Why Golang is DevOps' Top Programming Language in 2021
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Channel: Tech and Beyond With Moss
Views: 6,990
Rating: 4.9248118 out of 5
Keywords: learn golang, software development, go lang, golang 2021, top 5 programming languages 2021, go programming, why golang, golang programming, devops, golang devops, golang vs python, go vs python, python devops, web development 2021, devops tools, which programming language to learn first for beginners, which programming language to learn first 2021, best coding language to learn 2021, top programming languages 2021, top 3 programming languages for 2021, python for devops
Id: 7pLqIIAqZD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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