Why I Love The DCAMU

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okay I finally came around to making this video part of the reason why I created this YouTube channel was just to have an Avenue or just to wait for me to just let my thoughts out on movies and stuff I just like in video format and I grew up with DC not the way I see some people did I never read comic books or watched like old TV shows like the Batman stuff and the Superman stuff and the Justice League Unlimited or something I'm not sure instead I played like Lego Batman 2 on my Nintendo DS and even before I got there I was one of those kids that watch like YouTube walkthroughs of these games and after that I was just able to settle for the demos before the chance I had to beg my mother in the store to buy me the DS version of Lego Batman instead of the 3DS version which would have probably been more Superior still regret it to this day and although over the years we DC Fanboys had to hide in the shadows because we were serve these slops while everybody was on the Marvel train and we had to hide in that side I was still out there watching stuff like the Son of Batman and the flasho but for some reason these shows were just put on a flatline because tell me why after Throne of Atlantis they never aired any of these movies again at least in my side of the world but hey as much as I know you want to hear the story of my life and how I grew up with DC this video isn't about that it's just about why I love the new 52 or the DC AMU animated films and with that we start with Justice League flash points Paradox and funny enough this was one of the films I didn't like initially but it took time for me to grow up to enjoy it and I have a video actually talking about this movie in particular but that's a classic video if you want to go watch that at your own discretion but we'll say for this movie to technically start the universe they did a really poor job with its continuity like the following movies could technically be prequels set before this at some point but that doesn't explain the fact that some of the voice actors were changed by I digress into the subsequent movies starting with Justice League War which is honestly one of my favorite films in this universe you be hear me saying that a lot but there's this theme of these films losing their hearts after flas point and just been an 180-minute action sequence and yes that's true but with this one we still see like good relationship the Cyborg and his dad won terrible father but I guess they had to squeeze it in as part of the plot but the one that stands out is the relationship between the three boys in the team Batman and Green Lantern in particular but Superman too had his moment with them but I've seen enough Tik Tok videos to know that this was something something we have to admit was like just amazing to see in let me say a modern format and funny enough this film is I feel like maybe it's the comic it's based on but it's really really like the James G it's not the James G it's really like the Zach Snider Justice League film and I get the reason why Shazam was technically not in that movie because his addition in this film is completely weak I have to admit and after that movie we step into Batman's World which we cannot Escape in this this universe but I'm not complaining Son of Batman unlike flas points actually falls so much from my memory as one of my favorite films to one of my worst cuz unlike war that could get away with it being a constant action film with human connections being second to its plots this really had to explore that Damian and Bruce way relationship by the way is it just me or does Robin look like Astro Boy but yes it really leans into that Damian switching World from Razo goo's assassin machine to Batman's Robin although it's dealt deeper and with more depth in the next Robin and Batman films and also the subsequent movies and this entire film is basically conquer panda with Slade and taong being like the same person the enthrone of Atlantis was easily the worst film before another film in particular surpassed it but it's more of the Justice League War action but throwing in that Aquaman story too but on the action first I found this weird that they had a harder time fighting or in this movie than they had fighting apocalypse and that was also with the additional help of miror and Aquaman but yeah this film tries set up more relationships here like the Clark and Lois one which I was wishing we got more of that before they bended I like the new adaptations and also just seeing the league being closer we get Batman and Green Lantern more of them doing their Duo stuff even Batman and Superman team up which are ultra rare in these films also Vic gets in a super brief moment but none of these particular things were brought up even Aquaman like after this movie we never really see him in any of the subsequent movies bit weird but yeah I would admit there was this one part with the Justice League all working together to like do their detective thing which was super fun everybody saying their fun smart thing and then Green Lantern just being this beautiful that's a barrel rule these guys are skilled in 360° combat agreed makes sense sound travels 4.3 times faster underwater whatever Mr barrel roll then a Trilogy of Batman and Robin films next starting with Son of Batman part two this was surprisingly good we got to see great depth in the Batman world or just Gotham as a whole and explored the relationship dynamic between Robin and Batman more understanding of Bruce and what it's actually like to be a father for him and putting his trust in someone that also that bit of connection with him and Alfred was good to see and Daman trying to also trying to learn how to give in and suppress his assassin side likewise expanding more on the dynamic of the just the Rival between Daman and Dick to see who's like the better son I guess we also get like the whole qut our story just shoved in there and this is a running Trend with these movies they like have these stories that they are based on and it usually uses that main story to carry around the story plan that they have layered out for the whole universe but this is one of the movies that actually got that balance right at least I think I've never read the comics but I'm guessing but yeah even even regardless like it did because although it had that short run time he uses like its entire plot and Talon to just add this divide between Damian and Bruce was just really fun to explore and see it being used that way and the Damen Bruce fight was so interesting toward and was a good connection to see something that was referenced to it in a later movie then we get another bat family film and it was bad blood and this is a film that I enjoyed initially and I still enjoy it and it's one of my favorites as well and also one of the first films that somewhat sideline Bruce Wayne or just a Batman figure for a major trunk of it and as it's a film expanding and explain the whole bat family aspect this is one that I really love mainly because of the fact that bat man is taken away from a huge trunk of it we see more of Dick Grayson and him spreading his wings like that conversation he has with kathern Kane that's the most we ever see dick speak out in this universe and I really hope for future James gun DC films the fact that he wants to make his Universe with probably Dick Grayson being Nightwing we see this version of Nightwing in those movies and I think the Titans show really tried to show this side of him but I don't know those things were not really good but um there is this one scene with batom flirting what's the cop supposed to look like not as hot as you did I just say that out loud yeah you did you're good whoever wrote that scene you need to have car batteries hooked up on your then we see the introduction of the Teen Titan Squad and I remember this movie being very Teen Titan focused on my first watch opposed to the title of it but was surprised by how much of a ro the league actually played in this I mean the film should have either just been called Teen Titans or Teen Titans X to jce League because we don't even see them fight but I still do not get how the liveaction DC films never had anything to replicate the just the personality with the League members here I'm talking about the Justice League right now we see this scene with I know they didn't really give us like a robin but I seen this scene with with Batman talking about Daman and Superman just giving his opinion and all of them just look at him funny and done what you're told we'd know more come on cut him some slack at least he was trying to those moments why did we just never get them in the Justice League film and my dad thinks I'm difficult have you ever considered boarding school but I did find it an knowing that after Bad Blood we get that Damian development we think he's going to get like a better person and everything but in this movie we get Batman versus Robin Daman again but I just love this clip of Batman his concern and what will we do wait for him to pull the moon from the sky no we'll get he hasn't said anything about doing something like that has he justice league dark was one of the next ones I watched after Son of Batman and I also lik this one but I never loved it but one thing I thought this film got perfectly was its opening we see different parts of the leager turf stuff is happening and it's just how dark they take it the Superman moments the Batman moments all that just combined with the first film to have its own intro segments I love and I hate the inclusion of Batman for one it's Batman but secondly we barely get him doing anything anything in this but we're introduced to the Mythic characters as well as John Stewart who we never see again in these movies till he dies at least I think that's him but Constantine is really great voice by Matt Ryan I love the fact that he always seems to keep on Landing these roles for him but yeah the zantana relationship stuff at its infancy but I think comic book fans might love it but I just couldn't really understand some of the stuff they were talking about and I couldn't just be invested in their relationship which also affected me in dark apocalypse but you know what it's funny how something happens to Swamp Thing in this movie and we never gets any update on that but all of a sudden in dark apocalypse he's fine then Judas contract this is the first of these films with no Batman but we still got Damian and I feel like the film suffers from not making it about Daman but I guess they wanted to put all the other characters in The Limelight but seeing as their stories ended in this film what was the point really but still did not stop the writers from making Daman the most hated character in this entire universe and I never mentioned this but the Starfire and Di grayon relationship I love it there are glimpses of it leading into these films but this was the one that really pressed on it a ton and Daman and Raven we start to see them have their little thing which was nice then we took a spin-off of some sorts and hell to pay was one of my favorite movies just a bad batch of guys taking a road trip around America in their Ben 10 mobile the twist and turns this film took with Savage we see one of his daughters we also get the one and only well one of the two times these films actually connect to flasho Paradox and I like the way that they actually brought him into this film and also nerfed him basically in a way that the squad could deal with him and he would just be overpowered but the entire final segment of this movie was super fun with everyone fighting to obtain these cards and the stakes the card gave it all good and I like the film's Callback in dark apocalypse how did Amanda Waller let a lunatic like you become leader of the squad Acy she died cancer then Constantine city of demons apparently this was a short miniseries or something and considering how slow it starts it was the best idea that they just made this movie but we see a bit of the origin of this version of Constantine which is the only time we have an origin story apart from thr of Atlantis but that movie doesn't count and that's so cool to see like his past and the mistakes that he made to affect him to become this kind of person and him trying to like fix his not really fix his past but make up for his past by helping his friend and this film has probably one of the best emotional beats I have seen in anything in this universe film also felt like a bit reminiscence of the 2005 movie which is a a good thing just a good contained story probably the only contained story till I guess Wonder Woman Bloodlines then the death and the rise of Superman we'll just do them both together because they're just a better movie combined and out of all of them this is the one that felt like the most meta comic book movie in the series like it felt like they were trying to make an MCU like film especially considering how much buildup of that second movie is in that first film trying to make it this cinematic big film and they succeeded and the biggest Superman hater he was done right here I have to admit his relationship with Lois can't believe how much of it they squeezed in here it was just so good and also involving Princess Diana too I love how they didn't just throw that the relationship in the bin to favor the Lis relationship and also when he fights doomsday we see him helping kids and other people and asides maybe Wonder Woman Bloodlines Death of Superman probably has one of the best action Direction in this entire franchise and surprisingly had a lot of League members involved in in both films we see like Clark asking Barry for relationship advice Wonder Woman is trying to go band for band with Batman Wonder Woman merchandise did very well this year I can step up when the Wayne Foundation falls short you're kidding right and even Lex getting his time to shine but what's his obsession with Superman like come out and just say you love him he even made a kid for both of them dad then Batman hush is probably one of my favorite and it gets so much push back from I guess the comic book fans that say it did not respect the source material hey I watched it and I thought it was great the best Batman film out of the bunch maybe because we actually focus on Bruce only this time and his Aura is on M and hey we finally get that Batman Catwoman relationship and speaking of Catwoman towards the end she's like holding this block and carrying I don't see just like this clip what does she do what's her like what's her workout routine for her to be able to do what like how how is she able to do that but I feel off the back of the death and Rise of Superman and two years later we got the long Halloween I know it's like not the same thing but still this movie could have benefited from being a two-parter because out of all the movies in the in this universe this is the one that I definitely say felt the most rushed especially at the second half when he's trying to unravel his entire plot just dumping all that luron which personally I feel just prevented it from the potential it had then Wonder Woman Bloodlines was easily the worst film out of all of them and I really wanted to love this especially considering the last 20 minutes of this movie is the best action you will see in any of these movies like I don't know if they hired the biggest Wonder Woman fan to animate all her fight scenes because it's always incredible to just watch her in this movies and even in Death of Superman her fight with doomsday was sick it was when that thing comes from my hair straight Cinema but here apart from that it does nothing I guess they tried to do a proper contained Wonder Woman story but besides the relationship between Vanessa and her mom which what an L mother but apart from that there isn't really anything carrying this film the jokes are not funny and all the other characters are boring we don't care about them and the movie in particular doesn't do anything for us to care about them I feel like the Wonder Woman budget was just siphoned into dark apocalypse because even the animation looked a bit weird compared to some of the other movies and onto this series of movies they premature end justice league dark apocalypse war and for what this movie was in my own personal opinion it was perfect the longest film in the universe stretching that 90 minutes run time and they made sure to make every second count we see the full growth of Damien and how he literally lost everyone he cared about Dick Bruce Raven and we see his humility aaka fo turnaround they tried their best with the constant in thing it didn't really it still didn't attach for me but I see that they tried their hardest especially the base that they had was dark even CU even the Constantine movie they couldn't Zana was not in that movie so they couldn't even Explore on that but yeah also loved his interaction with him and Raven just that both of them talking magic was super cool really upsetting that this film was the end of the universe and started what was supposed to be a new retelling for these characters but it wasn't really the best way to push it I mean it started off well but that a that's a video for another day but yeah these films they're not perfect I would love to believe they did enough with what they had because for me at least I can speak for everybody they provided a good DC experience but emphasis on what they had because these movies their budget was probably like a Coca-Cola bottle and a bag of chis and it's not like the blue VAR or dvcd sales were really bringing a whole lot for Warner Brothers they were a bit Oney action sequences the driving of the vehicles particularly cars they never looked great and we we got a lot of recycled scenes and things like I noticed in Selena's apartment in hush that was just the Recycled apartment that taon was with that other girl from the court of hours and Son of Batman that is also not coning yes I'm going to repeat myself again cuz I've said this like 50 times in this video these films are short like the shortest I think the shortest film is 72 minutes and the longest film is just 90 minutes and that was dark apocalypse trying to tie everything together but I still love these films and I will defend everyone even Wonder Woman Bloodlines with my life I would love to know what your experience of DC has been in the past since you were born I guess thank you for watching this video bye
Channel: Ephraim Ajuyah
Views: 3,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n-5PAzVf5zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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