Why Hestia is Bestia - Whats In a Waifu?

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mankind has come a long way in a short time from simple stick Hut's to towering skyscrapers from mock strong carts to self-driving electric cars from cave paintings to anime and we owe all of that progress to a single all-powerful force that has driven humanity forward since the dawn of history thirst a thirst for knowledge a thirst for understanding a thirst for truth I know I'm thirsty as hell and if you're thirsty too you've come to the right place because with this series I aim to quench my thirst once and for all by finding the ultimate truth the ultimate answer to the ultimate question what's in a waifu and why isn't it me now obviously love is a very personal thing and there are as many reasons to love a waifu as there are people who love her but fundamentally there are two things every wife who needs an interesting personality and a strong cute character design to match without the former all you have is eye candy without the latter you just have a good character it is only when those two elements are executed well and synergize with one another that a character can create that ephemeral herring yearning feel it we call laughs by examining the world's most powerful white foods and analyzing how they excel in those areas and others it is my belief that we will be able to better understand mowie and work toward the ultimate dream of all mankind a unified best girl theory today we take our first step toward that noble goal by asking what makes Hestia the best eeeh Hestia if you somehow don't know was the standout waifu from an entire cast of standout waifu's in 2015's fantasy comedy smash hit is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon or danmachi for short both that first anime and it's brand new currently airing sequel are available to watch through today's sponsor crunchyroll so if you'd like a bit more context for this serious scientific discussion or you're just in the mood for a fun fantasy adventure I highly recommend watching both of them now without further ado there's important work to be done and speaking of adieu much adieu like too much adieu honestly has been made about Hestia's titty ribbon or the plot thread as fans took to calling it at first glance the ribbon is nothing but an innocuous forgettable accessory but it has a way of sticking in your mind because the longer you look at it the less sense it makes even in the realm of anime titty physics where flesh has the consistency of jell-o and gravity is but a suggestion this ribbon sticks out as an aberration less obvious than say the matrix titties in highschool of the dead but in reality no less absurd what starts as a passing thought about how silly the ribbon looks takes root in your mind and swiftly grows into obsession wouldn't such a thin thread cut into her skin how does it stay up when her arms are relaxed while also allowing for full range of motion how does it support all that when it's only being held up by tension and friction how does she actually get into it why is nobody in the show questioning this are they mad or am i mad when the series first aired many fans sought to quell this existential terror by trying the ribbon for themselves but in the process they only confirmed our fears the thread did cut into their arms it restricted their movement and worst of all it did absolutely nothing to enhance their cleavage scientifically-minded fans then broke the question down to a physics problem and reached similar conclusions I'm sure that a whole dissertation could be written about that ribbon but ultimately we should try to tear our minds away from it because it is just an accessory an eye-catching one to be sure that sticks in our mind because of its physical impossibility but like the bows in her hair and around her neck as well as her opera gloves its main purpose is to draw our eye to more important matters and to enhance the core of her outfit her dress which is by itself one of these single greatest things ever designed by human hands with its low open back prominent collar and high cut skirt Hestia's dress is essentially a skin-tight virgin killer sweater with a boob window and that twist on a classic by itself would be a commendable innovation elegant in its simplicity but consider that dawn machi aired in 2015 that its first volume was published in 2013 and that the virgin killer sweater an internationally recognized breakthrough in horny engineering was first revealed to the public in 2017 and you'll begin to appreciate how truly groundbreaking Hestia's design is this dress is a marvel of human ingenuity it facilitates the paradoxical simultaneous existence of both side boob and cleavage it shows off as much of Hestia's back and legs as is physically possible while still giving her panties something to peek out from and it strikes a perfect balance between clinging to everything that a spandex lover could want to see clung to while showing a ridiculous amount of skin and while I'm not a real man of culture myself those with more refined tastes will also note that she walks around barefoot with her armpits out the only classic element missing from this equation is absolute territory and thigh-highs but then the lack of that does kind of set Hestia apart from her waifu contemporaries and the simplicity of this outfit in both design and color is I think a big part of what makes it so memorable and distinctive of course good waifu design isn't just about the outfit what's around and underneath it is just as important real people don't wear the same thing all the time after all and if someone's gonna daydream about dating a wife who were holding hands with her other aspects have to be taken into consideration as well exaggerating one or two aspects of a character's body can go a long way toward making their design more memorable and I can immediately think of at least two aspects of Hestia's design that stand out not to put too fine a point on it but she's stacked she's also short which only serves to enhance her general air of stacked atenas and makes her loud energetic outbursts come off as precocious and endearing she's definitely playing to a type and that's vital in waifu design because you're more likely to single someone out as your favorite if you feel like they're specifically appealing to you and for many weaves declaring one's undying devotion to a drawing is as much an act of self-expression as it is an active oh of course arguably the most important place that you need to make your waifu stand apart is in her hair and face with an amazed predilection for candy colors long black hair isn't all that common and it's even more to see it on a bubbly outgoing life ooh like Hestia just seeing such dark hair done up in buoyant playful twin tails above a bright blue set of eyes feels a bit novel and that novelty makes Hestia memorable regardless of what she's wearing of course those elements do complement and in the case of her hair contrasts with her usual outfit as well as her more decorative evening gown which follows the same color palette and designed quite nicely but interestingly they clash a bit with the uniform she's made to wear while walking around town from the maid uniform she wears that have faced this's workshop to the dealy boppers and pink apron that she has to wear at her food stall she never quite looks like she belongs at her odd jobs that's not a bad thing though in fact it creates the impression that she's self-sacrificing and adaptable willing to take on roles that she's not necessarily comfortable in in order to do her part for her family and that's the key to good waifu design you can have all the visual sex appeal in the world but if it doesn't help us connect with your character it won't amount to much now you can tell a lot about someone from who they fall for and how they treat them Hestia for example is a shameless romantic and she loves Belle precisely because he's a romantic too while he's not physically strong at first and he's a bit of a naive doofus he's optimistic loving and humble and he earnestly believes in the heroic ideal to which he aspires between the two of them she's certainly the more practical one quick to doubt people outside her family and even quicker to go after any who she thinks might have designs on Belle but crucially even when it makes him vulnerable she does what she can to nurture Belle's trusting kindly nature instead of pushing him to be more cynical and defensive when Lili is scheming to rob him early on for example she doesn't really step in to stop it she lets Belle handle it in his own way and take a risk that ultimately pays off by converting Lily into a loyal lifelong friend and while she's quick to complain and express her jealousy she also sits back as Belle pursues his feelings for eyes because she knows that he will only get stronger if he's able to follow his heart literally and figuratively so she's possessive and she can be jealous but she's not controlling and that's very admirable Hestia's a great role model representing a mutually supportive ideal of love that is rare in reality but does exist and is worth aspiring to and that makes her very easy to fall in love with herself that's not to say she's perfect again she's very prone to emotional outbursts and fits of jealousy she just doesn't put the weight of her feelings on bail she does try to intimidate other women around him though she can be smug and confrontational her short temper tends to get her in trouble and cause trouble for her friends and she's all things considered pretty damn lazy and a bit of a slob she will work her phenomenal butt off for someone or something that she really cares about but she also spends a good chunk of her life on earth couch surfing at her Festa suspends just about every second that she's not working or doting on bail lying around relaxing in other words she's got her share of flaws and those flaws are a vital part of what makes her a good character and therefore a good waifu every person has their own unique failings and weaknesses and we need to reflect that in our fictional heroes in order to make them believable you can't fall in love with a character you can't believe is real after all those realistic imperfections also help us as imperfect creatures ourselves to see how the ideals that Hestia and Belle hold and represent might be attainable for us this is getting a bit heady for a video essay about why my cartoon girlfriend is awesome though we're able to get attached to Hestia because she has that depth but we start liking her in the first place because she's just really fun and funny she brings a cheery playful feeling to every scene that she's in chewing the scenery and getting laughs with her exaggerated reactions and pratfalls she's also pretty damn clever and witty when she needs to be some of the most enjoyable moments in danmachi come when Hestia sits down for Girl Talk and gets into catty arguments with her fellow goddesses she's got a sharp tongue and a slightly boorish attitude and it's really fun to see her clash with the more arrogant and capricious deities like Freya and Loki and bounce off the more serious straight-laced ones like Festus Hestia is very entertaining in just about every scenario she's thrown into because she has fun chemistry with just about every character in Don McGee's cast and one of the best things about see staffs adaptation of danmachi is how hard the studio has worked to bring that fun out of her after all in anime personality comes just as much from how a character is animated as how they're written and voice acted and this is where all of that great character design is really able to shine Hestia's the kind of person who wears her heart on her sleeve and Dawn watches animators take that very literally by expressing her state of mind in her outfit when she's feeling calm and composed her delicate unwieldy clothing settles perfectly into place but she's generally a bit scattered and ditzy so when she does something clumsy or gets flustered which she does fairly often her twin tails ribbons and barely covered body parts tend to reflect that by flying every which way most of the time when she's feeling happy bubbly and playful she looks just ever so slightly disc Evald no matter what mood Hestia's in though it always looks like her animators are having fun depicting it and that makes it fun just to watch her move around it also helps that as she moves around various things jiggle and stuff squishes into other stuff I guess that doesn't have much to do with her personality but it does do a heck of a lot to advance the plot actually I take that back because a big part of Hestia's appeal as a waifu is that she's actively flirtatious clinging to bail when and wherever she pleases declaring her undying affection for him at every opportunity and laying around in various states of casual relaxed undress whenever they're alone together and a lot of that squishing and jiggling does come about as a result of her active efforts to seduce him if you want to be cynical about it you could say that this explicit forward nurse is just an excuse for fanservice and a bit of fanservice in itself a personality trait manufactured by the series author to appeal to dorks who are too socially awkward and dense to pick up on the body language cues and other more subtle signs of attraction that actual human beings use to communicate with each other and yeah guilty but while that fantasies obviously unrealistic at best I think it's a heck of a lot better for lonely otaku to fall for a super devoted waifu who makes an active effort to pursue them than it is for them to be dreaming about groping and peeping on the chaste Damir all of their dreams by accident fantasizing about overly enthusiastic consent is infinitely healthier than no consent at all and the realism of the situation's a bit relatives since Hestia is very much not meant to be an actual human being Hestia like every other God in this show is based on a real historical deity old-timey gods in general tended to be pretty horny and hedonistic which is something that dawn machi reflects in its characterization of most of its gods especially the likes of Loki and Freya while Hestia herself in her backstory and in the Greek war that it's based on is chaste and pure there's an implication that descending to earth from heaven and mingling with the humans has prompted many of the gods to become more human themselves cut loose a little and yes on the one hand that is obviously again an excuse on the writers part to deliver lots of fanservice but I also think that it adds an interesting dimension to her character Hestia has an eternity of wisdom and experience under her belt but when it comes to human affairs and affairs with humans she's paradoxically naive and childish and that apparent contradiction pushes us to want to know more about her now I juked that Hestia is doing a lot to advance the plot but actually she does and that's one of her biggest advantages in the waifu wars she's got about as much agency in the story of danmachi as Belle does and gets to make a lot of important decisions that play a role in both creating and resolving each arcs central conflict she's rarely content just being a bystander or a damsel even when Belle tries to push her into that role and that's pretty cool beyond being admirable in itself that agency gives us more reason to care about her because she's actively contributing to a story that we're enjoying and generally speaking the waifu's we become most attached to as a community tend to be active participants in their stories for that very reason conversely if you were following the darling in the Franks fandom when that was airing you could almost physically feel interest in zero to dropping off as she transitioned from being an active character to a passive plot device a good waifu is fundamentally just a good character who you happen to want on you know do stuff with and to and on and so creating a memorable life who does kinda require pandering to the predilections of your audience but only to the point that it doesn't get in the way of strong characterization and Hestia has earned her place in the waifu pantheon by fully embodying in one sense quite literally both of these qualities if you haven't had the pleasure of watching her and Don machi yet or you haven't caught up on Hestia and Belle's latest adventures then I highly recommend checking her out I mean checking it out at the link in the doobly-doo on crunchyroll the 14-day free trial you'll get by going to crunchyroll.com slash basement will give you plenty of time to binge the first season and get caught up on the second and that's far from the only thing you can enjoy with your membership in the world's premier streaming service for anime crunchyroll has a massive catalogue of both classic series and newer fare that they add to everyday with english subtitled simulcast for the newest shows airing in Japan right now they've got dr. stone fire force Demon Slayer and fruits basket just to name a few as well as the latest episodes of long-running series like boruto one piece and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure crunchyroll makes watching your favorite anime where and whenever you want to easy and fun to see for yourself how great their service really is head to crunchyroll.com slash basement to start your 14-day free trial today before you go though let me know in the comments below who your pick is for the best girl in danmachi and which other waifu's you'd like to see me analyze and what is shoot like the six new series I started on this channel if you'd like to see more of this or many other discussions about anime and other nerdy stuff make sure you hit that subscribe button too and leave a like if you enjoyed the new format I'm Jeff through professional [ __ ] signing out from my mother's basement
Channel: Mother's Basement
Views: 443,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hestia is Bestia, Hestia, Hestia Anime, Danmachi, is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?, Anime, hottest anime girl, waifu culture, best girl anime, top anime girls, bell cranel, waifu wars, Waifu, Moe, Cute Anime Girls, Mother's Basement, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon, Inori Minase, Luci Christian, Suzuhito Yasuda, Fujino Omori, darling in the franxx, sword art online, dungeon ni deai wo motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou ka
Id: CzzzaRnHUR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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