Why I don't like The Royalty Family

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yes I'm making fun of another lovely family because I'm a huge [ __ ] but to be fair they are doing a lot of scummy [ __ ] now as a royalty family up there with the prince family and the ACE family when it comes to scum eNOS absolutely not but when they make videos like I lost my memory prank I think I need to say something and for you fetuses out there saying well the contents not made for you it's made for us embryos well that's kind of my point I could see a lot of kids copying this prank like some stupid fetus goes up to his mom and goes like haha I can't remember my memory and then they drive a little Billy to the hospital open up his brain and find out nothing is wrong these type of videos have also spawned a lot of cancer especially towards people who have grammar worse than me even Lucas and Marcus got that one right so today we'll be looking at I lost my memory prank on boyfriend he cried so grab your popcorn man now let's start this video [Music] [Music] this is the same problem I had with the prince family before their unicorns [ __ ] out Lucky Charms intro they have this boisterous loud unpleasant opening right before people just yelling at each other it's such a god-awful transition oh no jeez oh my head hey what's wrong babe oh [ __ ] Todd you hit your head oh no this do you remember me I'm the boyfriend babe I don't know if you guys remember Teddy from queer kid stuff but that voice has given me some very unpleasant flashbacks how about a big big big middle finger like this we're gonna start this blog a little bit different as you can see I'm in the kitchen where you're supposed to be I'm sorry she made it too easy hey Lisa sleepy yeah I don't care if your boyfriend is a heavy sleeper there is no way he can't hear okay guys I won't be pranking my boyfriend on the fall straight on my head and lose my memory let's see if we can make that little [ __ ] cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm so they have done this prank before any normal human being will realize that hey this is a prank I pulled on you and you're doing the exact same thing it's a good thing this video is fake because I would have to question the boyfriends IQ since no one is this much of a gullible idiot to fall for prank they pulled on someone else and this someone happens to be a victim of losing their memory by the way it's kind of horrible for you guys pretend that your son is brain damaged you guys have no shame kill them kill them [ __ ] all oh now I am 1 for a good dark humor joke but it's one thing to say something that's screwed up in another to actually do something that's screwed up trying to convince someone you have brain damage is pretty screwed up this is going to be elite ah yes the HRC of communicating with kids I'm just chilling in second place yeah I'm sure he's not gonna notice that giant black camera in the living room hmm my girlfriend has head trauma a very similar prank I pulled on her a couple of weeks ago and hey look there's a giant black hammer over there put the pieces together Jesus Christ make more noise why don't you it's not like you're trying to pull a prank or something I've seen a lot of these fake prank videos and this guy takes a cake for a worst actor yeah that's the reaction I would have if I saw my girlfriend on the ground screaming in pain babe what is wrong what happened even the dobre brothers put more emotion in their performance don't touch me [ __ ] could your performance be any more whiny babe what are you talking about don't touch me [Music] [Applause] scree [ __ ] I ain't helping you up now I wanted to be rewarded poontang [Music] hey Mia Moore why is there a big black camera in the room I'm clearly seeing the camera in this shot the hospital is probably a better idea but no go ahead in your bedroom go ahead and rest off that head injury I'm sure by the time you wake up you'll remember who you are because that's how that works oh geez even he's talking like his audience like [ __ ] babies baby relax take off your shoes I'm your boyfriend yeah that's not incredibly obnoxious can you believe this idiot he actually thinks I have a head injury what a douche bag [Music] you want to know why else I think this is a fake video idiots like this guy the Damian's the Austin's if they saw their wife in pain and possibly losing her memory don't you think these [ __ ] would grab her camera and start filming them while they're in pain I mean it's what Damian did and the only thing these family vlogging channels on YouTube care about is money at this point of the video I feel like the boy from what a grabbed his camera would have been like guys guys guys guys my girlfriend's acting strange Mia more Mia more what's going on anymore look at the camera me more you were actually concerned about me you idiot get pranked alright next video we got a couple of fans stalking their house mm-hmm where have you heard that before now I will give Katherine and acoustic some credit I do believe some of their stalkers are real even though it was their dumbass fault they have stalkers in the first place but here this video just screams fake everything about this video is a hundred percent fake all right you beautiful bastards let's just jump right into it it's gonna be okay [Music] right outside each other sad face they will calm down while taking him home calm down [Music] Wow that music choice is really appropriate I mean am i watching a YouTube family vlogging video or Black Panther and this guy keeps coming back and forth baby come check this out look at this guy this is like the fifth time I've seen him look at this there's some people back and forth on my street all the way they're doing what are they doing there's a bunch of people stalking you from outside and during editing you thought it'd be a good idea to put sound effects and music over what's going on you want us to believe this is a serious situation and you're treating it like a joke I'm honestly really confused let me take care of this let me take care of this let me take care of this they're just fans I gave you two just fans [ __ ] I guarantee you no one in your fan base is old enough to drive these stalkers are still outside my house my girlfriend is freaking out my son is crying but hey hit that like button in that subscribe button join the world see family boys stop alright don't go outside hold on let me see if they're still there let me see they're still there all right you can't go outside you're a big fat coming to my house hold on a sec well let me take care of this put the camera away oh hey son I thought I told you to stay inside it's not like your safety is important or anything but I'm glad you're smiling even though a minute ago you were scared you just smell that smell smells like fake just put the camera away baby Jordan Jordan let's go outside you and I who's she talking to they have something like random cameraman who just sleeps at their house maybe that's her son and he just screw a couple of feet hey bro why are you taking pictures in my house I'm a fan excuse me if I'm having a hard time believing that grown ass truck drivers are fans of a family vlogging child's kid Channel no wife here you're gonna bother him here at my house he asks for a picture okay yeah any two grown human beings would go to someone's house and ask for a picture with the famous family yeah totally not fake but we've been keeping this away from you guys people have been following us so many times and we've never complained we've never called the cops but your girlfriend has a point call the cops when you go outside to talk to them get their license plate number no but you got to be big macho man that's gonna protect your house oh yeah I'm sure your kid went outside to tell these guys a cough yeah totally not fake I really pissed myself when I first saw this because one it's completely fake and two just seeing an eight-year-old walk outside until he's two full grown man to go away is pretty funny reminded me a lot of Blues Brothers 2000 yeah somehow putting a kid in his suit doesn't automatically make him intimidating it actually has the opposite effect yeah it's right eat a dick homie you ain't worth my time even though I just spent 20 minutes talking you guys but uh yeah nice Prius haha eat a dick how many men there was two guys one guy was wearing a hat and he was wearing a hoodie sunglasses right baby without wear sunglasses at night your fans are douchebags like already so many these guys that weekend we didn't tell you because we were like okay like okay let's deal with this for a couple of days or whatever on time but it would be safe like and not resent no [ __ ] if it happened the first time you would have said something in fact that's the moneymaker right there two grown-ass truck drivers invade my home like who wouldn't make a video on that [ __ ] I thought I was just watching The Phantom Menace there for a second because that was Jake Lloyd level acting is that most of like I'm afraid I'm just heard two dogs outside this is what it takes to be a youtuber to be popular oh [ __ ] I think I smell a documentary coming in and the first part of the documentary they're gonna complain about how poor they were you know film a nice apartment duplex and then X like it's some box on the streets second part is gonna include all the times they are harassed by their fans and tell them to [ __ ] off their private property the third part is gonna contradict the second part and talk about how all of their fans are invited into their nice big house they just built it'll be about the size of an airport and the fourth part will be non-existent despite the fact that the documentary confirmed four parts finally me my friends will react to your fakeness you will also probably have a couple of beers sing how it's really hard to get through these type of videos we'll keep you posted on what's happening we love you guys oh my god even their pillow says subscribe yeah man it's a real rough situation man I just can't believe that people would act this way by the way hit that subscribe button son watch more of our videos check it out this is my Instagram I'll see you sexy little [ __ ] later oh yeah burning it alone
Channel: diesel patches
Views: 984,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royalty family, family vlog, fake
Id: gEbZIV16TRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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