Why Hogwarts Legacy Online is the Next Logical Step

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after spending many hours in the game I'm convinced that Hogwarts Legacy online is much more real than you could think and we can totally hope for it there are at least 5 good reasons to believe this idea and I'm taking you through them first thing that brings up belt helps For an upcoming online version is the gigantic open world that has been created as it seems for much more than a single player game with a highly straightforward plot I mean to what extent would an average player unlock all existing locations and how far beyond the main plot locations would people travel oh the player just randomly go to distant parts of the map or rather stick more or less to the principal Quest areas which are full of inhabitants and cover all the needs and materials but I don't want to believe that all the hard work and commitment of developers who had illibrated all the countless territories would just go in vain vast parts of the world don't host any main quest missions and that's too bad because they May remain blank for many players on the other hand flying around back and forth pointlessly on a brim or random mountable creatures is fun only like a first thousand times okay joking always fun but anyway the map is like 10 if not a hundred times bigger than necessary for completing all the plot missions and a great deal of side quests the only reasonable explanation for this is I would assume the map was meant to host events other than a single player plot game in the form that it was actually released because as for now for some reason frankly in this big map with plenty of rivers caves abandoned sights and castle ruins I kind of feel lonely in it no real immersive interaction of feedback is provided by any of the game NPCs even the characters that give quests neither deliberate actions of a player provoke any reaction from anybody in the game so it's like you alone in whole universe and if only you could go exploring the farthest map area us with your friends or share Secret locations or fight against enemies it would make so much more sense to have all this huge world around us because let's not forget about another thing the map is not only locations on it and a spacious territory ready to fill up with new tasks and missions it is also a whole lot of farming opportunities of all kinds you meet different creatures you find plants and herbs everywhere above the East there are countless Field Guide Pages say ancient magic hotspots astronomy tables Landing platforms banded campings treasure hunt maps rare loot chests demagi's moons secret hidden puzzle locations and I still might be forgetting something but you can easily do without it all you don't need a tense part of those to upgrade and complete the plot except for final oath scene maybe basically the most you can get out of it in the game as for now is unlock the corresponding achievement on your concel but let's be honest not many of us are ready to grind into the 95. think of it 95 monotonous Merlin trials or Arrangement magic hot spots just for the sake of a console achievement and don't get me wrong I absolutely love the game but it would take forever to travel and complete every single of those tasks and puzzles and the only reasonable purpose would be competing against other Grinders online I mean if we add a little bit of competition where we can apply all that we have farmed in the open world all of those farming methods in Hogwarts Legacy would just make more sense my next reason is more material and pragmatic Hogwarts Legacy has sold over 12 million copies in its first two weeks since launch a game like this in the Wizarding Universe has been expected for almost two decades I mean really it's set in such a marvelous little braided World it contains tons of sophisticated details and references and it runs really smoothly and consults that fact so we can only imagine how hard the team had been working and is still working to provide a decent quality for PCs and later for all gen consoles and now another small yet important fact the game doesn't include any micro transactions and now let's think together the Harry Potter world is so popular and so many effort has been put into the game to reach the current level considering all these I believe online would be just a righteous next step to fulfill both the fans and the investors dreams I mean no one would deliberately stop milking a cow that has just proved to give a hundred gallons a day normally an owner would think of a way to milk a thousand gallons instead and that's a common process and what would create better opportunities of making money than adding on online for a game with such a big open world and millions of players who love the world and want to spend as much time in it as possible but okay let's get back from money to the game mechanics as it is Hogwarts Legacy is much more than just an opportunity to travel throughout the magical world with wand in hand the world is inhabited with a bunch of magical beasts and these brings us to the aspect of another important game mechanics the room of requirement the room is supposed to be your Fortress inside the Game World you keep there all sorts of things for upgrading gear and brewing potions and do confession it up according to your own taste and spend their decent amount of quality time that's in theory in fact I mostly use the room for like my 10 minutes ritual after a playing session so that I don't feel guilty about my pets who remain abandoned because I don't actually need all the precious material they can provide me with and I have potting tables a course and potion stations I know how to use them but the question is do I actually need all those things I can simply buy stuff from vendors in hogsmid or elsewhere if I ever feel like upgrading my gear I can collect Farm on open World locations do I really have to clean all Bandit campaigns throughout the map to unlock more advanced trades I mean it feels like just grind for grind most of the trades you will never truly use because fights are too easy to apply every existing upgrade mechanic onto your missions even playing on hard difficulty level you will not possibly need to use like a half of what you will loot sticking only exceptionally to the plot missions let alone if you grind in the open world or go for many side quests and treasure hunts but imagine if there were Hogwarts online while all would be different and the room of requirement will be so much needed and useful for everybody and not only to be able to compete against other players but also to show off with your unique clothing and unbeatable gear and stuff and given the mechanics already exists and works I think it is another sign that the game can be further expanded to the online version there is yet another super awesome but a bit excessive aspect related to the room of requirement mechanics I'm speaking about various disproportionately strong combat mechanics in the game we have lots of skills and abilities that are used in fights and some of the abilities can be upgraded almost to God mod just think about it we can upgrade to four full wheels of spells including unforgivable and cursing mechanics to aim at multiple targets simultaneously and despite the cool down we can destroy a hull wave of animus with one wave of one so to say next we have Talon's mechanics and we can use the talent points to upgrade most preferable abilities to higher levels we have three types of combat plans and we have potions and we have dodging and disillusionment mechanics to sneak in and out unnoticed or Escape groups of animus unharmed at the same time the game is single player and let's face it the plot is absolutely straightforward there is no user fun in replaying missions using different approaches or techniques the the variety of opponents is relatively shallow there are quizzards goblins trolls spiders dug bugs in fairy mongrels and occasionally those Stone Knights that guard Panzer memories in trial locations and here I must mention that at first the fights were exciting you meet a new type of enemies once twice you lose then you create a strategy against every type of creatures and wizards and fights become boring especially after you level up unlock the unforgivables and talents I'm sorry but mongress and Dean fairy are absolutely useless you mostly defeat them with like one or two strikes even in a hard difficulty after you reach level 1820 or so the in-game animates are no challenge anymore to you but the game never stops providing like infinite possibilities to upgrade in various directions that is why I believe the game has great chances to get an online expansions because all the super cool skills have already been created and they really look promising and if you want to know more about every House's unique content in Hogwarts Legacy check out my video the link is on your screen and thank you for your attention see you at Hogwarts maybe in Hogwarts online Knox
Channel: Relashio
Views: 304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, harry potter game, harry potter game 2023, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy online, hogwarts legacy open world, hogwarts legacy multiplayer, hogwarts legacy online mod, hogwarts legacy online multiplayer gameplay, hogwarts legacy online news, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy multiplayer mod, hogwarts online, hogwarts multiplayer, hogwarts legacy online multiplayer, hogwarts legacy rumors, hogwarts legacy update
Id: NeIXiZeUz9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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