Why Flying Cars Aren't A Smart Idea

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foreign delving into the futuristic concept that has captured our imagination for decades flying cars is a dumb or smart first things first let's dive into the practicality of flying cars we've all seen the jaw-drop in concept art and CGI renderings of futuristic cities with cars sipping through the skies but does this mean we'll be trading in our ground-based vehicles for aerial Alternatives anytime soon not so fast first let's discuss the practicality of flying cars when it comes to travel we can divide distances into three categories short range 0 to 50 kilometers mid-range 50 to 500 kilometers and long range 500 plus kilometers unfortunately flying cars don't make much sense for either short or long-range travel for short distances you're better off walking cycling using public transit or simply driving for Long Range travel trains planes and Automobiles offer more efficient Alternatives flying cars may be suitable for mid-range distances but even then their usefulness is limited you could also use cars and train from it range you'll need to ensure there is a proper landing area at your destination and you can forget about flying in bad weather or at night plus the lightweight foldable design of flying cars makes them vulnerable to damage so a minor fender bender in the parking lot could leave you grounded for weeks moreover flying cars aren't particularly fast with top speeds generally ranging from 160 200 kilometers per hour they are only slightly faster than highway speeds which pale compared to High-Speed Rail and are vastly inferior to airplanes this further limits their practical use there were six million car crashes in the U.S in 2022 alone now imagine that with flying cars can you imagine discovering a dent in your flying cars flap after a trip to the grocery store and thinking hey it's probably fine only to find out mid-flight that it's anything but fine to mitigate these risks flying cars must be banned over human settlements strategically important infrastructure and environmentally sensitive areas this would essentially confine flying cars to specific corridors requiring extensive coordination and the construction of large air strips for takeoff and Landing this concept may sound familiar that's because it's strikingly similar to our existing Transportation infrastructure of Highways train tracks and airports cities would need to invest in new infrastructure to accommodate flying cars here are some of the things a city would do for flying cars to work landing pads flying cars would require designated areas for taking off and Landing these landing pads would need to be strategically located for throughout the city to provide easy access for users and they might need to be built on rooftops parking lots or other available spaces this could lead to conflicts over land use and zoning regulations as well as concerns about the structural Integrity of buildings and potential damage to existing structures charging stations flying cars particularly electric ones would need a network of charging stations to ensure their continued operation this would require additional investments in electrical infrastructure including high-capacity power lines Transformers and charging equipment depending on the energy source and charging technology used this could strain the existing power grid and require further upgrades Air Traffic Control Systems to safely manage the increased traffic in urban airspace cities would need to develop and Implement Advanced Air Traffic Control Systems these systems would need to be capable of tracking and coordinating the movements of numerous flying vehicles simultaneously while also integrating with existing ground-based traffic Management Systems this would require significant investment in new technology Personnel training and Regulatory oversight on top of these practical and safety concerns flying cars also pose a threat to our mental health even if they were only as loud as regular cars the constant background buzzing of flying cars at an altitude of two to three kilometers would be inescapable especially in quieter rural areas this never-ending noise pollution could have a significant impact on our overall well-being finally we must consider the skill required to operate a flying car piloting an aerial vehicle is no easy task and the widespread adoption of flying cars would necessitate extensive training and Licensing for potential drivers this could create an entirely new set of hurdles for people to overcome before they can even think about getting behind the controls so while flying cars may seem like a tantalizing vision of the future they are ultimately an inefficient and problematic mode of transportation as much as we'd love to live out our super Euro fantasies it's time to face the facts flying cars for the most part simply don't make sense but hey we can still dream thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe and consider 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Channel: MindLore
Views: 103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindlore, flying car, flying cars, car, cars, traffic, kleinvision, www.klein-vision.com, flyingcar, science, technology, flying, aviation, automotive, stefanklein, flight, klein, zajac, supercar
Id: ZeIE8Fnetr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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