Why Humans HATE Aljamain Sterling

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I have never seen a more disrespected world champion mature false is housing Sterling the most disrespected champion on the UFC roster when Al Jermaine Sterling defeated former double champ Henry sahuto he got booed when he defeated the former champ TJ Dillashaw he also got boobs he faced to chant Peter Yan aljo got booed when he walked in and got booed when he won here's the thing though aljo is American and Yan is Russian they were fighting in Jacksonville Florida no matter who you ask it all comes back this moment the number one UFC bantamweight Contender Al Jermaine Sterling in his first UFC Championship opportunity Ojo is facing the Russian Champion Peter yawn undefeated in the UFC [Music] [Applause] by the fourth round two out of three judges have Peter Young winning the fight until this happens [Music] Peter strikes aljo with a knee to the face we only have a couple of rules in this sport don't poke us on eyes don't bite the Sun and don't kick him when he's down because aljo can continue to fight Yan is disqualified even though he was losing the fight all Joe becomes a champion but the world doesn't hate him yet no no that would only happen a few hours later after he did something truly unforgivable and to fully grasp the nature of it we gotta go back a hundred thousand years ago I'm not kidding one morning Clay goes hunting as he's walking through the jungle he stumbles across a tiger yet he comes back a few hours later perfectly healthy he sits down around the fire and tells his homies guys as I was walking through the jungle a tiger attacks me at this precise moment everybody's wondering the same thing how are you still alive what did you do why do we need to know because if we find ourselves in that same situation we need to know what to do to survive Clay's story contains information vital for our survival and it goes Way Beyond surviving Tigers research suggests language evolved to swap social information back when we were living in Stone Age tribes in other words we gossip we tell tales about the moral Rights and Wrongs of other people punish the bad behavior reward the good and thereby keep everyone cooperating and the drive and check stories about people being heroes or villains and the emotions of joy and outrage they triggered were crucial to human survival were wired to enjoy them replicate that interaction with thousands and thousands of years and you end up with a species whose brain is hooked on storytelling not only to gather information about the world and people but experiences reality as a story and just like that the tribal brain goes to work everybody's staring at their screens Rogan and Cormier try to feel the awkward silence with context his knee was all the way down one qualification cue sent by aljo and Peter are scrutinized I can't even get up this this tweets are flowing is riding itself in time ultimate doesn't know where he is he has to go to the emergency room one of the corners is yelling just punch just punch yeah okay all right there it is that's it and that is it that's it when aljo wins the belt by disqualification he throws it on the ground that triggers something in the tribe evolutionary psychologists argue we have two wired in Ambitions to get along with people and also to get ahead of them getting ahead means gaining status the craving for which is universal a human tribe can be viewed as a status game that all the members are playing its rules being recorded in its stories by throwing the belt on the canvas all Joe signals to the tribe that he rejects the Champion's status it's a winner he doesn't want to win a fight like that he refuses to climb up the social ladder without deserving it that's not the way I wanted to win that's not the way I envisioned this as the tribe we respect that it is the right thing to do we do root for a fellow Brave peasant to climb up the social ladder and get the treasure but only if he slays the dragon that's guarding it first I don't like that a title can be won this way do you consider algeman Sterling to be the rightful champion no I got a lot of issues with this you don't get the gold without the dragon that's a very strange idea strange indeed is what happened next during the fights after party audio switches his tune and starts taking photos with the belt in doing so sending a clear message that he is accepting of his new status as Champion without having slayed the dragon that's when the narrative starts turning on him aljo is not a victim anymore he's a deceptive villain all Joe went to the hospital he's cleared nothing nothing wrong with him when stories concern a person following the rules of the group listeners experience of wash of positive emotions but when they tell if someone's selfishly breaking these rules listeners experience the emotion of moral outrage they're motivated to act to punish them whether by being shamed and mocked violently attacked or ostracized from the group which would have been a death sentence back in the Stone Age [Applause] oh okay guys I know I've been throwing a lot of information your way so far yeah actually I got a couple questions um so do I is everybody subscribe to the channel because speak out like a man if you're enjoying the content so far just subscribe to the channel guys it was actually shooting spot [Music] [Applause] guys I drink ag1 every single morning now let me tell you why exactly why I'm telling you why tell us why come on man do you have time to figure out which supplement you should be taking on a daily basis and when not at all I mean me neither check this out ag1 solves that problem for me it's a nutritional drink one scoop contains 75 different ingredients including vitamins minerals probiotics adaptogens super food it's your daily multivitamins multi-mineral pre and probiotic immunity support and on top of that guys it's NSF certified for sports the gold standard for pro athletes this is what dreams are made of man go to 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yawn we'll go and beat Al Joe take his belt this was the belief Alto didn't follow the script all Joe excels in the second fight but he wins by Split Decision did he really slay the dragon and rightfully earn the treasure one out of three judges doesn't believe so that's not convincing enough to switch to narrative I know Dana doesn't think I won the fight he didn't think he won that fight after the fight went right to the press conference he did exactly like this the judges blew that one the judges blew that one I thought I had a three to two the other way I mean it was a very good fight but you definitely won the fight and there's something about this that appreciate it Angry and we've decided to be mean to him and we decided to try to hurt the world champions feeling I'm not gonna let that take away from my experience you know so I can just not look you know I still have the power to do that and control what I actually consumed and put in my head six months later he fights TJ Dillashaw TJ had recently come back from a suspension for using performance enhancing drugs the guy's achieved he's dirty the tribe still saw TJ as the hero he's so worried about he can come test me himself he could test these nuts in his mouth the first round TJ injures his shoulder aljo wins the pko in the second round but now the injuries to blame did all that because there was an injury people once again stuck in the narrative everybody's upset and they're so upset that there's one way that we could fix this for sure we can bring in the greatest and most decorated combat athlete in the history of time I am picking my favorite actor algeme Sterling back we get rid of Al Joe the world can then be fixed it feels to me like this is the one that's getting you the love and respect do you agree but ain't nobody giving you that damn respect on social media they come up with excuses as to why you keep winning [Music] okay so they gotta shut up all Joe is from Long Island the fight was in New Jersey it's gonna be great to see him have the crowd behind him and go out there and beat him the crowd still booed him aljo didn't follow the script by Split Decision again the boy algel just can't catch a break no matter what he does people don't like him guys stop booting algerman what give this man his respect why don't people like algebra Sterling though he's fighting at home and he's getting booed by his own crowd I don't know what this man has to do start in according to your respect when I talk about story to people and I tend to do that a lot I describe events as all kinds of dots on you know a white sheet of paper like those drawings that you used to do as a kid a story is what connects those dots together in a way that makes sense to the audience but telling a good story is often not about the dots you decide to include but those You decide to leave out because once we see reality through a common narrative we dismiss anything that doesn't support it now the way to triumph over an ongoing narrative tell a better story any Storyteller even the main character can come along and reconnect the dots in a way that is even more appealing to the audience verbal abuse is nothing new for Raja he was born in it I come from a very big family a lot of half brothers and sisters I have 19 siblings a lot of half Brothers it was my mom's eight kids and then my dad's other kids brothers and sisters we used to talk [ __ ] about each other's moms sometimes I would feel like we weren't even family because the stuff that we would say to each other was like I always wondered like if it was normal I don't have a lot of positive memories of my dad the way we grew up man verbal abuse was a a big thing you know I mean he would just call it stupid and and all these names for whatever reason it made us feel small weak stupid useless it really does stick with you like even today still bothers me like when I think about it it makes me a little um uneasy you know so one of the things about him that I don't think I could ever forgive is the domestic violence with my mom there was one time they were fighting in the kitchen and my dad was beating my mom up and uh I just remember her calling for me just hearing her voice call for me screaming and pain like that and I wasn't there for her to help her because I just wasn't I just want to tell you that I'm sorry and yeah nothing to blame yourself about my dream was hopefully one day like older and I end up having a better life than this and audio discovers a way out I found wrestling in that helped change the course of my life to see the bond that those guys have I felt like I actually mattered I felt like I belonged it felt more like a family to me that was what I needed slowly but surely gained my confidence he's the kid who became a very closed off angry person world [Music] audio becomes the first member of his family to graduate from college but he still decides to take the leap into MMA he signs with the UFC in 2014. they tend to forget everything that Al Jermaine did on his way up to the championship fight all Joe climbs his way up a division that slowly becomes the most competitive in the UFC but that's not without suffering any losses I lost two fights in a row split decision to two guys ranked in the top ten and uh next if I listen to everyone else who said I was done I had no chin and whatnot you know I'll just be back home just being a gym teacher and never knowing what I could have truly accomplished without you through seven years in the UFC aljo gets his first title shot all his friends and teammates fly to Las Vegas to support him everything I worked for been like to this point and to have the fight go like that aljo ends up at the hospital I got home from the hospital they did a CAT scan Al Joe went to the hospital he's cleared nothing nothing wrong with him but a cat's can is not used to diagnose concussions it's used to make sure there's no bleeding on the brain and here I come back from the hospital and I still don't remember much of the night I had to get like people to kind of help me recall what actually happened someone brought out the belt I don't know who was I think it was marab actually and he said no brother you deserve this you earned this that this was special to have people that cared about you we had a toast I said a couple words there was videos out and I never posted anything and all of a sudden because they handed him a belt because he was on the receiving end of an illegal strike that ultimately earned him the championship he didn't do anything wrong and you turned on him and he's never quite been able to straighten that out and the fans antagonizing me is literally the reason why I went that route you people that set out to be jerks and there's a lot of you have succeeded you know they're telling me I'm the champ but I don't feel like it you know I am the champion but I don't feel like looking at all the past trauma that he's experienced to where he is now he's already a team now keep in mind that was just another story it's in these ways that story both exposes and enables the worst traits in our species we willingly allow highly simplistic narratives to deceive us gleefully accepting as truth any tale that casts us as the moral hero and the other as a two-dimensional villain we're being sold a story stories are everywhere and seduce us into believing that even in our hatred We Are Holy Queen [Music] don't save me
Channel: Patrick Gavia
Views: 603,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aljamain, sterling, aljo, aljamain sterling, funk master, ufc288, ufc292, mixed martial arts, martial arts, mma, ufc, press conference, interview, patrick gavia, ufc documentary, aljamain sterling interview, sean omalley, sean o’malley, suga sean, henry cejudo, cejudo, tj dillashaw, dillashaw, petr yan, cory sandhagen, sandhagen, ufcchamp, ufcchampion, world champion, mma documentary, storytelling, gossip, patrick, gavia
Id: 1MuUpTwVCAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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