Why I Hate Evil Superman

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possessing remarkable physical strength Superman fights a NeverEnding battle for truth and Justice disguised as a mild man of newspaper reporter Clark [Music] Kent over recent years this has become what the character of Superman represents dark brooding confused angry and a potential foe to Our Heroes Superman the epitome of virtue and Hope a symbol of justice for Generations Superman perhaps the most well-known superhero ever created and yet is probably the most misrepresented shudos always tried to make Superman call en edgy which usually entails completely betraying what the character represents in order to achieve this edginess and we are left with this I'll take you in without breaking you if I wanted it you'd be dead already today we delve into the concept of evil Superman explore why it may not be the compelling narrative Choice some believe it to be and why I hate this version of the character Superman's core values truth justice and the American way Superman's character is built upon a foundation of unwavering morality when we strip him of these values we risk losing the essence of what makes Superman Superman an evil version of the character often abandons the principles that have defined him for decades as what if and Multiverse stories have become more prevalent as a mode of Storytelling writers usually look to making Superman evil mostly due to the fact that Superman is the strongest character and could be made into a more formidable villain for our characters to face making the character evil usually follows the same path he kill Lis Lane and that's it Superman becomes a fascist dictator hellbent on ruling the Earth under his authority that's really all it takes despite this character being the essence of good it doesn't really take much for the character to do a 180 Batman lost his parents but evidently has better anger management issues than Superman this Trope of Simply killing Lois Lane in order to alter Superman simply doesn't work thanks to his upbringing the Kent's created Superman they took him in as one of their own and provided him with a loving and nurturing environment the values they instilled in him such a humility kindness and a strong sense of morality became the foundation of Superman's character the Kent's influence plays a crucial role in shaping the hero he becomes Superman is an alien with extraordinary powers making him seem Godlike Jonathan and Martha can humanize him by teaching him about Humanity compassion and the importance of using his powers responsibly they down to earth wisdom helped Superman connect with the people he protects and fosters a sense of relatability the Kent serve as Superman's moral compass guiding him in making ethical decisions they teach him the difference between right and wrong emphasizing the importance of helping others and making the world a better place Superman's unwavering commitment to justice is deeply rooted in the moral upbringing provided by the Kent from this you have created a character in which the Kent provide emotional support for Superman offering a sanctuary where he can share his challenges and seek guidance the unconditional love and understanding they offer strengthen Superman's resolve and give him the strength to face the burdens of being a hero the character isn't dark and brooding he reacts differently to situations to darker characters such as Batman an evil Superman to me is like giving Batman a sunny disposition it doesn't work and betrays the very core of what the character represents the concept of evil Superman has become somewhat of a cliche overplayed in various media the sheer abundance of these narratives dilutes the impact and Novelty of the idea it's time to explore new fresh perspectives that challenge the character in ways Beyond turning him into a villain and I know what you'll say well omn man is an evil version of Superman and that character is fantastic and yes that character is brilliant but guess what he isn't Superman Mark is he is the alien Born To Earth who chooses to protect Earth and first and foremost sees himself as human when he is confronted with the decision to protect Earth or serve his Heritage he chooses Earth Clark Kent is human he sees himself as human the origin of his powers is Kryptonian but he has been raised human his entire life this is a problem I had with his characterization of man is still Clark is presented as a somewhat Fish Out of Water stoic and unable to adapt to human life searching for purpose and confused about his place in the world when really Clark is human he's lived his life as a human and yes he has incredible Powers but that is something that makes him different not an alien Mana still treats the character as an alien as if an adult Clark Kent has been dropped into Earth and now needs to adapt to his surroundings when really he understands being a human because he is one for most of the movie he seems confused and unable to integrate into his surroundings everything just seems foreign to him and it feels like Zack Snider took Bill's explanation of Superman from the movie killed Bill didn't become Superman Superman was born Superman when Superman wakes up in the morning he's Superman his alter ego is Clark Kent this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the character Clark Kent is not his secret identity Clark Kent is his true identity he was not born Superman and this was something he was molded into due to his upbringing and the values instilled into him as a child he became Superman but the man still is Clark Kemp evil Superman often oversimplifies the complexity of morality instead of exploring nuanced ethical dilemmas of internal struggles The Narrative results to a binary view of good versus evil this misses the opportunity to delve into the Shades of Gray that make characters compelling and relatable I'm not a huge fan of what if stories but sometimes these stories can be very engaging one of my favorite wtif stories is Superman red Su this version of Superman lands in sovet Era Ukraine and is described not as fighting for truth justice an American way but as the champion of the common worker who fights a NeverEnding battle for Stalin socialism and the international expansion of The warsa Pact I like this story because whilst it Alters Superman's Origins and his teachings he is still in essence Superman but altered he isn't dark and brooding but a version the Soviet Union would create the story intertwines real well politics with the Mythos of Superman and how this character could be viewed from the other side of the coin the comic creates moral ambiguity with the character of Superman by changing his origin the comic can ask the question is Superman who he is because of nature or nurture redson Toes that line shown that both are kind of true it's within Superman's nature to do what he believes is the right thing but that can depend on what the right thing is from his perspective due to his nurturing the problem with most whatif stories is Superman's nurturing stays mostly the same but the character is framed as being very close to becoming an outright villain when really this is more of a Batman [Music] characteristic Superman is meant to be a symbol of Hope inspiring people to believe in a better world when we turn him evil we risk undermining that hope and transforming him into just another dark brooding character it's crucial to preserve the beacon of optimism that Superman represents my all-time favorite Superman comic Superman For All Seasons this is a four isue comat miniseries written by Jeff lobe and illustrated by Tim s released in 1998 the series provides a poignant and introspective exploration of Superman's character emphasis exz in his humanity and the impact of his actions on the people of Smallville the series explores Superman's struggles with his dual identity despite his superhuman abilities he grapples with feelings of loneliness and alienation emphasizing The Human Side of the character Smallville serves as a grounding element highlighting the impact of his actions on the ordinary people who view him as both a savior and a Potential Threat Superman's journey is framed by his moral compass and sense of responsibility his upbringing by Jonathan and Martha Kent is integral to his strong moral Foundation the story explores the weight of responsibility that comes with Superman's powers emphasizing the choices he makes and the impact they have on the world Superman For All Seasons stands out for its introspective approach offering a character-driven exploration of Superman's Humanity impact on others and the moral challenges he faces the series succeeds in blending poignant storytelling with evocative artwork contributing to a Timeless and resonant betrayal of the Man of Steel whilst you can show these darker elements of the character you don't take away from his humanity and just create an evil version of the character in conclusion while the idea of an evil Superman may seem intriguing on the surface it often sacrifices the core values originality and moral complexity that make Superman a Timeless and beloved character instead I feel we should explore narratives that challenge him without compromising the very essence that has made Superman an enduring symbol of Hope he
Channel: Jasper Reviews
Views: 96,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dc comics, superman, dc, best dc comics, comic books, dc comics explained, Evil Superman, Man of Steel, Henry Cavill, Superman legacy, Why is Superman, is Superman, Superman fight, Superan Explained, James Gunn, david corenswet superman, Superman, Superman: Legacy, Zack Snyder, DC, DCEU, DC Extended Universe, My Adventures with Superman
Id: Mtw2UVgUfEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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