fantastic session gigs and panel demos and all that kind of stuff that he's done than the years so do go check them out I'll put a link down below but this is how it sounds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the next rep star became in my possession would have been about six months after the 720 and to be honest it's probably my favorite it's a bit like a name in your favor of kids but out of the three that I own this is probably the one that I feel most at home with and if you have seen that rap star video that I mentioned earlier the official Yamaha one this is the guitar in that video it's 5:02 in green British racing green which looks a little bit like this again it's a gorgeous solidly made guitar that sounds absolutely incredible I don't know what the P&I TS that are in them are there Yamaha only designed obviously but they sound brilliant and to be honest the kind of the whole point of the video that I shot with Yamaha a couple of months ago was just just to kind of say how much I think p90s are criminally underrated pick up I know that pedal steel didn't episode on them last we checked that out and that kind of typifies why I think this they're that kind of perfect middle ground I think between humbuckers and single coils obviously they are a single call pickup technically but they're not more commonly thought of a single cause coz he would maybe associate out stress or Sally casters but in terms of actual technical specifications they are single cause but for every reason they can sit in that perfect middle ground of all the bite and all kind of clarity that you would get with single cause but the kind of girth and the just you know kind of bigness I guess if that's a words of sound that you would maybe associate with humbuckers I think it's just a very underrated pickup live for me at least I get handle I you say off so that is the five or two as I said it's in green and it's the five of two T is the specific reference number for its or model number and again it sounds a little bit my best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last but definitely not least is my latest rap star it's very similar to the final activity in there is another 502 but in shop black which looks a little bit like this again same kind of Yamaha headstock that we come to know and love it's a gorgeous on a guitar and most importantly I guess to think has a rap of a bridge as opposed to the big tail piece that you get on the file 2t I would say for that reason it's marginally less resonant but not that that's kind of necessarily a bad thing I think we the tail piece on the T really kind of adds the overall sound guitar even acoustically it kind of gives it a little bit more of a kind of twang I guess for one about the phrase but the reason behind me again this black one was someone actually tagged me in a post on Facebook I'm the months ago saying that they'd just had their new five-o to arrive because they'd see me playing worm and they love the sound of it so they've gone and bought one and as soon as I saw it I was just kind of like that's amazing why is that and it was one of these new ones it's shot black which were new at the time so a cheeky email to Yamaha later I had one on its way and it's a gorgeous surrogates are I would say marginally the green one it's probably still my favorite so they're both P nineties maybe it's maybe it is something to do with the tailpiece I don't know but it's just a very distinct sound of the green one but that said anyone who's seen the blackest on a couple of videos that I shot recently will probably agree that it is an absolutely gorgeous sounding guitar that again without further ado sounds a little bit like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chris Buck
Views: 216,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yamaha, Revstar, Yamaha Revstar, That Pedal Show, Andertons, Captain Anderton, Captain Chappers, Pete Thorn, Rabea Massaad, Tim Pierce, Tim and Pete, Mateus Asato, John Mayer, Slash, Revstar 720, Revstar 502, Black Guitar, Overdrive Pedal, Guitar Episode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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