Funny Things Filipinos Do

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I think Filipinos are the funniest people in the world they and that's just part of their culture they love to joke and laugh and that was a huge blessing on my mission to have that you know just to always be able to joke and laughing and they and they are always partying you know they even late into the night they're on their karaoke they love karaoke and so that's always so funny to hear even if it's like really off tune it's still really fun and keep spirits let light let me see Oh funny things that are like funny to Americans that I had to get used to when this is just a Filipino thing when when they don't hear what you say instead of saying what they they open their mouth just like just like that and and so like when it first happened when I first got to the mission I'd say something like come on stuck idea and they'd be like and then if they didn't hear it they do it again like I just like keep getting wider and wider and and I when it happened I was just like Oh what what's going on and it took a while to get used to it until I realized they're like saying what did you say you know that's just their thing another thing they use so many gestures their eyebrows up means means yes just be like and so I thought people were mad at me when they were doing that I'd be like do do you want to come to church on Sunday to be like and I'd be like excuse me just like seems kind of smirk but but that means they're like saying yes like yep yeah and then I'm sure you've heard of the pointing with the lips you know over the room and and that's really funny too you'd be like where's the bathroom and I didn't think they heard me and so I like repeat myself all the time um let me see they they oh they all do like this Filipino squat everywhere just like to chill they they just squat on the ground and and that's really funny to see like a 90 year old man doing it and then like a three year old sitting right next to him doing it I love it and I actually still do that today they oh um they what was I going to say Oh some of the food is kind of funny to me for one birthday party there's there was like like hot dogs on a stick but there was like marshmallows in between hot topics that was funny they I think sweet spaghetti is really funny too you know that they're just putting their own twist on it they hate to get wet in the rain they that's like the worst thing that could happen and so when it's raining everyone's like ducking with their newspapers or like anything but they can grab like banana leaves and everyone's like ducking and we probably looked crazy because we're just out there getting wet and and yeah we were probably the funny ones to them and oh when they when there's two people talking talking to each other and somebody has to pass between them they get down they like crunch really really low so that they can go by and they say couscous because they're just so polite you know and I always thought that was leaf-like because I'd be like talking to somebody and then I'll be like oh oh oh this typical right by me ducking so far down also this last one they there's this word in in the Philippines that we don't have in America or we don't they're not an English equivalent and it's kilig and k-league is the feeling that you get when it's something so cute do you know and something's just like I don't know when something's romantic and you just can't take it and they'll be like II so so anytime there's anything like romantic like like even like in a testimony meeting somebody was like my mission president he was talking he was like uh I met my wife back in college and I loved her from the moment I saw her and everyone's like II just like no matter what they can't control it it's geeky leak sila take it Sookie leak and then just like crunch off like so yeah I wish we had a word for that in English because we we feel it too you know you see something on TV you kilig yeah
Channel: Lifey
Views: 567,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filipino, filipinos, funny
Id: NELPQRz5270
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
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