Why Everyone Hates Genshin Impact Now

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here we go let's watch it this is fresh hot off the press genin impact drama impacts version 4.4 special program was held on January 19th when Hoover announced all the rewards for the upcoming 4.4 patch oh wow but it's not just any other patch it's a special patch especially for the Chinese player base version 4.4 will host the lantern right Festival in Liu once again and since it is celebrated on the Chinese New Year and mihoyo is a China based company this patch naturally becomes very special you can tell this just by watching the live stream Lantern right featured patches always get a special treatment as they are hosted by the game developers so why am I telling you this while this patch may be just another patch for us Chinese players expect more from it and when I say this I'm talking about the rewards I'm not saying that Global players don't love Lantern right but we just love the rewards to be honest well it's it's like the 4th of July here right it's like imagina of Call of Duty celebrated 4th of July and you they didn't even give you a bazooka I'm sure you all know what happened during the first anniversary of genin impact on September 28th 2021 no I don't this day is known as doomsday for genin developers as well as some other games and apps such as Google Classroom if you don't know I will give you a quick recap what does a player expect from a game on game's anniversary free rewards what else God so a rumor started building that everyone will get a free five-star character on the anniversary and when y hoyo announced the actual rewards guess what happened the whole Community went mad like crazy Mad from genin to Nona games the community did not even spare apps like Google Classroom so it just downvoted every app in like some massive skitso meltdown loone gains anyway moving on to our current topic it seems that Chinese players are not happy with the lantern right rewards this year okay so what did they do so the lantern right rewards just so you guys understand um the number I believe is that so with every type of game like this there's always you have to understand that there's like seven or eight different um [ __ ] currencies that the game has in order to convince 12-year-olds that they're not wasting all of their money and so one of those rewards is called Primo gems and Primo gems are used to do pulls in Thea machine inside of genin and the number that players got was I believe correct me if I'm wrong 480 is that right 480 Primo gems yes okay so you can do three polls for context on how many three PS is in order to guarantee a five star you need 90 pulls so for the three-year anniversary they got three pulls and this is at the exact same time that honai star rail the made by the exact same developer is not only giving they're not giving away free pulls they literally gave away a free fstar character everybody you just get this guy by playing the game and he's good so the question is why does mihoyo hate ginin impact players why do they hate them there's a lot of reasons why it could be but what is their reason I don't know this is what I think I think that they're using ginin impact players and honai star rail players to play good cop bad cop to see a realtime example of how much treating the players well and how much treating the players badly actually effects and changes sales so it's like it's like imagine like they have two pigs in a cage and like one Pig you feed the pig like uh I don't know like things that pigs eat right just [ __ ] pig food and then in the other cage you don't feed the pig anything and you just poke it with a stick right and like just every once while you just go there start [ __ ] poking a pig with a stick and the pig that you poke with a stick is ginin right and so it's like they're doing an experiment to figure out for whenever zenist Zone zero comes out like what is the perfect Middle Ground of love and abuse that we can subject our players to that will result in the most profit so I think that that's why they're abusing the Gin players is the ginin players are a social experiment and I think that they've rationalized it because like you know are ginin players really people this is a question that a lot of people don't know the answer to so because of that it's not even unethical right because they're not even people so you see the the problem like the the ethical uh conundrum is gone and you're just left with this yeah haai sty rail gets the carrot kinchin gets the stick that's right and and they deserve it they're guinea pigs yep just getting you know started unfollowing genin impact on Doan for those who don't know Doan is known as Tik Tok in China Y and it's not just Doan they are doing this on other social medias too like webo and Billy Billy genin has lost more than 1 million followers on Tik Tok in China which is a lot they went from over 10 million to 8.6 million followers 10 million to 8.6 that's a lot that's like that's like 20% man last night it was 9.3 million and right now it has come to 8.6 million followers within 24 hours we all know that Chinese players get special treatment from Ni hoyo and it's fine because a large amount of their revenue comes from Chinese player base for example they get special web event for every character's birthday the KFC character's birthday yeah why the [ __ ] dude if if they do a KFC event for Gen impact I promise you guys I will I will IRL live stream it at the like I'll go to like one of the Richer places in Austin so you can get like the weebs that whose parents have enough money to just like support them just being neat sitting at home all day so if there's ever going to be like an outrage or an outburst like it'll definitely be at like one of the more high-end KFC's right cuz like you know if you go to a KFC down in the hood like they're not even going to probably be doing the event at all there's going to be some [ __ ] hobo that steals the cardboard cutouts trying to [ __ ] dry hump the cardboard cutout outside the [ __ ] KFC before he overdoses on fentanyl you know like let's be honest right and the people working there don't want to [ __ ] deal with it they're like oh thank God thank God he's not in here trying to eat the chairs again they're so happy he's gone from the combo meal and not expensive KFCs they get into this stupid [ __ ] right but this time it seems quite opposite the Chinese players are accusing Mi hoyo for neglecting the Chinese player base favoring Global Market they are saying that they're not satisfied with the New Year rewards and that they are less compared to the global rewards they are also mad about the skin selector being paid so they have started review bombing again on App Store the skin selector my understanding with the skin selector is that if you want to get the skin selector for ginin impact all you have to do is buy a PlayStation 5 yeah all you have to yeah you just just have to buy a PlayStation 5 that's it that's all that's all I have to do they're mad for the same reason why Global is unhappy with them oh no for sure right I mean I think there's probably more to it in fact as of now the number of one star reviews have surpassed five star reviews on Billy Billy in mi hoyo or hoyo vers in response has apologized to the players saying they will improve the feedback system and communication they didn't say anything about improving the rewards they have also announced some adjustment the New Year Awards but I don't know whether it will be enough to satisfy the players or not no it won't be so might do something special for them again like give a few extra free wishes by mail or some sort of a special event give them six and that three but don't get your hopes up because we're not getting anything just take your 10 Fates from daily login F from iname mail and be happy with it that's it in the video let me know your feelings and opinions on this matter in the comments below oh my God like And subscribe to the channel because we're just 4,000 away from 50k subscribers thanks for joining me see you next time wow well there it is six better than nothing they didn't apologize I mean look I'll link you guys the video this is [ __ ] funny yep 3 years three PLL dude I think that it's all just a [ __ ] it's a psychological like uh experiment on these people it's just a big [ __ ] experiment that's all it is genin could never yep there it it is crazy that [ __ ] star rail this [ __ ] pay to win turn based piece of [ __ ] game is giving away a free five-star character and ginin impact is giving away three puls even fake Grand order gave us a guaranteed pity oh wow it's like the monkey grape experiment oh about how if you don't give them the grape if they're expecting it yeah true claim Dr ratio on stream now I don't even know how to do that like I haven't like I haven't logged on to that game for a while I logged on and I got Ruan May and I did a little bit of the storyline and then it got late and so I went to bed and I didn't log back on just log in Oh okay that's easy yeah I'll have to do that
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 309,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: YGQMmfu77Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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