Camera Geekery: The Canon F-1

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presenting the canon f1 this is a video that we've been getting a lot of requests for so finally we caved in and here it is the revered canon f1 the reason we have not touched on this camera until now is that we simply didn't have one you see we make these videos with the cameras we have in stock and for sale which you can see on the japan camera hunter website so when this olive drab f1 arrived we knew we were going to make a star of it but before we get into that a word from our sponsor wait wait wait we don't actually have any sponsors so instead why don't you head over to our spring store and come and grab some of this cool apparel we've got new stuff coming up on there all the time so come and check it out and show your support for the channel thank you right back to the nitty gritty the canon f1 was released in 1970 or 1971 depending on which records you read and was aimed to be a direct competitor with the nikon f and f2 cameras it was canon's first foray into the professional slr market and canon wasn't messing about releasing the camera with a huge number of accessories and range of lenses you see canon learned from earlier mistakes and made sure to have a complete range of accessories available upon launch of the f1 in fact the f1 has possibly the largest range of accessories for any slr but first we should clear something up that is a little bit confusing you see the canon f1 and the f1n are the same but different cameras you have the f1n and the f1 which is this camera and this is a fully mechanical camera which has a meter in the finder and the f1n does as well but the new f1n is a different camera with a very similar name and it is a fully electronic camera the new f1n you can tell the difference from an f1 which is one of these or an f1n which is one of these the body has a step on it but the biggest giveaway easiest way to tell is if your shutter dial has a red a on it then you have a new f1 n easy as pi now back to this camera this one is rather special yes it is an f1 which makes it special to me bro but you may have noticed the khaki drab color this is not a repainted or custom camera this was canon tapping into military chic before it was cool the canon olive f1 drab was released as a special edition in 1978 now supposedly there were 2002 of these made 1000 for the domestic market and the rest for the rest of the world but canon europe claims that no cameras were sold to the rest of the world and canon doesn't release serial numbers so nobody knows actually how many were made how many were sold canon's not going to tell us these secrets so there is also compounded by the fact that there's a lot of repainted cameras out there because people do repaint this camera it's a really desirable camera you can usually tell though if it's a repainted camera the quality of the paint and you'll see the body number on the inside printed onto the paint in the original camera that's usually a bit of a giveaway so you can tell if your camera is real or not the thing is nobody really knows why canon made this camera it was a special edition but it wasn't made for the military and canon as canon is is notoriously tight-lipped about these sort of things so they're not saying anything all i can assume is somebody at cannon had a bit of a military fetish and this camera was born but enough of me waffling on about this meany greeny why don't we uh you must be all bored to tears why don't we take it out for a [Applause] [Music] spin [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] the lens on this camera is the fabled 50 millimeter 1.4 ssc which really has a beautiful and vocalicious don't sue me kai character bulkalicious photos this camera uses the fd mount lenses which can be a bit limiting compared to nikon as canon has like 11 different mounts but they did release a total of 68 different lenses for this mount so there are options fun fact the original canon super telephoto lenses had white bodies not to look cool but to stop the fluorite glass from expanding and destroying your lens when the lens was in bright sunlight the camera itself is very simple but it does have all the features you would expect from a pro slr albeit one from the late 60s early 70s it has a mirror lock up function there is a meter on off switch on the back of the camera and you can test the battery with that but the cool thing is the ttl meter on this camera isn't in the mirror isn't in the finder it's actually on the focusing screen so you can use this camera's meter whilst the finder is off the camera which makes it very cool indeed if you are used to using a nikon as i am you're not going to find this camera as perhaps intuitive as the nikon the shutter dial can be a bit fiddly the aperture ring feels like it's in the wrong place compared to what you're used to but those aren't necessarily bad things this is a great camera i had a lot of fun using it i really enjoyed it would it make me sell my nikons to jump ship over to canon no it wouldn't but i would consider this a worthy piece in anybody's collection and i would say if you wanting to look for an slr if you're thinking of a good quality slr then this should definitely be one of your options it is a brilliant camera and it is a real joy to use pros and cons pros there are tons of them and they are relatively inexpensive insane number of accessories green [Music] cons they need a battery adapter to use modern cells lens mounts and camera versions can be a little bit confusing maybe green isn't your thing so get a black one instead if you like this video please like subscribe press the button down below ding the bell all of that lovely stuff and come and visit the japan camera hunter website and come and buy a camera thanks and thanks for watching
Channel: Japan Camera Hunter
Views: 54,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camera, cameras, filmcamera, photography, japan, shootfilm, film camera, buyfilm, believeinfilm, film photography, shooting film, japancamerahunter, japan camera hunter, bellamy hunt, classic camera, japanese camera, old camera, analog photography, analog camera, JCH camera geekery, camera geekery, japan film camera, japan camera, canon, canon camera, canon film camera, canon F-1, Canon F-1 Olive Drab, Canon F-1 olive
Id: 50cflcia8-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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