Why I Became a Minimalist

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big life changes don't usually happen by accident typically some event or realization triggers us and causes us to make a change that's definitely what happened for me when it comes to minimalism and so today i want to share with you kind of what sparked my minimalism journey and took me on a path towards simplicity if we've never met before hi my name is ashlynn and today i want to share with you why i became a minimalist and to really tell the story properly we need to press rewind and to go back in time about four and a half years ago my husband christopher and i had just gotten married and we moved into this tiny one-bedroom apartment as we combined our lives together we tried shoving things into every nook and cranny of this small apartment but things were bursting at the seams there was piles of stuff in every corner the closets that we had were a nightmare and things would just fall out of them whenever you opened the door it was scary but it wasn't just the physical stuff we had either in our apartment i always felt stressed and on edge and there was always kind of this level of tension whenever i was in our home that i would just constantly feel and so for months i was feeling anxious and overwhelmed and i didn't really understand what the cause of it was but i knew that something needed to change and where else do you go looking for answers i was on youtube one day just a few days after i really reached a breaking point and said okay something's got to give and i found this video of a woman talking about minimalism and immediately inside of me something clicked and i had this moment of realization of oh it's my stuff that's causing me all of this unwanted stress and anxiety and immediately it was just like this one word was impressed on my brain simplify and so i did and shortly after that i found the minimalist podcast and slowly began decluttering our home and it was amazing almost immediately after i started decluttering and letting go of the things that weren't serving us i began experiencing lowered stress levels and i found a renewed sense of peace and tranquility in our home and over the course of about six to nine months one area really led to another and it caused me to reconsider and to simplify in a lot of areas first it started with my stuff but over time it grew to include my habits my time my schedule and even my priorities and that's really where i've seen the biggest difference not in the number of things i own but in my focus and the way that i think about them things won't make you happy and for me too many things actually causes stress and unwanted anxiety and that was really eye-opening for me and a very tangible reminder that far too often we exchange a love and a passion for god for people for experiences or the things that really give us life and fill us for meaningless stuff that promises us joy but leaves us empty and is eventually going to fall apart and so minimalism really helped me to refocus and to gain perspective and open my eyes so that i could look past what's temporary and fleeting and instead refocus and to go after the relationships and the experiences that really give our lives purpose and joy so that's why i decided to become a minimalist a bit of my story but now i'd love to know have you decided to simplify your life if you have what is your story be sure to comment that down below and if you want to see more simple and intentional living videos coming at you twice a week don't forget to subscribe below hope you have an amazing day and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ashlynne Eaton
Views: 32,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why I became a minimalist, how I became a minimalist, becoming minimalist, minimalist living, simplify your life, minimalist, minimalism, simple living, slow living, ashlynne eaton, charlotte nc
Id: xSPszdPlzec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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