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why are Filipinos such great singers let me give you just a little bit of background on myself before I tell you those three reasons that I think Filipinos are such great singers I have traveled to every country in Asia except for Nepal I've never been to Nepal but every other country and I've worked with many if not most of the best Filipino singers in the world you know recording performing live in some kind of way and I've seen firsthand what their lifestyles are like what their family is like and so I feel like I have a fairly clear perspective on why Filipinos are such great singers I often see online people commenting both Filipinos and non Filipinos about Filipinos being great singers you'll often hear Filipinos say from kind of a point of hubris take pride Filipinos are the best singers and then you'll hear foreigners also say from a similar kind of point of view full of course they're a good singer they're Filipino and in both cases I don't think that it gives credit to the Filipino singer I think when you come out Filipinos being great singers from the point of view of oh they're just automatically great singers because they have some kind of specialty in it it really doesn't give credit to that Filipino singer and Filipinos do not have any kind of special DNA or genes that make some better singers than anyone else I do not believe the number three reason why Filipinos are such great singers I'm going to call karaoke everyone loves to sing but some of the shows love to sing more than any other people I've ever come across in my life if you go to most Asian countries you'll hear people sing and karaoke and karaoke is something fun to go to but in the Philippines just about every household has a home karaoke machine and many of them saying nightly karaoke and for sure every single party so this is something that's just part of people's culture is to get up and sing live there's no other country really in the world that does that where live singing is such a part of daily life so because of this karaoke reason and this emphasis and happiness that centers around live singing Filipinos get more of a chance to practice singing than any people that I've ever come across and also just daily you'll see people walking down the street and the Philippines singing a song or just sitting there may be a security guard while he's on duty singing a Lionel Richie song or something while he's just standing they're so singing is something that's just part of your daily life in the Philippines and the most important thing when it comes to becoming a great singer is practice so there is practice built in already into Filipino culture now the number two reason why Filipinos are such great singers Filipinos love 70s and 80s music where singers were incredible singers because they loved the Michael Bolton and a Whitney Houston's and the Bryan Adams journey those those people that are the most difficult singers in the world to sing and in the u.s. a lot of that music is kind of looked at as cheesy we think of you know the music that a lot of young guys would look up to would be Bruce Springsteen Bob Dylan Tom Petty those guys that really aren't incredible vocalist and that's more of the music that the average guy would sing or some country music or something where those vocalists aren't those top 1% kind of vocalists like Michael Bolton or Steve Perry Bryan Adams those guys so 7 Pinos generally just gravitate towards that music and that's the music that they practice singing and again whatever you practice is what you become good at so when you hear a Filipino guy sing a song by journey I mean that's an impressive song most other people in the world cannot sing those songs but because it's so part of Filipino culture and those are the songs that they practice they're able to sing those incredible songs not the number one reason and I don't think it's the most important reason but we're just not doing at any particular order here is that within Filipino culture there are a lot of poor to middle-class people that really see singing as a chance to elevate themselves both financially and just sort of their status and life I noticed when I travel to a lot of other Asian countries for instance like China there were a lot of people that liked singing there but their parents would kind of say to them even though don't try and be a singer you should just go to school when to study study study and they didn't encourage that versus I noticed within Filipino parents many of my friends who are the best Filipino singers have very supportive parents who really saw that their child had talent and singing because within Filipino culture often you'll help your family out so when you have someone that has some kind of singing talent and they're doing well with that what it's nurture it helps the entire family so I noticed that a lot of Filipino families when they discovered this talent they would think to themselves you can make money with this and you need to get a job abroad performing in a club or some kind of music venue and make really great money even if you don't become famous and you'll be able to send it back to us and it will help the entire family so I think that's a big reason and that's a reason why you see amazing Filipino bands all over the world if they're out there helping and supporting their family streaming is looked at as an opportunity to actually help the family not to everyone you know nothing that there aren't any parents that don't discourage their kids and so you know just go to school and study but generally it's looked at as being a positive thing and something that you actually should go for and achieve if you have some kind of talent versus most other cultures around the world I've noticed that music is so much seen as a positive thing that their child should go for as a full-time profession I'm happy that all those reasons come together to make so many great Filipino singers because it's really my pleasure to be able to collaborate with them
Channel: David DiMuzio
Views: 1,852,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Philippines, filipinos, filipino singers, Filipino, Pinoy, David DiMuzio, Filipinas, Pinay singers, singers, Singing, Reaction, WISH, Pilipinas, Country, The Philippines, Foreigners in the Philippines, American, David, DiMuzio, Filipina singers, best Filipino singers, OPM
Id: mlH5KOA75pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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