Why Everyone Is Freaking Out About This Phil Hellmuth Incident (2018 WSOP)

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we're Phil Hellmuth actions last night during a WSOP main event stream over the line that's what we're gonna be jumping into tonight to take a look at as well as discussing what should we expect from some of the industry leaders that play the game to be honest with you guys there were a lot of topics that I wanted to cover today this included a racist comment that was made to Maurice Hawkins during a $1500 side event at the WSOP and I also wanted to go and take a more in-depth look at a recent hand the Vanessa Selbst splayed that's been causing a little bit of a stir on Twitter but today we're gonna talk about what happened last night with Phil Hellmuth now if you guys haven't heard we're gonna jump in and take a look at the clip but the cliff notes are Wow another player is all-in and another player has to make a big decision Hellmuth couldn't really quite control himself let's go ahead and take a look at what happened during the all no.10 portray with a couple of diamonds like this worked out way better for these definis double through Koosman now CSE bet here Phil's gonna call and you can see a shove and buy call and Phil's gonna fall to be so mad oh not just the seabed of the betting and the fold min raise three to six [ __ ] has Koosman called yet no clues no nothing this is so wrong by Phil this is where Phil deserves penalties like you cannot talk in a multi-way pod give away your weakness with the opponent's still the act it's so wrong that he gets away with stuff like this for those of you they don't understand exactly what's happening here let me just break this down for you so when Phil raises against kuzmin's flop bet Phil is saying that he might have a very strong hand this could include a hand like a set maybe a hand like four three suited maybe even a hand like it over a pair from time to time so when could when Koosman faces that raise and then Campbell jams well now a big part of this hand becomes does Koosman think that Phil will call if he decides to call as well and the reason is because both Phil and Koosman have very very deep stacks and in some ways part of the small blind strategy should really leverage these guys against each other if you jam well now they have to worry about facing off and this is part of the reason why playing on a short stack can have some advantages if you pick spots like these where big stacks have to fight each other well then you might get an opportunity to get some fold you might not otherwise now in this instance doesn't really matter because he has a good hand he has the nut flush draw but the end of the day when you're in a tournament you really want folds if people fold you gain chips 100% at the time and then you move farther in the tournament if you get called even if you're the favorite you now risk busting and because there's not a one-to-one chip value that's not good for you you want to survive longer so it's really important when Campbell moves in here that Phil keeps his [ __ ] together so that Koosman might consider Phil having to call behind and then laying a hand down but Phil is actually being very selfish here because Phil knows he's not gonna call the all-in and so he's basically just telegraphing that in the hand by getting really pissed off and angry and saying a bunch of stuff basically saying exactly what he has which is kind of a middling hand that can't call and giving away to Koosman the fact that he's not gonna call behind this is really not cool to Campbell and in fact Campbell's equity with this move goes down because of these antics from Phil now if Koosman has a hand that's close to a call he can call knowing that Phil's and get out of the way now an important caveat to this is maybe Phil could balance this by occasionally talking like this when he has a set kind of a little bit of an angry behavior but Phil's not doing that he's basically just telegraphing his hand and that's kind of a different conversation - is it okay to do this if sometimes you're strong probably not you should just never do it but it's a conversation nonetheless anyway back to the hand though in this situation now Koosman knowing that Phil's gonna fold he can decide to maybe get in there with a little light call like King deuce suited from wherever he opened this from and he does decide to make the call let's go ahead and see the exciting conclusion of this hand yeah I probably reflex more than anything there but Campbell and Koosman didn't say a word and now Koosman has made the call and help out of the way after [ __ ] the seventh Kuzmin realizing he is in horriffic shape I'm the king huh James Campbell a professional firefighter the 35 year old from Hudson Massachusetts 3/4 of a million in career tournament earnings get slapped in the face by a black deuce on the turn he does have a wheel draw to go with the nut flush draw 16 and now it's just once in the river the six of spades in a very disappointing situation for James Campbell hashtag main event a deuce on the turn is all she wrote for Campbell and now the question becomes what should happen to Phil here and this is kind of what I wanted to drive this video tours which is I feel like in the poker world we give well-known players preferential treatment in a lot of situations that maybe they shouldn't receive I think that this had happened with a few random people there would be a penalty because you hurt the value of the other players by and by acting and essentially telegraphing your hand before it was your turn but oh no that's just Phil just [ __ ] for real how do these players how are they even still in this tournament these players in the last as long - hellmuth all in I didn't mean to raise you see if a club comes I don't lose one nickel in the sand where these cards coming from it's like I just cheated I mean hand after hand after hand I feel like I'm a really great person and I've raised 52 million for charity I consider my smart friends love me good this brings up some greater themes that I'm sure some people are gonna get angry about me talking about but I do want to talk about what it should be like for people who are well known to play a poker tournament and I don't think you should get special special privileges like hurting other players buy-ins and not acting within the rules because you're a celebrity first off and I hate to break this to you Phil Hellmuth call the models back and tell them to go home you're a poker player you're not the goddamn Queen of England and then second off rules should be rules because it's how they're gonna be played not it's gonna matter who you are it's in the rules at the WSOP you cannot talk about your hand in a three-way pot it's in the rules so why should it matter if it's Phil Hellmuth a lot of people are unhappy about what went down here frankly because they should be and I've taken to social media to discuss the event this includes a tweet from luck box 2018 TM saying please consider giving Phil Hellmuth a retroactive penalty today he didn't like Camby and gave away the weakness of his hand to allow Koosman to call his all-in lighter than normal this behavior is far beyond was acceptable and he's got enough warnings going on to say this plays into Hellmuth strategy in an unfair pattern we've seen for years he doesn't like aggressive players after him especially short stacks who could move in on him this isn't isolated in accidents he gains a huge edge by influencing action to bust the third player I think in this incident he doesn't really gain too much by giving away his hand strength yes Koosman might call a little bit wider but again we're in the early stages of a tournament he doesn't gain too much from this happening sure maybe it's one less guy thinking Jam lie on him which hurts his eview a little bit but I don't think that probably the more important thing at play here the most important thing is that phil hellmuth when he goes on an emotional rage filled rant should not be allowed to hurt other players by inn's because he's phil hellmuth campbell tweeted out after the incident saying i had some fun even though i got tortured all day in the WSOP Main Event I busted in brutal fashion ace and I have diamonds verse King deuce of diamonds turned black deuce Phil homie Savior rant until after other players fold that player would have not called without your antics again this is all completely fair and frankly correct and Phil homie took to Twitter to respond Phil Hellmuth quote tweeted James Campbell and said I apologize for swearing not getting the point it was a three-way pot and I shouldn't have lost it not getting the point it was the 15th time moved all it on me definitely not getting the point and my emotions got the better of me but you were never winning that hand you snapped moved all in and I was never folding seven seven on draw heavy Board of ten four three here we can see Phil's heart to try and change the narrative of what's happening it doesn't matter you're getting called anyway but that's not relevant to the point the point is if you influenced other players to continue well then that changes the result of the hand that is clear you can't be like oh well this could have happened or that was gonna happen so it doesn't matter no rules are still rules and it should be the same for everyone Phil if you were all-in and another player did that to you you'd probably be livid man I've played with you at the table and I know what you're like so you shouldn't be able to do this to other people and don't try and change the narrative by pretending like this is about swearing or the [ __ ] didn't matter cuz you're getting called either way plus I truly believe the Russian was calling you anyway but my apology stands my emotional behavior may be good television but it's too much sometimes this actually reminds me of a story and we don't really tell stories much here on essentially a poll corniest gonna tell one the day when I was in middle school a kid that was I was hanging out with he had a mechanical pencil and he threw it at me and the pencil landed in my leg broke off and I had a bunch of lead in my leg that I eventually had to get taken out of my leg and I was in pain and I looked at him and said what the [ __ ] why would you do this to me and he said sorry man I guess I just don't give myself enough credit accuracy this is essentially what Phil Hellmuth is doing here he's saying hey man it's good TV but my apology stands his apology which by the way was not for influencing action it was for swearing he apologized for the swearing then Phil went on to do something that's pretty much classic Phil he retweeted a bunch of people that were essentially arguing against him and Phil does this quite often he makes some points and then just retweets a bunch of random tweets to try and I'm not really sure what he's actually doing he reads me a tweets like doesn't matter what you truly believe holy [ __ ] you're a clown definitely retweet worthy in the spirit of today's video I'm gonna retweet ten random tweets about today's video it doesn't even have to be positive I might just retweet that [ __ ] anyway tweet at Doug poke poker I'll retweet some of you guys hook me up bro Hellmuth woke up this morning and took the social media to let everyone know with thoughts where which were nursing my usual social media thrashing reserved for when I do something wrong a poker brat ranch in a three-way hand still in bed with wife he listened to 70s music resting I wish I wasn't so emotional at the tables my chips are in play being an teed off but I'll come in strong that's right viewers at home Phil learned his lesson he's gonna become a new man he's gonna kick that off by doing the exact same thing he did in all of the last tournaments then tweeting later that his chip stack went from 162 to 146 worth it to refocus that's right Phil Hellmuth lost 10% of his stack by not being there but gained some focus luckily here at poker news productions we have the latest tweet deciphering technology let's take another look at that tweet Phil Hellmuth tweets just arrived at the WSOP Main Event don''t reserved at noon just kidding showing up one hour late cost me 16 K and chips worth it to get some attention please please give me some attention hashtag I need some attention hashtag pH life nice life attention we need to stop focusing on this it's the goddamn media giving him attention and talking about these stories which are why he does it to begin with if we stopped talking about [ __ ] I'm the media goddammit Deeb also chimed in with a nice tweet Phil you're always folding there please stop with that logic if you were calling you would have not swore so much as usual you use delusional logic after seeing us holding and the run off very nice use of punctuation there admit you [ __ ] up and deserve a penalty at the minimum we've been hammering this subject for a while so I want to shift it a little bit I want to talk about the way that as a community we seem to give a lot of forgiveness to the stars of poker that we wouldn't give to people that play at lower stakes in our lesser-known people want to have heroes and they want to be their fans and because of that they're okay with things happening if it's their favorite player and given some leniency and you know what have they scam a couple people what's the big deal to be fair though I'm sure the dirt challenge is gonna resume any minute now [Music] any minute in summary the main thing I want to say guys is try to be objective when we look at what people's actions are and treat them for what they mean and what they should mean if you'll help me they'd never done this before you should probably get a warning but phil has done this time and time again and because of that at some point he has to get a penalty because it's the only way to maintain the integrity of the rules of our game if they're gonna be rules we should have forced them or else they shouldn't be rules it shouldn't just be okay let's decide based on who did it that's gonna do it here for me I've been streaming a lot of video games over on Twitter lately if you want to come check it out I'll put a link in the description below you
Channel: Doug Polk Poker
Views: 1,317,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2018 poker, poker 2018, vlog, vlogger, poker life, daniel negreanu, dnegreanu, fedor holz, pokerstars, poker stars, high stakes poker, tv poker, tom dwan, wsop, world series of poker, high roller, nosebleeds, live, stream, poker, rio, las vegas, texas holdem, cash game, one drop, poker news, phil ivey, main event, final table, poker central, pokergo, royal flush, quads, insane, sick, poker after dark, imovie, wsop vlog, maria ho, PHNiceLife
Id: cnZf0mafZ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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