Why every photographer NEEDS to shoot on film - Canon F1

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i'm really excited so i wanted to to share that excitement with you and let you know why i'm shooting on film and why i think you should be shooting on film as well why i think every photographer should at some point shoot photos on film [Music] so i got my hands on this canon f1 and wanted to go test it out shoot some film for the first time so i went out on the peepee vi trail the bamboo forest with anya and tyler stallman kind of watching them and and seeing how they work and do their their shoots but also being able to go and take some some photos as well and see you know what is it like to shoot on on film and so kind of although the bts of me shooting was filmed by tyler stallman uh who i'm sure everybody is very familiar with if you're not i'll link his stuff below go follow and subscribe to him but yeah i wanted to take you guys along on this little adventure to let you know how it was and to tell you that you should do the same thing but maybe we can we can dive into the camera that that i decided to pick up and that was the canon f1 it's an fd lens mount i'm shooting on the 50mm 1.2 and i'm also shooting on portrait 800 film so it's a 35 millimeter film camera and i picked it up for about like 400 for everything lens included uh on ebay which i think was a good deal i'm not too sure i was happy with it let me know if that wasn't a good deal and so this camera was made by canon of japan in 1971 and this first version went all the way up to 1981. it was super popular and considered this professional workhorse of a film camera and has this really cool removable viewfinder which was another reason why i really wanted to get it which we're going to talk about later but let's let's dive in quick to to the reasons why i think you should be shooting on film and the first reason is that shooting on film forces you to just slow down and i think i can get into the habit or photographers can get into the habit of just kind of this spray and pray method of shooting got what you want to shoot [Applause] and one of those is gonna work out i think it's easy to do that with digital with auto focus you can rapid fire a whole bunch of shots and hope one of them kind of turns out with film you gotta slow down you have to take in the scene it forces you to really look at what's going on and be able to appreciate the moment capture the big moment we'll see how it goes how does it look i think it looks cool i mean i'm going to check the playback teacher looked at the back of the camera though that might have been what i loved about it the most was just being able to appreciate the moment of of what i was about to capture and and really really seeing and appreciating the scene that that i was about to take a photo of which leads into the next reason to shoot film and i think that it forces you to be intentional so similar vein but there's only you know 36 shots that i can take uh shooting on this this roll of film and so that really again forced me to slow down but forced me to be more intentional when i was with what i was actually shooting so i couldn't just do a spray and pray kind of approach every shot had to be had to have purpose and intention and that really helped me to figure out what it was that i i wanted to capture and what i wanted to create in these photos which brings us into the next reason why i think people should shoot on film is that i think it it makes you a better photographer it forces me to slow down to be more intentional to really think about what i'm capturing why i'm capturing it and that in turn makes me a better photographer i can't just rely on autofocus or that kind of spray and pray technique um i don't even know if it's i don't even know if i call it a technique i mean it's just a lazy habit it really forces me to pay more attention to what i'm shooting and and why i'm shooting it the reasons behind you know why this this would make a good photo so it takes me into an area where i think i can i can grow as a photographer and maybe just a quick word about the removable viewfinder i thought that was one of the coolest parts about this this camera and it was a little tricky because you get kind of that mirrored effect i can see a lot of really cool practical examples for for why they had that i think street photography that would be perfect just to be able to shoot at the hip and get kind of shots without people seeing you bring the camera up to their eye and maybe you know distracting them and and even just for getting low shots as well which are a few that i got it came in handy and was was super super helpful so removable viewfinder definitely a win 10 10 photos wow you're gonna go through the whole roll that's the plan i think another reason why i was really drawn to shooting on film was just the look of it it's cool maybe that's silly but i think there's a reason why there's lots or presets that give that film look they're trying to emulate what a film camera actually does there's a specific characteristic and look and feel to film photography didn't look at the back this time and so that kind of aesthetic drew me into it i mean it is kind of trendy and popular now but i see the reasons behind it and why it is gaining in popularity again so i was really excited just for that just to get my hands uh on this camera and be able to to get that look in my photos as well and i was really happy with how they turned out i thought i thought they looked awesome so the last and final reason that i think everybody should shoot on film why i decided to shoot on film was that i mean i said it in the beginning it just brought this joy and excitement back into photography i haven't been so excited in a long time to actually get these photos sent back to me to see everything that i took wondering you know did any of it turn out was the film okay is the camera okay does everything work is it going to turn out the way that it looked in my head and it just produced this kind of christmas morning type experience and made me really excited about photography again and so i think anything that can bring that enjoyment that excitement back into creating is a positive thing and i would recommend that for everybody and so whether that's picking up a canon f1 and maybe i'll if you guys are interested in that i can make a more in-depth review of what it's like shooting on this because it's it was super fun shooting on it but whether it's this camera or just a disposable camera i think you should go out and experiment have fun just go out and shoot on film because it was it was an experience that i loved and would highly recommend to every single photographer whether you're brand new or experienced so let me know if you've ever shot on film if you liked it you didn't like it why or why not i'd love to hear from you as always thank you so much for watching make sure to like and comment and subscribe and all of that good stuff if you haven't already it really does help and make a difference and i'll see you on the next video it's mice
Channel: Wake Up, Matt
Views: 16,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film photography, 35mm film, canon film camera, canon f1, canon f1 camera, film photography tips, film photography for beginners, film photography project, every photographer NEEDS to shoot on film, Why every photographer NEEDS to shoot on film, shooting on film, film camera, photography, 35mm photography, 35mm camera, film photos, shooting on film photography, wake up matt, analog photography, canon f1 new
Id: KsjJfSmf3xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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