Why Everybody Hates This Valorant Player

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Wardell or Matthew is often regarded as that jet player from TSM who enabled his team to make really good runs in early valerin and this is important because at the time TSM were dominating the na scene and Wardell was the face of their team however that was years ago and now Wardell has completely ruined his reputation as a streamer as well as a professional player this is the story of Wardell from early valerin till now Wardell would start off his first competitive league under the team mouse spaz wherein players such as sabrosa hazed as well as drone were present this team however would only play a few turns under this name eventually they'd be picked up by TSM and this would be the team wherein Wardell and players such as sabrosa would be known for after playing under TSM it was no surprise that this roster was playing out of their mind beating teams such as gen and C9 which had tens back then when he was a beast and was no joke and TSM were actually really ahead of the competition even though the dominating Sentinels were the only ones to beat them every time orell didn't really care and his aggressive play style really spoke a lot about him as a player but the question was could wordell and his team keep up with the scene stop wasting your time searching your streams and videos for the best moments and highlights go viral faster with frame drop. a frame drop is a freeo use tool that leverages AI to automatically detect your best clips and highlights it will handle everything from gaming content to talking content and it's incredibly fast frame drop is super easy to use just enter the URL of your video and boom you get a bunch of Highly engaging Clips you can also edit the length and layout of the clip and add subtitles with the click of a button and after that you can download your Clips or immediately share them to all your socials in case you missed it frame drop is free to use click the link in the description below to submit your own video and URL and see the results thanks to Fram drop. a for sponsoring this video soon came valeron's first strike wherein TSM with the help of Odell would make it in all the way into the semi-final of the tournament they'd lose to Cloud9 who would eventually win first strike but even though TSM had lost to C9 wardell's performance was so consistent that he'd still be positive across all the three maps that just goes to show you how much Firepower he brings into the team and people were really loving it eventually The Challengers League rolled in but TSM were simply not capable enough to make a Deep Run and reach the quarterfinals against the top tier na teams this would unfortunately be tsm's fate for the second Challengers and the third Challengers werein they lose to luminosity and 100 thieves which were both teams who made it into the first Masters TSM were very close but they were simply unable to finish the race Wardell despite losing to the best na teams at the time really put up good numbers as a jet player for TSM wardell's performance was commendable but the team wasn't done there and so wasn't wordell they'd participate in the challengers League season 2 and would actually beat Jen G this time but it really wasn't enough against teams such as anbox but they still had one more shot and this time they had actually beat teams back to back playing all the way from the round of 128 to 64 and making it to the quarterfinal after beating anbox in one of the longest valerin Maps ever and guess who was in anbox at the time it was yay and oh boy watching yay against Wardell was truly a treat but TSM one of the map really bad and so they did Advance with this crazy boost of confidence ordell and TSM would go on a winning streak beating dark zero geni T1 Luminosity as well as fa Clan at the time there was nothing that was in tsm's way and Wardell could finally get his chance to play in the international stage they finally got their chance to play against the best in order to advance to Masters Berlin but once again en we would beat TSM followed by exit against Envy's game with TSM we would get to see a Wardell versus yay once again but the saddest part is that only one of these two Jets got to make it into Masters Berlin to create history while Wardell on the other hand was streaming and raging for every little thing it truly sucks that Wardell could have make it into one of the international tournaments but maybe it was for the best for another 6 months Wardell would be under TSM and even though sabrosa and Wardell would be known as the TSM players the roster had signed in many new players and wanted to test who was compe compatible with Wardell and Co unfortunately wardell's time on TSM wouldn't last forever on the 24th of March 2022 Wardell would officially leave TSM but there was Mo behind the scenes and TSM would put out a statement saying they were looking for aligned vision and commitment from all players and Rell after seeing this was not happy and he further added that the Tweet made him look bad and that there was more going on behind the scenes which was basically that TSM wanted to practice with all the players in Texas but Wardell had issues and couldn't comply with tsm's demand at the moment and therefore in a nutshell wordell was seen leaving TSM so with this context it kind of seems like TSM was in no way damaging his brand like Wardell claimed to be instead it was Wardell taking this way out of proportion but let's not forget the impact that Wardell has had on the scene so surely another tier one team must pick him up right well hun thieves were really close to picking up Wardell until the coach of hun thieves thought it was a tough fit as even though he's an extremely talented player his strengths require molding a game plan around him in the the past with TSM for the rest of 2022 Wardell will be seeing competing in offseason tournaments and it was a great way to kill time until the next big events had come through Wardell however was very well known for his streams and apart from competing in challenges and other Pro tourneys he streams for hours with dedication but wordell unlike most streamers had a really toxic approach to the game and this was felt by most of his teammates and ranked whether he was smurfing or not as a Reddit user says got queued and he was on my team enemy Omen aled behind him to heaven on bind and I called out the potential TP to heaven and he still dies from The Omen because he wasn't listening to me then blames me and instantly muted me even though his whole chat said that I called it out I really liked wordell but after that encounter my perception on him really changed he's pretty toxic to be honest but the whole reason this comment was posted was because it was a reply to the actual post which was of him calling out innocent players as stream snipers and it's really funny when I look back at it this was posted to the official valerin subred where it's completely blown up because people have had similar experiences with him the original post talks about him accusing players of stream sniping while he's casually smurfing in the diamond ELO but this is what he does apart from playing actual competitive valerin and the worst part is that it's not like he can't play in his own rank or amongst the best players in his region in fact he was still dominating games before leaving TSM but things would eventually go downhill for Wardell on April 9th 2022 Wardell would put out a tweet saying that he has been hacked of all his life savings in his crypto wallet and that as a last result he tweeted this to the community to help track down the person now I may not be the wisest when it comes to crypto but putting all the life savings in one basket just seems like the worst move to make but people actually empathized for him losing so much money that he saved up while still being so young must have been such a pain and we could see this through wardell's last few requests to the community being toxic over a game had nothing to do with his unfortunate situation and to make matters worse he was just dropped out of TSM 2 weeks back it was certainly a hard time for the guy and the community felt really really sorry for him but nothing would prepare Wardell for what was about to come during 2023 even though Wardell was a well-known player and did try to qualify for tier 2 Challengers with stee 2K and bra his attempt was a failure and because of the system of VCT franchising coming into place everybody was fighting for a spot at tier one because well that's the most amount of Spotlight you get under your limited time in this game but wordell really didn't seem to care he would rather stream casually to a consistent 2.5k viewers whenever he was on playing the game but one day while weell was screaming he had got into a lobby with t who was clueless as to what was going on at the time wordell was seen playing with his friend kitty meow meow who for the sake of this video and my sanity will be called as Wardell stream sniper Wardell stream sniper was a very well-known stream sniper and T was warned of this while getting into the game with Wardell and his stream sniper friend while playing the game from the viewers perspective it was very clear that Wardell and his friend were clearly stream sniping eventually Tariq asked him in All chat if Wardell was do it with the Rena who was Wardell stream sniper he lied and said he was doed with Omen he even gasted him further saying I don't think anyone is sniping but the worst part about this entire situation was wardell's comment in the end as soon as the game got over Wardell ended the stream but not before making a statement that Tariq was asking to get stream sniped without adding delay to his stream this was essentially the drama in a nutshell but wardell's toxicity hypocrisy as well as double standards were clearly evident to the entire public when he was matched against tarq that day it's not even surprising that it happened and that's the worst part Wardell had been doing this in his previous streams he was even called out for smurfing and being a shitty teammate upon that but finally I'm glad that he encountered someone like Tariq who had a strong Community presence one thing I haven't mentioned was his previous CSO career and the lower behind that well to sum it up he really didn't have a good reputation over there either so changing games was never going to solve that problem of his imagine looking up to a streamer the size of Wardell for inspiration and motivation but then he ends up pulling this anyway that was the downfall of wordell I hope you enjoyed it I'm busty and thank you for watching this video follow my Twitter at busty Val and I'll see yall soon in another video peace how has this even been happening for this long and like I mean I didn't know about it but like how has it been happening for this long and this guy's not banned that's soing stupid especially in radiant and he's not even hiding it [Music] no
Channel: BustyVal
Views: 395,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: erxyodGohAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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